Darcy's Voyage: A tale of uncharted love on the open seas

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Darcy's Voyage: A tale of uncharted love on the open seas Page 37

by Kara Louise

  Darcy wrapped his arms around her. “Elizabeth, we both made mistakes. It is futile to speculate what may have happened if we had done things differently.” Elizabeth could feel her husband’s heartbeat against her cheek. She felt very safe in his arms, yet was not completely confident that their marriage would not be annulled by this woman who was resolute to ensure that there would never be any evidence left of their having been married.

  “William, how can we know for sure of what she is capable? I have heard of annulments being sold. Do you suppose, if one has enough money, one could be bought?”

  “Elizabeth, I want nothing more than to assuage your fears. I shall travel to Town and confront her.”

  Elizabeth grasped his arm with both her hands. “Must you leave again?”

  Darcy took in a deep breath. “Yes, Elizabeth, I must.”

  He placed both hands on her shoulders. “Elizabeth, this time, I do not wish to leave before…” Darcy stopped.

  Elizabeth pulled away and looked at him. “Before what?”

  “Elizabeth, this time, before I leave, I must speak with your father.”

  For a moment Elizabeth did not think she could breathe. “You are going to tell him?”

  Darcy was silent for a moment. “I am well aware this is not what your uncle advised, but disguise of any sort is my abhorrence. The threat no longer exists that my aunt might discover our marriage, as she already has. I believe that the most prudent course now is to inform your father.”

  Elizabeth understood his words and was actually grateful for his decision. Her deepest concern was that her father would most likely be quite upset by it.

  “And then?”

  “I will leave immediately for London. My aunt will travel slowly in her carriage and I might reach Town in a reasonable amount of time if I ride. I doubt that I will be able to overtake her, depending on when I am able to leave, but she should not have the opportunity to do anything tonight. It will be very late when she arrives.”

  Tears again pooled in Elizabeth’s eyes.


  She closed her eyes and a tear trailed down each side of her face. “I am sorry.” She felt absolutely helpless to do anything about her tears.

  Darcy pulled out a handkerchief and gently dabbed at her tears, then handed it to Elizabeth. “My heart is breaking that you are in such distress.”

  “When I was in America, I realized that being married to you was all I wanted. I wanted to honour those vows I spoke to you, even though at the time, it was not our intent to keep them. I determined that, in my heart, I would always keep those vows to you, even though I believed you would annul our marriage.”

  Darcy’s heart swelled at her words. “You were willing to keep those vows even believing that I would not?”

  With tears streaming down her face, Elizabeth silently nodded. “William, we cannot allow her to annul our marriage!”

  Darcy took both of her hands in his, feeling all the urgency of her words. Grateful for the shielding of the trees and shrubbery around them, he then drew her against his chest and wrapped his arms around her. “I will not let her do anything, Elizabeth. I promise. You have my love for eternity.”

  Elizabeth looked up at him and he kissed her, taking her lips passionately and purposefully. Pulling her tightly against him, he was overwhelmed by the depth of love he had for his wife. He did not think he could love anyone more.

  As they remained in their passionate embrace, shielded from anyone’s eyes, the sound of an approaching carriage drew them apart.

  “That must be my family returning.”

  Darcy knew what this meant. He hoped that he would be able to put into words the strength of his admiration and regard for Elizabeth. He would help her father to understand that despite the unusual beginning of their marriage, he had the deepest love for her and that he would put all his heart and soul into pleasing this woman so worthy of being pleased.

  “So it would seem.” Darcy inhaled deeply. “Shall we go in?”

  Chapter 29

  Darcy and Elizabeth both turned and began walking in the direction of the house, becoming aware of the commotion coming from Mrs. Bennet as she stepped down from the carriage.

  Elizabeth instinctively turned and grasped Darcy’s coat, effectually bringing him to a stop before they stepped out into a clearing. “Are you certain you wish to do this now?”

  “I have never been more certain. There is no longer any need to delay, and I cannot take the chance of encountering some other impediment before it is announced or that someone else will find out. I am resolute, Elizabeth.”

