Snarl for Me

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Snarl for Me Page 7

by Jane Jamison

  “Really? Already?” His disappointment clouded his eyes. Yet his expression brightened. “Still, if you’re not sure, then I’d say you aren’t.” His eyes narrowed slyly. “No woman of mine would have any doubts about who she belongs to. So I’ll ask you again. Are you taken?”

  “Uh-huh.” Yet, again, there was no conviction behind her answer. Taken? Belong to? Those were possessive words, words men used to claim ownership. Yet, she didn’t mind.

  He leaned closer still, putting his face mere inches from hers. “Are you sure? And there’s nothing I can do to change your mind?”

  She drew in another breath. The mystical scent wafted over her, tantalizing her nostrils as it fogged her mind. “I don’t think so.” Her hand found its way to his chest. He was strong and powerful, as she’d known he would be.

  “I think there is. After all, you’ve been watching me.”

  “I have?” Her gut told her he was right, but she suddenly found it hard to remember anything. “I don’t think so.” He was right, of course. Except when she was with the Conway men, she’d always been looking for him. Needing to find him. But didn’t he already know that?

  “Sure you have. At least, a couple of times. And I’ve definitely been watching you.”

  “Damn it, John Abraham. I should’ve known you were up to something.” Miss Kitty’s voice sounded far away, as though coming from another time and place.

  In the next moment, he’d pulled Julia onto his lap. Amazing even herself, she didn’t struggle to get free. In fact, she wanted to get oh-so much closer. “You’ve been watching me?”

  “You know I have.” His voice deepened. “We’ve seen each other several times now.”

  “Then why didn’t you introduce yourself before now?”

  He shrugged. “Because I enjoy a good chase. Because anticipation makes the meeting even better once it finally happens.”

  “Didn’t you see me with the Conway men?”

  “Yes, but I had no choice but to watch you. The first time I saw you, I thought I’d died and gone to heaven. I still wouldn’t be surprised to find out that I had. Or that I’m dreaming the best dream of my life.”

  She wrapped her arms around him, feeling it completely natural to do so. “This is wrong. Samuel—”

  “Samuel, Myler, and Tonk Conway wouldn’t like it. I know, and I wouldn’t blame them one bit. If I were in their places, I’d be mad as hell.” His eyes brightened with amber bits. “But don’t worry. I’ll explain it to them. I tried to stay away. I swear I did. But when fate sends you the woman of your dreams, it’s just plain wrong to say no. They’ll understand—eventually. It’s a good thing for them that I won’t mind sharing. Even if it is with three—”

  “Hush, John Abraham. You don’t know what’s been said between them yet.”

  The heat between them grew, especially with her butt pushing against his crotch and the growing bulge there. “I don’t know. This is all very weird.”

  He chuckled, the sound rich. “Yeah, I guess it is. At least for an outsider. But, believe me, it’s all very real. Here. You can feel that it’s real.” He placed his huge palm on her chest, and his smile widened. “Your heart’s beating fast.” He then took her hand that was already on his chest and slipped it under his cotton shirt. “Just like mine.”

  Holy shit. What’s going on?

  “John Abraham, you’d better talk to the Conway men before you do anything more,” warned Miss Kitty. “You’re breaking the rules.”

  Was Miss Kitty still here? Julia had forgotten about her. She’d been too entranced. She mentally shook herself then tried to ease off John Abraham. “Look, I don’t know what’s going on, but I have to go. I’m going to—” She clammed up, unwilling to tell this new man anything about her plans with the Conway brothers.

  “See there, John Abraham? I’ll bet money she’s already been claimed. Now back off until you find out for sure. What you’re doing isn’t right. What would happen if every Tom, Dick, and Lion gave their scent to one woman? Chaos. That’s what would happen. I’m sorry I ever encouraged you, but this foolish old woman lives vicariously through young ones and doesn’t always think straight after a hot toddy or two. Now let her be before I have to take you on myself.”

  Lion? Julia frowned at Miss Kitty. Had she really said “lion”? Or had she said Leo?

