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Mate-Prize Page 4

by Renee Bond

  A part of me that was… dammit… intrigued.

  Then, as the glass box hovered slowly past the men, I noticed… other things.

  One of the men had eyes with blood-red irises. Another of them, a bald fellow, had sharp razors sticking out of his scalp instead of hair. Another had a right hand that was clearly robotic. Another had a very slight blue hue all over his otherwise white skin. He was the only one - the rest of them were an even mix of black, white and shades in between. Only… they all had extremely similar facial features and proportions. It was almost like I was looking at cousins in the same family.

  “Order!” barked a huge soldier at the front of the room. This man’s uniform veritably dangled with gold, silver and bronze medals and pins. There was a sword, which looked like a thick saber, at his side. On his other side, opposite the saber, hung something that might have been a pistol. He had a short-cropped, graying beard. His left eye… well fuck, his left eye was clearly some sort of machine, glowing a fierce crimson red.

  “We stand here today to honor our brothers: Travan, Jensi, Daxen, and Ellon.”

  “Long may they live!” thundered the men on either side of me. I tried to jump, but I was still sitting on the floor of my glass box. My knees were still bent enough that I didn’t really gain any altitude. My heart thundered in my chest - I swear I could actually hear the sound of my own fear.

  Only… how do I describe it?

  You know when you’re in a haunted house, and you’ve spent the last half-hour being scared shitless, and you’re still in there so you’re still scared, but at the same time you’re interested in finding out just what’s in the next room?

  I felt that, times a million.

  I’d been kidnapped. I’d been stuffed into a fucking glass box. I’d been told that I was now property, destined to be awarded as a mate-prize.

  But at the same time, I’d just discovered that aliens were real. And I was on a freaking spaceship. And I was meeting actual aliens, who turned out to not be nearly as scary as I’d been imagining - though they actually were every bit as intimidating.

  Was I scared? Fuck yes. Did I want to see what was in that next fucking room? Hell no.

  But… a little bit, yeah.

  At the very least, it was definitely going to be something I’d never experienced before.

  I would have given anything to have gone straight back to Earth. Back to my trailer. To my bed, and the life I’d just been starting to figure out.

  But deep down, I was already coming to grips with the fact that that wasn’t ever going to happen. Hell, a part of me wanted to get everything over with just so that the anxiety, the fear over exactly what was going to happen to me, would be over too.

  “These fine soldiers have fought,” said the crimson-eyed man, “they have bled, and they have killed. They have become everything that we have expected them to become. They have displayed every quality that we demanded they possess.”

  “Long may they live!” roared the men to either side of me. I couldn’t help but gasp again. I’d kind of suspected that was coming. But the sheer ferocity of the soldiers surrounding me, even just in the way they shouted those four words, was breathtaking.

  That’s when that weird sense of excitement melted away, and I remembered what was going to happen to me.

  I was going to be… mated with. And it really did look like there was jack shit that I could do about it.

  I pushed my arms against the sides of the box and struggled to my feet. I suddenly felt as though I was being led to my execution. How the Hell could I have forgotten that, even for a second? Had the shock of seeing humans here completely shut off my brain?

  “These Triumphant men,” continued the crimson-eyed man, “have earned one of the highest honors that our clan can bestow: the right to procreate. To this end, I do now present to them their mate-prize. May she satisfy them in every way they desire.”

  I’d been so transfixed by the crimson-eyed man, I’d hardly been looking at anything else. But as he said that last part, my eyes wandered a bit. Enough to notice that there were four other men on the stage. All of whom were standing at rigid attention, just like the other soldiers in the room. But these men were also clearly different. They wore the same white uniforms as the others, only their uniforms had some of the gold and silver medallions that the crimson-eyed man wore, along with some colored ribbons, not unlike those given to soldiers on Earth. Also, whereas all the men in the two lines had the same haircut - a tightly shaved head - these men had distinct haircuts.

  So… was I being presented to all the men in the room… or just the four men on stage?

  I really, really hoped it was the latter. I didn’t want to be fucking mated with by anybody, much less the fifty men behind me. If I was only being presented to four of them - the ones which looked like they were higher ranking than the rest - that would be a small blessing.

  “Form ZETA!” bellowed the crimson-eyed man. At this order, the two rows of soldiers - all of whom were now behind me, as my hovering box had brought me close to the platform at the front of the room - quickly re-organized themselves into several neat rows which now faced forward, towards the platform.

  There were no lights in the room that I could see. But, at that moment, the room went suddenly dark.

  Chapter 9


  “We will now witness just a few of the exploits of Squad Leader Travon, Second Jensi, Squadmate Daxen and Squadmate Ellon,” continued General Zandonia, his voice echoing throughout the darkened room. “Watch closely, that you may appreciate their skill and bravery.”

  The massive holo-display on the wall behind and above the platform blinked to life. It displayed the crest of clan Triumphant - the unbroken wheel surrounding the eternal crown - for several moments.

  Then scenes of battle began playing.

  The others - everyone else in the room - watched as helmet-cam footage from Travon, Daxen, Ellon and me relayed scene of intense firefights, massive explosions, maneuvering in rough terrain and the slaughtering of enemy soldiers by the score, with rifle and pistol and explosives and swords.

