Ruby and the Beast: A Beauty and the Beast Novel

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Ruby and the Beast: A Beauty and the Beast Novel Page 16

by Ditter Kellen

  * * * *

  Lincoln and Ruby went on to have two more children: twin girls. One with chestnut hair and electric blue eyes, the other an exact replica of her beautiful mother.

  Ruby eventually finished school and opened an emergency vet clinic in town, becoming one of the most sought after vets in New Orleans.

  Lincoln refurbished the cabin and rose gardens that had belonged to his mother, and gave them to Ruby as an anniversary gift.

  It was rumored that Templeton secretly courted Mrs. Fleming, but for some reason that could never be proven.

  Cameron went on to college, became a paleoanthropologist, and started a family in his late thirties. He had two children, both of whom followed in his footsteps.

  Stiles and Mrs. Tuff never admitted to their relationship. Although the entire house knew of it.

  No one ever revealed what happened in Lincoln’s room the night of the hurricane. The doctor took Lincoln’s secret to his grave, and the staff stayed on until their deaths some thirty years later.

  Satan remained a part of the family until the ripe old age of eighteen.

  As for Ruby and her Beast? Well, they lived happily ever after…

  ~The End~

  Read Below for a Sneak Peek into the pages of Oz-Enigma Book Five

  Oz – Enigma – Book 5

  Chapter One

  Oz had never been so relieved to see anything as much as he was to find his yacht still anchored in the place they’d left it a week ago.

  He’d stolen a small boat from the beach and tossed Maria unceremoniously inside before grabbing up the oars and rowing against the damn tide.

  His arms burned, and his mood wasn’t in much better shape. It had taken him nearly an hour to row his way through the waves of hell and reach the yacht.

  Securing the dinghy to the side of the yacht, Oz stood and grabbed Maria beneath the arms, pulling her to her feet.

  “You’re a tad bit ripe,” he murmured, wrinkling his nose. “You are definitely getting a bath the minute we get on board.”

  She growled something from behind her gag, her eyes narrowed in rage.

  Oz, bent, placed his shoulder against her stomach, and stood, taking her with him. “Fuss all you want, but it’s happening, whether you like it or not.”

  He’d been forced to bind Maria’s feet once they’d reached the beach. He couldn’t afford to fight her kicking legs while rowing the boat.

  “Where are you?” Vaulcron’s voice floating through Oz’s mind pissed him off more than the squirming Maria did.

  “Damn it,” Oz seethed, climbing the ladder to the yacht. He’d been so caught up in handling Maria he’d allowed his mind to open.

  Oz had closed off his connection to the Bracadyte the second he’d taken Maria from her cell and struck out for the entrance. He’d been careful to keep his thoughts to himself on the journey back to the yacht, in hopes of making it to Cuba without being missed.

  No such luck, he mentally sighed, making his way inside to deposit Maria in a room. He closed the door behind him and leaned against the wall. “Hello, Vaulcron.”

  “Why have you left without a word? I had planned to send a few warriors with you, to see you safely home.”

  “I appreciate that,” Oz sent back. “But I couldn’t ask that of your warriors. You have the human military to deal with. You’re going to need all the extra hands you can get.”

  “And what of Carlito?” Vaulcron returned. “You do not know what awaits you back in Cuba, my friend. You could be sailing into a trap.”

  Oz blew out a frustrated breath before answering. “I have something he wants. Something he values above anything else. I have his sister. Besides, I’m not returning to the hotel right away. I’ll hole up at The Wizard until I know it’s safe to return.”

  Vaulcron paused for a moment. “The Wizard?”

  “The Wizard of Oz. It’s my own private getaway. I had it constructed a few years back. It holds many weapons and hidden passages. I’ll be fine there.”

  “Give me the location.”

  Oz blew out a breath and leaned his head back against the wall. “That’s not necessary, Vaulcron. You have a baby on the way. I can’t let you risk yourself for me like that. Once I take care of Carlito, all will be well.”

  “Gryke is with me. Would you be willing to accept his assistance?”

