The Touch of Her Hands [The Wind River Pack 3] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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The Touch of Her Hands [The Wind River Pack 3] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 14

by Missy Martine

  Aurelia giggled. “You have to teach me that blocking stuff. I don’t like the idea that I’m projecting everything I think all the time.”

  “We’ll work on that after we get home.”

  She grinned. “I’m gonna hold you to that.” She turned to look out the window. At intervals along the highway, open-air markets displayed colorful crates of fall fruits. Split-rail fences surrounded yards littered with abundant fall leaves. Squirrels, the color of the lawns, chattered and chased each other, still on the search for their winter feed.

  Zack turned on the blinkers. “We can stop here and walk around a bit. We’re making good time. Are you hungry?”

  “No, but I could use something to drink. Preferably something with caffeine.”

  “They’ve probably got soda machines inside the visitor’s center.”

  Aurelia grinned. “That’ll work.” Five minutes later they were getting out of the car. Aurelia clutched her jacket beneath her chin, raised her face, and sucked in the taste of the chilly air. “I didn’t expect it to be this cold.”

  Zack came around and put his arm around her waist. “This is pretty tame. I can almost guarantee you that there’ll be a little snow on the ground when we reach the pack. They’re higher up than we are, and they usually get winter weather a month or more before we do.” He glanced around the empty parking lot and pulled her closer into his arms. “I wish we could have stayed in bed this morning, love.” He kissed her softly, stroking her tongue with his own. Her arms curled around his neck, and she felt a husky groan go into her mouth as he grew more insistent. They clung to each other in the bright sunlight with the chilly breeze wafting around them.

  His fingers were tightening on her waist when the sound of a car horn drew them apart.

  “Get a room!”

  Aurelia looked up to see a couple of teenage boys get out of their car and head toward the small building that housed the restrooms.

  Zack groaned and leaned his forehead on the top of her head. “Let’s make this a quick stop. The faster we get there, the faster we can be alone tonight.”

  * * * *

  Dr. Conrad Jackson looked up to see Cecil standing in the doorway. “What is it, Cecil?”

  “We’ve caught a break, sir. The target has left the mountain and is presently headed north traveling with an unknown male. My man is going to wait until they stop for the night and then make his move. If all goes well, you should have Miss Salazar back in the fold within the next seventy-two hours.”

  Conrad smiled. “Good work, Cecil. If he pulls it off, I want him rewarded handsomely.”

  “Understood, sir.”

  Conrad picked up his coffee and blew gently on the steaming liquid. “It won’t be long now.”

  * * * *

  Aurelia groaned when someone shook her arm.

  “Wake up, love. We’re here.”

  She struggled to an upright position and blearily blinked her eyes. Zack turned the car onto a paved driveway lined with a white picket fence. It led off into the woods where the trees had a light covering of snow. When they rounded the bend, Aurelia caught her breath. The windows of the Cardstons’ home were all ablaze, throwing uneven patches of gold across the snow of the early evening. The house was ranch-style constructed of weathered wood and red brick, situated on the side of a wooded hill. It was truly a picturesque setting.

  “Remember, you’re not to give them any details about what it is you do.”

  Aurelia nodded. Alpha Remus had made it clear that he didn’t want word of her gifts shared with anybody. She’d heard him on the phone with the Canadian alpha. He’d flat out told him that he could accept his terms, or he wouldn’t let her come to their pack and try to help. “They’re gonna want to know something. It’s gonna be hard to keep the mother from being in the room.”

  “You let me handle that. Just concentrate on the kids, and with any luck, we’ll be on our way tomorrow.”

  As they exited the car, the door opened and a tall man dressed in a Western sports coat, Stetson, and boots walked out onto the porch. His broad-shouldered frame was covered in lean, hard muscle. His angular face was more arresting than handsome. He was soon joined by a young woman dressed in fading jeans and a knit top. She was shaking and visibly frightened. Her blonde, shoulder-length hair flowed into soft, natural waves.

  The man’s chiseled mouth twisted into a mocking smile. “Are you supposed to be the saviors from Wind River?”