  Everyone but me.

  My eyes never left the woman in the stasis box before the stage. I watched her as she watched her new owners kill, and kill, and kill. Watched her eyes growing wider and wider, her jaw slowly separating from the rest of her face. Watched as she leaned weakly back against the back wall of the stasis box, apparently no longer as steady on her feet as she’d been just a few moments before.

  What was going through that little woman’s mind?

  Was it horror, at seeing the realities of war, as was so common for harvested women? Was it fear, at knowing just how cold and ruthless her new owners were? Most harvested women were terribly intimidated by their new owners - especially when they saw, firsthand, just how savage the Triumphant were to their enemies.

  The woman’s eyes widened even more, as something especially graphic flashed across the screen. From the sounds of it, it sounded like she’d just seen Danex tear the head of that enemy officer, back during the battle of Starfort Omega-150, back when that installation had still belonged to a rival clan. It was, of course, now a Triumphant fort. I had helped see to that.

  Damn, how I wished I could tear that woman’s strange clothes off right here and now.

  By the light of the holo-display, I could see her clearly. Her deep brown eyes, like dark amber gemstones, strangely beautiful as they reflected scenes of carnage. Eyes framed by long, thick eyelashes. A strange thing for me to notice - I’d never thought to look at a woman’s eyelashes before, even when I’d seen them in person. Her face was distinctly feminine, thin with high cheekbones. Her lips were a muted rose color, glistening with moisture. Her hair was a long, flowing mane of midnight black that glistened under the light. That hair, which looked so soft, so inviting, just begged me to stick my hand into it. To wrap it around my fingers, to grab it by the roots and shake it, gently but firmly, demonstrating to the
woman attached to it just who owned her body.

  Just who she would obey.

  My dick turned to steel just looking at her… let alone thinking about what her cunt would feel like as it wrapped around my cock. Not to mention her lips. Her tongue. Her ass. Her breasts, which were were full and perky, just begging to be squeezed, rubbed, licked. Her long, lean torso called out to me, begging me to take hold of her curvy hips, to grip them hard and fuck her hard, deep, and so, so thoroughly.

  She was perfect. And she was all mine.

  Well, not just mine. Ours.

  I’d been a part of my squad since before I was old enough to walk. I’d shared my entire life with Travan, Daxen and Ellon - none of us had been apart from the other for longer than a few days in our entire lives. It felt… natural, for us to share this woman. In fact, I couldn’t think of anything I wanted more.

  We would share her. We would master her.

  We would own her.

  And we would use her for our pleasure.

  Over, and over, and over.

  The holo-screen turned off. Light returned to the room. And I was quite glad I’d decided to wear an extra pair of undergarments - it made it much harder to notice that my cock was a steel rod.

  One pointed right at our new woman.

  I couldn’t wait. To fuck her. To train her. To use her. To mold her. To turn her into a perfect fuckmate for our squad.

  And she would love every single second of it.

  Chapter 10


  These weren’t men.

  These were killing machines.

  Fucking Hell, I’d never even liked violent movies. The things I saw on that screen, I knew I would be seeing again in my nightmares.

  As I’d watched the scenes of slaughter, always shot from a first-person perspective, I’d noticed that there’d always been a name at the bottom right corner of the screen. The name changed as the scenes changed, but always there was one of only four names: Travan, Jensi, Daxen and Ellon.

  Four names. Four men on stage, standing ceremoniously behind the older man who was leading this little party.

  So. I was to be awarded to just the four of them.

  And… there they were. Standing up on the platform. Each one of them looking down at me. Each one of them with a deep hunger in their eyes, and a barely-concealed smile upon their face.

  Some of the details I’d just learned began to sink in. Like the fact that most alien men were never allowed to mate, or even have sex. That it was a privilege they won in battle. Those four men up on the platform, their perfectly white uniforms stretched tight over more muscle than I’d ever seen… they’d basically been waiting their whole lives for this.

  For me.

  And I was going to be their first sexual experience.

  All of a sudden, I felt a strange pressure. As if I didn’t know if I could live up to their expectations.

  Then I remembered that they’d “harvested” me, kidnapped me against my will.

  The thought that I would soon be at their mercy turned my knees to water. The realization that a whole room full of men knew it, and found it amusing, turned my stomach to butterflies and my face to blushing. Hell, I’d never had a problem expressing my sexuality back on Earth. But… this was different! Back then, it had been my choice.

  But not this time.

  As soon as this little gathering was over… I was going to be doing some mating. With four massive, deadly, dominant men. And no amount of humiliation was going to stop it.

  A funny thing happened, then.

  I felt… something.

  Something deep in the pit of my stomach. A… heaviness. An intensity I couldn’t describe.

  It made me gasp. Left me breathless.

  Then, just as quickly, it was gone.

  The men on the platform were still staring at me. All four of them. Their eyes, if anything, even hungrier than ever.

