Love's Lost Embrace

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Love's Lost Embrace Page 8

by ChaShiree M.

  “Now you’re talking. Mayor...why not Governor?” This fool.

  “You ass. I was only shooting the shit.”

  “Yea. We’ll see. Alright, let me get right on this shit. Talk after?”

  “You know it bro.”

  Jumping in my car, I make the three-minute drive to the town hall. The short distance there, I try calming myself down. It would not look good if I throw his ass through the window as soon as I see his fat fucking face.

  Not surprisingly, when I walk through the door his secretary looks like she is expecting me to walk in with a gun in hand. It further drives home the fact that this town still sees me as my father's son.

  “Can... can I help you?”

  “Hello Clarabell. Is your boss in?”

  “Uh...yea. Let me see if he is available.”

  I want to tell her I don’t give a fuck if he is in the middle of beating his salami, while watching a tranny fuck a midget. I’m going in anyway. But it dawns on me, that if I want them to see me differently than I have to show them I am different.

  So, I sit and wait like a schmuck for my turn to be seen. To my chagrin, I am made to wait 20 fucking minutes. The whole time I am sitting with my thumbs up my ass, I am building more and more heat. When she finally decides she can send me back, I am past the point of giving a fuck.

  “Are you ready to leave my town now and never come back?”

  Who the fuck does he think I look like?

  “Not even close you, pot belly fuck. But I am going to give you the chance to come clean and save face. You have exactly 30 minutes, since you waisted 20 of them to go to your wife’s shop and tell her everything.”

  His face blanches for a split second before he recovers. It’s too late, however. I saw the sweat forming.

  “I don’t know what your sniveling about.”

  “Oh. Is that right? Hmmmm...I’m wondering if maybe Madison would know. Or better yet…. Would your daughter Lea know about you and her best friend, and all the money you blew on her in Vegas when you were at your ‘Law Enforcement’ symposium? What do you say? Can't quite hear you?”

  “How...erm…...who…...what the hell do you want?”

  “Wrong question Sheriff?”

  “Listen you piece of sh…...”

  “Tsk Tsk…...oh Sheriff. Your panic is beginning to show. If I were you, I would spend less time trying to intimidate me…. which by the as futile as you using Viagra and spend more time running yourself out the door and to your wife before my messenger gets there. I came here as a courtesy. Not to you, but to her.”

  I stand to leave because sitting here looking at him, I can’t help but feel vindicated. Knowing I know his dirty little secret, he suddenly looks so small and not worth my time.

  “Sheriff, you should know your little town is about to change. You can either get on board or get the fuck out of MY town. You no longer own it.”

  With that I leave. Walking out the door, I can feel the little boy in me shedding the skin that has protected him from judgment his whole life. In his place is a man who knows who he is, where he came from, and where he is going.

  Chapter Fourteen


  No matter how many times I sit down and tell myself to relax, I cannot seem to stop pacing. From the moment Trim walked out the door, I was hit with enough anxiety I could have taken 20 Xanax and it still wouldn’t have made a difference. Luckily, Lei came over and got TJ for their weekly midweek date. Watching me pace back and forth was beginning to worry him and that is the last thing I wanted to do.

  What has me worked up is the thought that something could happen to take him away from us again. Sheriff Everhart is a bastard of the tenth degree. There is no telling what kind of setup this is.

  The question going around and around in my head is: How am I going to feel if something does happen and I wasted so much time second and third guessing our relationship. Instead I should grab the bull by the horns and go for it. I mean sure, I don’t know the him, that is a fully-grown man and has been to war. Just as much as he doesn’t know the woman who gave birth at 16 and lived in a town that shunned her for choices beyond her control.

  Who knows the person 100% before they marry? That is what the rest of our lives are for, right? To continue finding things about one another and letting the information lead to more growth.