  Aurelia looked up into his narrow, cold, accusing eyes.

  “I’m Zack Wind River, and this is my mate, Aurelia. We were told you needed our help, but if it’s not true, we can be on our way.” He turned toward the car and stopped when the woman cried out.

  “Wait! Don’t go.” In the dim light she looked panic-stricken. “Please, come inside. We really do want your help.” She nodded toward the man. “This is my mate, Nathaniel, and my name is Erika. It’s our pups that are sick.”

  Zack nodded. “We’ll do what we can.” He took Aurelia’s hand and helped her climb the icy steps up to the porch.

  Erika opened the door. “Please, go on in. Alpha Cardston is expecting you.”

  Aurelia walked in and found herself in a warm, friendly room. It housed a large table and chairs, filled bookshelves and a patchwork sofa in shades of brown and tan that projected a homespun feeling. The sound of a throat clearing had her turning toward the fireplace. There, perched in an overstuffed lean-back chair, sat a man. He had a bulging beer belly, bloated face, and an expression of cynicism that said the world owed him something. He ran his fingers through his perfect hair and slid forward on the chair. The smell of shaving lotion hung heavily in the air of the small room.

  “This is Alpha Cardston,” said Erika. “Alpha, this is Zack Wind River and his mate Aurelia.”

  The alpha’s gaze traveled up and down. “You’re late. What took you so long to get here?”

  Zack narrowed his eyes. “We left at daybreak and it’s a nine-hour drive. We made decent time.”

  The alpha snorted and looked at Erika. “See to the pups. Make sure they’re ready.” Erika nodded and hurried down a dark hallway.

  A movement out of the corner of her eye caught Aurelia’s attention. A large, wooly dog lay sprawled on the floor behind the chair in the corner. The dog lifted his head from the braided rug and happily thumped his tail in greeting. She walked over and dropped down beside him, wrapped her arms around his neck, and buried her face in his fur.

  “Impressive,” said Cardston. “Renauldo doesn’t usually take to strangers. You must have quite the touch.”

  Aurelia shrugged. “I’ve always had a way with animals.”

  Cardston threw back his head and laughed. “Then you should get along with us just fine.” He turned his attention to Zack. “The pups get worse every day. What do you need from us to work your miracles?”

  “Just to be shown to the children.” He hesitated and took a step closer to Aurelia. “And to be alone with them.”

  Cardston growled. “I’m just supposed to trust two individuals I’ve never seen before and leave them alone with two of the most vulnerable members of my pack?” He pulled himself from his chair and scowled at Zack. “Would you calmly walk away and leave Nathaniel with your mate?”

  Zack dropped his head back exposing the line of his throat. “We mean no disrespect, Alpha Cardston. Our terms are to protect my mate, not endanger your pack.”

  Cardston shook his head. “I want the pups well, but I can’t leave them defenseless with strangers.”

  Aurelia rose to her full height. “If I understand correctly, an alpha does what is best for his pack, and his people, no matter what.”

  “What’s your point, young lady?” asked Cardston.

  “I think you should be in the room with us. I know we can trust you to keep our secrets.”

  Zack frowned. “Aurelia, I don’t—”

  “It’s okay, Zack. I can’t explain it, but I can feel that it’s okay for him to be

  Zack shrugged. “Whatever the lady wants.”

  Alpha Cardston chuckled and moved toward the hall. “I’m guessing your mating is fairly new. For your sake, I hope you learn to stand up to her in time.” He motioned toward the end of the hall. “This way. Let’s get this miracle started.”

  Aurelia joined Zack and followed the alpha and Nathaniel down the hall, stopping in front of the third door. Cardston knocked once and then opened the door.

  Erika knelt by one of the beds, kissing the forehead of a small boy. She rushed to her husband and threw her arms around his neck, sobbing convulsively.

  “What is it?” asked the alpha. “Are they worse?”

  Erika looked over her shoulder. “Their fever is up.”

  The alpha’s pale-gray eyes under thick black eyebrows filled with water. “Nathaniel, take your mate and wait in my office.”

