The Touch of Her Hands [The Wind River Pack 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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The Touch of Her Hands [The Wind River Pack 3] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 4

by Missy Martine

  Alvara blinked a couple of times and then nodded. “I understand, but I can’t help you.”

  Zack frowned. “Why not?”

  “She’s not here.”

  “Then take me to her.”

  “I can’t, man. I sent her far away so nobody would be able to track her.”

  “Where is she?” demanded Zack.

  Alvara stared at him for a moment and then lowered his voice. “She’s in Colombia, near Cartagena, with my distant family.”

  “Then I’ll go down there and get her.”

  Alvara laughed. “You wouldn’t even get near my family’s casa. Strangers don’t last long in the area.”

  Zack growled. “Then come with me. I’ll cover the costs. We can leave as soon as we can book a flight and get the necessary visas.”

  Alvara shook his head. “You don’t need a visa to fly into Cartagena. All you need is a passport and you’re free to stay up to ninety days. But, she’s not in Cartagena. We’d have to take a plane to Miami and then fly into Rafael Nunez International Airport. From there, it’s a twelve-hour bus ride to Medellin. Their rancho is on the outskirts near the base of the mountains. It can be an extremely dangerous trip. The Medellin Cartel ended when Pablo Escobar was killed in the nineties. But that didn’t stop the gun runners. It’s still a volatile area to get caught in.”

  “If it’s so dangerous, why the hell did you send that sweet angel there?”

  “Because my family promised to protect her as if she was one of their own. She’s been safe and mostly happy all this time.”

  “So you’re in contact with her.”

  Alvara winced. “No, I get reports smuggled in from time to time when one of them visits this country for business reasons. We decided early on that it was important for me to distance myself as much as possible from her situation in order to keep her hidden.” He walked over and sat down on a bale of hay. “It was bad after she escaped. They kept me locked up for weeks questioning me endlessly. Dr. Jackson knew I was lying, but he couldn’t prove it. And it definitely wasn’t from the lack of trying. I resisted everything they threw at me, and finally Staff Sergeant Davidson called a halt to the interrogations. I never knew if he believed me or just felt sorry for me. I was written up for dereliction of duty and transferred to every crap assignment they could find. I only had eight months left on my enlistment, and they made sure I had no desire to sign up again. I came back here as soon as my discharge papers came through.”

  “I need your help, Alvara. Come with me, and help me make contact. I know she’d be willing to help if she just knew.

  “I don’t wanna see her hurt anymore.”

  “I swear to you, I’ll keep her safe no matter what the cost. If I can get her back to my home in Wyoming, the whole pack will keep her safe.” Zack laughed. “A whole pack of women, men, and children that can shift into wolves, coyotes, bears, cougars, and falcons. How much safer could she be?”

  Alvara rubbed his fingers over his eyes and remained quiet for a moment. “Do you have a passport?”

  “Yeah, of course. And yes, I brought it with me. I remembered you saying you were sending her out of the country.”

  “I don’t think we should let them know we’re coming. We can always get in touch once we reach Medellin.”

  Zack nodded. “I agree. The less people that know, the better.”

  Alvara sighed. “Okay, then let’s go make some flight arrangements.”

  * * * *

  Conrad Jackson leaned back in his leather chair and inhaled the heady aroma of the brandy in his glass. He’d spent the day in his laboratory going over his research notes, and he’d needed the alcohol as a way to unwind. He glared at his phone lying on the desk when it began to ring. After two more sips he picked up the offending instrument and flipped it open.

  “Dr. Jackson here.”

  “Hey, Doc, it’s Tommy Martin.”

  Conrad frowned. “It’s who?”

  A loud sigh came through the phone’s speakers. “It’s Tommy Martin, Dr. Jackson. Remember you’ve had me watching that Medina fellow here in Texas.”

  “Ah, yes. What can I do for you, Mr. Martin? I don’t suppose you have good news for me.”

  “Not sure if it’s good or not, Doc, but I thought you ought to know your boy is about to take a trip.”

  “A trip to where?” Conrad took another sip of the brandy and relished the burn as it slid down his throat.