  I am sick to my stomach thinking it could be over, before it’s began. Literally, my stomach is rolling and is filled with so much bile and regret. I can fill it creeping its way up my esophagus as it tries to fill my throat and eject itself. Feeling the need to wretch all over my living room is only negated by the shaking and sense of fear, that has taken up residence in my heart.

  Trimble MacIntosh was the brightest spot in my life when I was little more than a young girl. As much as I tried to hate him and succeeded in being angry with him, he has quickly become more to me than he ever was or will be, besides my son. I don’t know if I would be able to overcome losing him again.

  Mid pace, I hear the key in the lock and the beating of my heart picks up. Knowing that he is on the other side if the door, free to love me and build a life with me, has my knees buckling and my body on high alert.

  My vision becomes blurred by the unshed tears of happiness. Suddenly, fear has been eclipsed by happiness, but also an overwhelming sense of need. A need to tell him how much I love him, that yes, I will marry him, and that I want to live this life and the next with him. But the strongest need is the need of a woman, who needs to be taken by her man.

  “Hey baby. You ok?” He asks me, as if he knows the turmoil I have been under.

  “Yes.” The word comes out rather husky and betrays the reaction my body is having to his materialization.

  “Where’s TJ?”

  “With your aunt.” I say licking my lips.

  “Ah. So, it’s just you and me, huh baby.” He advances on me slowly, letting his gaze sweep from my toes to the eyes and devouring him right back. The closer he gets, the more rapid and shallow my breathing gets. My throat, which seconds before was filled with a vile taste is now dry and in need of moisture.

  Unable to speak, because let’s be honest, being this turned on and needy doesn’t bode well for the intelligent part of my brain. So, I nod my head. That bit of acknowledgement must be all he needed, because faster than I can swallow he is in front of me slamming his mouth to mine. Without hesitation, I open my mouth for him. We are both so desperate for this connection that the kiss is more than a little haphazard and sloppy, but I wouldn’t have it any other way as our tongues play hide and seek with one another.

  Intoxicated by the proximity and the knowing that this man belongs to me, I couldn’t begin to tell you how my legs got wrapped around his waist with his hands holding my ass up. Never breaking the connection of our mouths, he carries me into the bedroom where he slowly lies me down on the bed. He removes his mouth from mine, and I find myself whining, trying to persuade him to bring it back to me.

  “Just lay there for a second baby. I need to look at you. I have been beside and inside you every day for the past month, and nothing ever prepares me for how fucking beautiful and sexy you are.”

  Blushing is an everyday occurrence since he has been back. I freakin love it.

  “I am going to take my time and worship you. We have the house to ourselves and I know TJ won’t be back from aunt Lei for at least another couple of hours. I am going to take my time with you.”

  And he did not lie. He removes my shirt and bottoms with the patience of a saint. Kissing my legs, knees, and thighs the whole time. Removing my panties, I can feel him breathing on my wet pussy and the heat from his mouth, against the coolness of the air is no less designed for torture. I know he wants to savor this and all, but I have no more patience than a newborn needing to feed.

  The tip of his nose touches my budding clit, while he inhales my scent and the tap sends a zing of electricity through my body.

  “Mmmmm...Trim pl
ease.” I beg squirming and trying to push his head where I want it. At this rate, all I need is his tongue to take one long sweep and my body will go off like a rocket. I am so prime and ready for him. Instead of doing what I want, he kisses his way back up my now naked body stopping for a few evil moments to take my nipples in his mouth over and over sucking and licking driving me wild. I can feel the wetness of the sheets below me as I soak the bed, waiting for him to put me out of my misery. When he finally makes it to my mouth, I am surprised to feel that he too is naked on the bottom. I have no idea when he took his shorts off, but I couldn't be happier.

  “Love look at me.” He says with such intensity starring me in my face holding my head on both sides. Through my hazy, lust induced eyes, I stare back and him and the level of devotion, love and feral possessiveness I see staring back at me.