  Oz considered Vaulcron’s words. Gryke did happen to be the most vicious Bracadyte in Aukrabah. Perhaps he could be of help. “Bring him to the yacht. I’ll wait for him here.”

  Relief poured from Vaulcron through their connection. “I would feel better if you took a few more with you, but Gryke is akin to half a dozen. It will ease my mind knowing that he is with you.”

  “Thank you, Vaulcron.” Oz severed the connection and strode off to the hall bathroom to fill the tub. After pouring in an adequate amount of bubbles, he waited until the water reached a satisfactory level and turned it off.

  He needed a bath himself, but not nearly as much as Maria. She’d been locked in that cell for a week without a way to cleanse herself.

  Exhausted beyond measure, Oz made his way back to the room Maria waited in and opened the door.

  She sat on the side of the bed, glaring at him, daring him with her eyes to touch her.

  Oz almost laughed. Almost.

  He stepped into the room and untied her gag. Big mistake.

  She sank her teeth into his forearm before he had time to blink.

  Oz wrapped a hand in her hair and jerked her head back. “Would you prefer to remain bound and gagged for the rest of the trip? If you bite me again, I’ll bind you so tight, you’re liable to lose a limb from poor circulation.”

  He tightened his hold. “Do I make myself clear?”

  “Perfectly,” she ground out, boldly holding his gaze.

  She was a brave little thing, Oz grudgingly admitted to himself. Stupid, obviously, but brave nonetheless.

  Hauling her to her feet, he tossed her over his shoulder and carried her to the bathroom before lowering her to the floor. “I’m going to untie your feet now. If you kick me, you’re going over the side of the yacht. I’ll find Carlito another way.”

  “Get out,” she practically spat as he released the bonds around her ankles. “I can take a bath without your help.”

  Oz barked out a laugh. “Do you take me for a fool?”

  “I take you for an asshole,” she snapped, lifting her chin.

  Removing her running shoes, Oz gripped the zipper of her jeans, yanked it down, and dragged the offending denim down her legs, leaving her panties in place.

  He tossed the filthy jeans behind him and reached for her shirt before his gaze landed on a faded purple bruise on the side of her thigh.

  He swallowed against the anger slowly rising in his gut. Had Gryke harmed her after all?

  “Where did you get this?”

  Though her face reddened with rage, she kept her lips pressed tightly together.

  “Did someone hurt you while you were in that cell?”

  “You would like that, wouldn’t you?” she snarled, moving her legs to the side. “No one touched me. It happened when your yacht exploded.”

  With jerky movements, Oz unbuttoned her top and pulled it down her arms. “Serves you right. You nearly killed two people that are dear to me.”

  “I was there to stop the explosion, not plant the bomb, asshole.”

  Oz narrowed his eyes. “You expect me to believe that?”

  “I don’t care what you believe,” Maria snapped, jerking at her bound wrists.

  “Damn it,” Oz growled, grabbing a knife from his boot.

  Maria scrambled back against the wall, her eyes flashing with challenge.

  “I’m not going to cut you,” Oz bit out, slicing through the bonds on her wrists and yanking her shirt off.

  She wore no bra.

  The sight that greeted him caused a knee-jerk reaction in Oz’s body. Her perky breasts sat high on her chest. Perfectly r
ound globes of fullness that sent blood rushing straight to his shaft.

  Lust flared to life, further darkening his mood. He wasn’t supposed to feel attraction for her. She was his enemy’s sister.

  “Get in the tub,” he practically snarled, feeling no satisfaction as she scrambled to her feet and climbed over the side.

  Thankful for the good sense to add the bubbles ahead of time, Oz breathed a sigh of relief when she sank beneath the water, hiding her body from his view. He had never seen a sexier female in all his life. And he’d seen a lot of them in his thirty-five years.

  Maria was toned without being overly muscular. Her hips flared out from her waist in a way that made Salma Hayek pale in comparison.

  Her breasts were a shade lighter than the rest of her body, with tan lines that disappeared behind her neck.

