Hott and Ready (The Hott Brothers Book 2)

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Hott and Ready (The Hott Brothers Book 2) Page 14

by Leah Sharelle

  “I am not having a romp in the hay shed or a bet with my brothers, I am in love with Blake and intend on marrying her sooner rather than later. It would be nice if you two could get along, and we can remain friends, but if you can’t get on board, then I am sorry, but there is no choice but her for me.”


  Holding up my hand, I made a motion of cutting the air.

  “No more Mal, just go home to Tim. See if you can figure out why you said yes to marrying him, just don’t come back unless you can accept Blake in my life the way I happily accepted Tim in yours. It wasn’t like you needed or sought out my approval to be with him, and we stopped seeing one another for four years, remember? Our friendship rules are a bit one-sided, too much in your favour, that is going to change Mal. I don’t want to lose you as a mate, but I won’t hesitate if you can’t be nice to Blake, and mean it.”

  And with that parting and thinly veiled warning, I walked away, leaving Mal to decide her next move on her own. I wasn’t going to help or beg her if I meant as much to her as she proclaimed and believed, then she knew what she had to do. My only concerns were to have my cowgirl in my arms, right my world again after Dad once again reared his ugly head from the grave and to get on with my life. With Blake by my side.


  Stepping inside Blake’s little cottage, a sense of calm flowed through me as it always did whenever I was close to Blake. My place was so much bigger, but we spent a lot of our nights here cuddling on her small couch, making love in her, way too small for my big frame, double bed, when I had a king-size and a sectional sofa over at my place. For some reason, I felt more at ease here, comfortable. I don’t know, maybe it was because Blake was everywhere you looked in here, horse knickknacks, overstuffed girlie cushions, and best of all, it smelled like her.

  My bed smelled like her, but we were yet to get the rest of my place to do the same until then this was the place I wanted to be.

  “Hey, honey, how are you?” Blake asked, in a soft voice coming out of from the bedroom. She was dressed in one of my HBC tees and nothing else, her long, shapely legs tanned and toned and bare from the tops of her luscious thighs.

  Her face was freshly washed, her long hair in a messy bun on the top of her head that my fingers itched to take down and run their way through the blonde silk.

  “Not sure, to be honest,” I admitted ruefully, “Dad just keeps on putting land mines in front of us, it is hard to read just how ruthless he really was, you know?”

  “Hmmm, Will certainly had some secrets, didn’t he, how are Fenixx and Noxx about it all?”

  “They are the same as me, pissed off, annoyed and shocked. It isn’t every day you find out your dad is an arsehole, again,” I laughed, almost forgetting this wasn’t the first time Dad showed a side of him that was less than parental. The taping of our conversations and the doctored photos of Noxx having sex with Mack, his then girlfriend, not something I was likely to forget.

  “So, your tense then?” she asked, pushed off the wall and sauntering to me, her breasts swaying sexily under the thin material holding my eyes captive.

  “A bit, it’s starting to loosen, though.”

  My god, was that my voice? When did I eat a bucket of gravel?

  “Loosen? I’d say it is more hard than loose,” she sassed, giving my crotch a good hard look then licked her lips, and that’s all it took for my dick to go from a semi to a full-on steel pipe. Watching her with hooded eyes, I waited for her to walk the short distance from the hall to the couch where I was standing. The hem of my shirt barely covered her mound, and with each move of her legs, it rode up to give me a tantalising glimpse of her white panties.

  “How … um … how are you? After all that shit Mallory spewed I was worried—”

  “You worried that I was going to hightail it out of here and live alone with just my broken heart? No Hendrixx that isn’t going to happen, I can handle Mallory. Deep down, I think she is just jealous that we managed to become a couple and keep our friendship as well. Something she and you never could.”

  Stunned that she picked up on that when I hadn’t until Mal and I spoke in the office, surprised that she wasn’t acting like the green-eyed monster and not demanding Mal’s head on a plate.

  “You worked that out, hey?”

  Coming to stand right in front of me but out of arm’s reach unless I took a step forward, Blake gave me that smile that was meant for me only.

