A Vow of Thorns (Blackest Gold Book 3)

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A Vow of Thorns (Blackest Gold Book 3) Page 9

by R. Scarlett

  She had spoken to student services about finishing her degree by the winter semester, and with her internship at the Louvre, it added two credits. So damn close to finishing. She wanted to be done with her undergrad before she had the baby and not have to juggle her undergrad.

  With Tensley consumed with filling in as the new Dux and Molly trying to figure out her schooling, she had barely seen him.

  She craved him. If she even thought of him for one moment, the sensitive spot between her legs started aching. Aching for him.

  What the hell was wrong with her? She needed to figure out if this was somehow related to the pregnancy.

  She shook it off before entering the townhouse, being met with a row of suited guards in black.

  Each bowed their head as she walked by. She rubbed her fingers, not used to their reaction to her.

  Thinking of Tensley’s ceremony, she tipped her head high, her shoulders back, and marched with authority through the hallway.

  She was the Dux’s future wife.

  She was the daemon, and she had claws of venom.

  “Molly,” Tensley’s mother, Daphne, called from the doorway of the dining room. Unlike the last time she saw her, a smile graced her lips, and her tearful eyes were full of joy. Molly walked over and bent to kiss her cheek.

  “How’s Gabriella and the baby?”

  “Wonderful. Gabriella is just upstairs.” Daphne took her hand and guided her upstairs to a spare bedroom.

  Gabriella lay in the bed, propped up by thousands of feather pillows. She held a glass of water with two lemons, sipping.

  “Look, Gabriella, Molly stopped by,” Daphne cooed.

  Gabriella gave her mother a deadpan look. “I can see that.”

  Daphne continued to smile, unfazed by her daughter’s exhaustion. “Do you want me to grab you anything?”

  Gabriella raised her half-filled glass. “More water. And lemons. Lots of lemons.”

  Daphne nodded, still smiling, and left them.

  Molly held her hands in front of her, looking around the handsome room trimmed with old dark wood and painted a deep blue. Toy sailboats sat on shelves, along with a dozen children books.

  “How far along are you?”

  The question hit Molly deep in her gut, and she spun, unable to hide her shock. “What?”

  Gabriella jutted her chin out and eyed Molly’s stomach.

  Molly clenched her hands. She didn’t want to speak. She didn’t want to say a word in case Gabriella wasn’t trustworthy.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said, staring back at Gabriella. Gabriella’s forehead glistened with sweat, her cheeks still rosy, and her eyes drooping.

  “I’m the last person you need to fear,” Gabriella whispered and took a gulp of her water. A few drops dribbled onto her chin, and she wiped them off. “If you are…” She paused. “You’re carrying the Dux’s child, my brother’s child, and I’d slash any bastard’s throat to protect my family.”

  Molly’s throat constricted, and she stepped forward, giving Gabriella a hard stare. “Why should I trust you?”

  “Because I don’t want another heartless brother,” Gabriella bit out.

  Molly watched her closely, eyeing her white nightgown, her frantic, dark waves glued to her wet cheeks and forehead, and those dark brown eyes.

  “Our family depends on Tensley—and you. The last thing I would want is to harm either of you,” she said, resting her head back against the pillows.

  Molly toyed with her engagement ring and with a hushed breath, turned to face her. “I’m not sure how far along I am…but not far.”

  Gabriella’s shoulders sagged and then she became all business. “Well, then, we’ll need to find out. That’s my nephew or niece you’re carrying.”

  Molly moved closer, nodding. “I know, but we both thought it would be too risky going to a doctor.”

  Gabriella smoothed her fingers through condensations along her clear glass, the droplets wetting her skin. “I have an appointment next week for Isabella with my doctor. Come with me. We’ll tell them you’re just there to help me.”

  Molly gawked at the woman before her, speechless. “Are you sure?”

  Gabriella sighed and rolled her eyes. “Yes.”

  Molly smiled softly. “Thank you.”

  Gabriella shook her head. “Don’t thank me. It’s what family does. Now go find your fiancé. He stole my baby.”

  Molly’s chest warmed. Before she left, she turned back to her. “Isabella is a beautiful name.”