  Dark curly hair fell just below her shoulders in damp disarray. Even matted to her head, it didn’t take away from her beauty.

  She stared at him with those big brown eyes, her lips twisted in indignation. “Is it really necessary for you to watch me bathe, you overgrown pervert?”

  Oz grinned, flipped the toilet lid down, and took a seat. “I believe I will,” he quipped, crossing his arms over his chest. “Make it quick, though. I’m starving.”

  Maria averted her gaze and dunked her head beneath the water. She snatched up the shampoo and lathered her hair before grabbing a washcloth.

  Oz looked away. Not so much to give her the privacy she desired, but more for his own peace of mind.

  He adjusted the unwanted erection behind the zipper of his damp jeans. He was in for a long, miserable ride back to Cuba, he thought, stretching his legs out in front of him. If he made it there at all.

  Chapter Two

  Maria ground her teeth, scrubbing the dirt and grime from her skin with jerky movements.

  She didn’t miss the lustful way in which Oz had looked at her. There was no mistaking that look. She’d seen it enough from the men she normally dealt with. Her brother’s men.

  Maria hated Carlito with a passion. She always had.

  Sharing the same father, Carlito and Maria had been born from different mothers. Carlito’s mother had been Acosta’s wife; Maria’s, his mistress.

  Though Acosta had always seen to it that Maria had everything she needed, he’d never been around during her childhood. All of his love and devotion had gone to his only son, Carlito Jr.

  Acosta had died when Maria was twenty-four years old. She’d received a lump sum of money that had been left to her in his will, but she had never gotten the one thing she’d wanted most. Her father’s love.

  She watched Oz from the corner of her eye. She knew that he’d been responsible for her father’s death.

  Maria understood Carlito’s obsession with destroying Nicho Ozele. Oz had, after all, killed their father. But harming innocent people in a need for revenge was not okay in her book.

  Maria had done everything in her power to stop the explosion on Oz’s yacht that morning, to no avail.

  Running down the beach as fast as her legs would carry her, she’d yelled to the man and woman standing on the deck. Repercussions be damned. Maria was determined to stop her brother from killing more innocent people in his lust for revenge.

  The explosion had rocked her, knocking her off her feet, and nearly breaking her leg in the process.

  She’d managed to escape into the tree line before falling into the hands of the infamous Anthony Vaughn.

  Exhausted beyond comprehension, Maria barely noticed Oz get to his feet. He gripped her by the arm and tugged her to a standing position.

  “Dry off,” he murmured, handing her a towel.

  Maria dried as quickly as possible, wrapping the towel around her body to hide her nakedness.

  Oz led her from the bathroom and back to the room he’d had her in to begin with.

  Dread gathered in the pit of her stomach. Would he rape her now?

  She gripped the towel in a tight hold while backing toward the opposite wall.

  Oz blew out a loud breath. “You can relax, princess. I have no intentions of touching you any more than necessary.”

  Maria watched in suspicion as he turned toward the door.

  “I’m going to find you something to wear,” he murmured, grabbing onto the doorknob. “If you try anything while I’m gone, I won’t think twice about tying you to the bed for the remainder of the trip. That means no bathroom breaks. You’ll be forced to use a bedpan, and any food you eat will be hand fed by me. Do you understand?”

  With a stiff nod, Maria moved to stand behind the only chair in the room and waited for the door to close behind him.

  Finally alone, she allowed herself to relax, practically falling in her haste to drop into the chair in front of her. Her leg throbbed, and every muscle in her body ached.

  What the hell was she going to do now? she wondered, glancing around for something to use as a weapon. But the room was empty save for the bed and chair.

  A dresser sat against the wall next to a large empty closet. No iron or coat hangers were present, and no phone sat on the nightstand.

  A small bathroom was situated behind her, equipped with a toilet, sink, and shower. She didn’t need to look to know there would be nothing harmful to use in there. Oz would have made sure of it.

