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Eagle's Destiny

Page 25

by C. J. Corbin

  I smiled and Nancy while pouring us more champagne interrupted, “Oh I think he’s based on a real life person. What do you think Elizabeth?”

  I blushed, “No, not really,” I answered.

  “You are such a liar! A marine biologist? Robin, who do you think it is?” Nancy said giggling.

  Robin looked at me with surprise on her face, “Are you basing Craig on your new hot man?”

  I finally admitted that I did model the new character a little bit after Michael. I knew I was going to be in trouble when Michael read the book. If he liked page 75 in the last book he would really like the new one.

  We arrived at our favorite restaurant in the marina. It was a noisy, large cavernous place with a bar in the center surrounded by all the tables on the outside in a circle. Nancy knew the owner so we always had what we considered our table. One time Nancy actually convinced other diners to move from our table. As I said before, Nancy was very vivacious and could persuade just about anyone to see things her way, including me. The waiter brought our drinks as we sat down at the table. We were predictable if nothing else.

  Nancy was hiding some information and I could tell she was bursting at the seams to tell us. Robin and I settled back into our chairs with our drinks and looked expectantly at Nancy.

  “I do have some very interesting news for you Elizabeth. I was contacted last week by Triad Television,” she said with flourish.

  “Aren’t they the company that does the women’s movies on the Lifetime cable channel?” Robin asked.

  I did not want to appear too anxious because we had gone down this road a couple of years before with a company interested in making my first book into a T.V. movie. After a huge amount of negotiation, the deal had eventually fallen through. The production company did not want to stay true to the flavor of the books and I felt that I had a duty to my reader’s expectations.

  “Yes,” Nancy nodded her head and took a big drink of her martini. “However, the part of the company that contacted me is a new offshoot of Triad, this is the theatrical arm. They’re new, very independent, and apparently, the mother ship funds them well. They are interested in making your first book into a movie.”

  I sat in my chair looking stunned. “Now mind you,” Nancy continued, “we are still just in the talking phase. I did tell them however that you would not be interested in anything unless they planned on following the book, but that we would be interested in seeing a script treatment. They sound honestly interested in doing this right.”

  “I don’t know what to say.” My mind was spinning in different directions and I had difficulty focusing on any one area.

  Robin grinned and put her arm around my shoulders, “Wow. This is awesome.”

  “So, let’s not get too excited for right now, I’ve chased Bill’s firm after them for the discovery documents. We’ll see what happens.” Nancy said.

  A tall dark haired man I recognized as the restaurant owner walked up behind Nancy and interrupted her by giving her a kiss on the mouth. The kiss was sexually charged, and it was evident neither of them considered the spectacle they were making.

  Both Robin and I looked at each other and shook our heads. “Enough already, you guys need to get a room. People are beginning to stare.” Robin grimaced.

  Nancy and Steve broke their kiss and smiled at us. “Oh, sorry.” Nancy said dreamily looking at Steve.

  Steve straightened up and looked at the three of us, “Ladies, have a nice evening, glad you’re here.” He looked at Nancy and winked before walked away from our table. “I’ll see you later,” he mouthed in her direction.

  Nancy kept smiling and almost laid her head on the table, “I’m quite a puddle now. He is so yummy. I love it when he does that!”

  I pulled Nancy back up, “You told me you didn’t have anyone special in your life. Steve looks pretty special to me.”

  Nancy kept the silly smile on her face, “That was Steve’s way of telling me that he missed me, I mean us. We haven’t been here in awhile you know.”

  I shook my head and picked up the menu to look at the appetizers. Mumbling mainly to myself, “He isn’t kissing anyone else like that. We’re talking about this one later.”

  We ordered our appetizers and I dropped further discussions of Steve with Nancy for now. I wanted to run into the women’s restroom to call Michael and share the good news about the possible movie connection. Normally I would have called Debi with the news but the urge to talk with Michael now was stronger. I had never felt an urge like that before. With Kevin, I had to plan my words carefully since he would react unenthusiastically or at the worst violently.

