Dracian Legacy

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Dracian Legacy Page 14

by Kanaparti, Priya

  I laughed out loud. “Joshua’s nagging you to talk to me, isn’t he?”

  She nodded. “He’s worried, as am I. But I know you’re a smart girl and will make the right choice.” She placed her arm around my shoulder and mine went around her waist. We walked up the stairs, ready to enter the house.

  “Does he not trust me?”

  “That isn’t it. He was a teenager before and a troubled one at that. He doesn’t want his baby sister getting hurt. He’s having a hard time being your legal guardian and a big brother. Besides, I think he worries because you and Axel are so intense. Joshua and I knew each other our whole lives and we didn’t get that intense until a few years back.”

  We stepped into the house and were immediately greeted by Joshua with a beer in his hand. “Hey. Did my two favorite girls have a good time?”

  “Oh yeah. We had so much fun swiping your credit card. How much did we spend, Cassie? Five grand?” I teased.

  Joshua wrestled me into a bear hug. “Well, nice to see you too, killer.”

  “You suck.” I looked over Joshua’s shoulder to Cassie and said, “He cheats, Cassie. He uses his super Navy SEALs training to get his bear hugs. Watch out for this one.”

  He let me go with a kiss on my cheek. “Oh, don’t be such a baby. You know you love my bear hugs and one day you’ll miss ‘em.”

  I rolled my eyes.“Puh-leeease. Egotistic much?”

  “Hey.” Dean stepped out of the kitchen with a Crush in his hand.

  “Did you boys have a good evening?” Cassie asked, hugging her little-huge brother.

  Dean nodded.

  “Oh, yeah. Video games.” Joshua pointed toward the game running in the background.

  “Boys!” Cassie and I said in unison.


  It had been three long days and an impossibly never-ending Saturday. It didn’t dawn on me until this week just how much I missed Axel. I thought between shopping for the wedding, homework, school, and spending time with friends, it would get easier. Well, that proved to be a total sham. Wanting to share all those moments with him, I missed him now more than before.

  I stared at Betsy, the training dummy extraordinaire. It didn’t take much for me to get worked up. I practiced the moves Axel taught me; I kicked, jabbed, and punched Betsy at the marked sites. I wasn’t sure how much time I spent beating the crap out of her, but when it ended, I was covered in sweat and breathing hard. I was proud of myself.

  “Did Betsy do something to offend you, princess?” I groaned at the feminine voice that greeted me. “…Because you look like you’re about to get into a cat fight, and it’d be embarrassing if you lost to an inanimate object.”

  I fought the urge to smack the owner of that voice. Instead, like a mature adult, I shouldered past Trinity. Since the first time she laid eyes on me, and every given opportunity thereafter, I received nothing less than pure hostility from her. You’d think I kidnapped her children and sold them on a black market or something. I couldn’t understand what I did to get on her shit list.

  “Don’t you have some sick puppies to skin or elderly folks to give wedgies?” I picked up my duffle bag and headed for the door.

  “You don’t belong with us. You’re nothing but weak and pathetic,” she said with venom dripping from every word.

  “What?” The strap of the duffle bag rolled down my arm.

  “You think you can fight me?”

  I caught the challenge in her threat. She wanted a fight? She was going to get one. Yeah, I might get my ass whopped in the process, but I was so done with her bullshit. I never was one to be intimidated by the likes of a bully. And I wasn’t going to start now.

  She threw a staff at me and I stumbled to catch it. As she ran toward me with her own pole, her beautiful long black hair moved behind her like smooth ribbons.

  Axel never prepared me to fight with weapons.

  Ah, crap! Okay, maybe I’m a little scared now.

  I was already tired from my earlier beat-the-crap-out-of-Betsy training and I barely had the energy to move. I didn’t know why, but I wanted to prove to her I did belong here… with Axel.

  The way Trinity moved was beautiful, graceful, and deadly all wrapped up in a bundle. That was if she wasn’t directing her murderous tendencies toward me.

