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Mate-Prize Page 8

by Renee Bond

I fucking wanted it. I wanted that giant alien cock inside me. Even worse… I didn’t want Travan to be gentle. I was way, way past that stage. I wanted that cock hard. Fast. Rough. Violent. I wanted pain. I wanted pleasure.

  I wanted to lose what little of my mind I had left.

  The head of Travan’s cock found my clit. Pressed into it, sending bolts of pleasure shooting up my spine. Started rubbing back and forth on it. Give the man credit- he knew exactly where my clitoris was.

  “Beg for my cock, my naughty little slut,” Travan ordered. His voice was deep. Gravely. His icy demeanor was melting - even in my state, I could tell he wasn’t having an easy time holding back.

  “Please fuck me sir,” I whispered, staring deep into the alien warrior’s eyes.

  “Louder,” he commanded.

  “Please fuck me sir!” I said.

  Shame blossomed at the base of my skull. A woman doesn’t beg to be fucked by her captors!

  Then Travan entered me. Slowly. Deliberately. I was beyond wet, but even so he had to press firmly just to get his cock head into me. After that, he pressed on. Deeper. Deeper.

  Oh fuck, deeper!

  My pitiful, inadequate sense of shame exploded into a million tiny pieces.

  Who the fuck said I had to be ashamed of myself? Who said I couldn’t enjoy this? Hell, I’d earned this pleasure! I’d suffered for it! Yes, I was begging to be fucked like a two-dollar whore. Sure, I didn't have a choice. Not really. Not if I didn’t want to be tortured.

  But you know what? I wanted it.

  Not because Travan told me I was a slut. Not because my four new owners wanted me to want it. I wanted it for me. I wanted to be fucked because I deserved to get what I wanted.

  And I wanted this. So badly.


  Travan and I moaned simultaneously.

  I couldn’t tell if I was in more pleasure or more pain. I was not used to being fucked like this! I’d never come even close to having a cock this big inside me.

  And he was still pushing in deeper.

  Then he pushed up against my back wall… or something. I couldn’t see inside my own pussy at that moment. But it immediately became clear that he was as far in as he could get.

  He started sliding back out.

  We gasped in unison.

  The pain, that terrible, wonderful pain stretching my pussy to its very limits, began to recede.

  Then he was out of me.

  But not for long.

  Travan’s giant alien warrior cock speared my pussy, dead center, pushing into me much faster this time. It hurt - almost as much as the first time. It also felt like he went a little deeper. But maybe not - by that time I was starting to lose track of my senses.

  Out. In. Out. In.

  Faster. Faster.

  The pain of it was intense. It felt like my hips might come undone at any moment!

  But, for whatever reason, that pain worked on me the same way that the spanking had, building slowly into a world of desire, a universe of sexual longing I could never escape.

  It wasn’t long before he was fucking me properly, in the fullest sense of the word.

  It was glorious. Rapturous.

  The sensation of it shut down all of my faculties.

  His eyes closed. His head tilted back. The sounds of our bodies slapping together filled the bunk.

  I surrendered myself to the pleasure.

  It wasn’t hard.

  A warm, glowing symphony of orgasmic release began building in my cunt. Spreading outwards, to every nook and cranny of my being.

  I was finally, at long last, going to come.

  Then an extra warmth registered deep in my pussy.

  Travan was coming in me!

  I barely registered the thought.

  I came.

  My pelvis spasmed. Between gasps I shrieked with joy, holding nothing back, unable to do so if I’d wanted to.

  Which I didn’t.

  Travan wound down slowly. Milking our mutual orgasm to its fullest.

  His lips attacked mine, pushing my head back so far that my body went with it, straightening my wrists in their restraints.

  I kissed him back. Insofar as I was able to move.

  A little part of me died when Travan’s cock slid out of me. I’d wanted it to stay up there for the rest of my life.

