Caiden: Greenville Mail Order Brides #1 (Intergalactic Dating Agency Book 6)

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Caiden: Greenville Mail Order Brides #1 (Intergalactic Dating Agency Book 6) Page 1

by V. Vaughn

  Caiden - Greenville Mail Order Brides

  Intergalactic Dating Agency

  V. Vaughn

  Sugarloaf Press




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  About the Author

  Copyright © 2016 by V. Vaughn

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Cover by Croco Designs

  Editing by Jodi Henley and Angie Ramey

  Don’t miss an installment from V. Vaughn. Sign up for her newsletter.


  Mandy Thorne thinks she’s just testing the new Intergalactic Dating Agency’s site when she pushes the initiate match button. The moment she does though, she discovers she’s just requested a super-hot alien be delivered to her doorstep the very next day. While Mandy’s excited about the sexy man she’s about to get, the strings attached are a different story.

  Caiden TS-461 lands on Earth before he’s been properly trained for the culture, but as soon as he meets his human mate he’s willing to do whatever it takes to win her heart. When he breaks a rule to make Mandy happy, the pair end up back on planet Eroscia to face punishment for their crime, and the sentence could make Mandy resent him forever.

  Chapter 1

  Eliza’s tone is resigned as she says, “It’s official. The three of us are now single without any prospects on the horizon.”

  I’ve gotten together with my best friends, Eliza and Lexi for a girls’ night, which is saddened by Eliza’s recent breakup. Eliza is the type to actually fall in love, even though keeping a man in today’s world is practically a futile venture.

  The leather of Lexi’s couch is cool on my bare arms as I sit back and cross my legs to bounce a stiletto-clad heel. “I’m sure the elimination of men sounded like a good idea at the time,” I say. “But someone forgot to anticipate what would happen to our sex lives.”

  A few years ago, an unexplained plague swept the world killing off more than half of the male population while leaving women uninfected. I suspect the illness was initiated by the first female president of the United States, Courtney Stone, but no proof has been found.

  “Well,” says Lexi, “With most world leaders being women now, peace does seem possible for the first time in history.” Lexi was recently appointed as the head of the newly-formed sexual relations department by President Stone.

  I sigh as I think about my dry spell. “Peace won’t last for long if I don’t get laid soon. I’m about ready to kill from sexual frustration.”

  Lexi says, “Mandy.” A drawer in her side table scrapes open as she yanks it. She waves the latest government-issued electronic dildo at me. “There’s always one of---”

  I cut Lexi off by holding out my hand in a stop signal. My pulse quickens in annoyance at the suggestion of using a sex toy. “It’s not the same, and you know it.”

  “True,” says Eliza. Her eyes glisten as she lowers her voice to a whisper. “There’s nothing quite like the touch of a man, and the warmth of his skin. And the way it feels to be kissed.”

  I whisk a tissue out of the box sitting nearby and hand it to Eliza. “I know, sweetie. Cry it out.” But while I’m sympathetic to my friend’s pain I wonder why women still have hope of finding a lifelong relationship with a monogamous man these days. Sure some are still committed to it, but they’ve become a rare commodity. I learned a long time ago that it was best to focus on the physical and for one day at a time. But even with that attitude finding a man is getting harder and harder. I turn my attention to Lexi and sigh as I contemplate the toy she’s holding. Most women use them for sexual satisfaction these days. “Now would be a good time for you to share what’s going to create a new sexual revolution, because Eliza’s not the only one that needs some good news.”

  Lexi takes a deep breath as her eyes twinkle with excitement. “This is still in the development phase, and it’s supposed to stay a secret, but it’s too good not to share with you guys.” She clasps her hands as her voice gets higher. “We’re going to launch an alien dating site!”

  A year ago planet Eroscia suddenly appeared in the solar system, and life was found. The beings are similar to humans, and when pictures of the creatures were leaked to the press there was a sigh of female pleasure heard around the world. The solidly-built, muscular male specimens with attractive facial features and nearly flawless skin, aside from the green tint, made hearts flutter. And when it was learned that females are nearly extinct on Eroscia, both governments rushed to figure out a way for the two species to solve each other’s problem. Some people suspect Courtney Stone has been holding up negotiations because she has no desire to bring back the very people she tried to eliminate. Even so, women have been patiently waiting for the two governments to hammer out the rules of interplanetary interaction.

  I say, “Sweet! Sign me up.”

  Lexi’s feet tap lightly over the hardwood floor of her apartment as she walks to her desk. “Let me show you the site. It’s almost ready for beta testing.”

  Eliza blows her nose loudly into her tissue and sniffs before she asks, “How long until it goes live?”

  “Maybe a year. We want to make sure Eroscians are as compatible with humans as we think they are.” Lexi plops down on the couch between me and Eliza with a whoosh.

  “Are you looking for beta testers?” I waggle my eyebrows at her as I reach for my wine and finish it off. “I’d be happy to check compatibility in every way.”

  Lexi’s fingers click on her keyboard as she says, “We have strict guidelines, but you are definitely on the list of people we’ll screen. In fact, I set up your profile this afternoon and I’m still logged into the site as you.”