  “He and another guy just reserved seats on United to Miami.”

  “So, they’re taking a vacation.”

  “If it’s a vacation, it’s a doozy. They’ve got a connecting flight from Miami to Cartagena. That’s in South America, you know.”

  “I’m very versed in geography, Mr. Martin. You said he’s traveling with a friend. You didn’t happen to get the friend’s name, did you?”

  “The name on the other ticket was Zack Wind River.”

  Conrad felt chills run down his back. After all these years, he just might find out what happened to his prize research specimen. He’d always known Medina had something to do with her disappearance, but he’d never really suspected PFC Wind River. So, he’d arranged to have Medina watched closely for the past eight years. It looked like all that money was finally going to pay off.

  “You want me to follow him or something?” asked Tommy.

  “No, thank you, Mr. Martin. I don’t believe your services will be needed any longer. Look for a substantial bonus in your next financial transaction.” Conrad hung up the phone and grinned. He raised his glass and pretended to toast. “To patience. Those who have it can always be assured of getting what they want in life.” Feeling his spirits soar, he put down his glass and picked up his phone. “I’m going to make sure we know exactly what you’re up to, Mr. Medina. Soon, all your secrets will belong to me.”

  * * * *

  Zack looked up at the imposing figure standing in the doorway and felt his coyote stir. He sensed danger and wanted out. The man was tall, with broad shoulders and nearly black hair with only a trace of silver showing. He studied Zack for a moment and then turned his attention to Alvara and smiled.

  “Es bueno verte, Jorge,” said Alvara.

  The stranger nodded. “It’s good to see you as well, cousin. Who is this Americano you’ve brought to my home?”

  “This is my good friend, Zack Wind River. He can be trusted. He’s here to see Aurelia.” The man turned to Zack and raised his brows. “Zack,” Alvara said. “This is a distant cousin of mine, Jorge Medina.”

  Zack nodded. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir.”

  Jorge scowled at Alvara. “You told us no one was to know the joven was here.”

  “Things have changed, cousin. It’s an emergency, and he must speak with her.”

  “No, I cannot—”

  A woman appeared behind Jorge. “You must let him in, marido. Mi madre insists she must speak with him.”

  Jorge looked at her incredulous, then sighed and turned to Zack. “This is my wife, Ana. Apparently my mother-in-law wishes to talk with you before I send you on your way.” He stepped back and motioned for Zack and Alvara to come in. “Please, come into my home and be welcome.”

  Zack followed Alvara inside and stifled a yawn. They’d gotten a late flight out of Miami and had to wait three hours before boarding a bus for Medellin. What should have been a twelve-hour ride turned into fourteen hours when the bus suffered a blown tire. It wasn’t as easy as one might think to change a tire on what amounted to a tour bus. He’d thought they’d rent a car for the last leg of their trip, only such rentals were unheard of in the Medellin area. They’d hired a car and driver to take them to the Medina ranch. So far, he wasn’t impressed with their welcome. The people were unfriendly and openly suspicious, and the climate vicious. The heat and humidity during the late afternoon clashed with the chills and lower temperatures of the night and early morning. Add in his lack of sleep and this trip was about to do him in.

  The ranch di
dn’t look much different from Alvara’s place in Texas, except for the guns everyone seemed to be carrying. The house was nothing special, just a two-story dwelling that could use a coat of paint or two. The inside was warm and friendly, with lots of large, overstuffed furniture. They followed Jorge through a large living room, down a short hall, and through a double door. Inside, ensconced in a white, ornate chair, sat an old woman hunched over at the waist. Her hair was silver gray, and she stared at him with totally clear, deep blue eyes.

  “Hola,” she said.

  Jorge stepped forward. “May I present my mother-in-law, Consuela Renyana. Mama, this is our cousin from the Americas, Alvara Medina and his friend, Zack Wind River.”

  Zack nodded. “Ma’am.”

  Alvara walked over and kissed her wrinkled cheek. “It’s wonderful to be meeting another branch of my family.”

  Consuela looked at Zack. “You are the destino, si?”

  Zack looked at Alvara and shrugged.

