The Touch of Her Hands [The Wind River Pack 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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The Touch of Her Hands [The Wind River Pack 3] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 1

by Missy Martine

  The Wind River Pack 3

  The Touch of Her Hands

  Aurelia Salazar has a special gift the government wants to know more about. She can heal with just the touch of her hands. For five years they kept her hidden away while they studied her. And then two brave Marines helped her escape and smuggled her out of the country.

  When some of the children of the Wind River Pack become ill, Zack remembers the young girl and her unique abilities. He goes to South America to find her and bring her back so she can help. He doesn’t expect to find she’s his mate.

  Now, they’re racing against the clock to get her back to the States before it’s too late for the children. But Zack isn’t the only one searching for her. What happens when the scientist that held her prisoner for all those years finds them?

  Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal, Shape-shifter

  Length: 50,348 words


  The Wind River Pack 3

  Missy Martine


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Erotic Romance


  Copyright © 2014 by Missy Martine

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62741-077-9

  First E-book Publication: January 2014

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  To my fans, who wrote me so many kind letters about my first series, A Wolfen Heritage. You made me want to carry on with the main characters.

  To the kind people at Siren-BookStrand who provide such good support to me as I grow as a writer.

  And to my husband, who is still, by far, my greatest fan.


  The Wind River Pack Series picks up where The Wolfen Heritage Series left off—only twenty-five years later.

  The Families

  Alpha Remus and Alpha Femm Maddie

  Victor and Eloise Twins



  Michael and Ariane Barrows



  Ethan, Latan, and Kitania







  Mali and Melissa



  Zebron and Nanita



  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Author's Note


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  About the Author


  The Wind River Pack 3


  Copyright © 2014


  December 2005

  PFC Zack Wind River hunkered down in his regulation Tanker jacket and made his way into the narrow alley. The December winds were bitingly cold. If they’d told him a year ago, he’d be walking guard duty outside a broken down old building in Idaho, he never would have enlisted in the Marines. He’d been desperate to get out and make some kind of place for himself in the world.

  He was abandoned when he was just a pup, and nobody had wanted to take in a baby coyote-shifter. The powers-that-be had sent him to one of the National Council’s homes for children where he was in competition with a few dozen other boys for food, clothing, and affection. He’d resigned himself to his miserable life when Kitania Wind River marched into the facility. She, along with her two mates, had promptly adopted five of the orphaned boys. They’d been good to him, but he’d always known something was missing from his life.

  That was what led him to the Marine recruiter. He’d thought he would travel to exotic places, have some adventures, and maybe even see a little action to help burn off his aggression. So far, the only action he’d seen was the night life of San Diego during basic training. And, since one didn’t get a lot of free time in boot camp, he hadn’t seen much action at all.

  Pulling his coat tighter around his shoulders, Zack growled softly. He still didn’t understand the importance of guarding the old building on the outskirts of Moyle Springs. Hell, the entire town only consisted of around eight hundred people. What could be so important that they needed a military guard in Idaho?

  He glanced up at the sound of the trash bin lid crashing down. Not only were the winds cold, they were fierce. The only upside, he hadn’t needed to discourage any homeless people from camping out behind the dumpsters. With the subzero temps, they wouldn’t have lasted the night. He tensed when a shadow passed across the alley’s entrance, and then relaxed when he recognized the bundled up Marine. “What the h
ell are you doing out here, Medina?” PFC Alvara Medina was one of the six men on his present assignment. They were divided into two groups. One of the groups patrolled inside the building and the other around the perimeter.

  “Just getting some air before dinner.” Alvara frowned, rubbing his hands together. “I thought Raulston had this shift.”

  Zack snorted. “He overindulged, while he was still on duty, and the captain wrote him up. There wasn’t time for him to sober up before this shift, so he switched with me.” He took a step toward Medina when a look of panic washed over his face. “Are you okay? Is something wrong?”

  Alvara glanced around, even looked over his shoulder, and then returned his gaze to Zack. “No, nothing’s wrong. You on until midnight?”