  Elizabeth sighed and turned to walk again. “I only hope we will find my father in good spirits.”

  This time Darcy stopped her. Taking a quick glance toward the house to ensure no one could see them, he took both of her hands in his, cupping them together, and brought them up to his lips. “Elizabeth, my love, there is nothing to fear. I shall make your father understand.”

  Elizabeth looked into his eyes, and she felt her whole body quiver as she felt his warm breath gently encircle her cool fingers.

  Darcy wished he could remain here with Elizabeth indefinitely. How he wanted to hold her close and kiss her endlessly! Before turning to walk into the house, he was determined to enjoy one last kiss. He released her hands and brought his arms around her waist, pulling her the short distance to him. She was firm, yet so soft, against him. He lowered his mouth and met hers, enjoying the feel of her feminine softness pressing against his unyielding body. His arms tightened about her as he felt intoxicated by her presence and her response.

  Elizabeth closed her eyes. She felt herself spinning, as if in a swirling current, as his kiss deepened. She returned his embrace by bringing her arms up around his neck, as much to steady herself as to show her affection. His kiss and touch had the most pleasant effect of leaving her quite lightheaded, positively breathless, and in a most pleasantly disconcerted state.

  At length, Darcy pulled away, looking down at Elizabeth’s flushed face. He took in a deep breath before he was able to say anything. “I think it would be prudent for us to join your family directly, Elizabeth.” He fingered a loose curl that framed her face and smiled. “However, I would have you know it is a good thing we are about to announce our marriage to your father, as all I wish to do is steal away with you to Pemberley directly!”

  The set of his eyes as he looked upon Elizabeth immobilized her. Even if she wanted to, she could not remove her arms from around his neck. He brought up both hands and gently took hers in his, bringing them down.

  “Come, Elizabeth, it is time for us to go in.”

  They walked toward the house, united in purpose, yet separated a respectable distance from each other by the conventions of their day. Elizabeth wanted nothing more but to draw the strength she needed by entwining her arm within her husband’s, but as no one yet knew of their mutual attachment, they walked divided by, what seemed to Elizabeth, an ocean of distance.

  As they approached the house, they were greeted by a multitude of wails and loud exclamations from the other room, mostly from Elizabeth’s mother.

  “Oh, Mr. Bennet, my nerves! Please do not say such things!”

  “Mrs. Bennet! I am saying only what I believe is the reality of the situation. Your wailings will do nothing to remedy our troubles!”

  Elizabeth glanced at Darcy with a look of alarm. “Perhaps now is not a good time, William.”

  “Let us find out, first.”

  He gave her a reassuring smile, which was immediately followed by a pained expression as he overheard Mrs. Bennet exclaim in an enraged voice, “But of course he will marry her!”

  “I find that quite improbable, my dear wife! She has no fortune and nothing to recommend her!”

  Elizabeth paled and looked with great fear at Darcy, wondering with mortification if her parents had somehow come to hear some misconstrued report about them.

  Darcy returned her look as he began to
suspect that Wickham may have furthered his evil scheme and spread some venomous lies about him and Elizabeth that the Bennets had come to hear.

  Darcy followed Elizabeth into the room and all eyes turned to the couple.

  “Mama? Papa?” Her voice was weak as she looked at the alarm and anger engraved upon their faces.

  “It is about time you came home, Lizzy!” Mr. Bennet directed his anger at Elizabeth in a harsh and bitter voice.

  She looked with great alarm from her mother to her father. “What has happened?”

  “Oh, Lizzy! Lydia has run off. She has eloped, but your father insists they are not to be married!”

  Both Elizabeth and Darcy breathed a momentary sigh of relief that the news that was wreaking havoc in the Bennet household was not due to them.

  Mr. Bennet continued. “He has no need for a woman with no fortune! I fear your hopes for a marriage between them, my dear, are unfounded!”

  “Lydia? Elope? How did this happen?” cried Elizabeth.

  “We thought she was visiting the Forsters today,” her mother explained, “but Hill just recently discovered this letter.” She frantically pointed to a note held by Mr. Bennet. “She had never gone to the Forsters!”