  Maria expelled a weary sigh. She had to find a way to escape before they reached Cuba. Carlito would kill her before she stepped onto the sandy shores of Playa Pilar.

  The door opened, and Oz strode into the room, carrying an armful of clothes. “They won’t fit, but it’s the best I could do under the circumstances.”

  He tossed the garments onto the bed. “Get dressed while I make us something to eat. Gryke will be here soon, and we both know that he has no qualms about snapping your pretty little neck. I suggest you be on your best behavior.”

  Maria kept her thoughts to herself. She waited for Oz to leave, listening as he locked the door behind him before jumping to her feet and snatching up the clothes.

  She removed her wet underwear and pulled on the pair of too-big cotton shorts that obviously belonged to Oz and dragged the giant white T-shirt over her head.

  Thankful to have her body completely covered, she sat on the edge of the bed to wait.

  Why hadn’t Oz hurt her yet? she wondered for the hundredth time. Her brother would have broken at least one of her arms by now had he been in Oz’s position.

  Maria jumped at the sound of the lock releasing.

  Oz pushed the door wide and waved her forward. “Let’s go.”

  She stood and made her way into the hall without making eye contact.

  “This way,” Oz barked, motioning for her to walk ahead of him.

  Smart man, she secretly mused, skirting his large body and striding off in the direction he’d indicated. The floor felt cool on her bare feet, soothing some of the abrasions she’d accumulated walking more than forty miles through the tunnels of Aukrabah.

  Maria’s breath caught as the kitchen came into view. Though she’d been on the yacht a week earlier, she hadn’t been permitted to leave her room and had no idea what the boat’s interior looked like.

  “Sit,” Oz demanded, pulling out a stool for her. He slid a paper plate in front of her, containing a sandwich, potato chips, and some apple slices.

  He moved around the bar to sit across from her. “The apples have been on the boat all week. But they should still be good. Eat up. We have a long journey ahead of us.”

  Maria snatched up her sandwich and sank her teeth into it. She didn’t care how she looked or even that he’d made it for her. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been as hungry as she was in that moment.

  Oz got up and retrieved a couple of bottled waters from the refrigerator and handed her one before returning to his seat.

  Quickly twisting the cap free, Maria turned up the plastic bottle of heaven and drank her fill before glancing up at her captor. “Carlito’s not going to comply
with your demands, you know. Especially not where I’m concerned. You might as well leave me here for all the good I’ll do you.”

  “Nice try,” Oz drawled around the bite of sandwich he’d been chewing. “You’re his sister. He’ll comply.”

  Maria looked away, wondering how much to tell him. Would he kill her if he thought she would be of no use to him? She didn’t know, but she wasn’t ready to take that risk.

  Chapter Three

  Oz studied Maria’s face over the top of his water bottle. Something swam in the depths of her brown eyes. An uncertainty she was obviously unable to hide.

  She was a good actor; he’d give her that. But if she expected him to buy her story about Carlito’s disinterest in her, she was sadly mistaken.

  His gaze dropped to her chest without conscious thought. The rosy tips of her nipples could clearly be seen through the white material of the T-shirt she wore.

  His manhood stirred to life.

  Oz forced his attention elsewhere. Anywhere besides on her amazing breasts.

  He cleared his throat, deciding to humor her. If he was honest with himself, he’d admit to being curious as to how far she would go with her outrageous lies.

  “So, tell me. Why is it that you think your brother would not risk everything to get you back in one piece?”

  “What does it matter?” Maria responded in a weary voice. “You wouldn’t believe the truth if it jumped up and bit you in your overdeveloped ass.”

  The corner of Oz’s mouth lifted. “Overdeveloped? You’ve been looking at my ass?”

  “Hardly. In case you’ve forgotten, I’m wearing your shorts. They’re more than a little stretched out in the rear.”

  “A well-toned, beefy ass on a man is much sought after back home. But you knew that already. Which is why, I believe, you mentioned it.”

  She ignored his jab and continued to eagerly finish the food on her plate. “So, you’re going to kill Carlito like you killed our father?”


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