  “It’s gone too far to turn back now.” His voice was guttural, needy. “I won’t, hell, I can’t let her go now. I’ve already fallen for her.”

  Did all the men in Lonesome fall in love so fast? Yet, as much as she wanted to challenge him, to even laugh at what he’d said, she couldn’t.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking, but Miss Kitty’s right.” Julia tried to get off his lap. She wasn’t being fair to the Conway men or to herself. She managed to get to a half-standing position, but he still had hold of her arms. “I need to get going.”

  “Not until I do this.”

  Before she realized what he was doing, he’d cupped her behind the neck and tugged her face close. His mouth was an inch from hers.

  Her lips parted, ready for the kiss she hoped was coming. Feeling like she was cheating on the men she loved, yet unable to stop herself, she closed her eyes and sighed. The brush of his lips against hers was enough to startle her into opening her eyes. His amber-flecked ones caught hers at the moment he breathed out.

  The scent struck her, more intense, more captivating than before. This breath felt like a hurricane compared to the earlier soft breezes. Yet instead of pulling back, she inhaled. She ached for his breath, yearned for it.

  At once, her mind grew fuzzy as it had so many times before. But those times had been with the Conway men.

  This is so wrong.

  Yet her growing desire didn’t agree.

  This is so right.

  She leaned in, pressing her lips to his as her hands slipped to his shoulders. In the next moment, she’d be sitting on his lap again, this time with her crotch pushed hard against his bulge.

  “What the fuck is going on?”

  Chapter Five

  Julia jumped away from John Abraham. Guilt swamped her as she spun around to face the men. Samuel, Tonk, and Myler glared at her from the front yard. “Guys, listen…”

  Yet what could she say? The truth was the truth. Even if she hadn’t meant to do anything with John Abraham, she had wanted to. She’d been curious about him after seeing him several times in town, but once she’d gotten close to him, once she’d realized how delicious he smelled, she’d been unable to resist.

  But she didn’t say so. After all, “unable to resist” was the lamest excuse of all.

  “Hey, boys.” John Abraham got to his feet and sauntered to the top of the steps. His hand grazed her waist as he passed by her.

  And, damn it if she didn’t feel the tingle his caress gave her. A tingle that remained even as she heard a low sound from Tonk.

  Did he just growl?

  And it had sounded like a real, animal-kind of growl, not a man-kind growl.

  “It’s good to see you guys. It’s been awhile,” said John Abraham.

  She half expected John Abraham to go down the steps and offer his hand, but she was relieved when he didn’t. If she could figure out a way to get him out of sight, she’d do it. But her mind was frozen, her breath held in anticipation. What could she say? What would the Conway men do?

  “I thought you’d gone off to Houston, Evans.” Myler’s tone held no warmth.

  “I did.” John Abraham smiled an icy smile. “But now I’m back.” He glanced at her then returned his focus to the three angry men. “And it looks like I got back just in time, too.”

  “You’d better keep your dirty paws off her,” warned Tonk.

  Shit. If she didn’t know better, she’d swear Tonk was about to lunge at the man. But she did know better. Didn’t she?

  “You boys best remember where you are. I don’t want any fighting going on around my home.” Miss Kitty took Julia�
�s arm. “And remember, this isn’t the olden days. Women aren’t anyone’s property. Julia can do whatever she wants with whomever she wants.”

  Julia gave Miss Kitty a thank-you look. The only problem was that she wasn’t sure what—or rather who—she wanted. Or was it that she simply wanted all of them?

  Four men? Could she handle four men at once? Could any one woman handle four at the same time? Especially four men like these?

  “Don’t go getting riled up, guys.” John Abraham’s voice was level, but there was an edge to it, a challenge held not in the words but in the tone. “I’ve given you three time and space with her, but I couldn’t get her out of my head. I did my dead-level best”—he smiled—“well, kind of”—his smile grew into a grin—“to stick to the rules, but she was too much to forget. What more can you ask of any man? Am I right?”