  Zack nodded. “Yeah, I got the cold shift.”

  Alvara chuckled and wrapped his arms around his body. “Well, I gotta go. I wanna get some chow and take a shower before I have to report. I’ve got the late watch inside tonight. Have a safe shift.”

  “Sure, man. Take care.” Zack watched as PFC Medina hurried around to the front of the building. “This assignment is making everybody crazy.” Patting the handle of his sidearm, he left the alley and made his way around the back of the building. “It’s gonna be a long, cold night.”

  * * * *

  PFC Alvara Medina saluted Staff Sergeant Brian Davidson when he came on duty. “Reporting as ordered, sir.”

  Davidson returned his salute. “Everything’s quiet, Private. The prisoner had her dinner and the tray was removed 1800 hours. She should be down for the night. You have my number if you have any problems.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Very well,” said Davidson. “Carry on.”

  Alvara watched him leave and then released the breath he’d been holding. It was risky to push up the timetable on his plan, but he didn’t have any choice. He’d overheard his superiors making plans to move the prisoner, and there was no guarantee he’d be transferred with her. Besides, he’d promised the girl he’d find a way to help her escape. He’d made all the arrangements. His cousin was hiding out in the woods nearby, ready to transport the girl far away from her cold prison. He’d have to hope that Private Wind River wouldn’t have the heart to turn them in.

  Hell, she was only fourteen years old. What they were doing wasn’t right. No matter what kind of abilities the young girl had, they didn’t have the right to take away her freedom. Keeping his senses alert, he made his way down to her cell and opened the observation panel on the door. She appeared to be sleeping. “Aurelia,” he whispered. “Are you awake?”

  She threw the covers back and rolled off the small cot. “Yes, I remembered, Alvara.” He had warned her that they were drugging her dessert every night in order to do some of the tests the doctors ordered. “I hid the cake in the covers and flushed it down the toilet after they took my tray. I’m fully awake tonight.” She moved to the door and gazed up at him with longing in her eyes. “Are we gonna leave tonight?”

  Alvara unlocked the door and pulled it open. “Yes, child, we’re getting you out of here tonight.” She threw herself into his arms, weeping. He rubbed the back of her head and patted her back awkwardly. “Let’s go over this one more time, Aurelia.”

  She nodded and wiped the tears from her face with the back of her hand. “I’m listening.”

  “We’ll go down to the basement and exit the building into the alley. If we time it right, it’ll be deserted. There’s only one perimeter guard, and he has to circle the building. We’ll have a couple of minutes to make it three blocks over, keeping to the alleys, and then we’ll disappear into the woods. My cousin, Ernesto, will be watching for us. You’ll go with him, and he’ll get you out of the country and to my family.”

  “You’re not coming with me?”

  When he saw the fear in her eyes, he hugged her close to his chest. “No, child, I can’t. I have to stay here so they don’t know it was me that helped you escape. If they knew it was me, they’d be checking with everybody in my family. This way, you’ll have a better shot at getting away.”

  “Is he taking me to Mexico?”

  Alvara shook his head. “No, I’m sorry. I know I told you all about my family in Mexico, but it wouldn’t be safe to send you there. Even if I don’t disappear, they’ll probably still suspect me and check out my family.”

  Aurelia sniffed. “Then where will I go?”

  He combed some of her loose hairs with his fingers and tucked them behind her ear. “It’s not known that I have distant relatives in Cartagena.”

  “Where’s that?”

  “It’s in Colombia, in South America.”

  She trembled and tightened her grip on his arm. “But where will I stay? I don’t know anyone there. I can’t…I don’t…do they even speak English?”

  He held the young girl tightly. “Don’t worry, niña. My cousin is taking you to his family. They own a small farm on the outskirts of Cartagena. They’ve agreed to let you live with them. Ernesto speaks fluent English, and his mother can speak a little. You’ll be fine, and they can teach you Spanish.”

  Aurelia sighed. “I wish I didn’t have to go. I’ll miss you. I’ve never had a friend before.”