  At the end of the evening, none of us was in any condition to drive. I offered my spare bedroom and couch to the girls but since we had the limousine we did not have to worry about driving home. I wasn’t drunk, but was not sober either, just that mood in between. Since it was almost two in the morning, I debated whether to call Michael. Knowing I would not be able to sleep without hearing his voice one more time I dialed his number.

  The phone rang three times before he picked it up. Frowning, I had awakened him, but at least he did not wait up for me to call.

  Michael’s voice sounded groggy, “Hello?”

  “I’m so sorry for waking you up. I shouldn’t have called you so late.” I whispered into the phone.

  “Oh Elizabeth,” he said when he figured out who was calling. It was obvious that he had been in a deep sleep. Michael made a noise to clear his throat, “No Babe, I wanted you to call me.” I could hear him jostling around in his bed. “Sorry, let me turn a light on.”

  I jumped in, “Michael, just go back to sleep. I’m sorry for waking you. We’ll talk tomorrow, I mean in the morning, I mean later.” I stuttered the words out.

  “Babe, I’m fine.” He cleared his throat again. “I’m awake now. Did you have a nice time with Nancy and Robin?”

  “Yes, we had a great time. We always do. Nancy had some great news too.” I could hear the anticipation building in my voice. I lay back on my bed and hugged my pillow to my chest. “She was approached by a movie company who are interested in perhaps making my first book into a movie.”

  “Sensational,” said Michael, “that’s impressive. So I’m going to be able to introduce you as my movie mogul girlfriend?”

  I giggled and we continued to talk. He was sincerely happy with the news. I could relax and share my success with him.

  His voice grew lower as he spoke to me. My body immediately began to react to that special tone. I sighed when my stomach started the flip-flops.

  “I heard that sigh,” he said, “so are you naked?”

  “Michael we are not having phone sex.” I countered, but noticed my own voice was growing softer and less resolute.

  “There is nothing wrong with a little phone sex my little hellcat.” He growled over the phone.

  He had used the H nickname and the whole bottom half of my body responded to his proposition by turning the heat on. “You know if I were laying there next to you, I’d be running my hands down your body right now. Your body is pressing tightly against me and you feel me nestled between your legs.”

  I let out a soft moan, “Oh Michael.”

  He did what he set out to do. He seduced me over the phone.


  On Saturday, I spent the day together with my niece and nephew at the aquarium in Long Beach. Bill and Lisa were grateful for the time together and I enjoyed the time alone with the kids. This was my one regret about deciding to sell my house. I would be down for visits whenever I could, but it was not like seeing them almost every day.

  Until I finished the current book those visits would be impossible though. I was considering this book to be the last of the Jessica series. Not sure where I would go next in my writing, I felt that Jessica’s time was over. I needed to move on. Jessica had been with me since the beginning and finally I knew the newest character I had introduced into the book would be her forever lo

  I pulled Lisa’s Volvo station wagon into the driveway. My little Saturn Sky, a two-seater would never have fit the kids, the car seats, the stroller, and all the other items that were necessary for a day’s outing. The kids were fast asleep and I was exhausted too. I dreaded the thought of packing for my trip.

  Bill came out and carried Marybeth into the house. She was a little rag doll in his arms still fast asleep and clutching her new stuffed sea otter. Jon woke up briefly as Lisa picked him up, but he just cuddled closer to her and fell back asleep. I followed everyone into the house with the rest of the stuff.

  Lisa turned and whispered to me, “Let me get them into bed. I need to talk with you.”

  I nodded silently and went into the kitchen to wait for Lisa. Lisa and Bill joined me in the kitchen. I scanned their faces, and they both looked serious.

  Lisa sat next to me and took my hand in hers. “Bill and I want you to stay here with us tonight.”

  I am sure I looked as confused as I felt. “Why?” I asked.

