Lilith: Vampire Queen Series, Book 1: Vampire/Warlock/Wolf Paranormal Romance

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Lilith: Vampire Queen Series, Book 1: Vampire/Warlock/Wolf Paranormal Romance Page 5

by Eve Newton

  I laugh gently and say, “Fine. But you stay on that side of the bathroom.”

  “Got it,” he says, opening the door and sauntering in.

  I wipe the steam away from the door in a small circle just so that he can see my face. “Your Vampire hearing is becoming a bit of a problem,” I inform him loftily.

  “So, use some of that fancy magick to soundproof your room,” he says casually, picking up my toiletries from the counter and looking at them one by one. “You should use a strawberry based shampoo,” he says absently. “It will bring out your natural scent.”

  My mouth drops open silently, surprised by his words.

  “Oh?” I croak out.

  “Yeah,” he says and dumps a bottle of body cream back on the counter. “So, the Warlock is in a bit of temper, is he?”

  “It’s nothing to do with you,” I retort.

  “If I had you in my bed, nothing would be more important than that,” he says, his voice going low and sexy.

  “Well, thanks for that,” I say, ignoring the meaning behind it.

  “Anytime,” he says. “And by that, I mean you can be in my bed anytime.”

  “I’ll bear that in mind,” I murmur, debating with myself over what I’m supposed to do now. I need to get out of the shower and get dressed to go downstairs. I take in a deep breath and turn it off, sliding the door open slightly so that I can reach out to grab a towel. I giggle when Axl is already standing there with a huge towel held out, blocking his face from my view as I step out and back into the towel. He wraps it around me, pausing for only a second to inhale deeply at the pulse in my neck.

  “Bite me,” I whisper. “Do it now.”

  “No, love,” he says, stepping back. “You’re in a temper with your fella. That’s not how I want this to go down.”

  “Damn you,” I cry, spinning around to face him and dropping the towel for good measure. “Why, all of a sudden, am I surrounded by males with such restraint? I expected more from you. You’re a Vampire! Driven by bloodlust! I’m offering you mine, which I know you want…you came to me seeking it out.”

  “Oh, I want you,” he replies darkly, refusing to look at my naked body. “Make no mistake about that. But I want you the right way. I want you to want me the right way, not because your boyfriend pissed you off.”

  “Fine,” I say and stalk past him, knowing that I’ve made a complete fool out of myself. So much for being in control of my emotions.

  “Lilith,” Axl says, following me into my bedroom. “You know that I want you.”

  I sigh. “I know,” I say, looking to the side as he comes up behind me. He places his hands on my bare shoulders.

  “If it makes you feel any better, being here so close to your naked body and not being able to take you is killing me.”

  I whimper with need. “I need you to bite me. I’m aching for it, please, Axl.”

  “Damn it,” he mutters and grips my upper arms even tighter.

  He forces me forward so that I’m pushed up against the mirrored doors of the walk-in closets. My nipples hit the cool glass and pucker into aching peaks. His steady hand, so cold in contrast to my fevered skin, still so hot from Mason’s closeness, rests on the back of my neck.

  “Tell me you want me,” he murmurs in my ear.

  “I want you,” I rasp.

  “Say my name, Lilith. Say you want me.”

  “Axl,” I whisper. “I need you, Axl.”

  He nuzzles my neck, flicking his tongue out to taste my skin. “Need,” he repeats, tightening his hold on me even more.

  I know he has shifted because his claws dig into my skin, but instead of pain, all I feel is passion and pleasure.

  He grazes his fangs over my pulse, scraping me hard enough to break the skin. I tilt my head to the side, giving him unrestricted access to my neck. “Do it,” I cry out, arching my back into his solid body, pressed so close behind me. “Please, Axl,” I beg him.

  I gasp as he sinks his fangs slowly into my neck; trembling in his arms as he increases the pressure.

  “Fuck,” I pant, the desire coursing through me, making me wet for him.

