College Daddy: A Single Dad Romance

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College Daddy: A Single Dad Romance Page 39

by Amber Heart

  I could barely get my words out “Mark, cut the music. Quinn, call an ambulance.” My heart was going to explode. Why is this happening? Why can’t we just enjoy our parties? I dragged Aaron off the chair and lay him on the ground. The music cut off and the lights came back on. People were starting to realize something was wrong.

  A crowd made its way over to me, all worried for Aaron. Quinn came running over “Back off, back off. He needs air, don’t crowd him. Take the party outside and do your own thing. We’ll take care of it.” I could hear rumbles and whispers as every one made their way out of the room. Please be okay baby, I can’t live without you.

  It felt like an eternity, but an ambulance finally arrived. The paramedics checked him over, they said he was going to be okay and they let me sit in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. Please be okay.


  Well then. That got a bit out of hand, didn’t it? I don’t know why they called an ambulance, it was nowhere near a lethal dose. He’ll be fine in the morning, just a bit hazy and won’t remember much.

  I can’t account for the stupidity of these morons when I’m creating my plans. All Cassandra had to do was see my escort dancing all over Aaron, then she had to storm out of the room in disgust and then the relationship would fall apart as he tried to make amends.

  But no. She had to go storming over there, didn’t she? Fucked my plans right up. So not only are they still together, I have to clean my tracks and come up with another plan to break them up. How exhausting.

  Chapter 20

  The Morning After


  I opened my eyes slowly, trying my best to avoid the bright light of the room. As my eyes adjusted, I started to figure out where I was. I sat up in a hospital bed with an IV stuck in my arm. Why the hell am I here? The last thing I remember is talking to Quinn and Mark around the table. I barely drank anything so I could spend the night with Cass… Where is Cass? A moment of panic takes over me and I catch a glimpse of a person next to me. It’s Cass snuggled up under a blanket asleep. It was light outside, how long have I been here?

  Moving about must have awoken Cass “Aaron?” Her eyes lit up and she burst into tears. She jumped onto my bed and gave me a heart-warming hug. “Baby, I was so scared. How do you feel?”

  I scratched the back of my head “I feel exhausted… What happened, why am I here?” Cass held my hand tightly “Someone spiked your drink with Rohypnol, we don’t know who and we don’t know why. But you’re safe. The doctors will let you out today and they say it will take a day or two to feel normal again.” So many thoughts were flying through my mind. I was drugged? Who the hell would drug me? How did they drug me? I need answers.

  I gave Cass another big hug “I’m okay, babe. It’s going to take more than that to get rid of me.” I felt her arms tighten around me “We can’t let this distract us from the wedding. Lets get out of here!”

  Cass broke the hug and gave me a kiss on the lips “Quinn, Avery, and your parents have gone to grab some breakfast. They’re bringing us something back. We’ll finish our food and show everyone you’re okay and then we’ll head back to the hotel.”

  Cassandra paused for a moment “We haven’t seen Mark in a while. He was here earlier to check up on you, but he’s disappeared.” I leant back into the bed and tried to process everything. I won’t let this ruin the wedding or the holiday. Tomorrow is another day and the wedding is only a few days away.


  After that debacle last night, I needed a nice rest. I brought that cheap escort back to the hotel room so I could get my moneys worth out of her. I kicked her out the second the deed was done. I can’t be having her lingering. I paid her enough to keep her mouth shut.

  I think I got away with it. Aaron won’t remember a thing, Quinn wasn’t there and Mark was too drunk to notice anything odd. He probably doesn’t even remember me going over to the table. I’m going to keep my head down and stay out of everyone’s way so I can fly under the radar. I don’t want to raise anyone’s suspicion.

  I’m not done yet though, it’s time for the grand finale. I spent all of last night planning and plotting. This plan is going to work and then Cassandra is mine. Why can’t she just see how good I am for her? On the day of the wedding day I am going to ruin everything!