  “What the hell, Trin—”

  I jumped, barely avoiding the staff aimed at my feet. I spun around her, but she was too fast. She wacked me right between my shoulder blades. I yelped in pain before I lost my balance and fell forward, face first. I rolled onto my back and blocked her attack, directed to my face, then kicked her in the stomach.

  “Not bad, princess. You actually learned a few more things than shoving your tongue down his throat.”

  “What’s your problem? I don’t want to fight you.”

  “He thinks you’re special, but you’re nothing more than another bimbo.”

  Her quick swipe caught me off guard, hitting me right on my forehead. Warmth trickled down my face. I was shell-shocked. She was actually trying to kill me.

  Hatred filled her eyes as she spoke the next few words. “Just like all the girls he’s ever come across. Pathetic,” she spat. “Have you no shame? No self-respect?”

  Black swirls of humiliation and frustration uncoiled inside me. I fought to control the fury boiling my blood. My heart rate picked up and I struggled to breathe. In that moment, it felt like everything around me moved at a snail’s pace. The ground below me trembled, or perhaps it was just me.

  Trinity advanced.


  She stopped in mid-hit, perfectly aimed to the middle of my head.

  Elijah, Dracian guardian for Rocky Hills, stood in the doorway. Thank God he’d intervened. Trinity would’ve split open my skull and then beaten me to a bloody pulp. I’d met Elijah a few times during my sessions with Axel. He was physically fit, built like a linebacker, with light white stubble running across his jawline. I wondered just how old he was.

  Marcus followed behind him. At the sight of them, I worked to slow down my hammering pulse. One, two, inhale. One, two, exhale. Rinse and repeat.

  “Leave and don’t come back until you learn to control your anger,” Elijah ordered Trinity.

  “Mark my words, princess; you’ll be the reason he dies or worse,” she said before storming out of the room.

  Once she left, Elijah took slow deliberate steps toward me. He crouched in front of me, smiled, and reached for my bleeding head. “Let me…”

  I jerked back automatically. “Sorry. I…” I winced at the stinging pain across my forehead. “I’d rather you not use any magic.” I didn’t know why, but I knew using magic was a bad idea.

  “It’s understandable.” He snapped his fingers and Marcus brought over the first aid kit. “May I?” he asked this time before approaching.

  I nodded.

  Elijah worked methodically, cleaning, applying antibiotic ointment, and sealing the wound.

  “Let’s take a walk.” He stood up and held out his hand.

  “Thank you.”

  I hooked my hand into his looped arm. He patted it with assurance, leading us out to the front of the training room. The crisp fall air streamed over us. I inhaled deeply, taking in the smell of fresh-cut grass, like that of a football or soccer field. A beautiful bronze sculpture of a woman and two kids running stood before us.

  “Axel is like a son to me.” His features beamed and his voice filled with pride. “He has a lot of responsibility on his shoulders.” He paused, his eyes trained on my stoic gaze. I wondered why he was telling me this. “He’s terrified about you being part of this world, introducing you to dangers you could’ve long avoided.”

  “I don’t wish for anything different. Axel is the best uninvited miracle in my life. He saved me.” And that was the truth. Before him, I felt so lifeless and took it day by day.

  He smiled like he understood. “And you him. I couldn’t imagine a better person for him to fall in love with

  “H-he’s in love with me?” I stammered.

  “As I know you are with him.” I couldn’t deny that accusation. Completely. When Elijah smiled, his forehead and the corners of his eyes crinkled. “You’re as much his strength as his weakness. Trinity’s frightened by that. She’s known Axel her whole life and she’s afraid he might—”

  “Is she in love with him?”

  Please say no, please say no.

  “Her loyalty might come across that way.” That wasn’t an answer. “She’s afraid he would give up everything he’s ever worked and dreamed for. That he would abandon his mission… for you.”

  The depth of that statement sunk in slowly.

  “Elijah, I would never—”

  “I know, sweetheart.” He placed his hand on my cheek like my father used to. “You’re something special to him… to us.” He sighed and dropped his hand. We pivoted, walking back to the training center. “The reason we’re here, the mission we came here to accomplish has been partially achieved.”