  He groans and bites me harder, almost hurting me, but it’s the good kind of pain. The pain that deep down I crave, I need. The pain that I have denied myself by being scared of losing myself to the blood and shirking the weight of the responsibility that was thrust upon me. He sucks gently, savoring the taste of my blood and I feel free.

  I splay my hands out on the mirrored glass, feeling one of his slip around my waist, the other one going over my hand to lace our fingers together. My clit pulsates as the pleasure courses through me at his bite. I struggle for breath as I come in his arms, my knees buckling at the intensity of this savage embrace.

  “Don’t stop,” I pant, feeling him draw back.

  He moans, removing his fangs, but keeping his mouth pressed over the bite. “Fuck, Lilith. You are incredible.”

  He moves in even closer to me, shoving me even harder into the mirror. He keeps our fingers entwined, bringing our hands down together as his other one skims over the gooseflesh that covers my skin.

  “Was it worth the wait?” I croak.

  “More than you could possibly imagine,” he says huskily and then in a flash of speed, he is gone, leaving me alone, aroused beyond belief and wishing that he had stuck around so that we could take this further.

  I lean my forehead against the mirror and take in a deep breath to get myself under control. I place my hands either side of my head and then push away. I glance at the clock and see that it is now past time to get dressed and head downstairs. Half of me hopes that Axl will join me, while the other half hopes that he doesn’t. There is no way that I can stay away from him now. I want to sink my fangs into him as we fuck like animals, but there’s more to it than a base lust. I feel connected to him on a level that I don’t even feel with Lloyd. It scares me and excites me at the same time. I need to explore it, but I also know that it is going to have to wait. If Philip the Hunter cast a spell on me, I will track him down and kill him. It’s time that we took this fight to them and this will be the perfect incentive I need to make it happen.

  Chapter 11


  The need to rip the throat out of a hunted foe is tearing at my insides. I had to leave Lilith, or I would have taken the beast out on her and I don’t want that. The thought of hurting her makes my guts twist into a tight knot.

  I place my fingertips on my lips, still tasting her blood. Oh, she tastes of strawberries and more. Honey and cream and warm apple pie.

  “Fuck,” I groan and adjust my rock-hard cock in my tight leather pants. I lean against the wall of the dining room and rest my head on the wood-paneling, waiting for her.

  She appears as if by magick, a gorgeous creature, her waves of blonde hair cascading down her back, her face a frown that I know has to do with me. She pulls up short when she sees me and licks her lips.

  “I’m sorry,” I say, pushing off from the wall. “I had to leave. It was…”

  “It’s okay,” she says with a sigh. “I understand.”

  I narrow my eyes at her. “You do?”

  She nods warily as I reach out and place my hand on the back of her neck, pulling her closer. I can’t resist. “If I hadn’t, I would be driving my cock so deep inside your slick pussy, you would be screaming for me to stop. It isn’t time for that yet, Lily.”

  She blinks as I use the shortening of her name. She can call me on it, but I don’t think she will.

  “When?” she whimpers.

  The image that I’ve put into her head will make her want it even more now. I give her a slow smile that lights up her silver eyes. “Soon,” I murmur and brush my lips over her parted ones but leave it at that. I can’t kiss her. Kissing her will lead to me bending her over the dining table and making good on my words. In order to douse the arousal she is feeling that is affecting me more than I’d care to admit, I add, “You need to speak to your father about me.”

  She pulls away sharply and shakes me off her. I feel the loss of her, but I knew it had to be done. Her father has thrown a massive cat amongst our pigeons and she needs to figure out what she wants to do about that.

  “I will,” she growls and stalks off, shoving her way into the kitchen with me close behind her. She pauses at the door to the basement and looks back at me. “What are you doing?” she asks with a frown.

  “Coming with you. As your mentor and fellow Vampire. I want to know what the hell happened outside firsthand, so that I know how I can protect you.”

  “I don’t need you to protect me,” she snarls, but it isn’t just about the Hunters which has her so inflamed.

  “Whether or not you like it, I’m here for you in every way, my Queen. You may not need it, but I will do it, anyway. If you don’t want that, if you don’t want me and all that I bring to you, then banish me.” The look I give her is one full of simmering heat, a challenge that I know she won’t back down from.

