Karli's Resolve (The Black Ridge Wolf Pack Book 3)

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Karli's Resolve (The Black Ridge Wolf Pack Book 3) Page 16

by Lilli Carlisle

  “I’m not sure. It’s a gorgeous day,” Karli answered. “Jerome, do you have any ideas?”

  When he didn’t respond, she turned to find him lying flat out on the ground, a spot of red expanding on his back. He’d been shot, and she hadn’t heard a thing. She didn’t have time to check to see if he was still alive. She knew whoever it was would be on them soon.

  “Run, Sara. I’ll lead them away from you.” Karli ordered. She wasn’t about to lose anyone else.


  “Just go.” Karli pushed Sara to get her moving as she took off in the other direction, weaving in and out of the trees to make it harder to get a clear shot at her.

  Mates. That was the last thing she got out before something hit her on her right side. She didn’t have time to register the pain before it took her down. She was unconscious before she hit the ground.

  Karli woke to the sound of an argument coming from the other side of the wall she was propped up against. She didn’t move a muscle, taking everything in from where she sat. Her hands were handcuffed behind her back, the burn of dark magic sizzling against her wrists, but she held it at bay. Karli glanced around the dark, damp room, careful to keep her head from moving and alerting anyone to the fact that she was awake.

  Across the room lay a wolf unmoving on the dirt floor. Paul. He’d shifted into his wolf form and had blood covering his fur from what must have been one hell of a fight. Karli was reassured when she saw his chest rising with every breath he took. At least he wasn’t dead…yet. She wasn’t too sure what the next few hours would bring, but it couldn’t be good.

  Karli wrapped as much of her hand as she could around the metal links between the cuffs and began heating them with the electricity in her body. If she could weaken them just a little, she might be able to break them apart. The yelling was getting louder from the other room, and then she heard voices she had hoped to never hear again. Atilia and Ferone. Shit. Why hadn’t I thought about them being responsible before now?

  “We told you to kill her,” Atilia’s voice screeched with anger. It didn’t take much to figure out it was her they were talking about.

  An unfamiliar voice spoke calmly, “The original contract was to cause damage to her mates and find a way to get your daughter away from them. That is all.”

  “She’s of no use to us now that she’s mated.” Ferone’s angry voice joined the mix.

  “If you want to change the terms of the contract, that will cost you,” the unknown man said.

  “More money, that’s what you want.” Atilia gasped as if she were insulted. “You reapers are all the same.” Karli couldn’t help but shake her head. Her mother was offended that it would cost more to kill her. What the hell? These were her parents.

  “Well, thanks to Karli, we don’t have any more money coming from those alphas that we promised her to,” Ferone raged, his voice spiking with anger.

  “That’s not my problem. Now pay me what you owe me so I can be done with this.” The reaper’s voice deepened and had taken an ominous turn, and Karli knew this wasn’t a man to be toyed with.

  She looked down at her right side where she’d been hit. Her shirt was bloody and ripped, but the pain was easing. Karli knew she was healing, but if the bullet was still in there, the doctor would have to cut it out anyway. It was smart for them to put her hands behind her back. This way she couldn’t use her hands to send a bolt of electricity through them, but they didn’t figure she could soften the metal. Karli could feel it starting to give way.

  Then it struck her. She hadn’t even tried to contact her mates. Joseph, Rowl, can you hear me?

  Karli, are you hurt? Where are you, love?

  I’m in a basement. It seems run down. Paul is here. He’s unconscious but alive.

  Rowl and I, along with the rest of the pack, are searching. Who has you?

  Atilia, Ferone, and the reaper they hired to kidnap me, but plans have changed and they now want him to kill me.

  Those bastards—I’ll tear them apart, Rowl growled through their bond.

  I’ve been shot. She figured she might as well get that out of the way, and then she remembered. What about Jerome? Is he dead?

  You’ve been shot? How bad is it? Joseph’s angry voice shook.

  The good news is I’m healing. The bad news is I think the bullet’s still in there somewhere. What about Jerome?

  He’s alive and healing with Doc’s help, Rowl answered.

