Dark Stranger Immortal (The Children Of The Gods Paranormal Romance Series Book 3)

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Dark Stranger Immortal (The Children Of The Gods Paranormal Romance Series Book 3) Page 10

by I. T. Lucas

  “Okay.” Kian let her slide down his body, making sure she didn’t miss the bulge in his pants on her way down. Then held on, not ready to release her yet. “You’re mine, don’t forget it…” He kissed her until her toes curled and she forgot all about Amanda.


  “You very pretty lady, still no husband?” the tiny Vietnamese asked in heavily accented English, her old face scrunched in a disapproving grimace.

  Sitting on her stool at Amanda’s feet and applying bright red nail polish to her toes, she somehow managed a regally condescending attitude from her low perch.

  The small nail salon wasn’t at all what Syssi had been expecting. Instead of an elegant and snobby Beverly Hills spa, Amanda had taken her to this everywoman’s place, smirking at Syssi’s surprised face.

  “They are hilarious,” Amanda said in a hushed voice. “It’s like watching a comedy show while having your nails done. I love it here. The women are all from the same family and they entertain themselves by poking fun at each other and at the customers. They are shameless, especially when they think no one understands what they are saying…”

  “Where did you learn Vietnamese?” Syssi whispered back. “And what the heck for?”

  “I know a little, just enough to converse. Or eavesdrop. I pick up languages easily…” Amanda trailed off.

  “She so pretty, no man good enough, huh?” The younger woman buffing Amanda’s nails arched her eyebrow like a scolding schoolmistress, then winked at the old crone at Amanda’s feet.

  “Maybe I don’t like men?” Amanda taunted.

  The woman’s jaw dropped. And with her brown eyes peeling wide in mock shock, she snorted, saying something in Vietnamese that had all the others guffaw. A fast exchange and more laughter followed.

  “What are they saying?” Syssi asked the young woman massaging lotion into her hands.

  “Oh, they say she lie, she a man-eater. Like the tiger say he no like meat. They say, one man no enough food, she need many.” The girl smirked.

  “Wow, Amanda, they got you pegged. I wonder what tipped them off?” Syssi slanted a look at her friend.

  “I’m telling you, they are witches… They’re probably hiding a smoldering caldron somewhere in the back, and every time they disappear over there, they toss our nail clippings into the pot and chant spells to spy on our lives and discover all of our secrets…”

  “Maybe a husband for you in pot, I go see, maybe tell you if he handsome, maybe no.” The old crone cackled.

  “You see why I love them? They have a sense of humor and are not afraid to use it.” Amanda blew a kiss at the old woman who was smiling smugly at her toes.

  “Next, Rodeo Drive,” Amanda said as they exited the hair salon, which in contrast to the nail place had been just as fancy and snobby as Syssi had been worried it would be. But she had to admit, her hair had never looked better. Without shortening it, or changing its natural wave, the hair designer with delusions of grandeur had made it look sophisticatedly tamed.

  The makeup job, however, had been what really had blown her away. Armando, the self-proclaimed makeup artist to the stars, was a magician. Looking at herself in the mirror, she’d followed his magic taking shape on her face with a wide-eyed stare. He’d made her look stunning. Examining herself from various angles, Syssi had grinned at her reflection in the mirror. Kian’s jaw would drop down to his chest when he saw her tonight.

  “You’re gorgeous, darling. Go get ‘em, girl.” Armando had shooed her up from the chair, making room for his next customer. “Kiss, kiss.” He’d kissed the air next to her cheeks and hurried to escort to his station a very elegant lady, whom Syssi could’ve sworn she’d seen somewhere before… Maybe on TV?

  “Wait till you see the outfits Joann picked for you to try.” Amanda had called ahead, giving Syssi’s measurements to the proprietor of her favorite boutique. “She has excellent taste and connections in all the top designer houses. Prepare to be wowed.”

  “Don’t get your hopes up. I have a real hard time with dresses. They never seem to fit right.” Syssi made a pouty face. “I usually end up with a skirt and top.”

