Yours Forever

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Yours Forever Page 73

by Bella Winters

Veronica watched out of the corner of her eye as he left the room, and she let out a puff of air once he was out of the room. She shook her head as she continued to cook. There was no point in worrying herself over whatever it was he had to say to her. All she could do was make dinner and be prepared to listen with an open mind.


  Within the next hour, Calvin had gotten out of the shower and dressed in a pair of athletic pants and a white t-shirt. He sat down at the table, and Veronica put down his plate in front of him, then assumed her usual place at their small table.

  Calvin picked up a fork, and Veronica followed suit. She had made them a meal of baked chicken and vegetables over a bed of rice. It was one of Calvin’s favorite meals, and she enjoyed as well. For a while, they ate, both of them appreciating the silence that spread between them.

  It couldn’t last, though, and at length, Calvin set down his fork and looked across the table at her. Veronica let out a soft sigh and put down her fork as well.

  “I know that you love what you do,” Calvin said. “I appreciate that you’re able to make any money at all with what you do.”

  Veronica listened silently, giving him a short nod at the conclusion of his statement.

  “But you have to admit that the way you do business is not a reliable way to make money,” he continued. “You can’t constantly be cutting people breaks, because then at the end of the day you suffer. I know at the end of the day, between the two of us, we have enough money to get by, and even to do well. But what if something ever happens to me? What would you do then?”

  Veronica worked very hard to keep from rolling her eyes.

  “We’ve been through all this Calvin,” Veronica said, keeping her tone level. “I’m not going to demand a full amount of money when I know good and well they can’t afford it. They’re barely staying on top of things as it is, and if I rake them over the coals too, their kids are going to suffer. If I lose a couple of bucks, I’ll be okay. Some people don’t have that luxury.”

  Veronica felt like this was an elementary concept, and she got annoyed every time she had to explain it to him. However, she could hardly blame him. He had grown up in a moderately well off middle class family, and he had really never wanted for much at any point in his life.

  Veronica, however, had not always been so lucky. Growing up, her family often had to go without food, or heat or water for extended periods of time. Veronica knew the true worth of money, and all material possessions. She was grateful for everything she had, and she knew better than to let things go to waste.

  She knew that the families she gave a break to really did need it, and that they were in situations just like the one she had been in. For her it was the least she could do, but for them, it definitely made a huge difference.

  It seemed that no matter how many times she tried to explain that, though, Calvin just couldn’t wrap his head around the concept.

  “Okay,” Calvin said, a look of surrender on his face. “I totally get your need to help people out, okay? I do. I just think that maybe you need to be thinking about yourself a little more.”

  Veronica wanted to protest, but she knew it was pointless.

  “Whatever you say,” she sighed, just wanting the conversation to end at this point. She picked up her fork and took another few bites of her food.

  “Veronica,” Calvin said, and Veronica set down her fork again and looked back up at him.

  “Yes?” she replied, her voice sharp and quick.

  “I think I have a solution for you,” he said, and Veronica blinked in surprise.

  “A solution?” Veronica leaned forward a little, resting her forearms on the table. Calvin hated when she did that, too, but she was honestly at the point where she didn’t care.

  “Yes,” Calvin said, and a small smile began to form on his face. “You know my friend Jason at the firm?”

  Veronica thought for a moment, and finally remembered who the man was.

  “Yes,” she finally spoke up.

  “Okay,” Calvin’s eyes lit up a little. “He is an assistant to this big-time lawyer, a guy named Frank Davenport.”

  Veronica frowned a little, not quite sure where this narrative was headed.

  “Well as his assistant, Jason spends a lot of time with him,” Calvin went on. “And Jason tells me that Davenport is looking for a babysitter. A babysitter that he is willing to pay a good deal of money for their services.”

  Veronica’s eyebrows raised.

  “Is that so?” she asked speculatively.

  “Yes,” Calvin confirmed. “And I took the liberty of telling Jason to tell Davenport that I had a wonderful recommendation.”

  “Calvin,” Veronica frowned a little. “You shouldn’t have done that without even talking to me about it first.”

  “I know, I know,” Calvin reached across the table and took Veronica’s hand in his own. “I just got a little caught up in the moment. But tell me, what do you think about it?”

  Veronica thought for a moment, her eyebrows meeting in a frown. It really was a good opportunity. By making the money, she could afford to cut down prices for her other clients, and at the same time, appease Calvin. Maybe then they could be as happy as they were earlier in their relationship.

  If anything, she could at least give it the old college try, and if it didn’t work out, they would just have to find another solution.

  “I think it would be a great idea,” Veronica spoke up.

  “Great!” Calvin exclaimed, baring his bright teeth in a smile. “Because I already set you up for an interview with him. It’s tomorrow morning at nine, before you have to go in to watch the Jackson’s kids.”

  Veronica was a little taken aback, and the irritation must have shown on her face.

  “I know, I know,” he held up his hands in a gesture of innocence. “I really should have talked to you about it first. But I really think this will be a good thing for the both of us. And I know that if this guy sees you, and you talk to him about how good you are with kids and how much experience you have, you’re sure to get it.”