  Karli, are there any windows in the basement? Joseph asked.

  She looked around, no longer concerned if they knew she was awake. Besides, they were still in the other room. Above her head and slightly right of her was a small window with three panes of glass, two of which were broken.

  Yes, there’s a small one. Give me a second to see if I can stand.

  Karli could feel the suppressed rage coming from her men. Atilia and Ferone wouldn’t have a chance. She couldn’t help but smile. It was about time they got what was coming to them. They weren’t her parents; they were monsters. She got her legs under her and pushed up, using the wall to balance herself. Even though pain was ripping through her side at the movement, she remained silent, not wanting to alert her kidnappers to what she was doing.

  Once she was standing, she took two careful steps to the right and looked out the dirty window. I can see out of the window. It looks like we’re in the forest. The trees are close to the building I’m in.

  Is there anything else to distinguish where it might be? Rowl asked.

  She leaned close to the window and looked off to the left as far as she could and caught a glimpse of a row of old, rusted out cars. She relayed the information to her mates just as a shot rang out from the other room and her door opened.

  “Well, I see you’re awake,” Atilia sneered at Karli. “Why can’t you just die?”

  “Sorry, dear mother, that everything isn’t going to plan,” Karli quipped. She kept her link open with her men so they could hear the conversation. “Where have you taken me?”

  “You’re right under their noses. We haven’t even left pack lands.” Atilia laughed, her face taking on an almost deranged look. How had she not noticed that her mother was insane before this?

  We know where you are, Karli. We’re on our way, Joseph’s voice whispered through her mind.

  Please hurry. I think I’m out of time.

  “Your poor mates will be devastated when they find what’s left of you littered across their lands. I’m just sorry that I’ll miss it,” Atilia muttered as if she were talking about getting her car cleaned. No emotion, only facts.

  Karli moved closer to Paul. She would try to defend him if she could. The metal of her handcuffs was weakening, but she needed more time. “Did you ever love me, or was I your meal ticket and nothing more?”

  “Don’t be silly. Love is a useless emotion, wasted on fools,” Atilia hissed before pulling out a handgun and pointing it straight at Karli.

  “Did you kill the reaper?” Karli asked, trying to stall as she pushed so much heat into the handcuffs that she was starting to burn her hands, but the metal was giving way.

  “Of course. Nobody screws us over. He got what he deserved, as you’re about to.” Atilia raised the gun and pointed it at Karli’s head. “Goodbye, daughter.”

  In the same instant, her handcuffs gave way. Without thought, she brought her hands forward and sent a bolt of electricity straight through Atilia’s chest who didn’t even have time to scream. Her body crumpled, and fell to the floor, her eyes open but unseeing. Ferone came through the door, saw his wife’s smoking body, and reached for the gun.

  “Go for it. I dare you,” Karli threatened as her hands glowed, ready to strike him dead.

  Ferone thought better of it and pulled his hand back. Pity.

  A loud crash was the only warning as the room filled with wolves. The large, golden alpha shifted, and moments later, Joseph held her gently, careful of her side and burnt hands. Rowl turned upon seeing that she was
safe and went after Ferone, backing the coward into the corner. Karli had never seen Rowl this angry; his wolf looked twice the size of the wolves around him, his sharp teeth inches from Ferone’s throat.

  “Take him outside to be dealt with by our pack, Rowl,” Joseph spoke calmly. “Let him shift and defend himself, as is our law.”

  “Defend myself? Against all of them?” Ferone asked.

  “You took their omega. It is only right.” Other members of her pack, all in wolf form, began snarling and snapping their sharp teeth at him. “Seems they’re more than ready to dispense justice.”

  Rowl backed off, and let the wolves drag Ferone from the room. Rowl shifted and joined Joseph and Karli while a few pack members were seeing to Paul before carrying him out of the basement. Joseph released Karli to Rowl, who lifted her into his arms and kissed her softly. She knew Rowl needed her to calm his wolf.

  “Karli, my mate.” Rowl’s voice was still growly from his wolf. She knew it would take a while for him to settle down. He buried his face in her hair and took a deep breath.