  Jorge sighed. “Mama wants to know if you are the destiny. I’m not sure what she means.”

  “Nos déjà,” Consuela said. “I wish to speak with Senor Wind River alone.”

  “Mama?” asked Jorge.

  “Por favor, mi hijo. I will be fine.”

  Jorge gave a heavy sigh. “Very well, Mama. I will be close if you need me.” He looked at Zack and narrowed his eyes. “You be good to Mama.”

  Zack nodded. “Of course.” Everyone left the room leaving only Zack and Consuela Renyana alone. Zack took a deep breath. “You wanted to talk to me? I should warn you, I don’t speak much Spanish.”

  “No matter. You are the destino.”

  Zack frowned. “What are you talking about?”

  “The destino. Her destiny. You are Aurelia Salazar’s destiny.”

  Zack sucked in a breath. How could this woman know this? He licked his lips. “Yes, ma’am. And she’s my destiny.”

  “Si, this I know. What I don’t know is what troubles me.”

  “I’ll ease your mind if I can,” said Zack. “What is it you don’t know?”

  “I don’t understand your dos almas.”

  “My what?”

  She thought for a moment. “Your almas duales, your dual souls.” She got carefully to her feet and grabbed the cane leaning against the side of her chair. She made her way over to Zack and laid her hand on his chest. “I sense there are two souls in this body and both are Aurelia’s destiny. I need seguridades…um, reassurance that both of your souls are bright and will cause her no harm.”

  Zack laid his hand over hers and felt his coyote stretch out toward the old woman. He quickly lay on his back exposing his belly. After a moment, she smiled. “Yes, I can feel him now. He’s good and wants to protect her.”

  “How do you know all this?” asked Zack.

  “I am vidente, a seer. I often know things that others do not.” She curled her fingers into Zack’s. “You must hurry and take Aurelia away from this place. There is danger ahead in your journey. They are coming for her, and you must not let them take her. She’s had so much pain in her short life, and now you must change that.”

  “I’m ready, Mrs. Renyana. I want to take her back to my home in the mountains of Wyoming.”

  Consuela nodded. “Yes, your people have a great need of her gift, do they not?”

  “Yes, ma’am. The children of my family are very sick.”

  “Know this, Zack Wind River. Aurelia has a gift, but she is a gift herself. Treat her right. Cherish her and bring her no pain or you will face my anger.”

  Zack laid his hand over his heart. “I swear to you, Mrs. Renyana.”

  “Please call me Abuela. It means grandmother.”

  “I swear to you, Abuela, I will give her a good life.”

  Consuela smiled. “I believe you.”

  “Where is she, Abuela? I’m anxious to see her again.”

  Consuela moved back to her chair. “She is not here, child. She has a small cabin up the mountain a ways. She lives there, alone.”

  “Why didn’t she stay with your family? Alvara told me he was sending her to live with his family so they could protect her.”

  The old woman sighed. “It became impossible for her to live here in peace. There is one here that developed feelings that she could not return. She thought it best for everyone if she made her own place, away from our home.” She raised her gaze and looked into Zack’s eyes. “And I agreed with her. There was no reason to tempt fate.”

  “So how do I find her?”

  “My el esposo de hija will take you to her.” When Zack frowned, she laughed. “My daughter’s husband.”

  Before Zack could respond, the door flew open and a man who looked like a younger version of Jorge stomped into the room. “No, Abuela. I will not allow this Americano to go into the hills after the little one.”

  “Deje, mi nieto. No one can stand in the way of destiny without expecting to get hurt, and I love you too much to see you hurt. You will obey me in this, Ernesto.”

  Ernesto turned his hate-filled gaze to Zack. “Bastardo.” Then he left, slamming the door behind him.

  Consuela smiled sadly. “That was my grandson, Ernesto. He believes himself to be in love with Aurelia, even though she never gave him any indication that she returned his feelings. He will hurt when she leaves, but he will recover. His destino lies in a different direction.”

  Zack sighed. “When can I go to Aurelia?”

  “It is near our comida del mediodia, or our noon meal as you Americanos would say. Stay, feast with us, and my son will guide you to the little one this afternoon.”