  “No,” Erika cried. “I won’t leave my pups.”

  The alpha placed his hand on her cheek. “I’ll be with them every second, and I promise to watch over them.”

  “Why can’t I stay?” said Erika.

  Alpha Cardston glanced at Aurelia and then back at Erika. “If our doctor needed to operate on them, you wouldn’t be allowed to stay. This is no different. You must give the young lady the room she needs to help them.” He pushed her closer to Nathaniel. “Now, go. I’ll come get you when there’s any change.” Erika shot one fearful look toward the bed and then allowed herself to be led from the room.

  The alpha closed the door. “Now what?”

  Aurelia pulled off her jacket. “Put both of the boys in one bed, as close together as you can. Take off their pajama tops so their skin can touch each other.” She watched as he picked up the small boy and carried him to the bed where his brother slept. He deftly stripped off his shirt and laid him on the colorful sheets. Zack bent and stripped the other child.

  When they stepped back, Aurelia pulled a chair over to the side of the bed and sat down. “What are their names?”

  Cardston pointed to the larger of the two boys. “That’s Nate, after his father, and his brother is Johnny.” He cleared his throat. “This won’t hurt them, will it?”

  Aurelia shook her head. “I’ve never had anyone tell me they experienced pain before.”

  “She healed me once,” said Zack. “All I felt was a warm, inner glow. It actually felt pretty good.”

  The old man nodded tiredly. “Go ahead, then.”

  “Once I get started, you mustn’t touch me or the boys until Zack tells you it’s okay.”

  He nodded. “Understood.”

  Aurelia took a deep breath and reached for the boy’s hands. She worked their fingers until they clasped together and then enclosed them inside her own two hands. Her eyes drifted closed, and she reached inside herself for the magic that always lurked just below the surface.

  * * * *

  Alpha Cardston felt his canines drop as the woman’s hands began to shimmer in the room’s dim light. An orange glow spread around her fingers like she was shielding a lightbulb under her hands. When the orange light began to move up the boy’s arms, he took a step toward the bed. He growled when Zack grabbed his arm and pulled him back, and then snarled when he shook his head. Taking a deep breath to calm his wolf, he shook off Zack’s hands and returned his attention to the bed. His breath caught when he saw the young woman almost completely encompassed by the orange glow.

  Aurelia stayed that way for several minutes, and then the glow began to fade. It retreated back along the boy’s arms and onto her skin where, after a moment, it began to fade. Zack moved close to her chair just in time to catch her when she slid off the wooden seat toward the floor.

  “Is she okay?” asked the alpha.

  Zack smiled. “She’s fine. This is normal. The healings take a great deal of her energy. She’ll need to sleep for a few hours before we can leave. Do you have a room we can use?”

  “Sure, no problem. What about the pups?”

  Zack grinned. “Have a look for yourself.” He clutched Aurelia tight to his chest and moved back to allow the alpha next to the bed.

  Cardston placed his hand on Nate’s forehead and smiled when the boy opened his eyes. His skin was cool to the touch, and he seemed alert and oriented.

  “I want my mommy,” said the small child.

  The alpha laughed. “I’ll get her for you, boy.” He motioned Zack toward the door. “Come on. I’ll show you where you can rest. You might was well stay until morning. The roads are pretty icy at night. We can have a big celebratory breakfast, and then you can be on your way.” He moved down the hall and opened another door. “This is a guest room, and it has its own bath. Sleep as long as you like. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  He glanced at the pale-faced healer as Zack walked by. What the hell is she? How can she heal them with just her touch? He shut the door behind Zack and hurried down the hall to his office. When he threw open the door, Erika squealed and came running to throw herself into her alpha’s arms. “You two, go to you pups now. They’re awake and fever free. The young lady did it.”

  Erika raced down the hall while Nathaniel stopped and crossed his arms over his chest. “What exactly did she do to our boys, Alpha?”

  “What she did was private, Nathaniel. I gave my word not to reveal her secrets. All you need to know is that she healed them, not harmed them. You owe them a debt of gratitude.”