  I was interrupted by a loud knock on the door, I shout out “Who is it? I’m busy. Go away.” The follow up knock was even louder. I stormed over to the door, as I opened it I screamed “I said I’m busy!” Before I could process what was happening a fist connected with my jaw and I slammed into the ground. What the hell just happened? I tried to turn over to look at who was attacking me and I felt a swift kick to my side. That’s going to be a broken rib for sure. I screamed out “What do you want? I can pay. Just please stop!”

  The beating stopped and I heard laughter… I know that laugh. Mark’s voice made my ears ring “You know why I’m here you pathetic little fuck!” Another kick to my side took the air straight out of my lungs. I curled up trying to defend myself from the onslaught “Please, have mercy! Why are you attacking me?”

  Mark dragged me to my feet and sat me down on a chair. He sat on the edge of the bed “You know why I’m beating your ass you slimy little shit.” He stood up again and took a full swing at my face, connecting with my nose. Blood exploded everywhere and I cried out in pain. “You think you’re real clever, don’t you? Well it wasn’t hard to add all the pieces together you dumb fuck!”

  Mark sat back down on the bed again “I did some digging, last night was a bit too dramatic for my tastes. You destroyed an incredible evening for two amazing people because of jealousy and pettiness. Grow the fuck up you man child.” I tried to fight my case “I have no idea what you’re talking abo—” Mark swung furiously and hit me under the jaw sending a tooth flying across the room. “Don’t talk.”

  He sat on the edge of the bed and took a deep breath “I thought it was strange that you came out of the blue with an amazing business proposal. I didn’t look too hard into it because it was a really attractive offer. I was blinded and didn’t see your sick, ulterior motives.”

  Mark scratched the back of his head “Before you poisoned my business partner, my friend. He told us about your little stunt with Cassandra.” Mark stood up again, I could tell he was furious. “In what fucked up world, do you think it’s okay to fire a magnificent young lady, just because she won’t play along with your sick, manipulative games?” He paused for a moment “The funny thing is, I had my assistant do some digging to track down the series of events that lead you here today. Do you remember Amelia? She is very fond of you, in fact she jumped at the opportunity after your disgusting performance in my office. If she told me the way you behaved on that day, I would have dragged you back into the building and beat you senseless there and then.”

  Mark rubbed his knuckles, they were bruised for sure. I could tell they were stinging because my face sure was. “Amelia rang your office to try and chase down this mysterious client. Out of interest, she asked your assistant what your schedule looked like for that day. Wouldn’t you know it, the room was booked in your name. That’s a bit strange, isn’t it? I’m starting to think something more sinister is going on here… It’s funny how easy it is to get information about you from people that despise you. Which seems to be every one I’ve spoken to.”

  Mark grabbed some ice from the cooler and applied it to his knuckles “When she didn’t turn up, did it hurt? Good. You don’t deserve an ounce of respect or happiness.” Mark took a deep breathe “So what does big ol’ Kenneth James do now after he’s be abandoned in a hotel room? He fires that poor girl, takes her car, takes her home, and doesn’t give her any time to find a new job or even a recommendation.” Another punch connected with my face and I felt a hard blow to the stomach, making me gasp for air again.

  Mark ran his fingers through his hair “You’d think after everything you’d done to that poor girl, you’d leave her alone. But no. You are
that petty, that pathetic, that you had to come and ruin her happiness once again. The really sad thing is you put a lot of time and effort into all this. Did you think you would get away with it?” Mark tipped my chair over and I slammed into the ground.

  “How convenient that you turn up with this amazing business proposal, just when she gets engaged to Aaron. And the way you wormed your way into getting an invite to the wedding by taking such a big cut? So pathetic. Look at you. How do you even live with yourself?”

  Mark spat on my face “Then we land in Jamaica. Everyone is having a wonderful time, the parties are incredible. Then you go and fuck all that up! What the fuck is wrong with you? You need to be locked up you fucking psycho.” Mark walked over to the bed and sat down again “I had a look at the agency Quinn used to hire the strippers. Strangely enough, that girl you just so happened to point out wasn’t even a stripper. She works for a local escort service, doesn’t she? I guess the money you paid her wasn’t enough to keep her mouth shut. She spilled the beans on everything.”