  Alvara’s heart ached for the young girl. He didn’t know what happened to her family, and sending her to his was the only way he knew to keep her safe. “Don’t worry, child. When I get out, I’ll find a way to come see you. You have to promise to take care of yourself.”

  She took a shaky breath and smiled. “I promise. How do I say ‘I love you, friend,’ in Spanish?”

  Alvara chuckled. “It never fails to amaze me how someone that grew up in Texas doesn’t speak any Spanish.”

  Aurelia shrugged. “My grandparents lived in Mexico, but my father wanted his children to be totally American so we never learned. We never even visited them when I was little.”

  Alvara smiled. “Te quiero, amigo.”

  She grinned. “Te quiero, amigo.”

  “Get some rest, Aurelia. We can leave in about two hours.”

  * * * *

  Zack rounded the corner for the twentieth time and cursed the day he’d signed his enlistment papers. He didn’t mind the cold, in his coyote form. But it was hell on his human arms and legs. Everything was deadly quiet. If he didn’t think he’d get caught, he’d spend the rest of his duty in the alley, protected from the wind. But, with his luck, it would be the first night in months that his superiors would pull a surprise inspection. “Man,” he groaned. “I could sure go for a cup of coffee right about now.”

  As he passed the front entrance he paused and lifted his ear to the wind. What was it he heard? Wait, there it was again. Someone was at the back of the building. Pulling his sidearm, he raced toward the back entrance. The door was ajar, but there was no sign of anybody in the immediate area. Frowning, he stood still and listened. Now the sounds were coming from the next street over. He took off running, picking up the scent of Private Medina and someone else, someone feminine. The female scent had his coyote sitting up and stretching out, trying to get a stronger whiff of the enticing aroma.

  When Zack cleared the last street, he caught sight of two figures running into the hilly, dense forest. “Wait, stop! Don’t make me shoot.” He wouldn’t shoot, but they didn’t know that. One of the figures turned to glance back and tripped over something. He saw them go down, taking a nasty fall down a sharp incline. Zack froze when the other figure screamed. It really was a woman. He hurried forward and winced as the female slowly made her way down to her fallen comrade. Zack reached them and made one leap to reach the bottom of the ravine.

  Private Medina was lying on his back, his sidearm in his hand. “Back off, man. I’m not gonna let you stop us.”

  Zack glanced at the woman and blinked twice. She wasn’t a woman. She was a young girl dressed in military fatigues with a hat to cover her hair. Her complexion was pale, with dark purple smudges under her eyes. He turned his attention back to the injured man.
“You’re in no position to make demands, Medina. Looks like you might have broken your leg.”

  “I can fix it.”

  Zack cut his gaze to the young girl. “What?”

  “No, Aurelia, you mustn’t,” Alvara cried. “Nobody can know what you do.”

  She smiled sadly. “It’s too late, Alvara. I can’t leave you like this.” She looked at Zack. “Will you let me help him?”

  Zack frowned but nodded. He watched as she walked over and knelt next to Private Medina. He groaned harshly when she straightened his left leg. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I know it’s cold, but it only works on bare skin. We have to get your pants down.” She looked up at Zack. “Will you help me? We only have to pull them down past his knees.”

  Zack shook his head, put his gun away, and moved forward. “I sure as hell hope you didn’t go commando today. Put down your gun. I don’t want you shooting me when she causes you pain.” Alvara chuckled. The lines around his mouth tightened against the pain as he lowered his weapon.

  Zack squatted down next to the girl. “What do you want me to do?”

  “Unfasten his belt and pull his pants down.”

  Zack wrinkled his nose and moved to do as she asked. He noticed she turned her face away and blushed as he pulled the trousers down past the man’s boxer shorts, leaving them bunched around his calves. “Okay, I’m pretty sure the damn thing’s broken, Medina. It looks bad. I need to call a medical transport, man.”

  Aurelia turned back around and glanced at the injured leg. “That won’t be necessary.” She moved closer to Medina’s body and pulled off her gloves. Taking a deep breath, she rubbed her hands together as if to warm them, and then placed them on his thigh.


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