  Zack nodded. A few more hours wouldn’t hurt.

  * * * *

  Aurelia looked around her one-room cabin and tried to decide what had awakened her. She’d laid down for a siesta after a rather large lunch, but now something didn’t feel quite right. She padded to the window silently, but couldn’t hear any sound of an intruder. The sky was pale blue and filled with bright sunlight. A couple of wispy clouds decorated the blue expanse. Frowning, she picked up the heavy boots she wore for hiking, pulled them over her thick socks, and made her way outside. The jungle was oddly quiet. An abnormal calm settled over her as she crouched under the cover of some low-growing palms. Breathing shallowly and slowly, she calmed her rapid heart rate. She never had unplanned visitors, and yet someone was approaching her position.

  Licking her lips, she peeked through the palm fronds and saw three approaching males. She breathed a sigh of relief as she recognized Tio Jorge. Ana and Jorge had insisted she call them aunt and uncle from the very first day she arrived at their home. It gave her a warm feeling to belong to their family.

  “Hola, Tio Jorge.” Aurelia stood up and stepped out onto the path. “What brings you on a hike this afternoon?”

  “I bring you Americano visitors, little one,” Jorge said.

  Her breath caught as her gaze jumped to the two strangers. And then, she felt her heart race as she recognized the man who’d saved her from a life of captivity. With a small cry, she threw herself into Alvara Medina’s arms and sobbed. “It’s you. It’s really you. My friend. Te quiero amigo.” His hearty laugh told her that he remembered the first Spanish words he’d taught her. A low growling sound from behind him had her jerking away and searching the tree line for danger.

  Alvara smiled. “If you remember me, you must remember Zack Wind River as well.”

  She turned her attention to the stranger and caught her breath. She remembered him, easily. He’d starred in quite a few of her dreams since that fateful night eight years ago. He had to be close to six feet tall, with a slim, muscular build. His skin was dark, like he spent a great deal of time in the sunshine. He kept his brown hair short, while his equally brown eyes seemed as if they could see right through her.

  Worrying her lip with her teeth, she tentatively held out her hand. “I do remember. You helped me escape, and I’ve always wished I could thank you in some way.” Warmth crept up her arm
when he closed his fingers over her small hand. She quickly pulled away and glanced at Alvara. “What are you doing here?”

  “It’s a long story, Aurelia. Zack needs your help. Will you listen to what he has to say?”

  She looked at Zack and knew she wanted to know more about the enigmatic man. Slowly she nodded and smiled.

  Jorge cleared his throat. “I need to get back, little love. Will you feel safe if I leave you with these two?”

  “I need to go back with him, Aurelia,” said Alvara. “What Zack has to say should be for your ears only.” He walked over and clasped her hands. “But only if you feel comfortable with being alone with him.”

  Jorge moved closer and laid his hand on her shoulder. “Mama said to tell you that he is destino, and you would know what that meant.”

  Aurelia’s gaze shot to Zack. Her destiny. Abuela believed this man to be her destiny. She took a deep breath and swallowed. “I’m not afraid to be alone with him.” She felt tingles in all her female places when he smiled at her.

  “Then we’ll be off,” said Jorge. “It’s a long hike back down to the Jeep, and I want to get back before dark.”

  “Why didn’t you come by horse?” asked Aurelia. “You could have saved yourself a hike.”

  Zack made a sound that sounded suspiciously like a growl. “Horses and I don’t always get along. It was safer for everyone if we came by Jeep.”

  Alvara chuckled. “No worries, love. The hike was good for me.” He bent and placed a kiss on her cheek. Again, the strange low, growling sound surrounded them. “I’m pleased to see you so well and happy. I never regretted my decision to set you free.” He took a step back. “Know that you have a friend for life, no matter what decisions you make about your future.”

  Jorge kissed her cheek. “Come and see your Tia Ana soon, please. She misses you.” He turned to Alvara. “Come on, Primo Alvara. I will show you my ranch and you can tell me how it differs from an Americano ranch.” The two men waved as they hurried back down the path. In just moments they’d disappeared into the heavy foliage.


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