Karli's Resolve (The Black Ridge Wolf Pack Book 3)

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Karli's Resolve (The Black Ridge Wolf Pack Book 3) Page 3

by Lilli Carlisle

  “We would do nothing to upset Karli,” Rowl emphasized, knowing in his heart that he’d sooner die than upset the woman he loved.

  “I know the two of you wouldn’t, but there will be tough times ahead for both of you, and especially for Karli. She’s being pulled in multiple directions, and you two need to be her rock through all of this. Obviously, she won’t be getting much support from her parents, but the pack will support her along with the two of you.”

  “Alpha, may I ask what brought this on? We’ve already discussed this situation with you. Has something changed?” Joseph and Rowl exchanged worried glances.

  “Helena has informed me that she’s heard Karli crying in her room at night.”

  Rowl jumped to his feet. He didn’t know what to do, but he had to fix this. He had to find Karli.

  “Easy, Rowl. I didn’t tell you this to upset you. I told you because I want to make sure you’re seeing this from her perspective. I don’t want to have her feeling guilty for being part of something she has no control over. I know you love her and she loves you. There is no question about that. But I want you aware of the situation.”

  Rowl sat back down. His heart ached, and his stomach was turning. He had no idea Karli was this upset. Of course, she would never come out and tell them. She wouldn’t want to worry them. He had loved Karli since he was a teenager, and nothing would change that. He’d had a rough patch after Karli had been taken away. If it happened again, Rowl honestly didn’t think he’d make it through this time.

  “Thank you, Alpha. We need to know these things so that we can help her through this. We will not put any undue pressure on her. But we’re still permitted to court Karli and spend time with her, correct?”

  “Of course. I’m not stopping you from continuing on as you have been and preparing for the future. I just wanted you both aware of the situation.” Aldric’s expression changed from alpha to friend in a heartbeat. “In truth, I want to see the three of you mated, but my hands are tied. The king has given an order, and I must carry it out.”

  “We understand there is nothing you can do. The three of us will make it through this trial and be mated. We will be a stronger triad because of it,” Joseph stated. Rowl concurred; he felt the same way.

  “Then I’m guessing I’ll see you tonight when you visit with Karli.” Aldric stood then walked to the door. “Remember, no matter what happens in the next few weeks, Karli loves the two of you. That’s what’s most important in all of this.”

  Aldric walked out the door, leaving Rowl and Joseph with a lot to think about.

  “It will all work out, Rowl. I promise you we will have our mate with us when this is all over.” Joseph placed his hand on Rowl’s shoulder. “I’m going to take a shower, buddy. Then I’ll help with dinner.”

  Rowl nodded but remained silent. He felt sick thinking about Karli crying herself to sleep. He swore he would make this up to his love if it was the last thing he did.

  This was a side of Laura Karli hadn’t seen. She watched as Laura tried to concentrate on her dinner, but Alpha Dedric was proving to be a major distraction. She was shy and withdrawn, and her omega jewel had been swirling colors all evening. Karli had to think of something. Dinner was almost over, and the pair had hardly spoken. As Lisa and Gabrielle stood to clear the table, Helena and Aldric gathered Orion and headed to their private suite to give the little guy a bath and put him to bed. And still nothing out of Laura.

  Karli had to take matters into her own hands. “Alpha Dedric, would you like to join Laura and me for coffee in the living room?” Laura’s head popped up, and she looked straight at Dedric and smiled. Finally, a sign of life.

  Dedric smiled wide and said, “I would be honored.”

  Karli and Laura cleared the rest of the table and joined the other two omegas in the kitchen while Dedric went to sit in the living room.

  “Laura, what’s wrong with you?”

  “Nothing. What do you mean?”

  “You haven’t said more than two words to him all through dinner. Don’t you like him?”

  “It’s not that I don’t like him. I like him too much. What if I say something stupid or he isn’t interested in me that way?”

  “First thing we need to do is tell him what your intentions are. He deserves to know that you wish to officially start the courting process. You are still interested in him that way, right?”

  “Yes, even more than when I first saw him in the forest. But what if I can’t even speak to him? I’m going to ruin everything.”