  Veronica’s mind was more than a little overloaded, and she shook her head as she tried to process all of it. She stood up, placing her napkin on the table.

  “Look,” she said, her voice a harsh sigh. “This is a lot for me to have to think about, okay? I just need a little bit of time to think it over, apparently before nine in the morning.”

  “I understand,” Calvin gave a nod, looking appropriately contrite.

  Veronica took a breath and adopted a calm tone.

  “I am going to take a shower,” Veronica said simply.

  “I’ll put up the leftovers and wash the dishes,” Calvin said, offering her a smile. Veronica did not smile in return, but she did feel a little appeased.

  “Thank you,” she said softly, and turned to make her way into their bedroom.

  She moved into the bathroom, shutting the door behind her. She stripped out of her clothes and tossed them into the hamper, and then turned on the hot water. Once the temperature was to her liking, she stepped in and began the process of cleaning herself.

  As she bathed, she let herself think over the opportunity that Calvin had found for her. It had certainly caught her off guard, and she wished that he had asked her if it was even something she was interested in before he went ahead and made an interview date for her.

  In the end, though, she knew it was a great idea. Calvin was right. This way, she could make enough money to satisfy him, and still manage to help out the people in her life that needed it. It seemed like a win-win situation. She could at the very least go to the interview and see how it went. After all, she may not even be selected for the position.

  After she had rinsed herself off, Veronica stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel, using it to collect the water off of her deep chestnut skin. She shook some of the water droplets out of her hair, and then left it to air dry.

  She began the process of moisturizing her skin
, and when she was finished, she moved out of the bathroom and over to her closet. As she crossed the room, she saw Calvin laid out on the bed, his reading glasses on as he perused some law journal.

  Veronica put on a pair of shorts and another tank top, then moved to get in her side of the bed. As she settled down beside him, she could see him looking over at her.

  “Well?” he finally asked, and she could see that he was eager to know what her response would be.

  Veronica simply looked at him for a moment, and then released a soft sigh and gave him a smile.

  “I decided to go to the interview,” she said.

  Calvin smiled widely and leaned over to plant a soft kiss on her lips.

  “I’m so glad you made that decision,” he said, and Veronica heard the soft undertone of victory in his voice. “I think it will go really well.”

  “You think so?” Veronica raised an eyebrow, her tone dropping. She scooted a little closer to Calvin, gently pressing her body against him.

  “I mean I don’t see why it wouldn’t,” he said. “You’re probably one of the most experienced people he’s likely to find.”

  “Hm,” Veronica mused, taking hold of the journal in Calvin’s hand and putting it on the nightstand, then resting her hand on his chest. She saw Calvin’s eyes flick up at her in confusion, and she bit her lip as she slowly lowered her hand down his torso.

  Veronica was acutely aware that they had not been having nearly enough sex as of late. Well, not nearly enough for her, anyway. And even when they did, Calvin seemed to do it out of a sense of obligation, and even then, it seemed that he was the only one who ended up satisfied. Still, as rare as the occasions were becoming, she was grateful for anything at all.

  Veronica hoped that since she had agreed to take the interview, he would be more open to the idea of intimacy. Veronica could already feel her body becoming aroused, and she felt her breathing catch a little as she slid the tips of her fingers under the hem of Calvin’s shirt, then started to drag them up over his skin.

  “Whoa, whoa,” Calvin stopped her, taking hold of her wrist and removing it from the inside of his shirt. “It’s getting late. I have a long day ahead of me and you have an interview. We should both be getting to sleep.”

  Veronica nodded, and tried to push away the feeling of disappointment. She knew there would be no point in arguing. She moved back over on the bed to her usual place, and laid down, getting nestled under the covers.

  Calvin leaned over and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

  “Goodnight,” he said softly and lied down beside her, reaching over to turn off the bedside lamp.

  “Goodnight,” Veronica said softly as the room went dark.

  Veronica felt Calvin turn over on his side facing away from her. Silently, she slipped her hand down between her legs, and like so many nights before bit her lip as she silently alleviated herself of the desire that had built within her core.


  Veronica was awoken by the sound of Calvin’s alarm going off. She opened her eyes groggily, unused to having to actually wake up at that sound. She grumbled and turned onto her side as Calvin flipped on a lamp.

  “Good morning,” Calvin said, his voice cheery, as he turned onto his side and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

  Veronica, a little surprised by his sudden show of affection, turned to face him.

  “You too,” she mumbled, offering him a smile.

  “Hurry, get out of bed!” Calvin said hastily, nudging her a little in the side. “You need to make sure you look appropriate for your interview!”

  Veronica groaned a little at the idea of having to interact with people at such an hour as this. Then again, she would probably have to get used to it at some point, and now was just as good a time as any. With a sigh, she rolled out of bed and headed into the bathroom to relieve the pressure in her bladder and freshen up.

  Veronica went through her normal routine, though having Calvin rustle around alongside her was certainly something that would take getting used to. She felt her eyes on him as she selected a very professional- looking pants suit for the interview. She cast him a warning look before he could say anything. She loved this particular outfit, and she would not be deterred from wearing it.