  “Don’t worry, they make fabulous alterations. Everything is going to fit perfectly.” Amanda opened the door to the exclusive boutique, motioning for her to step in.

  “Amanda!… Syssi! Come in. I have your selections in the back room.” Joann gave each a perfunctory hug before ushering them into the large, private changing room.

  Mirrors everywhere, the room was furnished with two white couches, probably provided for those who wished to watch the clothes being modeled on the small raised stage.

  “Wine? Cappuccino? Mineral water?” she asked, striking a well-practiced pose. At one time, Joann must’ve been a model—rail-thin, perfectly groomed, and beautiful—she made quite an impression.

  “Wine sounds good.” Amanda walked over to check out the outfits Joann had prepared for them to try.

  “Syssi, this must be for you. The thing is too short to cover my butt.” Amanda handed her a tiny dress.

  “Is this supposed to be a dress? It looks like a swimming suit.” Syssi pulled the stretchy fabric, trying to figure out how it could cover her.

  “Yeah, it looks kind of small… But I trust Joann. Just try it on.”

  Amanda had been right. Every dress, skirt, and blouse Syssi had tried on looked amazing on her. It was difficult to narrow it down to one outfit.

  “I need help, Amanda! I’m going crazy trying to decide which one looks the best. You’ve got to help me choose,” Syssi beseeched, looking over the large selection again.

  “Easy, we take them all. Joann, can you find shoes to go with Syssi’s outfits?” she addressed the proprietor, ignoring Syssi’s vigorous side-to-side head shaking.

  “No way I’m taking all of it! That’s tens of thousands of dollars in merchandise! Are you out of your mind?” Syssi’s voice rose with each word, becoming shrill.

  “Ignore her protests.” Amanda waved the perplexed Joann away and turned to confront Syssi.

  Syssi’s face felt so hot, she was certain she was flushed all the way from her chest to the roots of her hair. And the way she was hyperventilating got her so choked up, she couldn’t speak.

  Which, of course, Amanda took advantage of, plunging right ahead with her campaign, “Look, sweetie, don’t get so upset. You cannot continue prancing around in your plain T-shirts and jeans that you’ve bought at Macy’s on sale. Not after what Kian did today; it would reflect badly on him. You have no choice.

  Amanda succeeded in stunning her out of her anger. “How do you know what he did today? You weren’t there… And anyway, what does it have to do with what I wear or don’t wear?”

  “Kri texted me and probably every other female in the clan. It’s huge news and it travels fast when our regent not only falls head over heels in love but makes it public. I’m so happy for you both, I could cry.” She wrapped her arms around Syssi, hugging her tightly and sniffling. “It’s so romantic…” She sighed dramatically, adding another sniffle for effect before letting go.

  “I can’t believe you knew and said nothing until now. And how the heck did Kri hear us? We were outside in the hallway and the doors were closed…” Feeling exposed, Syssi crossed her arms over her chest.

  “You forget how exceptional our hearing is, everybody heard. And I didn’t say anything because I waited for you to fess up. Some best friend you are—not telling me right away.” Amanda pouted and folded her arms over her chest as well.

  “I can’t believe everyone heard, it should have been private.” Syssi let her chin drop, disappointed at having her cherished moment shared with a crowd. Then a suspicion had her pin Amanda with a hurt look. “Kian knew, didn’t he? This whole thing was some caveman-like display of ownership to warn off the other guys, wasn’t it?” she asked, her doubts and insecurities raising their ugly heads.

  “No, sweetie, don’t you dare belittle what transpired between you two
, just because it was witnessed by people who happen to care a lot about Kian and about you. I don’t think it even crossed his mind.” She chuckled at Syssi’s arched eyebrow. “Not the toe-curling kiss, that he wanted everyone to see. He was making a statement… I mean the things he said after… when you were alone and out of sight. He got carried away, forgetting he had an audience. Give him some credit, would you?”

  “Yeah, you might be right… It’s just… I feel like something was stolen from me… I was so happy…” Syssi wiped at the traitorous tear sliding under her eye.