  “Leave it to me. Please, try to get a few words out, would you?”

  Gabrielle and Lisa came over and gave Laura hugs and words of encouragement. Laura gathered up the tray of cups, cream, sugar, and spoons. Karli carried a carafe of coffee, and they walked into the living room. Dedric stood and took the tray from Laura before setting it on the coffee table.

  Karli watched as the two stood only inches apart but neither spoke. Laura slowly came to her senses and backed away to sit on the couch with her. Okay, someone needed to serve the coffee, and it looked like it was going to be Karli. She picked up the carafe and filled three cups before handing them out. Still nothing.

  “Alpha Dedric, Laura wanted to invite you to dinner tonight,” Karli began. She decided to get everything out in the open. Then maybe the two of them could talk.

  Alpha Dedric looked at Laura. “Thank you, it was a lovely dinner.”

  “You’re welcome, Alpha Dedric,” Laura replied softly.

  “Dedric—you may call me Dedric.” His smile was warm.

  “Laura would like to get to know you better, with me as her chaperone. And yes, she’s usually more talkative than this.”

  Dedric couldn’t mask the surprise on his face. Then his eyes grew sad, which was not what she’d expected to see. “Laura, my pack is small. We have a lot of land, but the town is relatively small in size. I am financially well, but not close to what other alphas could offer you.”

  Laura stood and surprised Karli by sitting on the couch beside Dedric. “I don’t care about the power and money. The size of your pack doesn’t concern me. It’s you I want to get to know.”

  Karli couldn’t help but smile. There’s the Laura I know. Dedric looked stunned for a moment before his face broke out in the biggest smile she’d ever seen on the man. Laura reached over and took hold of Dedric’s hand, and the two started talking. Really talking. Karli tried to remain inconspicuous as she sipped her coffee and scrolled through her tablet. About an hour later there was a knock on the front door and Helena came down the hall to answer it. Karli could feel her excitement building, because that had to be Joseph and Rowl. They came every night to spend time with her. She guessed that would end when the other alphas arrived, and boom, her mood dipped with that realization.

  “Alpha Dedric, since I will be Laura’s chaperone and she mine, time might be limited for a little while. At least until my mate selection is over,” Karli explained.

  “I understand and will take any time that is available to spend with Laura,” Dedric muttered while his gaze was glued to Laura.

  Yep, this is going to work out just fine.

  Rowl and Joseph walked into the room, and Karli’s heart sped up. Her mates. No matter how many alphas they threw at her, it wouldn’t change how she felt. Rowl was carrying a bouquet of wildflowers—black-eyed Susans, yellow lilies, daisies, forget-me-nots, and violets. They brought her a new bouquet every night to put in the vase they had given her, which she kept in her room.

  “Good evening, love,” Rowl whispered as he held out the flowers then leaned over to kiss her cheek.

  “Hello, sweetheart.” Joseph smiled before kissing her other cheek.

  “Thank you for my flowers. They’re lovely.” Karli hugged both men tight.

  “I should be going,” Dedric announced as he stood and kissed the back of Laura’s hand. “I will see you soon, Laura. Good evening, Karli, Joseph, Rowl. Thank you for your hospitality.” Dedric took one
last look at Laura, smiled, and walked out. Laura’s jewel was swirling red.

  Joseph and Rowl looked at each other before turning to Karli to ask, “So, anything new you’d liked to tell us about?”

  Karli laughed as Laura blushed and threw a pillow at her. “Laura wished to get to know Alpha Dedric better, and I’m chaperoning.”

  “Dedric is a good man,” Joseph was quick to say.

  “He’s well loved and respected by his pack,” Rowl added.

  “I don’t doubt that,” Laura agreed. “I’m excited to get to know him better.”

  “He seems just as excited,” Rowl teased.

  Laura blushed again. She stood and went to the other side of the room and curled into a wing chair with her tablet.

  Rowl reached down and gathered Karli in his arms before turning to sit on the couch with her on his lap. Joseph sat down beside them, and Karli’s soul felt at peace. Her men gave that to her every time they were near.