  “Really?” I let out a small squeal. My insides quiver with the memory of a real man’s flesh filling me. “Can you get Eliza on there too?”

  Lexi says, “We’re all on it already.” She sets the laptop on the coffee table with a thud. “Why wouldn’t I share my job perks with my two besties?”

  A list of possible matches for me is displayed on the computer. “Whoa,” says Eliza as she clicks on an image, and a guy’s smiling face fills the screen. “TS-461 has eyes that could steal my soul.”

  “Read his description.”

  “Perfect for the independent woman, TS-461 is eager to please, but does not require constant supervision.” Eliza frowns. “What are these guys, dogs?” She continues to read. “He has above-average intelligence and should be paired with an intellect to match.”

  I groan at what is clearly an amateur attempt at ad copy as Lexi says, “I told you it was still pre-beta.”

  “Give me that.” I lift the laptop and click on the edit button. I speak as I type. “TS-461 yearns for a strong woman in his life to tantalize his mind.”

  “That’s good,” says Eliza. “But don’t they have names?”

  “Yeah. About that,” says Lexi. “They’re impossible to pronounce, like most of their language. They use sounds even our best linguists can’t master. Fortunately Eroscians are all learning English and the men in the pr
ogram speak it.”

  I study the image of the alien. “This is going to come across too cold if they don’t have names,” I say. He’s the kind of guy I like, with muscles that are well-defined beneath his dark, skin-tight shirt that looks painted on, and he has a pair of arms that appear as if they could lift me up like a feather. Hell, he’d be anyone’s type. “Let’s call him Caiden. He can tell his match to call him something different later.” I continue to speak as I write. Caiden’s credentials make him sound like he’s one of those guys that’s good at everything he does, and after a few tweaks from my friends, I’ve created a profile that will get this guy a girl.

  I stare into the alien’s blue eyes and think Eliza was right. His gaze could steal a soul, and I want him to take mine. “I’m totally hooked on him now,” I say. “Caiden’s bound to be snatched up in an instant.” My heart flutters as I imagine a deep male voice. The warmth of his arms around me is such a vivid thought I’d swear he’s touching me. But that’s crazy, and I shake my head at the absurdity.

  A green button glows at the bottom of the screen and taunts me with its words, ‘initiate match.’ Suddenly I want Caiden with an ache I’ve never felt before, and the button clicks when I impulsively jab it.

  A progress bar pops up along with a pie chart and begins to rattle off numbers. I gasp. “Oh my god!”

  Lexi asks, “What did you just do?”

  “I hit the submit button.”

  “Oh my god is right.” Lexi snatches the laptop away. “You activated a match.”

  What? “I thought you said it was pre-beta.”

  “It is. But this feature went live today.” Lexi sets the computer back on the coffee table with a clatter. She mumbles. “This is bad. This is so, so bad.” Lexi’s bottom thuds on the table when she sits to face me. “Hang on. This might actually be okay. If you aren’t seventy-five percent compatible no contact will be made. Otherwise,” she sighs, “I’m so fired.”

  Eliza says, “Then you might want to start searching the want ads. Look.”

  I glance at the screen to see the pie chart at thirty-nine percent while the progress bar is at forty. Crap! I’m no math whiz, but a quick calculation makes me think we’re going to hit seventy-five easily. My stomach lurches, and I reach over to the laptop. Buttons are hard under my fingers as I pound quickly trying to hit each one. “Can’t we cancel this thing?”

  Lexi crouches over the computer to protect it from me. “Stop! You’ll break it.”

  As Lexi hugs the machine against her chest a bell chimes and a female voice announces, “Congratulations! Mandy Thorne and Caiden TS-461 are a match.”

  I gulp hard to swallow down the bile that burns in my throat, as the rest of my body betrays me. I wonder if my fear is based on the fact that alien-human compatibility hasn’t been tested, because a date with Caiden couldn’t be all that bad, could it? A tingle of physical attraction races through my veins for the sexy alien. Wasn’t I just complaining about not having a man in my life? What am I afraid of?

  Its not like I’m committed for life. After all, this is just beta testing. A roll in the sheets with a sexy alien sounds like fun, and I really do miss a man in my bed. I sigh, because I mean, lets be real, that’s the only part of relationships I like anyway. And since Caiden doesn’t need supervision...I smile and ask, “What happens now?”

  Chapter 2

  “This is so not good,” says Lexi as the keys on her computer click under her fingers with a frantic beat. “Damn it! He’s already read the message. TS-461 knows he’s got a -- crap!” She jerks back when the computer lets out a small ding. “He accepted the match.”

  “Cool,” I say. “I’ve got a date with a sexy alien.”

  Lexi jumps up and hovers over me. “I don’t think you understand. He’s coming to Earth.”

  I grin at her. “Well that’s good. I have no idea what I’d wear if our date was on Eroscia.”

  Lexi gets in my face and practically growls out, “Forever. He is now your mate, or as we humans like to call it - husband.”

  “Wait. What?” My chest tightens as if the oxygen has been sucked from my lungs, and I croak out, “Husband?”