  “I’m so sorry, darling. I should have kept my big mouth shut. The last thing I wanted to do was to upset you. You know that I love you, right?” Amanda dipped her head to peek into Syssi’s downcast eyes.

  “I’m sorry too. I don’t know why I’m so emotional…” Syssi heaved a breath and tried to crank up a smile.

  “Are you kidding me? You are taking it all like a trouper. Your whole life has been turned upside down. You fall in love, and you’re facing the possibility of becoming immortal… I’m surprised you didn’t crack till now. I would if I were you.” Amanda embraced her once more, caressing her back in small circles.

  “Thank you. You’re a really good friend, you know?”

  “I know… but wait till you see how I do as a sister-in-law…” Amanda chuckled and started singing quietly in Syssi’s ear;

  Love and marriage, love and marriage

  Go together like a horse and carriage

  This I tell my brother

  You can’t have one without the other

  “What’s next? You’ll start going around singing; Kian and Syssi, sitting in a tree?” Syssi laughed, feeling better despite herself.

  “I just might…”


  Andrew was early—the precaution of arriving ahead of time to stake out a place a deeply ingrained habit he saw no reason to forgo just because of his shift to civilian life. Selecting a table facing the front, he watched the glass door, waiting for his first peek of the infamous professor.

  He had expected Dr. Amanda Dokani to be good-looking—Syssi mentioning the woman was stunning… once or twice… or a hundred—but nothing could have prepared him for the sight of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, on screen or off, walking in behind his sister and towering over Syssi’s slight form.

  She must’ve topped six feet, all of it exquisitely shaped and expensively dressed. And her short, almost boyish haircut did nothing to detract from the perfection of her beautiful, feminine face.

  His jaw literally dropped before he willed it shut and swallowed the drool that had gathered in his mouth. Pushing up from his chair, he smoothed his hair and pulled on the lapels of his suit jacket, making sure they lay flat—suddenly mindful of his appearance.

  For the first time in his life, Andrew felt inadequate and it pissed him off.

  He managed a smile for Syssi, who left her gorgeous boss behind and rushed to give him a hug with a big grin on her face. He was thankful for the reprieve his sister’s hug was affording him, using it to collect himself as he waited for Amanda to catch up. Glancing over Syssi’s shoulder, he watched her saunter with a sensual sway to her hip, carrying her body with the confident glide of a graceful predator.

  Catching him stare, she held his gaze with a small, devious smile curling one side of her full, luscious lips.

  Letting go of Syssi, he extended his hand and forced a well-practiced smile on his face. “Hi, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Amanda. Syssi told me so much about you.” Andrew smiled, satisfied that his tone hadn’t betrayed how nervous she made him feel.

  “The pleasure is all mine, Andrew,” she purred, her incredibly blue eyes twinkling with coquettish amusement as she took his offered hand, leaving her elegant, long fingers in his grasp.

  Andrew was intrigued. He had little experience of being pursued; his severe demeanor discouraging most women, to the exclusion of the gutsy or the clueless, from making a move. And as he wasn’t a rich man, and in his own opinion not that good-looking, there was hardly a reason for any to make an effort. Which meant that he was used to being the hunter and couldn’t decide whether he liked this reversal of roles or not. On the one hand, he was flattered and turned on. On the other, he felt uncomfortable and suspicious when a woman like that gave him this kind of attention. Not that he had ever met a woman like Dr. Amanda Dokani.

  As they waited for their food, Andrew felt Amanda’s eyes watching him and pretended not to notice, keeping his gaze firmly on his sister while they chitchatted about their parents’ recent adventures in Africa.

  He feared that once he would shift his eyes to her, he would get stuck gaping at her beautiful face like an awestruck, pubescent boy.

  Later, when their lunch arrived, he waited for Amanda to focus her attention on her food so he could ogle her without being observed. But somehow, the damn woman ate without looking at her plate and kept pinning him with that sexy gaze of hers. And if that wasn’t enough to make him sweat, she was driving him nuts with the way she ate, each sensually infused bite sending a signal straight to his groin.

  She was toying with him, tantalizing him, and deriving wicked satisfaction from his discomfort.