  “Let’s go home, my mates,” Joseph directed as he ushered them toward the door.

  That sounded perfect to her.

  Home, with her pack and her mates was all she needed.


  It had been weeks since she’d been in that basement, and every day the sight of her mother dying at Karli’s hands faded a little bit more. She wasn’t like Atilia; she found no joy in taking a life, even if that life only brought pain and sorrow. Paul had made a full recovery and was now happily baking away in his new shop. When he’d come to, they’d learned that he had witnessed the reaper cutting the brake lines to their truck and had been beaten unconscious before he could warn anyone.

  Reconstruction of their town and the pack members’ houses was still going strong, and most of the businesses on the main street were open again. The mill had new safety equipment installed and was now running at full capacity with talks of an addition in the works. The old community center had been demolished and they were amalgamating all the pack’s suggestions; they intended to put the top ten in the newsletter. After they got the pack’s final approval, plans for the new community center would be drawn up.

  Karli watched as her people bounced back from the brink of destruction to the beginnings of a healthy, thriving pack. Their lives had begun to have new meaning, and she made it her business to spend as much time as she could with her pack members. Their progress made her swell with pride every time she saw them smile.

  On this beautiful night, Karli and her mates had decided to take a run through the forest in the light of the full moon. Rowl’s dark wolf led the way as they darted between trees and over fallen logs. She could feel her mates’ joy flowing through her veins, invigorating her, and healing her. Allowing her wolf to run free had always been what she believed was the greatest gift of being a shifter.

  They slowed when they came upon a small stream and stopped for a drink of the crystal-clear water. Karli shifted and settled down on the soft grass, and her mates shifted and joined her.

  “The sky is so beautiful tonight,” she sighed as she laid back and stared up at the stars.

  “Nothing can compete with your beauty, Karli,” Joseph flattered.

  Her mates rested on either side of her, their hands roaming over her body, heightening her need for both of them. Joseph leaned down, his blue eyes sparkling in the moonlight, and took Karli’s lips in a soft kiss, a gentle exploration that left her yearning for more.

  “I love you,” he murmured. “I am truly a lucky man to have both of you in my life.” Then he leaned farther over her body and kissed Rowl with the same reverence. “I love you, Rowl.”

  The sight of her mates kissing brought her wolf close to the surface, and she couldn’t stop herself from biting Joseph on top of the mating bite she’d already given him. Joseph cried out as his hips flexed and he came against her thigh while holding her and Rowl tight. She released him and licked the wound, healing it almost instantly.

  Joseph looked down at her with a wicked smile. “Now it’s your turn, love,” he warned as he bit down on the side of her neck over the scar from his mating bite. At the same moment, Rowl moved his body on top of hers and slowly push his thick cock deep.

  Wave after wave of pleasure raced through her body as her orgasm took hold and sent her screaming over the edge. Her body shook as Rowl continued to drive himself in and out of her. Joseph released her and licked at his bite mark, sending aftershocks through her entire body. Instinct took over and she latched onto the side of Rowl’s neck, renewing his mating bite as well. Rowl’s hips bucked and drove deep inside her as he came, his howl echoing through the trees. As his orgasm waned, he lowered his head, licked her neck, and bit down.

  Their panting was the only sound in the forest as the three lay intertwined on the grass beside the stream. The love they shared flowed through their link as their hands continued to pet and explore one another.

  Years of dreaming and praying had finally come true, and she swore not to take one moment for granted. She had been blessed when the three of them had first met. And though it had been a long, rough road to get to where they now were, it was worth every step. The journey had made them stronger and allowed them to appreciate what they’d been given.

  And for that, Karli would be eternally grateful.

  The Black Ridge Pack Saga continues with Laura and Dedric’s story in

  Laura’s Legacy


  Lilli Carlisle lives outside Toronto, Canada. She’s a member of the Romance Writers of America and its chapter, Toronto Romance Writers. Lilli is a mother of two wonderful girls, wife to an amazing man and servant to the pets in her life. She writes both contemporary and paranormal romance and believes love should be celebrated and shared. After all, everybody needs a little romance, excitement, intrigue and passion in their lives.

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