  I remember a similar conversation with Axel that left me in a fog. “You mean finding the Echo?”

  “I…” He hesitated, glancing toward me, his mouth slightly open in surprise. “I think it’s best if Axel explains it to you.” We were almost at the top of the stairs. “We’re so happy to have you as part of our family. No matter what anyone says, you’re the best thing that’s happened to that boy. I’ve never seen him so alive. You need to know that.”

  “Thank you, Elijah.” I could see how much he cared and loved each and every one of them. Even Trinity. “Can I ask you a favor?”

  He nodded.

  “I would appreciate it if you don’t mention… the little conflict between Trinity and me to—”

  “I think that would be best.” He agreed.


  “You’re on, dude. I’m going to wipe this dirty floor with your bare ass.” Landon challenged.

  “You wish. You might as well kiss this sexy white ass.” Dean towered over Landon.

  “What the hell, guys? We’re trying to eat here.” Pey eyed them before throwing curly fries at Dean. “Keep the ass talk to a minimum.”

  “That’s a waste of curly fries, Pey,” I scolded her playfully.

  “Whatevs.” She wrinkled her nose, shaking her head.

  “Your boy Landon here thinks he can beat my team in Ghost Recon—” Dean started.

  “That’s interesting. Really. Guess what? We really don’t care,” I interjected.

  Pey and I both giggled.

  “What’d I miss?” a soothing voice asked. Tiny flutters burst in my stomach.

  “Axel!” I squealed, delighted, nearly jumping over Dean. He was dressed in black from top to bottom and looked super hot.

  “Whoa. What bank are you planning to rob tonight?” Pey took a bite of her sandwich, eyeing Axel suspiciously.

  He chuckled.

  I tried to get Dean to move, but he wasn’t budging. I’d barely seen Axel this week. With more missing people, a spike in black magic, and Goarders in the surrounding areas, they had to bump their patrol into search-and-destroy missions.

  I shoved at Dean harder this time, telling him he needed to move. He scowled before scooting out of the way. Axel gave a fist-bump to Landon and a nod to Dean. I got out of the booth and gave Axel a sideways hug. He slipped his hand around my waist, pulling me closer.

  “Do you have a minute?” he whispered, lacing my fingers in his with a squeeze.

  I nodded enthusiastically, following him as he led the way outside. Once we were safely out of hearing range, he pulled me into a hug, wrapping his arms around my body. My legs nestled between his and I heard him inhale deeply.

  “I’ve missed you so much,” he said, his voice strained.

  He pulled away just a little, looking into my eyes. I rose to my tiptoes and pressed my lips against his. He groaned into my mouth and pulled my bottom lip between his teeth. His arms traveled up and down my lower back under my shirt, like he needed that touch. When he pulled back, we both were breathing hard. He wobbled. His eyes clouded.

  “I don’t think I ever want to get used to feeling so powerless.”

  He tucked a strand of loose hair behind my ear and kissed my forehead. Then he looked at me, his brows fused together as he traced his finger over my scar from earlier. Surprisingly, the skin healed quickly around the open wound.

  His lips touched the scar carefully. “I don’t remember seeing this yesterday.”

  My eyes locked with his. “Um, it’s nothing. I… um… hit my head.”

  I ran my hand over his cheek and jawline. He was as beautiful and radiating as his heart. God, when did I go and fall in love with him? I blinked at my surprising admission. Do I love him? Is that what this is? But I’d only known him a few months. Could it really be love?

  Time has nothing to do with love, dummy. My conscience scolded me. You love unconditionally, without expectations, willing to give anything without reservations.

  I loved him. I love him. A smile crossed my face. Then the reality came into perspective like a bad taste in my mouth. I wasn’t supposed to see him until tomorrow.

  “Hey, is everything okay? I mean, you were supposed to be on patrol tonight and you’re here.”

  “I was in the vicinity and wanted to see you before we went…”

  “Alexander, you know you can tell me anything, right?”

  I searched his eyes, hoping he would confide in me. His silence only tortured me further. His hesitation told me that tonight they were going to infiltrate the cause of all the mysterious activity.