  Experiencing this new and unexpected chink in his armor was making him angry, which in turn helped him regain control. He was nearly forty, and a Special Forces veteran for fuck’s sake, not a goddamned horny teenager.

  Time to switch things around and shift the direction this campaign is going.

  Placing his napkin over his plate, he lifted his glass of mineral water and leaned back in his chair, staring straight into Amanda’s deep blue eyes.

  “I have a few questions for you, Amanda. I hear Syssi is involved with your brother, and as she refuses to let me check him out, she leaves me with no other choice but to grill you instead. What could you tell me about him? What kind of a man is he?” Andrew ignored Syssi’s sharp kick to his shin.

  Amanda looked surprised by his question, evidently not expecting him to be able to focus on anything other than her magnificent self. As she mulled over her answer, a couple of moments passed before she said, “He is smart, loyal, hard-working and cares a lot about Syssi… Does that answer your question? It’s all true. But how can you trust my word? After all, he’s my brother and I’m biased…” She smiled innocently and took another tantalizing bite of her sandwich.

  “I have no reason to doubt you. All I wanted was your honest opinion… Any negatives you’d care to share?” Andrew smirked smugly, noting her questioning eyes. She’d anticipated he wouldn’t take her word at face value, but he always knew when people were lying to his face, and Amanda was telling him what she believed was the truth.

  “Well, not many… He works too hard, is way too serious, doesn’t know how to let loose and enjoy himself, and has a short fuse… probably because he works too hard and doesn’t let loose… So although I love him, I find him somewhat boring and sometimes overbearing, but Syssi’s opinion of him differs, doesn’t it, sweetie?”

  Amanda glanced at Syssi fondly, her whole face softening. Impossibly, she became even lovelier as she momentarily dropped her seductress act, and some of her true self shone through the facade she was projecting.

  Andrew smiled. Amanda regarded his sister like a cougar would regard her cub. Which was funny—such motherly, protective expression coming from someone so young.

  Syssi’s face reddened as she tried to come up with an answer, probably afraid to sound like she was waxing poetic about her new boyfriend. “I find him fascinating, charming, and sweet.” She dug into her food with gusto, refusing to look Andrew in the eyes.

  By the deepening crimson of her cheeks, he could just imagine the things she’d left unsaid.

  Chuckling at his sister’s obvious discomfort, he shared a knowing look with Amanda—feeling an odd affinity with her. She seemed not much older than Syssi, but there was something about her that made him think of her as someone c
loser to his age. Maybe it was life experience, or perhaps her title, that made her seem older, more mature… or maybe it was his wishful thinking. He needed Amanda to be at least thirty so he could lust after her without feeling like a dirty old man.

  Later, as the topic of conversation shifted to what had happened at the lab and then to Amanda’s research, she dropped her femme fatale persona for good, becoming the consummate scientist instead. And the passion she had for her work impressed Andrew in a way her previous antics did not.


  The change in Andrew’s guarded demeanor had not escaped Amanda’s notice, and she realized that her earlier efforts to make him squirm had been the wrong approach.

  She’d been coming on too strong.

  Some men were just strange that way; offended instead of grateful for being pursued by a beautiful woman. Or maybe he wasn’t used to this kind of attention. Except, if that were the case, she couldn’t understand what kept her competition away. He was very attractive in his own ragged and brooding way.

  Tall and broad, his handsome if not pretty face was adorned with two small scars; one slicing diagonally across his chin, and a smaller one over his left brow. In her opinion, the scars only added character to his irresistible bad-boy allure. She wondered if there were any more of these cruel testaments to the battles he’d fought and survived hidden beneath the cover of his clothes. It was despicable of her, but she hoped so. It would make him even yummier…

  There was nothing like a fierce warrior to whet her appetite…

  Now that she’d eased up on the sexual innuendo, he seemed to be really taken with her, the scent of his arousal intensifying as he let down his guard. The dear man was attracted to her intellect and not just her looks.

  How sweet. It made her like him even more.

  It was a shame she couldn’t just drag him off somewhere private and show him how much. But there was something she needed to do away from Syssi and her yummy brother.


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