  “Yes, I did, now I don’t want to waste another minute of tonight talking about your weird friend,” she purred, then reached for the hem of her tee and pulled it up her tight body, her tits bouncing as the shirt passed over them making my mouth water and my resolve crumble. A man was only so strong for Christ’s sake, and Blake had my measure.

  With a flick of her wrists and a shake of her head, Blake stood there naked sans her white lace high cut panties, the white a stark contrast against her creamy skin.

  “Fuck me, how did I get so fucking lucky?” I marvelled out loud, my breath catching in my throat when Blake closed the distance between us and pressed her gloriously naked body to me.

  I hissed when her hard, pebbled nipples connected with my shirt, even through the material I could feel the pink blood-engorged bullets poking me, taunting me and begging for my mouth.

  Blake snaked her hand down my chest, her clever fingers exploring as she reached her destination taking my crotch and giving it a squeeze over the denim.

  “You waited for me honey, that’s how,” Blake whispered, then moaned when my dick jumped under her palm. My jeans were increasingly getting too tight, but I wanted to see where Blake was going and what she had in mind. Over the last month, Blake’s shyness was quickly being replaced with wanton need, and I fucking loved it.

  “I would wait forever for you sweetheart, even if you made me wait for the rest of my life,” I whispered, hoping that she could see the honesty in my eyes backing up my words.

  Fingers expertly unzipped and unbuttoned my jeans, releasing my throbbing and pained cock.

  “No need to wait Hendrixx, you have me, you always have had.”

  Unable to wait any longer for her taste, I slammed my mouth down on hers with an open-mouthed kiss that was fuelled by pure hunger and love.

  “I need to feel your skin on mine, Blake,” I begged against her lips, desperate for more contact. Taking my plea seriously, Blake ripped at my shirt, buttons hitting the ground with satisfying pings. Then I felt it, heat to heat, skin to skin chest to breast.

  Groaning loudly, I twisted my hands in her hair and removed the bun, sending her silky hair cascading down my arms.

  Perfection. One word that described everything about Blake; her body, her soul, her work ethic and her heart. And she was mine, all mine.

  “I can’t wait honey, I need you inside me, I need to be full of you. Swelling deep inside me and giving me everything,” Blake rasped against my mouth, her dirty-worded confession nearly making me explode.

  “I want to taste you Blake, shove my tongue so deep in your pussy and lap up all your cream.” Oh god, I was driving myself to the point of no return, Blake helping me on the way with her hand wrapped around my cock and pumping it from root to tip.

  “After, first I want to taste your cock,” she whimpered, releasing her hold on me and started to sink to the floor. On her way down, her tongue licked a path down my chest, finishing at my pubis, where she pressed sweet, wet kisses to the thatch of dark blond hair there, but she wasn’t finished.

  Looking up at me with hooded eyes, Blake’s gaze commanded me to look as she took the head of my cock into her warm mouth, her naturally pink-stained lips stretching around my girth. Blake hummed around the mouthful, sending me into a feral lust-filled spin.

  “Please Blake, fucking, please let me inside you,” I groaned, throwing my head back, my eyes squeezing closed in an exercise in control. Coming down her throat was tempting, but I craved that sweet, tight heat more.

  The second
her mouth released my aching cock, I pushed gently on her shoulders, following her down to the floor. Her legs opened wide, creating a sensual cradle for me to lay between.

  “Your mouth is a weapon baby, next time I will let you enjoy blowing me, but for now—” I gasped needily when her swollen lips formed into a cute pout. Reaching down, I grabbed hold of my cock and guided him to his home, her pussy wet, swollen and throbbing for me.

  Gritting my teeth, I pushed forward with a hard thrust of my hips, taking her roughly, embedding my whole length to the root.

  “Oh, sweet Jesus, is there a better feeling than this?” I asked no one in particular, already knowing the answer was no, not a fucking chance anything felt better than Blake.

  “You will never find out, Cowboy,” Blake panted, arching her body into me, her legs coming up to wrap tightly around my waist.