  Elizabeth felt herself grow unsteady. “I cannot believe this!”

  Her father came and looked at her gravely. “Hill sent someone for us immediately when the note was discovered. We stopped by the Forsters’ upon leaving the Phillips’s, and when we applied for Lydia, they said they had not seen her all day.” It was all he could do to explain the situation to Elizabeth in a calm, rational manner.

  “But with whom did she elope?” Elizabeth asked, her voice and countenance distressed.

  “According to this,” Mr. Bennet shook the note angrily, “she and that Wickham have run off together, proving to me that she has not an ounce of sense in her!”

  Darcy started at the mention of Wickham’s name, growing incensed at what he heard “With whom did you say she ran off?” His voice was low and raspy.

  Mr. Bennet looked at Darcy curiously, suddenly wondering why he was here. “Mr. Wickham. And it makes absolutely no sense that he would run off with the intention of marrying our Lydia! She has nothing to offer him!”

  “Oh, Mr. Bennet, please,” cried Mrs. Bennet. “Perhaps they love each other! He had certainly been singling her out with his attentions.”

  “Nonsense! He has absolutely no use for her… at least as a wife!”

  “Oh, do you have to say such things?” Mrs. Bennet reached for her smelling salts.

  Darcy looked down at Elizabeth, tightening his hands into fists, and finally recovering a semblance of control, whispered to Elizabeth, “Would that be George Wickham?”

  “Yes,” Elizabeth said, feeling quite distraught that Lydia was putting her family through this, but also that her husband was witness to the scene. “Are you acquainted with him?”

  Darcy closed his eyes and brusquely rubbed his chin with his hand. “Unfortunately, I am.”

  Suddenly, Mr. Bennet looked again at Darcy, noticing his most severe countenance. “And might I inquire as to your presence here, Mr. Darcy? Are you enjoying the trials and tribulations of our family?”

  Darcy stiffened, unable to calm himself enough to make a rational response.

  “And where have you been, Lizzy? No one seemed to know where you were off to.”

  “I was out… walking, Papa.”

  “At least you have not run off, eh?” He looked at his wife, who flailed a handkerchief in the air to circulate some air around her.

  Elizabeth looked at Darcy; her eyes wide as she shook her head, giving him a look that said now would definitely not be the time to say anything!

  Crying relentlessly, Mrs. Bennet said, “I am sure he intends to marry her, Mr. Bennet! Lydia would not do this to us!” She dramatically dabbed at her tears with her handkerchief. “Oh, my poor, dear girl!”

  “Madam,” Mr. Bennet answered gravely, “I can guarantee that he will not! Lydia may be under the foolish impression they are to be married, but I am most certain this Wickham will leave her disgraced when he is through with her! Colonel Forster himself told me that he had just come to learn of his disreputable behaviour! He has unpaid gambling debts throughout Meryton! He certainly cannot expect our family’s fortune sufficient to pay them off!”

  “Excuse me, sir,” Darcy said. “But I must agree with Mrs. Bennet. I believe Wickham does intend to marry your daughter.”

  Darcy’s words halted all thought and movement on Mr. Bennet’s part. “Mr. Darcy,” he said slowly. “I appreciate your trying to console us in our time of distress, but you can hardly know the circumstances.”

  “Sir, I beg to disagree. I have known George Wickham from childhood, and there is some information of which you are not aware that will shed some light on his willingness… indeed, his purposeful resolve… to marry your daughter.”

  Suddenly, Elizabeth’s eyes shot open wide as she realized Mr. Wickham must have been the longtime family friend who took their marriage certificate to Lady Catherine. That meant he knew about their marriage. And that meant her husband was about to tell her father the truth about them!

  “Pray, Mr. Darcy, what is this information?”

  “Yes! Yes!” cried Mrs. Bennet. “What do you know? I knew he would marry her! I just knew it!”

  “I would speak with you alone, sir.”

  “You have some information that will explain his singling out Lydia?”

  Darcy nodded.

  Elizabeth pleaded with him with her eyes. “Perhaps now is not the best time, Mr. Darcy.”