  Gabriella’s eyes grew wet, but she blinked and snuggled deeper into the pillows. “She’s going to be wild.”

  Molly laughed and turned, searching the second floor for Tensley.

  She peeked into each open room until she heard a baby cooing. She tiptoed around the corner and into a dark bedroom.

  Tensley lay on his back, his shirt gone, revealing his muscular stomach and pecs. And on that powerful god lay a beautiful little baby, snuggled between his chest and his large hand, cradling, protecting.

  Molly’s mouth went bone dry, and she swallowed thickly, gawking at the man she’d been craving for days, and the image of him napping with a baby sent her heart wild. The image of him with their own child made her almost giggle out loud.

  The baby cooed again, wiggling slightly, searching for more body heat.

  “Shhh,” Tensley cooed back, his eyes still shut. His hand stroked the baby’s bare back.

  “Tensley,” Molly whispered, edging closer. She didn’t want to ruin the image, the moment. She rubbed his strong shoulder, rousing him to wake.

  His long dark lashes fluttered open, those stormy eyes full of peace and tenderness. He blinked again and took in Molly beside him.

  “Must have fallen asleep,” he said, voice so hoarse it sent tingles down her spine. Tensley’s collar around her neck pulsed. He bent his neck to look down at the sleeping baby and smiled softly.

  Molly giggled and stroked the back of her hand to his cheekbone. “Looks like she has you wrapped around her little finger already.”

  He cooed to the baby, her fingers wrapping around his long index, barely fitting. “She’s not the only one who does.”

  “Hmm.” Molly smirked back at him and touched the baby’s soft cheek. So chubby, so sweet.

  Tensley sat up, cradling baby Isabella still to his chest with his thick biceps, stretching his legs over the edge of the bed. “Can’t say I mind, though…”

  Molly moved between his thighs, his head leveled with hers from just how tall he was even sitting down. She ran her fingers through his dark tousled hair, no objective, just to touch him. “You look good with a baby in your arms.”

  He raised one thick brow. “You like it?”

  She hummed, her fingernails grazing his scalp in a soothing way. “I love it.”

  He eyed her, tracing her features slowly, carefully. “Want to hold her?”

  Molly paused, smiled softly, and then nodded. Tensley gently placed Isabella into her arms, and Molly supported her head, keeping her nestled in her pink blanket.

  “You’re so precious,” she whispered, watching Isabella’s mouth, her arm reaching out, and her eyes open—so full of life, so wide and curious. “I haven’t held a baby in a while.”

  Tensley’s hand ran up her thigh, underneath her skirt, his thumb lightly caressing the lace of her panties as he pressed a kiss against her jaw. “If you weren’t already pregnant, I’d see to it. Right. Now.”

  “Tensley,” she gasped, sending a warning glare down at him. “Shush. I’m holding a baby.”

  He flashed his teeth, and his other hand found its way underneath her skirt, kissing her upper thigh. “I won’t scar the baby.” He kissed along her jaw, to her cheek, catching her mouth, drawing her bottom lip between his teeth.

  And she gave in.

  He backed up, his tongue darting to lick the corner of his mouth, his heated gaze burning into hers.

  Molly calmed her heart, sway
ing the baby in her arms. “Your uncle is a bad influence.”

  Tensley laughed heartily. “And your aunt likes it.”

  Molly scowled at him, and then went back to Isabella, kissing her cheeks, her tiny fingers when they reached out.

  “Molly,” Tensley’s voice choked.

  Molly glanced up, tilting her head to the side.

  He stared at her, dusky eyes, undaunted.

  He cleared his throat and stood up, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. “Most demons aren’t comfortable with too much affection…”

  Molly frowned, her heart seizing. “Too much affection?” she asked, puzzled, her brows creasing deeply as realization dawned on her. “I was just kissing her, Tensley. She’s a baby,” she said, affronted.

  Tensley gave her long look. “Some demons are stricter with their children than others. Gabriella… is quite strict.”

  Molly shook her head, bringing the baby to her mouth and kissed her scrunched nose just to prove her point. “Don’t worry, Isabella. I’ll give you lots of kisses and hugs.”

  Tensley’s hand squeezed her bicep in warning.