  Brutal honesty: they weren’t bad looking. I didn’t know which one was which, even though I knew their names. But I could see that one - the biggest one by far - had nasty scars across his bald head and down the length of his face. Another one had darker skin, and slicked back hair. The tallest one had a short-cropped beard. That last one was the most handsome, with short sandy-blonde hair and striking blue eyes. In fact, they all had the same piercing, smoldering look about their eyes. Thick, tight jaws. Prominent cheekbones. Smooth skin. They were all young - I’d guess mid-twenties.

  In fact, all four of them looked like exactly the kind of man I would think about inviting back to the dressing room after a show.

  Stop it, I told myself. What the Hell was I thinking? These are the men who are going to force themselves on me!

  But… knowing that made it even harder to look away from them.

  I sagged back against the back of my strange glass box. Emotionally spent. Feeling like I didn’t even have any capacity for fear anymore.

  Their burning eyes captivated me. Held me tightly.

  Somehow, it was as if I were already in their grasp.

  “Now then,” said the crimson-eyed man, “I don’t want to detain these fine young men any longer than I have to. They’ve waited a long time for this day. For this very moment. Yet, somehow, I suspect that they’re eager for it to be over with.”

  That got a laugh from the crowd of men behind me - and it dawned that I was the reason the four men were so eager for this to be over.

  It was so that they could fuck me.

  The crimson-eyed man stood silently. As if on the verge of saying something definitive… yet, not saying anything.

  Here and there, a few snickers and chuckles grew into a bout of sustained laughter from the men behind me.

  Oh. He was deliberately drawing out the ceremony. Making the men on the platform with him have to wait… to claim me.

  And it was all just a big joke.

  “Congratulations men,” the crimson-eyed man finally said. “Now go take care of your new woman!”

  The men behind me cheered. The sound of it sent new waves of humiliation and anxiety rippling through me.

  The men on the platform - my new owners - descended, and were met enthusiastically by the rest of the men in the room, who’d fallen out of their precise ranks. More congratulations were passed around. Backs were slapped. Friendly hugs exchanged. Jokes shared.

  Some of the men drifted away, through doors leading out of the room.

  The four from the platform, at some length, turned their attention back towards me.

  Nearly in unison, they approached my glass box slowly. A few of the others followed them.

  My breath quickened. I felt like I wanted to sink back down, overwhelmed with emotion, with fear.

  I soon found myself surrounded by a group of about ten men. A loose circle of looming muscle, leering eyes and wide grins.

  The four who were to own me stepped forward. Two were on each side of my box. One was behind it. One was directly in front of it. The rest - close friends of these four, maybe - stood in a loose circle. Watching.

  “So,” said the handsome one with the sandy blond hair. The one directly in front of me. Who was now close enough to reach out and touch the box I was still trapped in.

  “We meet at last.”

  Chapter 11


  “Tell me your name,” he said.

  He was easily one of the most physically imposing men I’d ever encountered. Up close, no more than an arm’s length away, I was made even more aware of just how much bigger he was than me.

  Of how much bigger they all were than me.

  I took a deep breath. It took me something like forever to summon the ability to speak.


  “R-r-r-rachel,” he said thoughtfully, frowning. “Strange. A bit redundant. Don’t like it.”

  “She’s just stammering,” said the one on my left. “I think you’re scaring her.”

  The handsome one grinned and shrugged. That go
t a laugh.

  “Still don’t like the name,” the handsome one said. “Good thing we’re going to rename you. Any ideas men?”

  “Why decide on that now?” asked the giant scarred one. “Let’s give ourselves some time to get to know her first before we decide on her name.”

  I knew I should be scared.

  Hell, I was.

  But I opened my big mouth anyway.

  “You can’t take my name,” I said. I was actually proud of how forcefully that came out.

  All four men either snickered or chuckled.

  “We can take a whole lot more than that, little girl,” said the tall one. “And we will decide if we wish to. In time.”

  I couldn’t decide if he was trying to be an asshole, or if he thought he was doing me a favor by saying that.

  “What’s your name then?” I asked, staring up at the one in front of me.

  “Travan,” said the handsome one. He had the bluest eyes I’d ever seen. His skin was a dusty white. Up close, I noticed that his close-cropped dirty-blond hair was already heavily greying.

  I took a deep, deep breath. And then another.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Travan,” I said.

  I was lying, of course. I wanted nothing less than the meet any of them.

  But being uncivil was unlikely to get me anywhere good.

  “Oh, likewise.”

  “I’m Jensi,” said the one behind me. I turned around. He had the longest hair, black like mine, slicked straight back. He had the least scarring, the most boyish features, the darkest skin, and emerald-green eyes. He was the shortest, and the thinnest. Which meant that he outweighed me by only about a hundred and fifty pounds. Nearly all of which was muscle.

  “Call me Ellon” said another of them, in an almost gentle tone of voice. He was the bald one with the scars. He was the thickest and most heavily muscled of them - easily bigger than any champion strongman or bodybuilder back on Earth. His eyes were slate grey.

  “Don’t forget about me,” said the last one. “I’m Daxen.” Daxen, bearded, thin features, curly brown hair, with a mouth that seemed to smile on its own, was the tallest of the four. He had to be over eight feet, though of course it was hard to tell.


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