  “Is it going to be dangerous?”

  I knew even if it was, I couldn’t ask him to not go. This was his job; this was Axel.

  He nodded. “But we have a strong lead on recent activities.” He must’ve seen panic in my eyes. “We have the element of surprise. So we have the upper hand. Plus, all of us are going as a precaution.”

  “All of you?” My voice cracked. Blood rushed to my ears.

  He nodded silently.

  What would require such precaution? He looked at me like the first time we met, with awe and longing, and I knew no time in this world could or would ever be enough for us. I didn’t trust myself to say anything because I didn’t want to be one of those girlfriends that would make him choose between his responsibility and me. I couldn’t… I wouldn’t do that to him. I needed to be stronger. I took a deep breath and placed my head against his chest.

  A deep voice interrupted us. “We need to get going.”

  I opened my eyes and peeked around Axel.

  “Hello, Ren. I don’t think we’ve been formally introduced. I’m Dimitri. Axel’s b—”

  “Give us a minute,” Axel said to Dimitri without taking his eyes from mine.

  “Be safe. Call me when you get home?”

  That was all I could ask of him. He nodded and gave me a gentle kiss on my forehead. He pulled away and disappeared into the night. I called out to him. “Call me.”

  “You okay?”

  I turned around, startled. Dean leaned against the doorway, concern filling his eyes.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Came to check up on you,” he said as if it were the most natural thing to do.

  My voice softened. “I don’t need a babysitter.”

  Big warm arms wrapped around me. My initial reaction was to push him away. I wanted to run after Axel. Tell him to come back, to stay. But I caved in to the sense of security that wrapped around my body, which I knew was coming from Dean. It was… surprising, so I let him comfort me. My eyes burned as tears rolled down my cheeks. I squeezed them shut and took a deep breath in an attempt to regain control over my emotions.

  He tightened his hold in response.

  It was around eight thirty when I got home that night. Dean dropped me off and made sure I was okay before he left. I took a long, hot shower that made my skin streaked and blotchy.

ething just didn’t feel right.

  I could sense the hum against my skin and the vibrations that traveled from the core of my heart, spreading through my nerves, telling me something horrible was about to happen. I wanted to pick up the phone and call Axel but was afraid to, in case he was in middle of his mission.

  Instead, I found myself falling asleep, my body tucked into a fetal position.

  I walked through a narrow, dimly lit hallway leading up the creaky stairs. Loud music pulsated through the walls. A body went right through me and I gasped in horror, spinning around. Then two more passed through me before I stepped away, pressing myself against the wall of the already tight walkway. Was I dead? What was going on? My breath came in gasps as I felt my claustrophobia kick in.

  Then I saw him. Axel. He signaled Dimitri, Dean, Tyler, Trinity, and three others I’d never met to go around. Joshua, Elijah, Axel, Marcus, and two others with red waves of hair continued forward, taking the first door on the right. What kind of crazy dream was this? Dean and Joshua were with Dracians?

  Two Goarders looked up, surprise written all over their faces. Within the seconds it took them to stand, Axel and Joshua easily disarmed them with a kidney punch and a left ear cuff that brought the first one to the ground. With an upper cut to the jaw and a roundhouse kick to the gut, the second one hit the floor with a thud. Without a moment’s hesitation, a dagger plunged once, twice. Axel signaled Elijah, Joshua, and his other two allies to watch and go around as he continued forward. I followed Axel.

  He placed blue metal star-shaped pieces to the walls as he cleared the path, keeping an eye out for any Goarders. When he reached the end of the hallway, I saw silhouettes approaching.

  “Axel, behind you,” I whisper-yelled when I realized they weren’t Dracians. But it was too late.

  He was caught off guard as the first one attacked. I saw four more advancing his way, their weapons drawn. Why wasn’t he using his magic? My mind raced as I saw the others draw near. I wanted to help him so I ran toward the danger. When I punched the Goarder closest to Axel in the face, I fell face first to the floor through his body, knocking the wind out of me. I tried again, another punch, kick, pull. Nothing worked! I was so thwarted I screamed in fury.


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