  “How are you tonight, baby?” Joseph asked while reaching for her hand.

  “Better now that the two of you are here. I’ve missed you guys.”

  “We’ll never be far away, love,” Rowl promised.

  Karli hoped that would remain true after the alphas arrived. Of course, the alphas wouldn’t be staying in the main pack house, because it was home to the omegas. They would be given a house on the other end of town for the duration of their stays.

  “Promise me that even when the alphas arrive you’ll still be close,” Karli urged, feeling her eyes fill with tears. “You won’t leave me.”

  “Never,” Rowl growled and held her closer.

  “We would never leave you,” Joseph confirmed before kissing the palm of her hand. “We love you, and we don’t want you to worry about us throughout this. Rowl and I will be here for you.”

  Rowl hugged her again before releasing her to Joseph, who cuddled her in his arms. Joseph’s blue eyes sparkled as he leaned forward and kissed her softly. The warmth of his lips travelled through her body, leaving her wanting more of his touches but knowing that would have to wait until they had their bonding ceremony. Rowl slid closer and claimed her lips the moment Joseph released her.

  “You three behave yourselves. I’m still chaperoning here,” Laura called out from her perch across the room.

  Joseph set Karli down between himself and Rowl, but neither released her hands, both seeming to need the contact as much as she did. Karli couldn’t wait until they were free to show and express their love.

  “We’ve had a few more pieces of furniture delivered. Did you want to come by tomorrow and have a look?” Joseph asked.

  “Yes, definitely.” Karli was so excited to create warmth and harmony in what would be her new home. They’d been busy picking out furniture since their return to the pack, and, as she saw today, the house was becoming all she hoped it would be—their home.

  A loud knock echoed through the room. The alpha came storming down the hall toward the front door. With werewolf hearing, no one needed to be knocking that aggressively, and especially not on the alpha’s door. Both Joseph and Rowl tensed, as if ready to go protect their alpha and everyone in the house. Raised voices could be heard from the entranceway, but they were muffled so that Karli couldn’t make out what was being said. That was until her mother came around the corner, her eyes as calculating as ever.

  “Get away from those two,” she spat. “The first alpha is here.”

  No…not yet. “He’s two days early,” Karli replied.

  “He’s eager to meet you. Come along.” Atilia reached out to grab at Karli’s arm but was stopped short by two angry growls as Joseph and Rowl both stood.

  “How dare you growl at me.”

  “You will not grab for Karli,” Joseph stated calmly.

  “She is my daughter, and I’ll do what I please with her,” Atilia shouted.

  “No. You won’t,” Rowl shouted right back.

  “What’s going on here?” Alpha Aldric’s voice thundered through the room, and everyone immediately bared their throats to their alpha.

  Before her men had a chance to respond, her mother was quick to say, “They’re keeping my daughter away from the alpha. I told you they shouldn’t be anywhere near her while the alphas are here.”

  “Is this true?” Aldric asked Joseph and Rowl.

  But it was Karli who answered as she pushed her men out of the way and stood forward. “Not one word is true, Alpha. They were protecting me from my mother’s attempt to grab me away from them. I have yet to decide if I wish to see this alpha this evening.” She couldn’t allow her mother to lie.

  “You will see him, young lady,” Atilia ordered.

  “Last time I checked, you have absolutely no power and are a guest here,” Aldric warned. “We’ve discussed your behavior already, Atilia. If you do not wish to be confined to your temporary home, were I you, I would heed my warning,” he cautioned, his eyes flashing with anger.

  Atilia glared at Karli before backing down and physically taking a few steps back. This wasn’t over, and Karli knew it.

  Alpha Aldric continued. “Now, do you wish to meet the first alpha, Karli?”

  Karli knew what she had to do. “No I don’t, but since I’m neither rude nor petty, I will say hello, but that is all. I don’t even know his name.”

  Aldric smiled at her and responded, “Alpha Rocco. He has a large pack far east of us. He should have not arrived in my territory unannounced and will have to wait.”