  “Don’t wanna,” I agreed, creating a rhythm that we both knew and loved–somewhere between desperation and bliss. Slipping my arms under her shoulders, I brought her upper body off the floor, with my knees planted on the scratchy carpet. With Blake’s arms behind her, holding her up, I set a pounding pace, my eyes transfixed on her breasts, each globe shaking with each brutal thrust from my hips.

  “Oh god, baby, I am not going to last much longer, you have to come first, please come first.” My voice was desperate, my need very real. Blake came before me, it was my unbreakable rule.

  Resisting the urge to growl at the eyeroll she gave me, Blake used her arms anchored to the floor to shimmy her body deeper into my pelvis. The move precisely what was required to achieve my objective.

  Pubic bone to pubic bone, Blake ground her clit against the root of my cock rubbing it in erotic circles, the sight of her so open to me, one I was not likely ever to forget.

  “Why must I come first? One day honey, I will set my own rules and make you come before me,” Blake promised, her sexy gyrating nearly making her wish come true as I fought to stop from blowing my cum into her before she reached her peak.

  “Like fucking hell,” I growled, sitting back further on my heels, taking Blake with me, her arse landing on my thighs, her legs still around me with her ankles crossed at the top of my arse. Tightening my arms around her, I held her firmly down on my shaft and rocked hard into her.

  “Always you first sweetheart, I won’t accept anything else,” I vowed, taking her mouth in a bruising French kiss.

  Blake’s hand found purchase on the balls of my shoulders, using them to hold herself down on my cock.

  “Oh shit, you mongrel, oh god, yesssss,” Blake screeched, her pussy fluttering beautifully around me, the flood of warmth heralding the end of my torment. Burying my face in her neck, I roared as I succumbed to the wave of pleasure and exploded a torrent of cum into her still pulsing pussy, coating her with my essence. Each jerk of my cock releasing more and more cum until I felt a sticky leak onto my thighs.

  Licking the pulsing vein at her throat, I attempted to catch my breath, my whole body was languid and wholly satisfied, and my heart bursting to capacity with love for this woman.

  “One word for you baby, perfection,” I breathed, “perfection.”


  I was in a good mood, even if Mallory was to drive up and give me her brand of shit it couldn’t take away this glow of happiness I was walking around with now.

  For two weeks since finding all the evidence against Will, Hendrixx seemed to have found a peace within, accepting what was and not trying to figure out the reasons behind. He came to the conclusion nothing could be done about it now, Noxx was happy and enjoying the day to day of having a newborn. Onyxx was the cutest little bug, and I’d had a whole lot of cuddle time with her since meeting her the day after her birth.

  The only person giving me grief was one Fenixx Beauregard Hott, aka Hottie 3.

  I wasn’t sure who put a burr up his butt, but I was about ready to kick it for him. All day today and yesterday, and come to think of it the day before that, Nixx had been stalking around the stables like a man who wanted to commit murder. Even little ole me wasn’t exempt from his wrath, copping a mouthful of abuse several times, twice in the last hour.

  “Blake, do you enjoy wasting expensive horse feed?” The top name on my shit list thundered at me, bringing on my millionth eyeroll for the day.

  Dropping my head, I asked for divine intervention.

  “Please God, just a lightning bolt, maybe the earth could open up and suck him down into the pits of hell,” I muttered, before turning around and facing the enemy.

  “Ah Fenixx, or should I call you the annoying triplet I would love to peel the skin from his body and boil what’s left?” I drawled, in my best, don’t give a crap voice.

  “Wh—what?” he stammered, looking at me with shock.

  “You have been storming around here like a man with a baton and a taser, or have you not noticed that every employee of the Triple H is conspicuously absent every time you are around today?”

  “You’re not,” he grumbled, having the decency to look contrite.

  “That is because they know you aren’t allowed to yell at me, or you will get your arse beaten by your brother. You are, however, getting on my last nerve, so spit out whatever it is that is bothering you. Or I will tell Hendrixx you tripped me over and caused this—” leaning over, I pulled up my pant legs and revealed a bruised knee and a small laceration, caused by a bump into a fence and a nail head sticking out too far. Still, Hendrixx didn’t have to know that.

