
Home > Other > Mate-Prize > Page 6
Mate-Prize Page 6

by Renee Bond

  A heavy hand swatted my behind.

  It hurt. A lot.

  My jeans soaked up some of the sting of the blow, but the force of it punched by ass forwards. A deep muscle pain soon flooded my hips.

  God damn these men were strong!

  “Ah!” I cried out, unable to keep silent.

  All of a sudden, I was afraid. Like, only afraid. No more anger. No more indignation. Just fear. Of pain. Of displeasing these men, who had me totally and utterly at their mercy.

  “Just the one, this time,” said Travan.

  “We should punish her more,” said Jensi. “Punish her properly.”

  “Not yet,” said Travan. “I want to give her another chance. Which she should be very grateful for.”

  Jensi released my hair, but I didn’t move for a few minutes. I was just so… I don’t know. I’d just been folded up and spanked like a two-year-old. Not an experience I was used to. And my ass hurt.

  Finally, slowly, I pushed myself up. I stared up at Jensi, then at Travan. Both were wearing that tight, satisfied little smile.

  Fuck them for enjoying this!

  “I get the next one,” Daxen said. Ellon grunted in amusement.

  I swallowed.

  And noticed that my hips were, once again, trying to wiggle out of my pants.

  What the hell was wrong with me? Why was being spanked giving me this heavy feeling in my stomach? Why did my body feel so weirdly light? This was not supposed to be how I felt! I didn’t want this. I was supposed to hate every second of this. My body is not supposed to be reacting this way!

  “Stand up,” ordered Travan.

  My body obeyed, not waiting for me to think about whether to do it or not. “Now,” he said, his voice low, grave, “take your clothes off.

  My eyes fell to the floor.

  “Look at me.”

  Slowly, my eyes traced back up to his, starting with his long legs, so obviously muscular even through his white slacks, past his flat stomach, his bulging pectorals, his square, inhumanly defined jaw.

  Our eyes locked.

  Seemingly of their own volition, my hands began to move.

  I started with my rag of a shirt, letting it fall off my shoulders, down to the floor of my box. I never wear bras to my concerts, so I was immediately naked from the waist up. Even though I’d been virtually shirtless for the last half hour, not covering my breasts was hard. Exposing myself to those cold blue eyes made me feel intensely vulnerable - and stoked that weird, hot heaviness in the pit of my stomach. That sensation I still had no idea how to get rid of. I took a deep breath, and - knowing in my bones that I definitely, absolutely had no other choice - undid the button on my tight black jeans. Then, as slowly as I dared, unzipped the zipper. It took a minute to wiggle out of them - guys who like rock concerts also like girls in really tight pants. But soon enough, as all four men watched me intently, they slipped down below my ass.

  I don’t wear underwear at concerts either. Just more comfortable that way, what with the extra tight pants and all.

  I froze for a moment. Simply unable to go on. Breathing hard. Feeling like I should be crying, like I wanted to cry, like I was trying to cry, but unable to actually do so. There was just something… freeing, about it. I’d been dreading this moment. And now it was here. My bare ass and pussy were completely exposed. The men who were going to mate me could see everything. A small wave of relief swept through me. Honestly, my imagination had made this moment a lot worse than it really was.

  Simultaneously, Jensi and Daxen took hold of my jeans. Fear gripped me - it’d taken too long! But there was no spanking. Instead, they simply slid the jeans down my legs. Slowly. Almost sensually. After a moment, I stepped out of them. Jensi took my clothes and tossed them aside. Forgotten.

  Words really can’t describe how I felt. Lots of emotions fought for control inside me. Shame. Fear. Vulnerability. Frustration. That weird, floating sensation. That ever weirder, heavy feeling in my stomach, which was once again threatening to spill over into my groin. Confusion, as to why this wasn’t nearly as bad as I was imagining it would be. As it should have been. Confusion, as to why the humiliation and vulnerability seemed to magnify both the heaviness and the lightness.