  Over long moments, we fought to regain our breath. Me still hanging from my wrists, him still holding my legs up high into the air. My eyes still closed, for some reason unwilling to open, I felt my legs lower slowly back down to the floor, where they dangled uselessly.

  Utterly spent.

  But it wasn’t over.

  Not by a long shot.

  For as Travan let out a huge, relieved, sated sigh and stepped back from my thoroughly fucked body… Jensi stepped forward and took his place.

  “My turn,” he said, like a predator deciding which animal to kill and eat.


  Chapter 15


  My eyelids felt pleasantly heavy. My breathing was slowly returning to normal.

  Just as Jensi stripped off his own shirt off and stalked over to where I was still hanging by my wrists.

  Jensi scared me. Well, they all did. But Jensi especially. He just had this look in his eye, like he was looking for someone to hurt.

  He thrust his face right up next to mine.

  “My squad leader has chosen to go easy on you,” he said. “He is a magnanimous man.”

  A part of me, the part that wasn’t still swimming in orgasmic aftermath - which was, admittedly, a pretty small part - felt incredulous.

  That was Travan going easy? The man had nearly fucked me unconscious!

  “I, on the other hand,” Jensi continued, as he undid his own pants and let them slide to the floor, “feel that a more intense discipline is called for.” Jensi’s skin was far darker than Travan’s snowy white. He was also much cuter than Travan, with finer features and a thick head of slicked-back hair in place of Travan’s barely-noticeable-balding crop. He was six inches shorter too, and much skinnier. Shirtless, he looked like a mere internationally acclaimed underwear model, instead of a bodybuilder’s wet dream.

  Different, yet no less physically perfect.

  My fear of him started to dissipate. I was pretty sure Jensi was going to hurt me in some way. But I was definitely sure he was also going to fuck me too. I’d thought Travan had finally put an end to the uncontrollable hunger in my crotch.

  But it was suddenly starting to feel like he’d just whetted my pussy’s appetite.

  Once again, I felt like a horny schoolgirl being noticed by one of the hot older boys that all the girls had a crush on. Once again, I felt I was not in control of my libido.

  I guess an hour of indescribably intense sexual teasing and torture will do that to you.

  I tried to just relax. To just take whatever was to come. There wasn’t anything else I could do anyways. And, to be honest… after Travan… I was kind of looking forward to whatever it was that Jensi had in mind.

  His face thrust forward. My lips rose to meet his.

  But instead of a gentle caress, Jensi sunk his teeth into my soft, exposed lip and bit down hard!


  I tried to cry out - but his mouth covered mine.

  When his face moved away, it was covered with an ear-to-ear grin.

  Then he gripped my left breast tightly. Roughly.

  My fear was returning. With a vengeance. It was obvious now that Jensi liked it very rough and painful. And that said pain was going to be a one-way street.

  On cue, pain exploded in my left nipple!

  “Ah! Ahhh!”

  It didn’t fade, either. It was persistent - a sharp, piercing sensation that squeezed my eyes shut against my will.

  My right nipple soon joined my left in pressure-filled agony.

  I managed to open my eyes. Peer down.

  Jensi had affixed two chrome-plated clamps onto
two of the most sensitive areas of my body.

  We were both breathing hard. For very, very different reasons.

  I looked up at him. His evil grin, like the pain, was persistent.

  And growing.

  He squeezed one of my breasts in each hand. A burning ache raced out from my nipples, across my breasts, reaching my chin, my armpits, even my navel!


  “Beautiful!” exclaimed Jensi. “Your cries are music, my helpless little whore!”

  Fuck! Fuck!

  My mind was starting to race again.

  But it had nowhere to actually go.

  My pussy, on the other hand, knew exactly what to do. The pain in my chest hurt - a lot. But it was also igniting an inferno below my waist, just like the earlier spanking had.

  Why did sexual pain turn me on so much?

  What the fuck was wrong with me? Whatever it was, I was almost happy for it.

  Jensi squeezed my boobs again. Harder. Mercilessly.

  The room swam before my eyes.

