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Mate-Prize Page 10

by Renee Bond

  In a perverse way, I appreciated being told that. Being shown that, while he was using me for his pleasure, he also cared about me. Being guided, shown how I could please him. It was just so… so filthy. So incredibly dirty. Naughty. Kinky.

  I’d never experienced anything like it. It was… exotic. It was… well, fuck, it was liberating.

  My whole life I’d been told that a woman had to be strong. That I had to be in charge, especially of my own sexuality. Well… that was actually kind of like an unspoken, societal rule.

  And if there’s one thing I love, it’s breaking the fucking rules.

  And getting off as Daxen forced his giant cock down my throat basically shattered every rule I’d ever heard of.

  I started getting into it. Sucking harder, yet still slow. Like he liked it. I felt an intense hunger. For his cock. To please him. To show him how well I could please him - so that he would, in turn, please me.

  After a while, I began approaching orgasm.

  Daxen was moaning audibly too.

  His hands around the back of my head, he started fucking my mouth. I didn’t need to move my neck anymore. I just concentrated on sucking. The whole time, feeling like I really did want him to come in my mouth. The thought of being that fucking filthy was sending me hurling towards ecstasy.

  Harder. Harder.

  Then I tasted something dramatically different. His seed filled my mouth.

  My orgasm exploded.

  I couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t believe how much I loved it. My whole body spasmed. I felt lightheaded. I think I was screaming again, that high-pitched squeal of pure, orgasmic pleasure, muffled by Daxen’s cock, but to be honest I really don’t know.

  Then the vibrations finally stopped.

  Daxen started to go limp in my mouth. But I still felt pleasure from having it there.

  I swallowed.

  Daxen gasped.

  I wanted to be filthy. I wanted to be his slut. I wanted to be all of theirs. I wanted to be their mate. Their prize. I wanted them to fuck me, to torture and pleasure my brain into a steaming puddle on the floor, until the end of time.

  I started floating towards the floor.

  Then I was laying down on it.

  The men were chatting, all lounging in their chairs. They may have been talking about me, or ignoring me completely. I don’t know. It was all I could do just to breath.

  I didn’t recognize myself.

  But I was just fine and dandy with that.

  I wondered when they might fuck me again. One thing was for sure: they absolutely were going to fuck me again.

  All four of them.


  And over.

  And over.

  Chapter 18


  “That… was fun.”

  I was more than sure that I was speaking for all of us.

  Jensi raised his glass of expensive amber liquor. Ellon, Daxen and I followed suit.

  “To many more nights like this,” said Daxen.

  “And the sons our prize will bear us,” added Ellon.

  We drank.

  A comfortable silence descended upon the bunk. The night was over, but I could tell none of us really wanted it to be. My men we all wearing little grins, eyes half closed.

  The wait had been worth it.

  One by one, we got up and went about getting ready for bed. After I used the facilities, I came back to the main area.

  The woman still hadn’t moved. She looked exhausted. I liked that. It was a testament to our sexual prowess. To our dominance over her.

  I scooped her up. She was so light, impossibly light. Now, without my urgent need to use her clouding my every brain cell, I was struck by how delicate she felt. Almost as if the slightest wrong move would break her in two.

  I frowned at that thought. Seeing her injured would be a shame… but, it was more than that too.

  I carried her to my bunk. Lay her down. She didn’t resist. She just sighed deeply upon feeling the soft, contour-hugging foam pad. Being from such a primitive culture, she may never have felt anything as comfortable as the simple, standard-issue bunk pad used by the tens of millions of servicemen of clan Triumphant.

  I lay down next to her. She shrunk back from me. Slowly. Not seeming able to move quickly.

  I took her body in my hands and lay her across my naked torso, then pulled one of her legs up over me for good measure.

  “Stay here,” I told her. “This is where I want you. You feel good here.”

  She didn’t say anything. Didn’t resist. Just heaved another deep sigh. I could feel her body relaxing, already hurling towards sleep.

  Then she surprised me by bringing her arm up over my chest and hugging me tightly with her whole body, giving a little mewling sound as she did.

  Out of nowhere, I decided that no harm would ever come to our woman. That I would never allow it. That she would be safe, and happy, and content all her life.

  Wasn’t that strange?

  I’d long imagined this moment. Laying in bed after mating with my long-awaited prize, her perfect naked body draped across mine like a medal pinned to the chest of my uniform. But I didn’t feel like I always thought I wouldn't. I didn’t feel accomplished, or superior, or confident, or anything like that.

  Instead… I… I felt like I had been missing this my whole life.

  That I was complete now.

  But how could a woman, a mere mate-prize, complete an elite soldier like me?

  “You are safe here,” I whispered to my woman. She hugged me again.