  “Beautiful,” Travan breathed, sounding as though he genuinely meant it. Like he wasn’t just taunting or objectifying me. “You are going to make a fantastic little slut for us to play with.”

  More embarrassment. More confusion. More-


  It finally hit my battered mind what that weird feeling in the pit of my stomach was. The feeling that was spreading to more and more parts of my body with each passing moment. It was a deep, animal, uncontrollable arousal. A savage need, which I seemed completely unable to control.

  But that just didn’t make any sense!

  “I don’t like these fucking tattoos,” said Daxen, stroking my right bicep, where my half-sleeve of tats was. “They just distract from her body.”

  “Agreed,” said Travan. Jensi and Ellon also made sounds of agreement.

  A second later, another one of those floating orbs appeared, and floated right into my magic box. It hovered close to my arm.

  I pulled hesitantly away.

  “Don’t move, little slut,” Travan ordered, “or you really will be punished.”

  Suddenly, it was as if my mind retreated into itself, leaving me capable only of standing, arms at my sides, doing exactly what I was told.

  Why didn’t I move? Why didn’t I fight it?

  Sure, there was nothing I could do. But was I really this easy to push around?

  Was I really this… obedient?

  The orb started spraying something on my arm. On my tattoos. It felt tingly.

  After a moment, it occurred to me to look over at my arm. At what the floating orb was doing.

  The strange blue mist it was spraying me was dissolving my tats!

  That snapped me out of it right quick.

  “Hey!” I protested. “Those are mine! Do you know how painful it was to get those?”

  “They’re ugly,” said Travan. “They don’t suit you. And you belong to us - which means those markings do too.”

  “You don’t get to just-” I started to say.

  But I couldn’t finish the sentence.

  Because, deep down, I knew that they very much could just.

  They were in control. I had no power to stop anything they wanted to do to me.

  Travan’s eyes narrowed a hair. Almost daring me to go on.

  “Please?” I finished lamely. I liked those tattoos! I was proud of them. I had gotten countless compliments on them.

  But they were already gone. Whatever was in that mist had eaten them right away, leaving only smooth, healthy skin behind.

  I had never felt so small in my whole life.

  “Much better,” said Travan. Chuckles of agreement came from all around me.

  My body was not my own. Not anymore.

  That much had just been made crystal clear.

  It felt like my mind should be racing. But it knew, seemingly better than I did, that there was nowhere for it to race to. So instead, a strange calm settled over me. A… stillness. I just stood there, arms at my sides, waiting for whatever was going to come next. My eyes drifted to the floor, unable to meet the eyes of any of the men around me.

  The orb did some other things to me. A different color spray removed all the hair from my body, from my pubic hair down to the tiny, nearly invisible little white hairs on my arms and legs. Another spray, this one kinda pinkish, felt like a deep moisturizer. I ran my fingers across my skin a few times after that one. I had never felt so soft. So healthy.

  So… inviting.

  The orb did a few scans. Determined that I was still healthy.

  And that was it. We left the medical bay right after that, my men walking on ahead, my little magic box hovering right after them.

  I sunk down to my knees. Naked, but no longer afraid.

nbsp; I just didn’t have the capacity to feel fear anymore.

  I was starting to accept… everything. My lack of power. My lack of freedom. I should have hated it. But for some reason, I wasn’t able to. All I could feel was that sense of deep, inalterable resignation. That strange calmness. And that damn, stubborn arousal, which seemed now to live permanently in the pit of my stomach.

  As if it was just waiting for the perfect time to reach out and take hold of my pussy.

  Less than twenty-four hours ago, I had known who I was. I was free. I was a rebel. I did what I wanted, where I wanted. The idea of being tied down by anything - much less kidnapped, held prisoner, and forcefully mated with - would have sent me running, screaming bloody murder.


  I had no idea who I was now. And I had no idea how I should feel about it.

  We didn’t walk far before going through a series of doorways, each one leading to a progressively smaller hallway. Finally, we passed through one last door.

  Into a room.