  “No, I believe there is no better time.”

  A sense of dread began to rise up within Elizabeth, knowing her father’s propensity to be overcome with anger and see very little else objectively. She said, “Please, then, I beg leave to join you.”

  “No, I believe I need to discuss this with your father alone.” He turned to the middle-aged gentleman. “Shall we?”

  Elizabeth’s fingers covered her mouth in distress as she watched them turn to leave.

  “What is Mr. Darcy about, Lizzy? Tell me what he knows!”

  “Something about Mr. Wickham, I presume.” Elizabeth’s response was deceptively calm.

  “Oh, Lizzy! If he does not marry Lydia, what shall we do? What shall become of us? This would destroy my meagre hopes for you girls to marry well! Oh, but he will marry her! I just know it! He must!”

  Elizabeth sighed at her mother’s clashing emotions. She did not know it for a certainty, but felt very strongly that it would not be in Lydia’s best interest to marry this man. The alternative, however, was just as dreadful.

  She wondered how her husband would fare breaking the news to her father. As a tremor unexpectedly passed through her, she excused herself and quickly caught up with the men.

  She knew her mother would only persist in attempting to garner information from her, and at the moment she felt she would rather endure her father’s interrogation than her mother’s.

  Her father looked at her oddly as he reached the door to his study and began to walk in.

  “Lizzy, was there something you wanted before we go in?”

  Elizabeth straightened her carriage and took in a deep breath. “I wish to come in with you and Mr. Darcy, Papa.”

  “Elizabeth, no!” Darcy ordered, and then closed his eyes contritely as he felt the wrathful gaze of Mr. Bennet upon him. Softly, he muttered, “Please no, Miss Elizabeth.”

  Observing the stubborn determination of Elizabeth and the awkward countenance of this man of great wealth and position, Mr. Bennet was more than a little curious. To Darcy’s disbelief, he shrugged his shoulders and said, “Come, Lizzy. I recognize that determined look on your face. If you feel as though you should be here, then who am I to stop you?”

  They walked into the room. Elizabeth quickly sat down in one of the chairs while Darcy remained standing. “Come, Mr. Darcy, sit,” offered Mr. Bennet.

/>   “Thank you, no, sir.” Instead of taking the proffered seat, Darcy walked over to the window and looked out. He then turned back to Elizabeth and in a firm, yet gentle, voice said, “Please allow me to do all the talking.”

  Elizabeth folded her hands tightly and silently nodded her agreement.

  Eyeing them both suspiciously, Mr. Bennet said, “You have some information for me… something about this Wickham.”

  “Yes, but it is not all about Wickham. Part of it concerns me… and your daughter.”


  Darcy shook his head. “No, sir. Miss Elizabeth.”

  Mr. Bennet’s eyes narrowed at his words and he looked at the blushing countenance of his daughter. “Lizzy? What does this have to do with her?”

  Elizabeth took a breath as if to answer, and Darcy slowly reached out a hand to stop her. “What I have to tell you will most likely be… difficult to understand.”

  “Mr. Darcy, nothing that has happened today has been easy to understand.”

  “I am not quite sure how to tell you this.”

  “Telling me directly is a viable option.”

  Darcy looked over, glancing furtively at Elizabeth, and nervously said, “Someone else once said something to that effect to me.”

  Mr. Bennet narrowed his eyes at the man pacing the floor in front of him. “Pray, Mr. Darcy, what is the relationship between you and my daughter?”

  Darcy made an attempt at a smile, however difficult it was for him to produce one. “I…” Darcy’s heart raced as he searched for the right words. “I seem to have found myself in possession of a strong love and admiration for her, sir. Very strong.”

  Elizabeth could not meet her father’s eyes. Darcy’s words, admitting his love for her to her father, made her heart swell, and she stole a glance at her father to behold his response.

  Mr. Bennet stood up and alternated glances between the two. “You have piqued my curiosity, Mr. Darcy. I do not know whether I have a greater desire for you to pursue this line of conversation about my second eldest daughter or ask what you know of Wickham and my youngest daughter. But I shall leave it to you to continue.”


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