  Then she slept.

  I was as relaxed as I’d ever been. But my own sleep was longer in coming.

  I remembered looking up to men like me when I was younger. Men who’d claimed women of their own, and all the status that came with it. Most of those men wore little knowing smiles when they spoke of their women. Said that owning a mate wasn’t what the young men made it out to me. That it was… complicated. In a good way. Always wearing those mysterious half-smiles. All of them sharing in a secret, which could only be experienced firsthand.

  Whatever I was feeling… this fierce protectiveness towards our woman… Hell, this desire that she like me as much as I seemed to like her… that must have been what those older men had been speaking of.

  In a strange way, it almost felt like my tiny little prize had some power over me.

  How ironic.

  None of the holo-vids had ever mentioned that.

  Eventually, I slept.

  Chapter 19


  When a squad is awarded its first mate-prize, they’re usually given six months of leave as part of the deal.

  Things weren’t normal just then for clan Triumphant.

  Our clan has been at war since long before I was born, and will be at war long after I’m dead. Not with the same enemies, of course. Since I turned twelve and joined the ranks of the active enlisted, we’ve been to war with sixteen different clans - six of them on two separate occasions. One of them three times.

  Interstellar politics is complicated like that.

  The day after me and my boys claimed our mate-prize, no less than four clans we were supposed to be at peace with all decided they had other ideas. All at once. Suspicious, that. But, they don’t pay me to think about who our friends should be and who our enemies should be. Things like that get handled by far unluckier bastards than me.

  Me? I’m just unlucky enough that our squad’s extended leave was canceled before it even began.

  The four of us - no, the five of us, now - were awoken far, far earlier than any of us were expecting. To the sound of our holo-display issuing orders.

  “Squad 419-a65: you’re being deployed to occupation duty on ground-base Gemini 55, planet Exonious, Nediel system. Report to your assigned launch bay in two hours.”

  The four of us groaned in disgust roughly simultaneously. Elite squads are nothing if not cohesive.

  The woman was very cute as she st
ared, wide-eyed, as the four of us got to the business of soldiering. By which I mean packing gear and getting ready to march. Elite soldiers that we are, it didn’t take long.

  We each had time for a quick cleaning cycle. Ellon decided to try bringing the woman into his. Weird, if you ask me. But then, Ellon’s weird, if you ask me. They both came out of the misting unit a few minutes later, both squeaky clean and grinning.

  To be honest, they were grinning so widely that I got kinda curious.

  No time to experiment, though.

  The woman’s clothes old were gone. Good riddance. Instead she wore the standard mate-prize uniform, which is sort of a long-sleeve dress, the same clean white as every other piece of clothing in our discipline-obsessed clan. It was high-necked but deliciously form-fitting, its hemline ending far above her knees. A garment to inspire the lower ranks to deeds of great valor and violence, so they too would be deserving of such a prize. The rest of us were dressed not in the dress uniforms we’d donned the previous day, but in the light, tight bodysuits that were made to fit comfortably under our combat armor.

  We loaded our gear onto a hover drone and left, off to our squad’s designated launch bay.

  We marched through the shining, bustling corridos of the Bane in standard formation: Travan at the front, me to the right and a step behind, Dax to Travan’s left, and Ellon bringing up the rear. This let everyone else in the hallway, from off-duty fighters to engineers to doctors to the multitudes of other personnel involved in servicing a ship as large as the Bane, know that we were on our way to an official deployment. Everyone made a wide path for us, making the trip to the launch bay much quicker. Our gear hovered along behind us. Our women marched along at the center of our diamond formation.

  She stared at everything with vacillating levels of intimidation and curiosity.

  It was very cute.

  “Where are we going?” she asked at one point.

  Dax looked at me, unsure who would answer. She hadn’t really addressed the question to any one of us.

  “We’re being deployed,” I said. “You heard the orders: occupation duty. Not ideal, so soon after receiving our... you. But at least it’s not front-line duty. Don’t worry,” I said, “we’ll still have plenty of quality time together. We’ll just be out during our shifts.”

  “Oh.” Our little woman clearly had no idea how to process that.

  Serriously cute.

  In fact, I was starting to wonder why I suddenly thought everything she said, every expression she had, was so damn cute. It was starting to annoy me.

  But… not in a bad way.

  In the launch bay, we learned that our squad was being assigned our own ship for the duration of our mission. It was a welcome surprise. Dax was especially excited. He wasted no time walking around our medium patrol fighter over and over, making impressed faces at all its various parts and components. I was impressed myself. Clearly someone up the chain of command was trying to make up for our squad being deployed during what was supposed to be our vacation.