  “You’re fucking killing me,” she mutters so quietly, I don’t think she meant for me to hear. But Vampire hearing is a bitch. I almost wish that I didn’t have it after being forced to listen to her fucking the Warlock. Although, one could argue that I didn’t have to stay and listen to it. I couldn’t help it. Her moans, the growl she makes when she comes. It turned me on and was probably the reason why I was such a fool before and bit her, when I should’ve waited. It shouldn’t have happened the way it did.

  She huffs when I open the door for her and gesture for her to go ahead of me. I fall into step next to her as we descend to the lower levels.

  “I dreamed about him,” she says after a few moments of silence.

  “Who?” I ask, hoping she doesn’t mean the Hunter.

  “The Hunter,” she whispers, as I knew she would anyway.

  “It’s just a dream,” I point out as she is clearly worried. It furrows her brow in a really cute way that makes me want to kiss it away. I start at this knowledge. She is turning me into a pussy-whipped idiot. Kisses and abstinence aren’t exactly things that I’m known for. Bloody murder and mayhem. Yep, that’s more my style.

  “It was,” she says, as if trying to convince herself of that, but the worry is still in her tone.

  I take her by the arm to stop her in her tracks and turn her towards me. “Hey, you don’t have to worry. We’ll figure this out.”

  She nods absently and carries on walking down the steps.

  “What was it about?” I ask to break the silence.

  She glances up at me and then back down. “We were intimate. Very much so. It has left me feeling…”

  “Grossed out?” I ask when she stops speaking.

  She snorts with amusement. “That too. But I was going for concerned. Why would I dream that unless he made me? If Jacob thinks he threw magick at me, why would he throw that at me?”

  “We’ll find out,” I say determinedly, wanting to ease her worry.

  We have arrived in the basement where the Coven has set up. I cast a quick glance between Lilith and her Warlock. There is tension simmering, but only from her side. He is forlorn and looks like a kicked puppy.

  I hide my smile and drift off to the side of the cavern to watch the proceedings and not interfere. I’m way out of my depth with this shit.

  Interestedly, I see the Wolf also propped up against the wall. We exchange a look that sets the Vampire in me on alert. He has power, in the Wolf sense, and that power affects Lilith. She is under his thrall. I could smell him all around the kitchen when I entered it earlier to find her at the sink, cooling herself down after he no doubt tried it on with her. He tears his gaze from mine first, his eyes finding Lilith where they soften slightly.

  I smirk into my hand. Seems I had that the wrong way round. He is under her thrall. I know the feeling. She has me by the balls, but quite frankly, I’d rather be nowhere else.

  Chapter 12


  I don’t even have to look to know that Mason is also in the cavern, but I ignore the electricity that is bouncing between us. I don’t know why Jacob has let him be here, but part of me is glad that he is. For some reason I feel safe around him, even though the danger that shimmers off his skin is palpable.

  I focus on the altar in the middle of the room and my uncle.

  He smiles at me encouragingly. “Up you get,” he says, patting the cold stone.

  Swallowing, I also ignore Lloyd. He looks lost. I want to say I forgive him because I do. I was in the wrong, but it will have to wait until afterwards when we are alone.

  I climb up onto the altar and lie down. It is too short to take my full length, so my feet dangle off the edge. The candlelight flickers as Lloyd steps up and places his hands on either side of my head.

  “I’m sorry, My Queen,” he says stiffly. “This is going to hurt a little bit. We’ll try to be quick.”

  “Do what you have to,” I mutter, meeting his eyes and trying to portray my love for him.

  He gets it and smiles down at me in relief.

  I close my eyes and draw in a deep breath.

  “It’s going to feel like an ache,” Jacob says. “Just try not to move, okay?”

  “Okay,” I murmur and brace myself.

  I sense the rest of the Coven surrounding me and figure they have their hands hovering over me because of the force of magick that suddenly hits me.