  Nathaniel bit his lip and nodded, tilting his head to the side to expose his neck. “Yes, Alpha. I’ll thank them personally.” The young man turned and made his way down the hall, disappearing into the room that housed his children.

  Cardston moved to the bar and poured himself a healthy snifter of brandy. He sank into the chair behind his desk and closed his eyes. Remus Wind River had a powder keg in his pack just waiting to explode. There wouldn’t be any way to keep her secrets safe, especially if she continued to use them. For what she did today, he’d offer the services of his pack to keep her safe.

  Chapter 10

  Aurelia slowly opened her eyes and looked around. The unfamiliar room lay steeped in late afternoon sun. She could see a darkened bathroom across the room. Before she could gather her thoughts, the door opened and Zack walked in carrying a small tray with a plate and two cups.

  “It’s about time you woke up. Do you feel better?”

  “How long?” Her voice was husky, and pitched low.

  “Right at ten hours this time.”

  “The children?”

  Zack smiled and set the tray on the bedside table. “They’ve gone home with their parents. They both at a decent breakfast and show no signs of fever.”

  Aurelia nodded and scooted up in the bed. “It was the same with them. It wasn’t a disease. Something foreign was in there that had to be driven out.”

  “Don’t let it worry you, love. You fixed them, like I knew you would.”

  She dropped her eyes to the zipper in his jeans, staring at the way the old faded spots undulated between patches of deeper blue. His skin looked freshly scrubbed and shone with a healthy glow. Desire raced through her system. She felt it explode like a small bomb in her stomach and spread to her extremities.

  Zack grinned. “Are you always gonna wake up horny after one of these sessions?”

  She grinned and shrugged.

  Zack grabbed her hand. “Come on. I’ve got the perfect place for us.”

  Aurelia nodded toward the tray. “What about breakfast?”

  “It’s only coffee and Danish. It’ll still be here when we get back. I need you, woman.” He scooped her off the bed and strode toward the bathroom where he sat her down on a plush rug. Aurelia shivered as he ran one finger down the side of her neck and traced a pattern down her arm. He wrapped a hand in her hair and jerked her head back, forcing her lips open with his tongue. His kiss was brutal in its intensity. The taste of his breath against her lips weakened her. He thrust his tongue into her mouth as he ground his cock into her bell
y. His arms reached down, enclosing, lifting, so that she was completely off the ground in a hungry, warm embrace that seemed to swallow her whole.

  Zack grinned. “Wanna get wet with me?”

  Aurelia giggled and felt her pussy clench. “Absolutely.”

  Zack turned on the water and then stripped off his clothes. He drew her chin upward and captured her lips with his. His kiss became seeking, fevered. Then, he tore his lips away and picked her up, climbing into the tub with her in his arms. Quickly he slid the door shut, enclosing them in the steamy environment.

  Water splashed on Zack’s skin, beading up and dripping down the middle of his wide chest. She groaned when she felt his lips against the side of her neck. Turning, he pressed her against the tile wall.

  “Eeekk,” she squealed. “You could have warmed it up first.”

  Zack laughed and crushed her to him, his hardness firm against her stomach. Slowly, he slid one hand down the gentle curve of her hip, his fingers burning her skin. She turned her face up into the warm spray, and melted against him with a sigh. Her thoughts cut off with the touch of his lips against hers, soft, warm, and strong.

  Zack’s brown-eyed gaze raked over her wet, naked body as she relished the feel of the water sliding over her shoulders and breasts. It gushed over her thighs and shins to collect in little pools around their feet. She had to fight the urge to rub her clit when his lips pressed into her skin, the heat building between her legs. Aurelia’s fingers contracted in the hair on his chest as she went on tiptoe to coax his mouth harder against her own.

  “You excite me,” Zack whispered. “Let’s get cleaned up so we have more time to play.” He grabbed the bottle of liquid soap and poured a generous amount in his hand. Taking his time, he swirled the scented bubbles over her full breasts. Grinning, his hands moved lower, encouraging her to lift one of her legs so he could work the lather over her taut calf muscles. After a moment, he repeated the process on her other side. They took turns soaping each other’s backs.


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