  Mark kicked me again in the back “What did you think would happen? You drug Aaron and get an escort to dance all over him. Then you run off to fetch Cassandra like a pathetic little weasel. Even if they fell for your stupid plan, she wouldn’t go near you. Why would she waste her time with some psychotic, manipulative asshole like you? What is going on in that fucking head of yours?”

  He walked over to my desk and saw my journal. He picked it up and read the last pages. Fuck. “You’re going to jail you sick fuck. What the fuck is all this? You were planning on kidnapping her? Then what? You’re a real piece of work. The police will love this little piece of evidence. Speaking of which, they should be here in a few minutes. I rang them before I came in here and beat you senseless. You’re going away for a long time after all this.” He walked over to me and dragged me to my feet by my hair. Then he threw me onto the bed.

  I watched as he walked out the door and stood in the hall way. I can’t move, what do I do? I don’t think I’m getting out of this one… I could hear shouting down the hall way. I see Mark point into the room in the corner of my eye, he speaks out “He’s in here.”

  Mark handed them my journal, my life is in there. I am so fucked. All my plans are out in the open. Officers storm into the room and cuff my hands behind my back. They take me down the stairs and drag me through the lobby like some sort of clown. Everyone is watching me, this is so humiliating. They stuff me into the car and start to drive. One of the officers turns around and smirks at me without saying anything.


  Cass’ phone started to ring and Mark’s name popped up, she answered without hesitating “Hey Mark, Aaron’s fine. He’s right here.” Cass passed the phone over to me “Aaron, is that you?” I replied “Yeah, I’m okay. Do you know what the hell happened to me?” There was a brief pause “It’s a long story, is it just you and Cass there?

  I cleared my throat “Yeah, just us two. Fill me in.” Mark took a big breath “Put me on speaker so Cass can here as well.” Mark proceeded to fill us both in. He explained in detail what Kenneth had been doing and what he had planned. Then he told us about the police dragging his dirty ass through the lobby whilst he was coughing blood all over the place.

  Mark finished the story and there were a few seconds of silence between all of us “Thank you, Mark. I truly cannot thank you enough. I don’t think we could handle going through something like that again.” Cass had started to tear up and I knew she wanted to cry. Mark replied “You’d do the same for me, I’ll leave you two alone. It’s a lot to process. Just know that we’re all here. No doubt this news is going to spread quick. See you later.”

  The phone cut off and I grabbed Cass’ hand and dragged her onto the bed bringing her in for a cuddle. “Nothing will ever keep us apart. He’s gone. Nobody can hurt us anymore” She burst into tears “I am so glad you’re okay. I love you so much, Aaron.” I kissed her on the forehead “I love you too, Cass. It’s all over. Don’t let this ruin our getaway. We’re getting married in a few days!” Cass snuggled in closer and fell asleep. I copied her and dozed off.

  Chapter 21

  The Day of the Wedding


  I woke up early because I was far too excited to sleep. Today is the day! I’m going to be a princess and get married to my fabulous Prince Charming. Aaron made a full recovery and we’ve let it go. Shit happens, why let it ruin the rest of our getaway? He’s locked up and nobody will remember him. He’s a banned topic for the whole holiday now. Everyone knows not to mention him.

  I jump in the shower and enjoy it. I’m not in a rush today, I have everything all planned out. I refuse to be a crazy bride! I left Aaron in bed, he doesn’t have to start getting ready for a few hours yet. Men are so lucky! Shave your face and then put on a suit, boom instant ten. I can’t wait to see him later!

  I finish with my shower and have a quick bite to eat. No doubt this will be the last meal I have until late in the afternoon. I don’t want to pass out later, so I chow down on a hearty bowl of oatmeal and some fresh brown toast. After polishing off my meal, I send Avery a text asking if she’s ready. She replies almost instantly “Hell yeah girl! It’s the big day! Lets go get you dolled up :)” God I love her, she is the best.