  Bill spoke up this time. “Kevin stopped here about an hour ago. He was drunk. He said he knew you were down in Southern California and he was looking for you. He saw your car parked in front of our house. It did not look like he was up to any good either.”

  I looked down and rubbed my forehead with my free hand. I did not need this tonight. I was already tired. Looking back up at their anxious faced I tried to reassure them. “Guys, I’m really sorry that Kevin is bugging you. I’ll talk to him and make sure he understands that you are off limits as far as he is concerned. I’m not sure why he needs to talk with me, but I’ll give him a call when I get home. I’ve got to pack for my trip.”

  Lisa looked directly at me and frowned, “We think it’s a better idea if you stay here tonight. I’ll go home with you now and help you pack.”

  I patted her hand in my big sister way, “I appreciate your concern, but it’s not necessary.” I rose up from the breakfast table.

  Bill took my other hand. “When you get back from your book tour, I want you to call me at my office. We need to do a restraining order against Kevin. I will include Lisa and the kids too. Kevin is a nut case and he should not be around us.”

  I smiled, “I will. I promise.” I bent over and gave both of them a hug. “Don’t worry about me tonight. Kevin is all bark.”

  When I got home, I locked all the doors securely. I missed my dogs, they were always sure to bark and cause a commotion if anyone approached the house. After I switched on the television to give me a little noise and company in the house I started packing. I kept hearing noises in the house and to tell the truth it did give me the creeps. It would be like Kevin to sneak around. Just as I had the thought, my doorbell rang and I almost jumped out of my skin.

  I moved the curtain aside and peeked through the small window on the front door. Sure enough, it was Kevin. Why couldn’t he leave me alone? I opened the door slowly and only a crack. “What do you want Kevin?” I asked him.

  “Let me in Liz, I want to talk to you.” He demanded. Even behind the door, I could smell the alcohol on him.

  “No, Kevin. I don’t want you in my house. Whatever you have to say you can say it to me through the door.” I didn’t open the door any further.

  He tried to peer in through the crack in the door. “Come on Liz. Let me in. I need to talk with you.”

  “Kevin, I said no. You hurt me the last time. I’m not going to be stupid twice.” I said adamantly. I began to close the door.

  He shoved his foot in between the door and the frame. “I need to talk with you.” He breathed heavily and gave the door a hard push.

  I pressed my body against the door but he had more pounds and muscles on me. I cried out in surprise as his force on the door propelled me out of the way and the door came crashing open.

  “Stop being such a bitch.” Kevin spit out. “I just want to talk to you.”

  I backed away from the door. “Okay.” I said, “What do you want?”

  His breathing came in big gulps from the exertion. “My lawyer told me that my alimony check is stopping in two months. Why have you stopped the checks? You owe me.”

  I stood there in disbelief. “I owe you?” I sputtered out. “How do you figure that? I gave you a huge settlement. I’ve paid you every month for the last three years Kevin. It’s over. You don’t get any more money. That was our divorce agreement. The money stops.”

  “I don’t care about our agreement.” He argued. “You still owe me. Without me, you would have never started your stupid books. I taught you how to write. It was all my idea.”

  I concluded he was delusional. “Kevin you are not going to get any more money. Period. You need to leave me alone.” I pulled my portable phone out of my jeans pocket. “If you don’t leave now I’m calling the police.”

  He was surprised to see me holding the phone. “What about your new rich boyfriend?”

  I looked at him incredulously, “Michael has nothing to do with this, and I don’t want you talking with him again.”

  Kevin made a move to step forward and I lifted the phone in my hand. He looked me in the eyes and reconsidered. “I will do whatever I want to do Elizabeth. Don’t forget that. You can’t stop me.” Kevin said flatly, as he backed toward the door. His eyes showed no emotion only cold darkness

  He rarely called me by my full name. That did scare me. Kevin glared at me for a moment. I stood there motionless with my hand wrapped tightly around the phone. He turned on his heel and walked out of the house not bothering to close the door. I watched him walk down the driveway and for once, he did not turn around. I did not move until he reached the curb.