  Eventually, they both made themselves ready, and Calvin held the door for her as they made their way out of the apartment. Veronica blinked sleepily as they made their way toward the elevator.

  “Wake up!” Calvin said excitedly beside her. “This is going to be a great day for you, I can already tell.”

  Veronica could only grumble. She was less than excited to even be awake, much less facing an interview. In her hand, she held a small briefcase that held her resume and a few reviews from her previous customers. She was too tired to be experiencing any real emotion at all, but she felt relatively neutral about the whole ordeal.

  After all, Calvin wanted this more than she did. If it was up to her, she would have still been in bed. However, she figured she could at least do this small thing to appease him. So, she would give it her all and if she could then Calvin would leave her alone, at least for a little while.

  It did not take them long to arrive at Calvin’s building, and she could feel him becoming more and more worked up the closer they got to their destination.

  “Okay, now his office is on the top floor,” he explained as they went. “There will be a secretary there named Lynn who will be waiting for you, so you will just check in with her at the desk.”

  Veronica nodded and gave a grunt to signify that she had heard him.

  “You may have to wait, we’re a little early,” he said, looking fidgety. “But not too early, I don’t think.”

  “I’m sure we’re just punctual enough,” Veronica offered easily, wanting him to just calm down for one second.

  The two got on the elevator with a few other people, and Calvin pressed the button for his floor, and then hers.

  “Just be sure to be calm and relaxed,” Calvin instructed her, his tone embodying neither of those traits. “Just be natural, you’re sure to get the job after my personal recommendation, and if you show him what I know you’re like.”

  “I will do my best,” Veronica said, some of her annoyance becoming evident in her tone.

  “Sorry,” Calvin released in a sigh. “I just really want this to go over well.”

  Veronica felt a soft surge of guilt at her own impatience.

  “I know,” she sighed, and gently squeezed Calvin’s free hand. “I know this means a lot to me, and I don’t want you to think I’m just going through the motions. This is important to me, too, and I am going to conduct myself in a way that will be sure to reflect very highly upon you.”

  Calvin smiled and leaned down to press a kiss to her forehead.

  “I’m glad to hear that,” he said.

  The elevator let out a soft chime, and the doors slid open.

  “Here I am,” Calvin sighed, and Veronica heard a bit of tension creep back into his voice. “You know what to do?”

  Veronica nodded and gave him a smile.

  “I’ll be fine,” she assured him. “Have a good day at work.”

  “I will,” he said. “Give me a call when you finish the interview! I want to hear all about it.”

  “I will,” Veronica nodded. “I love you.”

  “I love you too,” Calvin smiled, and disembarked from the elevator.

  Veronica let out a soft sigh of relief that Calvin was gone. She did love him, but he certainly was a little oppressive when it came to relying on her to do just about anything. A part of her wished he would just trust her to be an adult and stop hovering over her. But another part of her recognized that he was probably only acting this way because he cared.

  Still, Veronica couldn’t dwell on these thoughts, as she had to begin to mentally prepare for her interview. As the elevator headed up to the top floor, she focused her mind and went through all the possible questions he could ask her, and created a set
of potential answers for them.

  With another soft ding, the elevator doors opened, letting her out into a small foyer area, with a large reception desk and a row of soft chairs and a couch. Veronica felt a flutter of nerves as she approached the desk. As she drew nearer, the woman behind the desk, presumably Lynn, looked up and smiled at her.

  “Good morning,” the woman, a brunette in her middle ages, smiled at her. “How can I help you?”

  “Hello,” Veronica greeted her politely. “I’m Veronica Lawrence, I have a meeting with Mr. Davenport at nine.”

  “Oh, of course,” Lynn gave her a smile. “You’re right on schedule. Mr. Davenport just got in. Let me tell him you’re here, and you can probably get started with your interview a little early. Just have a seat and I’ll be right back with you in just a moment.”

  “Thank you,” Veronica smiled, a little surprised by the courtesy that the secretary had displayed. She took a seat on the edge of a nearby chair and took a breath to calm the nerves that had begun to flutter in her stomach. She wrung her hands a little on the edge of her briefcase and closed her eyes.

  “Miss Lawrence?” Veronica heard Lynn’s voice, and she immediately looked up. “Mr. Davenport will see you now.”

  Veronica gave her a nod and a smile, and she stood to approach the door.

  She moved over to where Lynn stood, holding the door for her, a pleasant smile on her face.

  “Just relax and stick to your guns,” Lynn advised her, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Be yourself- if there’s one thing he can’t stand, its people trying to fake him out.”

  Veronica blinked, more than a little surprised by genuineness that this complete stranger was displaying. It was altogether very comforting, and Veronica felt much more confident.

  “Thank you so much,” Veronica said, her appreciation very evident in her tone.

  “Of course,” Lynn smiled. “Ready?”

  Veronica took another breath and then nodded. Lynn opened the door, and Veronica stepped inside.


  Upon setting foot in the room, Veronica had to work hard to keep her jaw from dropping. She had heard of the illustrious Frank Davenport, and his intelligence and wit, but she had never had the pleasure of seeing the man in person.


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