  Avery and I made our way down to a beautiful dressing room that the hotel provided. The room is big enough to squeeze everyone in and there are mirrors everywhere. This is perfect! First things first, lets get hair and makeup out of the way. I made sure the stylists brought an assistant with them to speed the process up a bit. All the girls had their dresses to hand and they were eager to get dolled up.

  Avery and my Mum were the first to get going. The stylists wanted to leave me till last so I could look the freshest for the photograph. It took about an hour and a half to do all the bridesmaids’ hair and makeup. The hairstylist finished first so he started on me early. Everyone looked so wonderful. I will treasure this moment forever. The makeup will take a bit longer than the hair, I budgeted an hour and the photographer should get here in the next forty-five minutes. We’ll be able to get a perfect picture of us adding all the finishing touches. All the girls were finished and looked beautiful. They all crowded around me while the last finishing touches were added. Everyone was trying their best not to well up so they didn’t ruin their makeup. The genuine smiles of all of them warms my heart.

  The makeup stylist takes a step back “We’re done. Stand up and face the mirror, darling.” I stand up and turn around slowly. Oh my god! It was amazing, they’ve done a phenomenal job. It’s all too perfect. All the girls were clapping and dancing with excitement. The photographer knocked on the door “I’m here for Aaron and Cassandra. Have I found the right room?” I turn around to face him “You have, lets grab a group picture of us getting ready!” The girls formed around me and we captured our first moment! Today is going to be so much fun. I spoke out to the photographer again “Do your own thing today, you know how to capture the moment more than I do. Try and document the process and get some cute shots.” He smiled “Don’t worry about a thing, it’s all under control. I’ll get you some amazing shots!”.

  Now it’s time to put on our dresses! I asked the hairstylist to stay for a while just to fix my hair in case the veil messed it up a little bit. The dress we picked out for the girls was a beautiful cyan blue to match the theme of the Caribbean sea in the background of the ceremony. One by one they all came out of the dressing room and did their own cat walk for us. They all looked so pretty and confident! Now it was my turn.

  I still remember picking out the dress like it was yesterday. I wanted a bit of peace and quiet, so I only took Avery and my Mum to go pick the dress. I must have tried on six or seven before I found the perfect one. We all agreed on the one I chose and I couldn’t be happier with the one I went with. Now I get to wear it looking as beautiful as this. I took Avery into the room with me to help me put it on. I left the other girls out there.

got straight to the point “Come on, strip down. It’s not like I’ve not seen it all before!” We both laughed, we were far too comfortable around each other. I started with the sexy white lingerie first. It was tiny and skin tight so you couldn’t see the outline through the dress. I am going to blow Aaron’s mind tonight. I slipped on my dress and Avery started to do the laces on the back. The fit was perfect. I put on my cutest high heels and Avery went outside to grab the hairstylist.

  As the hairstylist entered the room her face lit up “Wow! Cassandra you look incredible! Lets get that veil on so we can show you off to the girls.” She attached the veil and fixed my hair again. This was it. This will be the first time the girls have seen me in my dress. I’m so nervous and excited!

  Avery makes her way out of the room “Wait a few seconds so I can get a good view. I’ll make sure the girls are ready.” I took a deep breathe and made my way over to the door. I opened it and walked out confidently. Silence filled the air. They were completely and utterly speechless. My mum started to fan her eyes to try and fight back the tears. I couldn’t keep the smile off my face. Half the girls put their hands on their chest and tried to fight back the tears as well.

  I turned to face one of the giant mirrors. My hair is perfect. A flower packed braid that connected at the back into a beautiful and stylish bun. The veil sits nicely on the back of my head and flows down the back of my dress. My eyebrows are level and and they’re filled in immaculately. The fake lashes compliment my glittery gold eye shadow and the blush on my cheeks light up my face brilliantly. The ear rings I selected are superb, the diamonds glisten in the light from the window.

  My lipstick was subtle but it made my lips looks so plump and kissable. I can’t wait to feel Aaron’s lips on mine. I’m looking forward to seeing his reaction! My gorgeous dress hugged my figure and accentuated my curves. I went with a tight corset with gems around the breast line that connected down the middle. It was done up nicely at the back with laces and my lower half was covered by a princess gown.


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