  “We’re not asking you anything,” said Samuel. “We’re telling you to back the hell off.”

  John Abraham shrugged as though they’d asked him what time it was and he didn’t know. “Well, now there’s the rub. I did my best to do exactly that—I swear I did—and it didn’t work. I had to meet her.”

  “This isn’t happening.” Myler ran his hand over the shaved part of his head. “This kind of shit isn’t done, and you damn well know it. No one’s going to stand for it.”

  “You’re absolutely fucking right.”

  Julia blinked, hearing the first sound of anger in John Abraham’s voice.

  “But it is what it is.” He planted his feet apart, ready to stand his ground. “And I can’t change the way I feel.” He chuckled, looked at her, and winked. “And trust me. She won’t be changing the way she feels, either.”

  Samuel clenched his fists. “You’ve got to be kidding. You gave her—” He shut up, his gaze jumping to her then back to his rival. “That’s wrong. Fucking wrong.”

  “Well, I never was one to play by the rules. Looks like even when I try, I can’t. And I’m not about to start now.”

  Something happened then, but Julia wasn’t sure what it was. All at once, the air thickened with tension. She could actually feel the zing of electricity jump from one man to the next. But that was nothing compared to seeing their bodies shimmer then blur.

  Just like the little boy. Oh. My. God.

  The Conway men approached John Abraham, who still stood his ground. As they grew closer, amber filled their eyes. Not mere flecks any longer, but coloring spreading outward from their pupils. The stubble on their faces grew thicker. Impossibly, they grew taller, wider. Awful sounds cracked the air along with the shredding noise of clothing ripping apart.

  “Come with me, girl.”

  Before Julia could protest, Miss Kitty tugged her into the house. She slammed the door behind them. “You smelled his breath, didn’t you?”

  “What?” Julia tried to yank her arm out of the older woman’s grasp but couldn’t. How strong could a woman get?

  “John Abraham. You smelled his breath, didn’t you?”

  How did she know? “Uh, maybe. I don’t know. I mean he was kind of close, so I guess it would’ve been hard not to. Damn it. Let me go. You’re hurting me.”

  “And you’ve smelled the breaths of the Conway men, too? I’m right, aren’t I?”

  Why was she talking about smelling men’s breaths?

  Noises, loud and terrifying, came from outside. More than one growl had her twisting toward the door. “Let me go! I have to see what’s going on.”

  “Did you have sex with the Conway brothers or not?” Miss Kitty took hold of both of Julia’s arms, her fingers digging into Julia’s flesh.

  “Ow! Stop it!”

  “Tell me!”

  She gaped at the intensity in Miss Kitty’s face and voice. “It’s none of your business.”

  Miss Kitty sucked in a breath. “So you did. I should’ve known. I should’ve, but I didn’t. I mean it was so fast. Even for Lonesome.”

  Julia finally wrenched herself free. “What the hell is going on?”

  But Miss Kitty was no longer looking at her. Instead, she stared at the floor. “I must be getting soft in the head not to have known. You were at their ranch. What did I think was going on?”

  “Why does it matter?” Julia tried to step past Miss Kitty, but she wouldn’t allow her to get by. “Please. I have to go outside.” The unmistakable roar of a lion filled the air. “Oh my God. There’s an animal out there. We have to get them inside.”

  She tried to get past Miss Kitty, but again, Miss Kitty blocked her way. Her eyes, so alive, so filled with amber, met Julia’s.

  Holy shit.

  “They’re shifters, aren’t they?” Her question came out in a whisper.

  “You leave them be. Those four will have to sort it out as best they can.” The intensity in Miss Kitty’s expression lessened, changing to pain. “I don’t know what I was thinking. As soon as John Abraham showed up, I should’ve realized what he was going to do. But I’ve always had a soft spot for him. He reminds me of my late husband, Gerald. So handsome with his blond hair and hazel eyes. And then there’s the bad boy in him who charms women. And, like you, I’m no exception to that charm. No wonder you did what you did.”

  What had she actually done? Smelled his breath? What was wrong with that?