  For the first time, Karli realized she wasn’t the only one pissed off by this unexpected arrival. Alphas with their own territory didn’t allow unknown alphas to randomly show up unannounced and early.

  Atilia immediately turned toward the entrance and walked away, no longer waiting for Karli. Aldric shook his head and followed her out of the room. Karli turned to her men and was immediately enfolded into their arms.

  “I’ll be back in a moment. Then we can continue our plans for this evening,” Karli promised.

  Both men nodded and released her. Laura was already standing by Karli’s side, and they turned and left the room. She couldn’t help notice the sadness in her men’s eyes, but she was powerless to ease them until this was over.

  “Are you ready for this?” Laura asked.

  “As I’ll ever be.” Karli had thought she still had time to prepare, but now that had been taken away from her. Not a good way to start things off.

  They walked down the dimly lit hallway and came face to face with an angry Alpha Rocco who was standing toe to toe with a calm-looking Alpha Aldric.

  “What do you mean she has no time this evening? I’ve come a long way,” Alpha Rocco growled.

  “You’re two days early. You’re lucky I’m even allowing an introduction,” Aldric countered.

  Two wolves flew past Karli and Laura on their way to stand on either side of Aldric. Joseph was a golden wolf while Rowl was the midnight black wolf. Both stood to the height of Aldric’s waist and were baring their teeth at the new arrival. The front door burst open, and Lothar, the head of all Alpha Aldric’s warriors, stormed in with Ceva, the white witch and his mate. When she turned her glare on Rocco, her small baby bump stood out. Clearly, they had sensed their alpha’s anger and ran to his aid.

  This was getting out of hand fast. The three guards Alpha Rocco brought with him took up a defensive stance around their alpha. Karli had to do something or there was going to be bloodshed. She raced forward to stand between the two alphas, and the growls coming from her men picked up in intensity. This was either one of dumbest things she’d ever done or the only way to save this situation.

  “Alpha Rocco.” As she spoke, Karli sensed a change in the hallway and looked over to see Helena standing beside Laura. They were combining their powers to flood the room with peace. “I’m Karli. I did not mean to keep you waiting, but I was unprepared to receive you properly.”

  Alpha Rocco’s black eyes flicked down at her. They shined with his wolf close to
the surface. After a few seconds, the visiting alpha took a step back and everyone took a breath. Well, everyone but Aldric, who still looked as calm as ever.

  Alpha Rocco extended his right hand palm up, and Karli dutifully placed her hand in his. He immediately closed his fingers, holding her tightly, and pulled her forward slightly. Growling erupted from behind her. Rocco lowered his head and kissed the back of her hand but didn’t release her when he stood straight.

  “How thoughtless of me, dearest omega. Of course you would want to prepare properly for our first meeting. I will retire immediately and allow you to return to your preparations,” Rocco gushed, words flowing like honey from his lips. Karli could actually see his ego growing.


  “I will have Lothar and the warriors outside escort you to your lodgings for the next three days,” Aldric announced, and Rocco slowly released her hand.

  “I thank you for your hospitality, Alpha Aldric. Good evening, Karli.” Rocco turned and followed Lothar back out of the front door, followed by his guards and her parents. She should have known those two wouldn’t stick around for the fallout.

  Karli slowly turned to face an amused Aldric. She expected an angry alpha, not this. Helena came to stand beside him and said, “I told you she would give your two warriors a run for their money.”

  “You did indeed, sweetheart. So now I imagine we’ll have to set up some sort of meet-and-greet with the big blowhard.” Aldric sighed deeply. “We better let the pack know and get the hall ready.”

  “I’m so sorry, Alpha. I only meant to defuse the situation.” Karli hadn’t meant to drag the whole pack into this. She looked down, but Joseph and Rowl were gone. She hoped they were dressing in the other room. Would they understand she did what she had to do?

  “No need to be sorry. You were trying to lower the testosterone level in here,” Helena teased as she punched her mate in his bicep.

  Karli heard footsteps a moment before she was gathered into her men’s arms and surrounded by their love.

  “Please don’t ever put yourself in danger again, Karli,” Joseph whispered in her ear.


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