  I gasp but stay still. The ache starts at my toes and goes up my legs, mimicking growing pains but far worse. ‘Little bit’ was an understatement.

  The Coven chants quietly as Lloyd increases the pressure on the sides of my head.

  I feel an ache in my heart, but it’s not coming from me. It’s coming from Mason. He is worried about me. How I know that, who knows? But I do.

  “Ease up,” Jacob mutters, and then I feel the magick dissipate and the ache retreats.

  I open my eyes when Lloyd removes his hands from my head. “Well?” I ask, sitting up to meet my uncle’s worried expression.

  “It’s not good, Lil,” he states bluntly. “Whatever he did to you has twisted its way around your magick. It’s like a vine, tangled and impossible to unravel without breaking it right now.”

  “What?” I splutter in surprise. “What can do that?”

  “Black magick,” he hisses quietly.

  “Are you fucking joking?” Axl blurts out, striding forward. “Are you saying she has black magick in her system?”

  Jacob turns to face him with a superior look on his face. “Don’t question me, Vampire,” he says steadily. “Go back to your corner or get out.”

  Axl grits his teeth but remains silent.

  “His concern is valid,” I point out. “Black magick?”

  “We can fix it,” Jacob says, “but we need time. A couple of days at least.”

  “So, I’m just supposed to walk around with this inside me?” I practically shriek.

  “Your magick is far more powerful. It may be black, but it isn’t strong. Not as strong as you. You can fight it with little effort,” Jacob says soothingly. “You must be on your guard though. Any changes to your behavior, your mood, your thoughts, must be checked. Can you do that?”

  “I’ll help with that,” Axl says, causing Jacob to purse his lips at him in annoyance.

  “And who are you again?” he asks sharply.

  Before anyone else can answer, my father appears and says, “He is her mentor at my behest.”

  Jacob raises his eyebrow at his half-brother but nods his head, not questioning it. At least not yet.

  “The Vampire will only be good to watch her during the dark hours,” Mason says, pushing off from the wall to join us at the altar. “I’ll take the day shift.”

  “No need,” Lloyd says with irritation. “I will do it.”

  “I don’t need anyone to monitor me,” I snap. “I’m capable of noticing a mood swing in the dark direction.”

  “No, Lilith. Accept the help that is being offered to you. You do no
t need to do everything on your own,” Dad says.

  “Humph,” I mutter, making him laugh.

  I realize I sound just like my mother when I do that and smile back at him. “Fine,” I say loftily. “Help accepted.”

  “Good,” he says and holds his hand out to help me off the altar. “We need to talk.”

  “Yeah, we do,” I agree with a pointed look at Axl.

  Dad smirks at me and tucks my hand into the crook of his arm. In a whirl of gold magick, he transports us to the drawing room upstairs. He lets me go and regards me closely.

  “You have an issue with the Vampire being your mentor?” he asks.

  “No, I have an issue with the way you ordered him to do it,” I reply instantly.

  “You need someone who can help you with your Vampire side. Your mother would do it, but last time she tried to teach you…well…need I remind you how that went?” He tries to hide his smile but fails miserably.

  “She is a terror!” I snap at him, annoyed with him for bringing up the friction that occurred. I love her but nope, just nope. “I can’t work with her!”

  “Hence, why I asked Axl to mentor you. You need a Vampire to guide you. You must harness every ounce of it inside you if you are going to rule with power.”

  I frown at him. “What about the Witch?”

  He gazes at me sadly. “As much as I want you to train with the Coven and strengthen your Witch powers, you are the Vampire Queen. It’s all right there in the title. Your Vampire must rule.”

  I nod slowly. “I understand,” I say with a sigh. “I’ll work with Axl.”

  He nods. “Good girl,” he says, wrapping his arms around me. “I know that this is a big burden on your young shoulders, but you will achieve greatness, I know you will. Don’t worry about the black magick. The Coven will work night and day to complete the separation potion.”

  “I’m not worried,” I say, knowing it’s a small lie.

  He kisses the top of my head and lets me go. He strides over to the door and turns back around. “About the Wolf…”


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