  “You wouldn’t?” Fenixx exclaimed hotly, looking at with me disbelief and wariness.

  “Yeah, you would,” he conceded, answering his own question.

  “Yes, I would, now out with it, number 3. What has crawled up your arse and taken up residence?”

  “You sound like Mallory,” he grumbled, kicking his feet along the gravel, his head down, so he missed the murderous look I shot his way.

  “I will let that pass and put it down to you being temporarily insane, but from now on, if you mention her and me in the same sentence again, it will be weeks before you will have use of your block and tackle, get me?”

  Fenixx covered his crotch with his hand, his face paling slightly. “Yep, I accept that,” he quickly agreed.

  “Okay, what is wrong?” I asked again this time my voice softer.

  Fenixx looked out over the green grass of the paddocks behind us, his eyes taking on a faraway sheen. It wasn’t often Fenixx had a problem and certainly not one that made him act out in anger. I got the feeling it had more to do with a female than it did with his dad’s treachery.

  I stood there patiently and waited for him to gather in his head what he wanted to say, Fenixx was a sensitive soul, and it took a lot of trust in the other person for him to open up. We had that, when I was a kid, Fenixx was my teacher of all things fun like climbing trees, driving paddock cars, and general mischief. I missed getting into trouble with him now, at least then I could blame someone else rather than it all falling on my head.

  “She is going out on a date with a bloke tonight,” he seethed—his out of the blue cryptic comment baffling me.

  “Who is?” Obviously, Hottie 3 had a lady interest, which in itself was interesting. For as long as I knew him, Fenixx didn’t go out with girls, at least not since he finished high school.

  “Farron,” he announced, and for just a minute, I was confused, then it dawned on me where I knew that name.

  “Farron? As in the Farron from the pizza place in Cattle Ridge?”

  “That would be the one,” he confirmed, nodding his head, a cute blush creeping over his cheeks, making his face all ruddy and adorable.

  “Oooh, Fenixx and Farron sitting in a tree K. I. S. S. I. N. G,” I singsonged, ducking out of his reach when he lunged for me.

  Holding up my hands in front of me, I suppressed my laugh to a giggle. “Okay, I am sorry, I couldn’t resist,” I apologised, sort of meaning it.

  “Try, this is serious Blake, what am I going to do

  “Have you asked her out?”


  “Okay, does she know that you are interested?” I tried again.

  “Absolutely not, though me going there every night for pizza might be giving her a clue that I either like her, her pizza or am in line for stalker of the year,” he allowed grudgingly.

  Pursing my lips, I wriggled my nose back and forth in serious thought, deciding mentally if I should sympathise with him or hit him with a plank of wood.

  “Then, how pray tell Fenixx, does she know that you like her if you haven’t given her that impression, other than that you are indeed a stalker? Every night Fenixx? Seriously?” I swear the Hott men can be so dense. It takes a near-death experience or a four-year festering need for revenge before they grow a pair and admit their love.

  “Good gravy Fenixx, just tell her. She seems like a nice lady, from what I see when I go in and pick up my order.” It was true I didn’t know Farron too personally, we have spoken, but our conversations are always about current events and the weather, a favourite topic for any rural person.

  “She is great, really nice. She has this sweet laugh, and when she smiles, her whole face lights up, ya know like yours does when you look at Hendrixx.”

  Smiling like a loon, I nodded my head in agreement. “Well, he does give me good reasons to smile,” I replied, winking at him, then laughing when he mimicked throwing up.

  “Seriously, you haven’t had a conversation with her?”

  “Other than ordering my pizza not really, although I do leave a hundred dollar tip in her tip jar she has on the counter,” Fenixx admitted, with a sheepish smile.

  Tipping in Australia is a relatively new concept, the majority of businesses didn’t practice the widely American conception, but I had heard of it happening here occasionally.

  “You put a hundred dollar bill in her tip jar, what every time you go in there?” I asked astounded.

  “Well, yeah, it’s not always a hundred, sometimes it’s two fifties or five twenties or …”


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