  The room had a high ceiling. Twelve feet, maybe. It also wasn’t stark white, like the rest of the ship. There were pictures on the walls, expansive, slowly shifting images of exotic locations and planetary vistas, flora and fauna unlike anything I’d ever seen on Earth, and majestic stellar bodies - nebule, black holes, supernovae and bright constellations. There were also designs, artistic renderings, that really might have been something to look at had I been capable of appreciating alien art just then. There were also a few huge chairs... and, built into the walls of the room, four huge beds.

  Oh fuck.

  “Welcome home, little slut,” said Jensi wickedly.

  Chapter 14


  My little magic box hovered me to the middle of the room. The men ignored me for a few moments. Jensi and Daxen disappeared through a small door - a bathroom, maybe - before reappearing once more. Travan and Ellon casually removed their white jackets and hung them up in small closets that were built into the walls, just like the beds. Underneath they wore simple white tee-shirts.

  I wondered which one of them was going to take me first.

  Probably Travan. He was clearly the leader of the group. Would the others watch while Travan was mating with me?

  I didn’t know if I could handle that.

  Suddenly, without warning, my magic box flicked off! I was free!

  Well... sort of. Something told me the door behind me wouldn’t open for me. Still, I stared longingly at it.

  But, what would I even do if I could get through it? Run naked through a moon-sized alien spaceship at random?

  “Going somewhere?” asked Ellon. He strode over to me, and was soon standing no more than a foot away.

  “Not a chance,” answered Daxen, before I’d even had a chance to think about responding. “And I’m going to make absolutely sure of that.” As he spoke, Daxen stepped towards me as well - holding four lengths of what looked like thin, silvery wire. “Hold out your wrists,” he told me.

  I did as I was told, hating myself for it. Why wasn’t I strong enough to at least try to fight them? I’d lose. Of course. But I might be able to hold onto at least a shred of my dignity.


  Daxen slipped one of his wires around each of my wrists. The ends of the strange devices attached to each other in a fluid, alien motion, forming tight, seamless bracelets. Daxen and Ellon attached two more of the weird things to my ankles.

  “Wrists up!” said Daxen, once he was satisfied.

  Suddenly, my wrists shot up into the air! The little silvery bracelets pulled my hands up over my head, then snapped together. There was nothing visible holding the bracelets in place. Nevertheless, I couldn’t move my hands an inch! My arms were stuck straight above my head, my wrists touching. The little devices were pulling hard enough that they were holding about a fifth of my weight too, forcing me to put my feet together, to strain upwards ever so slightly, so that I wasn’t hanging by my wrists.

  “What the fuck is this?” I demanded, shocked anew at being trussed up like that.


  Daxen’s hand spanked my bare ass. Hard. The sound of it filled the bunk. I could feel my ass cheeks jiggle back and forth from the force of it. Pain blossomed in my bottom, a hot, stinging sensation - which penetrated straight through to my stomach. To my hips. Where it roiled around, turning somehow to a deep, pleasant arousal that made my hips writhe and my pussy clench involuntarily.

  “Such a beautiful sound, wouldn’t you say little slut?” Daxen’s voice was playful - but with an edge to it. I could tell he wanted to do it again.

  Was going to do it again.

  “Wait your turn,” said Jensi, his voice filled with warning.

  With a little smile, Daxen raised his hands, palms forward, and backed away a step.

  “You know,” said Travan slowly, “I quite liked the sound of that. Let's hear it again.” Travan’s grin spread to the rest of the men.

  I pulled at my wrist restraints, knowing what was coming next. I jerked at them again and again. I put all my weight on them, trying to pull them downwards. I wrenched them with all my strength.

  Nothing worked. Nothing budged them so much as a millimeter.

  It felt completely surreal to realize just how helpless I was. I shivered, the fear in my chest and head at war with the heavy desire in my stomach and hips.

  It was a war my head was slowly, inexorably, despite my very best efforts, losing.