  Eliza steps between us. “Hang on. Whose bright idea was that?”

  “Bringing an alien to Earth is a very expensive process many women will save years to pay for,” says Lexi as she begins to pace. “What do you think would happen if the men realized how many women they could have once they got here? It had to be done for the customer’s protection.”

  I manage to suck in a deep breath and blow out it out. “Husband.” I think about having a man in my apartment every day, and my skin prickles as if I’ve suddenly developed a rash. I scratch at my arm hoping for relief as I say, “Like another coffee cup in my sink every morning, and less closet space and--” I swallow hard as dread settles in my stomach like a lead ball. “Oh god.” I lower my head into my hands and wail. “Why did I push that button?”

  Eliza says, “Mandy didn’t sign anything. That can’t be legal.”

  Hope blossoms in me as I glance up.

  Lexi glances at her feet. “I had to test all the features so I signed for Mandy.”

  “What?” I ask.

  Lexi’s eyes flash as she snarls at me, “I didn’t think you’d go and initiate a match!”

  I fight back the tears that threaten to fall as I imagine my perfect single life being invaded by an alien. And knowing how severe Courtney Stone can be, getting out of this won’t be easy. As if someone is breathing near my ear, warm air tickles my skin and sends a tingle of desire down through my spine. It makes me think of a lover whispering naughty things to me, and I recall how much I miss a man’s touch. Caiden sure is a sexy one, and it would be nice to have him in my bed every night. Maybe...

  My god! What is the matter with me? I’ve got to get control of myself and figure out how I’m going to deal with this.

  It’s so like me to end up in hot water for my impulsive behavior. Like the time I thought being a dominatrix might be fun. While I definitely loved the boots, I did not love what men wanted me to do to them. More than once I’ve seen a past client on the street with a look in his eyes that makes my blood run cold.

  Once again, I’ve made a mess for myself, and it’s time to take responsibility for my actions. I say, “It’s not Lexi’s fault. I shouldn’t have pushed the button.” I grab my elbows, and the bone is hard under my fingers as I hug myself. The sensation of a man’s arms wrapping around me comes back, like the way I felt when I was compelled to initiate the match. I think I might be losing my mind.

  My skin itches, and I begin to scratch again. Lexi grabs my hand. I think she’s afraid I’m about to draw blood when she asks, “Are you okay?”

  I stare at Lexi as a whisper-light touch strokes my cheek and sends a tiny shiver of pleasure through my body. But Lexi’s hand didn’t come near my face, and I pull back in confusion. The contact ends, and warmth spreads in my lower belly. I really liked the way that felt. Maybe this is what happens when you go too long without sex, and I smile to myself at the absurdity of my thoughts. I shake off my dream-like state to deal with reality. “I’m fine.”

  Eliza says, “If this is beta testing, surely when the match doesn’t work Mandy won’t have to marry him.”

  No! The thought of sending Caiden back to his planet spikes fear in my heart, and my pulse quickens. “No.”

  I shake my head, because I’m afraid my reaction has everything to do with thoughts of sex with a hot alien rather than logic. I should be thinking about the fact this guy is supposed to be my husband. A space-invading, personal-boundary-pushing kind of relationship that gives me the urge to run. “I mean, once he gets here he should stay. Some girl will think he’s wonderful.”

  Lexi nods her head, “That might work. I don’t think it will be easy to send him back, or cheap. But maybe we can give him away.

  My phone is on the coffee table, and it startles me when it buzzes with a text. I reach down to ch
eck it in an automatic reaction. It’s a strange number, and the notification reads, “Is Caiden a sexy name?”

  I gasp, and the phone clatters on the coffee table when I drop it like a hot potato.

  Eliza grabs the cell and reads it quickly before glancing up to say. “That was fast.”

  Lexi leans over Eliza to read the text. “I suggest you answer him.”

  “I--I--” The phone is slick in my hand when I grab it from Eliza. Heat rises to my face as if I just got a message from my first crush, and I’m not sure why. Banter is easy for me, and I should have a quick reply at the ready. But I don’t, because something tells me what I say matters. “I need a minute.” I make my way to the kitchen.

  The low hum of the refrigerator vibrates against my back as I lean against it and slide down to sit on the floor and stare at the screen of my phone. I notice my hands are shaking. C’mon Mandy, you can do this.

  Air rushes out of my lungs in a whoosh before I dive in. “Caiden is super-sexy. In fact it’s rated the hottest male name in the world.”

  “Then I like it,” he replies. I chuckle in relief and wonder if he knows I was teasing. I think he does when he adds, “Mandy would be the hottest name on Eroscia if we’d ever used it.”

  My cheeks hurt with the huge grin that covers my face. He’s playful too. “We’re going to get along just fine.”

  “For ninety-seven percent of the time.”

  He’s referring to our compatibility number. “What happens the other three percent?”

  “We fight. Which gives us a good reason to make up. Do humans like make-up sex?”

  I snort at his boldness, and it makes blood rush to my cheeks again. I tap out my reply and hit send quickly before I can think about the implications. “This one does.”

  “Then you are perfect.”


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