  I tried not to cry out. I succeeded in limiting my noises to frantic gasps, oh’s and ah’s.

  “Oh, now where is that noise I love so much?” asked Jensi as he circled around behind me.


  His open palm hit my ass with a force I’d never experienced. My body actually rocked back and forth from the restraints over my head.

  The pain of the blow combined with the pain from the clamps, somehow amplifying each other.

  I screamed.

  Jensi laughed.

  My pussy sighed in delight.

  Then the pain actually began to stop being pain. It mixed with the pleasure building inside me. Both sensations ricocheted around under my skin, filling me with a symphony of sensation.

  Soon I was breathing hard. From pain. From pleasure. The distinction between the two was getting harder and harder to make.

  Jensi’s hard cock pushed in between my ass cheeks.

  Oh shit.

  I’d never had anal sex. Never been attracted to the idea.

  “Where should I put this cock of mine, you filthy slut?” Jensi asked.

  A couple of different answers flashed through my mind.

  I decided to say what I thought he wanted to hear.

  “Anywhere you want sir,” I moaned. I couldn’t help the moaning part. Jensi, a sexy-as-fuck intergalactic badass, had me completely under his power. He had total control over every nerve ending in my body. And he was intent on using every single one of them.

  I wanted more. More pleasure. Yes, even more pain. Just more.

  That’s when I realized something.

  The power that these men possessed… was awe inspiring. Was all-encompassing.

  Was a radical, life-altering turn-on.

  That power was the reason my pussy obeyed their every whim. Why even their pain felt pleasurable.

  Any one of them could overpower me on a biological, instinctual level.

  And there were four of them. All laser-focused on me. All wanting to own me. To pleasure me. To experience my body, and let me experience theirs.

  Then I realized something else.

  I’d thought I could stay in control of my emotions. I thought I could stay the person I was, even while these four alien warriors possessed and used my body.

  But I was wrong.

  Jensi’s fingers gripped my ass cheeks, prying them apart. Exposing my ass hole to his cock - which certainly felt just as dominating as Travan’s. That giant cock rubbed back and forth, pushing against that sensitive boundary with a pressure I could feel inside me.

  I feared it.

  I loved it.

  “Correct,” Jensi whispered into my ear. Roiling with pain and pleasure, it took me a moment to even remember the question he’d asked me just a moment before.

  His cock moved away from my ass.

  But a new pressure took its place. A slippery pressure - which very suddenly penetrated me, forcing its way into my ass.

  “This little toy ought to help you remember who your masters are, slut,” said Jensi wickedly.

  The plug he’d inserted into me introduced a whole other pain into a body already full of it. My ass clenched instinctively - but that just made the pain worse.

  I forced myself to relax. To accept the plug.

  The pain didn’t go away. But, after a few more seconds, it began to dull.

  Suddenly, my legs swept backward off the floor! Jensi had gripped the front of my knees and jerked them back and up just as easily as Travan had! Whereas before I’d been hanging with my feet up in front of me, this time they were up in the air behind me.

  In half a second, his cock was massaging my clit. Only this time, from below.

  The added pressure on my arms caused my poor, tortured nipples to scream.

  I followed shortly thereafter.

  It hurt so bad that it was all I could do to squeeze my eyes shut and force myself to breathe. I could feel the room growing hot. I felt like I was going to pass out.

  But as bad as the pain was… it was also that good. The more intense the pain, the more intensely it turned me on!

  Then Jensi’s cock pushed its way into my aching pussy!

  Instantly, a penetrating pleasure bloomed inside my pelvis, mixing with the pain from my breasts and ass, turning that pain into unfathomable, alien pleasure that washed over my skin and sloshed around inside my whole body.

  Jensi didn’t start off slow like Travan had. He started thrusting hard and fast. There was no building rhythm. Just furious, insistent, fucking.