  “I love you so fucking much baby. I need to know you believe me when I say that. I need to know I am not alone in the absolute need to have you tied to me in every way possible. I would kill and die for you and my son. I will never betray you, hurt you, or make you feel like anything less than my everything. Do you understand?”

  The tears are a necessity. Although I knew all of what he said to me already because I feel in every touch, gaze, and embrace from him every single day, having him voice it and with such vulnerability is more than I can take. Incapable of forming words once again, I nod my head as the evidence of my happiness leaks from my eyes and my swollen needy pussy.

  Still holding my head, he leans in and lick the salty liquid from my face until it is dry but for his saliva. Feeling more than desperate to have him inside of me, I wiggle trying to get his cock right where I need it. I can feel it rubbing up against me, but for as much control as I don’t have, he has in spades.

  His tongue, diving in and out of my mouth, sucking and dueling with mine, is no less erotic than the actual act of him inside me. He removes one of his hands and tweaks my nipple over and over. Moaning in his mouth at the fire coursing through my veins, I begin a frantic rhythm trying to make my own friction. His mouth moves to my neck and good grief, this man should be a sadist. The more he teases me, the harder his cock gets. One minute his hand is on my nipple and the next he stuffs two fingers inside of me.

  “Fucking hot wet pussy. Does she need something baby?” He whispers in my ear.

  I am beyond smartass remarks at this moment. I need him inside of me with a desperation unlike anything I have ever known. He thrusts his fingers in and out over and over. My pussy moves up and down trying to meet his strokes and hit the one spot that can bring me to completion. Trim is not to be played. He knows exactly what I am after. Keening for him every time he bypasses my spot, I huff in frustration and he laughs.

  “Trim it's not funny. Fuck me already.” I am shocked at the words leaving my mouth. I slap my hand over it as my eyes go as wide as saucers.

  “As you wish my queen.” His teeth clamp down on my neck and all at once he slams home inside of me.

  “Yes Trim. Oh god.” For what seems like forever, he doesn’t move. Remembering this magazine, I read about driving your man wild, I start squeezing my pussy walls around his cock over and over. Each time elicits a groan from him, until finally I get the reaction I want.

  “Fuck, Love. You couldn’t just let me make this slow and nice for you, could you?”

  “I don’t want slow and nice. I just want to feel like your woman.” I say still squeezing him.

  “Ahhhhh...fuck. Baby if you keep doing that I am going to be finished before I start.”

  He pulls almost all the way out and slams back in and this time he doesn’t stop.

  “Trim!!!!” I scream his name because nothing else will suffice. He is so deep inside me, I can feel my belly button moving, I think.

  “Fuck! Your pussy is so tight and hot baby. This wet pussy was made for me. You know that? You know your pussy was meant to be mine baby. Shit, Love. I want to make this last forever, but I’m about to blow baby. Your pussy is fucking heaven to me. Every damn time it takes my seed from me without asking. Greedy fucking pussy.”

  His movements become faster and faster. Almost erratic like he thinks someone will come and stop him.

  “Get there, baby. I’m about to fill you up.”

  “I’m there Trim. I’m ready.” There is no way I can’t be ready. I have been meeting him thrust for thrust. Need for need. His hand comes down and begins rubbing my clit, and that’s it. I see light before I see explosions.

  “Ahhhhhhh…...yes Trim…...yes. I’m cumming…. I’m cumming.”

  “Shit. Love. What the fuck. Take my fucking seed baby and give me another son.”

  Those words are followed by the dam being ripped open inside me. I feel every bit of his cum as it scalds me, and it set of another mini orgasm in me. He continues to move in and out as the last of his jizz leaves his body. When we are both finally spent, he drops down to the side and pull me half across his body.

  “Sleep, my life. Nothing can come between us now.” Is the last thing I heard before falling into a deep slumber, draped across the love of my life.

  Chapter Fifteen


  My mind has been racing for the past half hour as I am thinking about the last month. Being home with my family has been beyond amazing. Not to mention, going to work every day and doing something I love. I might be the owner, but that isn't going to stop me from getting down in the trenches with my men and getting my hands dirty. There is no greater rush than being under a car, adding a supped-up spoiler, or replacing an old engine with a new one that I built from the ground up with my men.