  Closing the door, I threw the deadbolt, and put the chain across the door. Sitting down on the tile floor in front the closed door, I wrapped my arms around my knees and pulled them up tightly against me. I did not cry. I silently rocked myself back and forth. In the heat of the summer’s night, I was ice-cold.

  Finally, when I rose from the floor it felt like I had been there for hours. I was stiff and still frozen. My resolve to sell the house was even stronger now. I had to remove myself as far as possible from him. He would not be able to touch me as easily up in my cabin. Bill was right. I did need a restraining order against Kevin.

  I finished my packing and tried to sleep. Michael had left a voicemail earlier in the day letting me know that he was going to be with the eagles tonight. He had wished me a safe trip and looked forward to talking with me when I reached Miami. There I was in bed, and I could not sleep. I had no dogs or Michael cuddled up next to me. Drowning in my own self-pity, finally the tears did come. I missed my dogs, my cabin, and I missed Michael most of all.

  chapter twenty-three

  I eventually drifted off to sleep very early in the morning. The doorbell ringing startled me out of my sleep. The clock showed that I had overslept. How had that happened?

  Nancy barreled through after I unlocked the door. She looked at me with surprise, “You’re not dressed yet? Girlfriend, get a move on we are going to be late with a capital L.”

  “I’m sorry Nancy. I overslept.” I stumbled back into my bedroom. “I’m all packed. Let me take a quick shower.”

  “No can do, Elizabeth. Put some clothes on and get your butt into the limo. Thank goodness, we don’t have to park. We cannot be late for this flight. You can take a shower when we get to the hotel in Miami. You’ll have time to change before dinner.” Nancy said adamantly. She picked up my luggage sitting in the corner. “I’ll get these out to the car.”

  I was dressed, had the house locked, and was in the limousine in less than 5 minutes. She helped me braid my hair while we sat in the back seat.

  “Nancy, I don’t understand what the rush is about. We have plenty of time before the flight leaves.”

  “No we don’t,” she said holding my braid clip between her teeth, “we’re catching the earlier flight to Miami. I left you a message on your cell phone yesterday.”

  I half
turned to look at her and she batted me back so she could continue to braid my hair. “You did? Oh, I turned my cell phone off. Where is my cell phone?” I started to look through my purse. “Oh damn, I left my cell phone on the kitchen table. Nancy we have to go back and get it.”

  “No.” she said as she put the finishing touches on my braid, “We’re late. It’s going to be a rush to catch the flight anyway.”

  Curious, I asked, “Why are we leaving early?”

  “We have a dinner planned tonight.”

  “With who?” I asked.

  “The publishing company bigwigs.” She said with a flourish. Her eyes were sparkling and she was grinning like a mad person. When I didn’t make a fuss over her announcement, she rolled her eyes. “You don’t get it do you? Number one, look at the New York Times Sunday edition, your new book is on the top ten list at Amazon for the most preordered book ever.” She reached into her brief case, pulled out the book review section of the newspaper, and handed it to me, pointing to the headline.

  “Ever?” I said in a small voice. “Wow.”

  “Yes wow!” Nancy grinned at me. “This is big stuff, and don’t think they haven’t heard about Triad being interested in your books. That just sells more books.

  “Nancy, it’s just a silly romance novel.”

  “Silly or not. It’s serious. Your books always have done well and have had a strong following. You’ve seen the sales figures. I think it is because your characters are a little older than the normal romance characters. People like associating themselves into a book. America is getting older. It makes sense. But, whatever, you are on the big guys’ radar. I spoke to Carol at Berkside Publishing yesterday, and they are increasing the security at the bookstores during your signings. They don’t want anything to go wrong.”

  I sat back in the seat. My head was spinning. “All this and no coffee?”

  Nancy laughed, “I will get you a Starbucks at the gate, okay?”


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