  “Is that…is that how you want to be?” Molly tilted her head up to meet his eyes, towering over her. “With our own children.”

  Tensley worked his jaw. “No. I won’t be like that, but I won’t be as affectionate as you can be either.”

  She exhaled heavily at that answer.

  Then she remembered Gabriella.

  “Gabriella knows,” Molly said in a hushed voice, glancing up at him.

  Tensley stiffened.

  “And she wants to help us,” she said quickly.

  Tensley frowned. “How?”

  “I’m going to go with her to Isabella’s appointment next week to see her doctor. We’ll pretend I’m there to help her, and we’ll tip off the doctor so he can check the baby, see if everything’s all right.”

  “Not alone,” Tensley said fast. “I want to be in the room. I want to speak to this doctor and make it clear that this stays a secret.”

  “Okay,” Molly agreed, gripping his hand. “I’d rather you be there anyway. No one would want to pick a fight with you.”

  That earned a shit-eating grin, and he kissed her mouth. “They don’t know what venom is hidden in your veins.”

  He stole her laugh in a deadly kiss, and she kissed him back, with a baby in her arms, feeling too happy, too perfect.

  Something bad was coming.

  She felt it in her bones.

  THE DOCTOR shook as he poked Molly’s arm, drawing blood. Tensley was on edge. Seeing another man’s hands on Molly stirred his beast’s protectiveness over her and their child.

  He dug his fingers into the leather seat, a squeak echoing in the sterile white room. He’d done his research on this doctor, a doctor specializing in demon pregnancies.

  Gabriella sat next to him, Isabella fussing in her arms. Gabriella whispered back to her daughter, swaying her back and forth, but he didn’t miss the evil grin she sported. She was enjoying his torture.

  “Okay,” Dr. Samson said, grabbing his clipboard. His graying hair was gelled back, his thick black brows weighing heavily over his tiny eyes. “So your urine sample tested positive. You are indeed pregnant. Since your last period was over two months ago, I would say seven weeks, almost eight weeks.”

  Molly’s hands went to her stomach, and Tensley couldn’t look away. She caressed it softly, her brow bent in worry. He wanted to smooth out the creases with his thumb.

  “We’ll have to book you for more tests in the next month or so to make sure the baby and you are both healthy,” he explained, jotting down notes. “Because you’re not a demon, we’ll have to watch you carefully.” He had done several tests on her—tested her reflexes, tested her blood and urine, and weighed her. “Any strange reactions or cravings so far?”

  Molly paused, looking down at her hands. Then she peeked through her lashes at Tensley. She turned her attention back to the doctor. “Just the usual, morning sickness, some bloating and well… cravings for intimacy. Cravings. Intense ones. Just for…Tensley.” Her cheeks flushed bright red, and she glanced at Tensley, shy, but brave.

  Cravings? For me?

  He sat back, his hand over his mouth as he watched her. She shakily combed her hair behind her ear and eyed him through her lashes.

  “How so?” Samson asked.

  Molly went a painful deep red and blinked at her hands. “Uh…well, I wake up in the middle night sweating, and every time I see him, I want him. I just ache. Only for him.”

  Tensley breathed through his nose, his fingers biting into his arms to hold himself back.

  Samson smiled gently. “Those are all normal symptoms. The baby being half-incubi, and with you being marked, it’s completely normal to be craving intimacy. The baby’s craving energy from the demon part of him. Nothing to be worried about. It will pass when you’re into the second trimester.”

  Molly smiled, hesitant and clearly relieved to hear everything was fine with the baby. Tensley couldn’t help his beast from roaring inside. It didn’t like its mate smiling at another man as if he provided comfort.

  Tensley hadn’t realized he was sending off aggressive pheromones until Gabriella hit his leg, and Mr. Samson bowed his head. “Here is some reading material if you have any questions or concerns. Your scent will change around four months, though, so others will be able to tell you’re pregnant as a precaution,” Mr. Samson added.

  Tensley noted Molly’s shoulders tensing.

  “Please feel free to contact me at any time,” Mr. Samson said. His eyes shot to Tensley’s stance, hunched over, his hands clenched between his thighs. “I’m honored you sought me out, Dux.”