  The sounds from outside grew louder, distracting her thoughts. She was certain now. There was more than one animal in the front yard.

  More than one shifter.

  She didn’t try to get past Miss Kitty again. Instead, she darted the other way, taking the stairs as fast as she could.

  “Don’t be afraid, Julia. You were meant for them. Maybe even all of them,” called Miss Kitty from below. “Just remember who they really are.”

  Julia slammed the bedroom door open and dashed for the window. Shoving the curtains aside, she tugged the blinds up. What she saw was both a confirmation and a shock.

  I was right. They’re shifters.

  Yet they weren’t in their animal bodies. Instead, they were bloodied, their clothes hanging in shreds on their bodies. John Abraham looked as though he’d caught the worst of the battle, but he was still standing, his chest heaving as he dragged in one hard breath after another.

  No, she hadn’t caught them in their animal forms, but wasn’t it clear enough? Even while in their human bodies, they still possessed an animal quality. The air around them rippled with the tension still lingering between them. Yet, somehow, they’d managed to bring their fight to a quick end.

  She shoved open the window and shouted down to them. “Are you all right?”

  The men lifted their gazes to her. Although they weren’t animals, their eyes still glowed with the strange amber color. A color that had to belong to the beasts inside them.

  “I’m fine. Tonk and Myler, too,” answered Samuel. “Not so sure about that one.” He jerked his head toward John Abraham. “Or whether he’ll stay all right. You steer clear of him.”

  “I know what you are.” She was both declaring her suspicions and challenging them to deny it.

  “I’m a man who wants you.” John Abraham grimaced as he straightened to his full height. “And don’t let them tell you what you can or can’t do.”

  Samuel whirled on him, his back hunching around his neck. If she could’ve seen his face, she knew she would’ve seen the face of a wild beast. “Shut the fuck up.”

  She could barely understand his words. Whether from his anger or from fangs, she didn’t know. But no human man could’ve made the sounds. She repeated what she’d said, unsure of what would happen next. “I know what you are. All of you.”

  “Shit.” Myler hit Tonk in the shoulder. “Let’s go.” He looked back to her and pointed at John Abraham. “Meet us at the saloon. Until then, stay away from this asshole.”

  “Are you ordering me or asking me?” Miss Kitty was right. A man could possess her heart, but she’d be damned if he’d ever control her body or her mind.

  “We’re asking you,” added Myler
. “At the saloon? Okay?”

  She nodded. “I’ll be there.”

  With that said, the Conway men gave John Abraham glares and crossed their arms.

  To his credit, John Abraham laughed. “I guess they want me to leave before they do.” He threw her a kiss as much to annoy the Conway men as to flatter her. “I’ll be back. Don’t you worry about all this. We’ll figure it out.”

  “It’s already been figured out. You’re backing the hell off, man. You got lucky today, but your luck’s going to run out real fast.” Tonk made a short lunge at John Abraham.

  John Abraham didn’t flinch. Instead, he lifted his hand in a wave to her then turned on his heel and leisurely strolled out of the yard.

  “I’m coming down,” she called.

  “No. You stay up there.” Samuel glanced around. “We were lucky no one saw—” He paused, before continuing. “We need to get home and changed. We’ll see you later. We have something serious we need to tell you. Until then…”

  “I know, I know. Stay away from John Abraham.”

  Something serious. Would it be something good or something bad?


  “And maybe I will.”

  They’d started to walk away, but her words brought them up short, just as she’d intended them to do.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” asked Myler as he took a piece of his shirt and wiped his face clean.

  “You know what it means. Maybe I will and maybe I won’t. And maybe, just maybe, you’ll tell me the truth about everything.” She paused, watching as realization dawned on their faces. “And I mean everything.”

  Knowing a good time to exit, she shut the window and drew the curtains, resolve filling her. Yet as soon as the curtains were closed, doubt took over.

  Her men were shifters.

  John Abraham was a shifter.

  What the hell did she do now? Keep going in relationships with men who could change into animals? Or text TJ so they could get the hell out of town?


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