  What is even better is going home covered in grease and dirt from a hard day’s work, and never once has Love refused my affections before washing up. I love the work I do and the camaraderie amongst the guys and myself. But that doesn’t mean my woman and son are not on my mind constantly. I wonder if they’re ok, how their day’s going, and hoping no one has upset them. When the end of the day rolls around I am frantic to get home, hold my woman, and hug my son.

  It is also the reason the events of yesterday fucked with my head. I’ve been working extra hard to prove that I am able to take care of my family. Then that motherfucker tries to shut down my livelihood and threaten my family. It was the last straw.

  After indulging our passion last night, we both dozed off instantly. Aunt Lei and TJ woke us from our sex fueled slumber and the four of us had dinner together, sitting around talking and laughing. Always, in the back of my mind the events were still playing out causing me to still be enraged.

  Once TJ went to bed, my Aunt left, and Love decided to enjoy a soak in the tub it was time to call Lansing to discuss the events and the hopefully the results I am anticipating.

  “I knew you would call sooner or later. I just figured it would be sooner.” he chuckles.

  “Fuck you. Is it done?” Asshole. He is my best friend and brother at heart, but he does know how to antagonize me.

  “Oh yea. And boy did you miss it. The town square was lit up brother. After ole’ Mrs. Everhart got the package and you left the Sheriff’s office, I stood outside the shop to get a front row seat. Must have been about 10 minutes from the time you left to the time the Sheriff, his daughter, and the mistress showed up.”

  “How the fuck did that happen?” As soon as the words left my mouth, I knew it was because of the asshat. What you need to know about Lansing is that he might be militant and have a give no fucks attitude, but he is also worse than a fucking woman. The man loves drama. The more drama the better he likes it. He is worse than a housewife who loves soap operas. No wonder, the ass takes the opportunity to make it more entertaining for himself.

  “Let’s say that by the time his wife finished beating his chubby ass with the stem of a rose bouquet, and she was satisfied his face looked like he walked blindfolded through a rose garden, they both started jumping up and down on the mistress. I think every shop owner from the whole block came out to see the c

  “Well shit!!”

  “Oh yea. Once his wife realized they had an audience, she preceded to tell any and everyone what dear old hubby has been up to. To say the town has been buzzing all day is an understatement. Shit, I think I got my fill of Telenovelas for a week a least.”

  “You are an old ass lady. But you also know I owe you man. For everything. Not just for here, but for having my back in the barracks as well.”

  “Nah., They say you can’t help the family you are born into, but you can choose the family you want to be in. Same here man. Same here.”

  The phone call helped a long way towards calming me down. Being calmer helped once Love got out of the tub, because I made love to my woman and slept like a fucking baby.

  Now here I lay, and my mind keeps going returning to what will be next. The veins in my body are demanding I get vengeance against any and everyone who turned their noses up at Love and my son. She has the right to walk around the town with her head held high, while knowing she is as good and worthy as everyone here. Definitely more so. She has no idea of the things that have been going on behind the scenes. The filth I have on the people here, could make it like living in a ghost town by the time I’m done.

  “Mmmm...good morning handsome.” Love says in a voice husky and dry from sleep. She leans up and into me, like a string to a puppet. I hold the back of her head, making sure the kiss is the way I want it. Full on and intent on claiming. Her wet hot mouth, even full of sleep, makes my morning wood become more vigorous. Every taste of her sweet and spicy taste, be it from her mouth or her pussy pushes me to the edge instantly. A few minutes of tongue pogo, and she lays back down on my chest.

  “You ready to tell me everything now, Trim?” I don’t bother asking her ‘what she means. I would never insult her intelligence that way.

  “Yea baby. I know I owe you the full story and everything that I have done and set into motion.” But where do I start?


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