  Tensley clenched his jaw. “Not a word of this to anyone. You know the consequences.” Dr. Samson’s hands shook, and he fisted them on his legs. He knew what would happen if he told anyone about Molly and the pregnancy. Tortured to death. By Tensley’s own hands. “Understood?”

  “Yes, Dux,” Mr. Samson said.

  Tensley stood, grabbing Molly’s hand. Gabriella followed after.

  And the entire walk home, Tensley didn’t let go.

  His daemon was too precious to let go of.

  EVERY MORNING, his breath warmed the back of her neck, the fine hairs swaying, a gentle caress to her skin, followed by his large hand caressing her stomach. She smiled into the pillow.

  Spooned by his strong, lethal body, she didn’t want to leave his warmth.

  The autumn sun peeked through his dark curtains, teasing them with flecks of light. Three weeks since Gabriella’s baby was born and every morning was the same beautiful hello.

  Tensley’s hand snuck lower, over her mound and found her entrance, sliding over the folds of her sex.

  She grasped his wrist when he slid two fingers in. “Tensley,” she panted.

  “I need to taste that lethal pussy on my tongue before I leave,” he whispered into her ear and rubbed his bare hard length against her ass cheek.

  Before she could ask, he licked down her spine, over her camisole and flipped her so she lay on her back. He shouldered her thighs and used his thumbs to spread her folds wider.

  Exposing everything.

  Exposing her desire.

  “So beautiful,” he hissed, and the tip of his tongue licked painfully slow along her. He was Hades, he was Zeus, he was Ares, all wrapped into one terrifying, powerful, beautiful man.

  She gasped again, her fingers knotting into his thick, dark hair, like what she imagined their child would have.

  His fingers dug into her inner thighs, keeping her wide and exposed just for him. He devoured her like an animal, and she could feel the strength in his fingers, the way his shoulders flexed as the power she gave him fueled his chaotic beast.

  Lick after lick, he drove her mad, drove her to beg and thrash until her back bowed and she cried out.

  She panted against her forearm and watched him rise, his tongue darting out to lick his glistening

  “Does that satisfy my ciccia?” His fingers ran up her thigh and wrapped around it, squeezing.

  The fire still burned in her belly, but it had been tamed slightly by his tongue and touch. Only he could light the flame, and only he could tame it.

  “For now,” she said, grinning as she did. She sat up, his silky covers slipping from her skin. She let her fingertips trace the faded scars on his lower stomach, watching and feeling the ripple of muscles constricting from her single touch. He opened his arms, and she filled them, settling against his strong frame. Safe, warm, cherished. “I want you inside me tonight,” she whispered, slowly sucking on his plump bottom lip. “All night long,” she finished, punctuating each word.

  Tensley’s eyes darkened, a deadly glint, and he flashed his teeth. “You’ll make the beast go wild.”

  His hands found her wide hips, and he swept her closer so his rigid length poked her mound.

  “I like you wild,” she whispered against his mouth before he growled. One feral kiss, one soul-taking kiss, and he let go.

  “As much as I would love to stay in bed all day worshipping your body like the Holy Grail, I can’t be late today. There’s an important meeting with Scorpios I must attend.” He stood, making his way to the en-suite bathroom. She eyed his sculpted behind, watching his rear muscles flex so sinfully beautiful she felt she needed to shower in holy water.

  She collapsed onto the bed, smiling against the back of her palm. She was happy. So happy, she smiled even wider at the thought of their midnight conversations of nonsense or when he would ask her every morning to tie his tie.

  The cheeky bastard.

  She laughed and stood up, wrapping a silky housecoat around her as she padded into the kitchen. It was five-thirty in the morning, and her classes didn’t start until eight, but she liked waking up and spending what little time they had together.

  She knew if she followed him into the shower, he’d end up late, and she didn’t want him stressed about what his member’s thought of him. He wanted to be strict and focused on showing his men that he was born to lead them.

  Grabbing eggs from the refrigerator and popping toast in the toaster, she began making breakfast for the demon who turned her world upside down. Two eggs sunny-side-up, Tensley’s favorite she’d learned over the past three weeks. She placed the eggs on top of the brown toast and walked over to his chair at the head of the table.


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