  Pure pleasure caught me in a steel web. As long as Jensi was pouring beautiful, animal pleasure into my pussy, fucking me from behind like our lives depended on it, then the pain coming from my nipples and my ass felt fucking incredible. As long as he was fucking me, I found that I actually loved the pain he was continuing to inflict on me. The back of my mind began to hope that he never, ever stopped fucking me, not wanting to face the pain that would inevitably result from the absence of his cock in my vagina.

  Jensi came quite quickly, exploding his warm seed inside of me just as Travan had.

  When he was done, he took his cock back right away, not even trying to push me to orgasm, then let my legs drop to the floor. He’d used me to his satisfaction. Now he was done with me. Even that act demonstrated his power over me. Even being tossed aside, still in agony, stoked the still-burning fire of my sexual desire.

  Strangely, ironically, that made me feel wanted in a way I’d never experienced before. I felt intrinsically valuable - not for what I could do or say, but simply for existing.

  It was a disgusting thought.

  But I couldn’t deny how good it made me feel.

  He gave my ass one more smack before collecting his pants and walking slowly back to his seat. But it was the softest spank he’d given me yet.

  I hadn’t come from Jensi’s fucking. Part of me wished he’d keep going.

  The rest of me wished any one of them would keep going.

  “My turn,” Ellon said cheerfully.

  Hearing that actually give me a feeling of deep relief, knowing that my pussy would soon have more of what it craved.

  Did I really just think that? Did I really just feel that way?

  It was as if I was being transformed into another person. I didn’t recognize the thoughts I was having as being from the person I identified as.

  I didn’t care. I wanted more.

  I wanted more.

  Chapter 16


  Before I knew it, Ellon was right in front of me.

  He was the widest of my men, wider even than Travon, though an inch shorter. Don’t get me wrong. He didn’t have an ounce of body fat on him - he was every bit the living statue of muscle that Travon and Jensi were. He was just stockier. His face was lopsided - actually, now that I was looking at it closely, it almost looked like he’d taken some terrible blow to the side of his face, which had healed, but not set
quite right.

  At that, a strange concern for him sparked to life inside of me.

  Wasn’t that odd.

  He wasn’t ugly. Not by any stretch. In fact, his eyes were just the most interesting shade of deep green, making a fascinating contrast with the short black stubble that covered his chin.

  All of a sudden, I screamed.

  The pain! My god, the pain in my nipples was threatening to tear my brain right apart!

  Gently, almost lovingly, Ellon made a cooing sound as he removed the nipple clamps from my breasts.

  “I know,” he said. “But if you want these off there’s no way around it. The clamps force the blood out of your nipples. Taking them off let's blood rush back in - straight past nerve endings that I imagine are quite sore right about now.” The clamps clanged lightly to the floor. “It’s ironic, but the worst part is always taking them off.”

  A monstrous finger - Ellon’s, I realized through the haze of pain - wiped away the single tear that had fallen down onto my face.

  Then his arms were around me, squeezing my body gently to his.

  Comforting me.

  The pain began to fade… leaving behind a deeper, darker and more depraved sexual desire than I ever would have thought possible. It was like being high.

  I began to wonder if Jensi had drugged me.

  “Hopefully the endorphins are kicking in right about now,” he said.

  Oh. Endorphins. Lovely.

  “Stand on your legs,” Ellon said firmly. His voice was caring, but he made it clear that he expected to be obeyed.

  I did obey, stretching my feet to the floor, taking the pressure off my wrists.

  Quickly, expertly, Ellon deactivated the restraints holding me up.

  I thought my legs were prepared to hold my weight.

  They were not.

  As soon as I had to contend with the weight of my own body, I pitched forward into Ellon.

  Who just chuckled a bit.

  “Put your arms down slowly,” he said. “If you do it too fast, you might hurt yourself. And if that happens, I’ll have to punish you - you’re not allowed to get injured.”

  What was this man doing to me?

  He was showing me a compassion that I was only just then realizing that I desperately needed. He was filling a void inside me with warmth. With comfort.

  And as he did, I couldn’t help but start to fall in love with him.


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