  The men laughed as I sagged back down, defeated. I wasn’t going anywhere. I felt as though I should still be trying to escape. Not because it would necessarily work, but because that’s just what I felt like I was supposed to do.

  But I couldn’t summon the will to struggle.

  There just wasn’t any point.


  This time it was Ellon’s hand on my exposed ass. He hadn’t spanked me as hard as Daxen had. Nevertheless, I let out a little squeak, unable to contain myself.

  The stinging pain flourished anew. And that deep arousal, beyond my control, beyond my comprehension, pulsed even harder.

  Why was I like this? What was wrong with me? Who on Earth would actually get pleasure out of this?

  I was starting to worry where this was going. How much were they going to punish me? Just how much was I going to get aroused by it? It was all so sudden. So confusing. I knew I should hate being tied up and spanked like a petulant whore.

  But I didn’t.

  It hurt.

  But... it also felt... fucking incredible.

  I started breathing heavily. Not because I was having trouble breathing, but because I just couldn’t contain the twitching in my hips. The longing for friction. The alien desire reaching down to take hold of my pussy in an iron grip.


  Jensi’s hand hit me harder than the others.

  “Ahhh! Ow!”

  I couldn’t help myself. I knew Jensi would smile that hungry smile if I cried out. And I was right. But it just hurt so much!

  I had tried to take my spanking silently.

  I’d failed.

  Right then, that deep attraction, that primal arousal, fucking exploded.

  It snaked down my legs, grabbed my knees, whiplashed up to squeeze the breath out of my chest, turning my nipples to stone, twisting my pussy around and around. Igniting a shameful wetness in my groin that I hoped none of the men were able to see.

  “She’s fucking loving this,” Daxen said, his admiring eyes traveling up and down my naked, helpless, gently quivering body.

  “It’s really not going to take much to break this one,” said Travan. He’d approached me too. All four huge, insanely powerful alien killing machines now stood in a tight circle around me.

  Travan, standing predictably in front of me, took my rock-hard nipples between his fingers, began massaging them gently, rolling them back and forth, pinching them firmly from time to time.

  Ellon put his hands on my stomach and back, then let t
hem drift over my torso, brushing my shoulder blades, before drifting down over my ass, over the front of my pussy, and on down to caress my thighs.

  Daxen, standing behind me, took my neck in his powerful hands, gripping it gently, showing me exactly how easy it was for him to control me by gripping just under my jaw, then taking hold of my hair right at the base of my neck and gently shaking my head back and forth, relishing in the power he had over me.

  Jensi dug his fingers into my right ass cheek, squeezing so hard I almost cried out again, then reached over to do the same with my left ass cheek, going back and forth, exploring every inch of my tender, naked butt.

  Oh fuck. Oh fuck.

  They weren’t just going to watch as Travan fucked me.

  They weren’t just going to fuck me one after the other after the other.

  They were going to fuck me all at once!

  Oh fuck!

  A wild, giggly panic sprung to life deep in my spine, started struggling against all the other emotions and sensations exploding like fireworks within every inch of my body and brain. It was beyond overwhelming. Travan fondling my breasts sent wave after wave of intense pleasure through them. Jensi and Ellon were igniting new fires of passion and arousal wherever their hands touched, massaged, petted, groped. Even Daxen was stoking my hornyness to levels I’d never experienced, just by holding me by my head, by showing me just how owned I was.


  I let out a long, deep moan of dread and pleasure. Or maybe it was just pleasure. I couldn’t tell anymore. I didn’t know up from down. I didn’t know where my body ended and their hands began.

  I should have been kicking and screaming. I should have been fighting this tooth and nail.

  But I wasn’t. My body wasn’t even pulling against the strange hovering bracelets. I was just hanging there, feeling every sensation, surrendering to the feeling, as my four dominant captors manhandled me, exploring every inch of my body like boys with an awesome new toy, using me for their own pleasure. And not only that, but I was enjoying it all. Like some weak little sex-addicted whore.

  I couldn’t even deny it to myself anymore. I was actually fucking enjoying what these brutes were doing to me!


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