  The ship had plenty of room for our gear. Plenty of room for us, too. The living quarters were smaller, but overall we would have several times more space than we had back in our bunk. And we were to be quartered aboard this ship for the duration of our deployment.

  Not a bad little silver lining.

  We boarded. Stowed our personal effects, including our mate, in the living quarters. She didn’t seem happy at being left behind. But none of us wanted her in the way while we took our new ship out for the first time. Though I have to say, she was behaving herself a lot better than most mate-prizes did so soon after being captured. Thinking of reasons to punish her might prove a challenge.

  Good thing I love a challenge.

  To be honest, though… she’d surprised me last night. I’d thought that it would have taken time to train her to enjoy my pain. To embrace it, to take her pleasure from it, as my years on the front lines have taught me to do.

  But she’d clearly liked it right away.

  I was going to have a lot of fun with her.

  Our squad found the ship’s cockpit, a cramped space we nonetheless squeezed into. The front of the cockpit contained a deep chair behind a wide panel of levers, buttons and other inputs. There was another chair behind the first - the captain’s chair - which Travan immediately took. He had only a few displays, those governing the ship’s weapons. Dax took his place at the helm. There was nothing for Ellon and I to do, but we weren’t going to miss this.

  “I actually hope we get into a fight in this beauty,” said Dax. “Fifty-five gee’s of acceleration. Turns on the spot. Miniaturized intelligent-swarm antimatter missiles. Beam weapons that could kill a smuggling ship or enemy scout from clear across a sector.”

  “Let’s settle for a test drive,” said Travan. “For now.” He tried to sound stern. The good commander. But we could all hear the edge of eagerness in his voice. We’ve fought in too many battles together for him to be able to fool us.

  Dax exceeded the speed regulations for taking off and exiting the launch bay. By orders of magnitude. His loud whooping and laughing nearly drowned out the safety chime chastising him from the ship’s control console.

  I looked over at Travan. Thinking that our commander would do a better job reining Dax in than the blinking red light.

  Travan was grinning ear to ear.

  I squinted at that. That was very much not like the Travan I knew.

  Something’s up with him, I thought. He should have been in a worse mood, what with our leave being canceled.

  Actually… we all should have.

  I thought about it. Being deployed again should really piss me off.

  But all I could think of was that at least we were getting to take our woman with us.

  Chapter 20


  I was off to start my new life as an intergalactic mate-prize.

  Then I’d been abandoned in our new ship’s sleeping quarters, a room roughly the size of a large walk-in closet.

  I was still… shaky. Still unsure of myself. I still felt intimidated by all the men, all the robots, all the technology. By the fact that I was being treated like some valuable piece of luggage.

  But the shock was starting to wear off.

  I wasn’t scared of my… my mates. Not exactly. Not after last night. Sure, they might punish me… but I could take it.

  I’d probably even like it.

  And I’d also learned something very, very important.

  These four hulking space warriors were fearsome. Dominant. Deadly.

  But they did care about me.

  I could sense it in the way Travan had held me as I’d fallen asleep, his shoulder the broadest pillow I’d ever used. In the way Ellon had oh-so-tenderly washed every inch of my body this morning in that weird mist-spray shower. In the way Daxen looked over at me, roughly once every three minutes, a protective look on his face. In the way Jensi spoke to me - his voice had changed since yesterday. It was softer now, if only just. Almost as if he didn’t realize he was doing it. Yet, it was there when he spoke to me, and not when he spoke to the other men.

  I needed to fear these men. Hell, they were fearsome. They deserved my fear.

  But I didn’t need to live in terror of them.

  No doubt it would be a very delicate balance.

  As I sat on one of the bunks in the tiny ship’s sleeping quarters, I couldn’t help but think about my sister. My band would miss me, and worry about me, but not like my sister would. Mom… I don’t know if she ever thought about me, even when I was back on Earth.

  But Ellie… I was really going to miss her.

  I realized I was tearing up.

  Stop that, I told myself. It’s not going to help anything.

  I started looking around the cabin, trying to occupy my mind.

  It took me all of one minute to realize that occupying my mind wasn’t going to happen here. The metal walls were stark. There was an airplane-bathroom si
zed room that looked like… well, a spaceship bathroom.

  And that was it.

  Except for… the door. Which led to the rest of the spaceship.

  I sniffed. At least I didn’t need to be too sad for myself. I was aboard a freaking spaceship! How cool was that?

  I wondered what the men were doing. I still had trouble thinking of them as my men.

  Then I noticed the keypad by the door.

  There was one big, obvious, bright orange button. It had letters on it, but those were written in an alien language. Still, whenever one of the men had opened the door, they’d pressed the big orange button.

  They’d said to stay here.

  All of a sudden, I got The Itch. The one I get when I’m supposed to be doing something. The one where the only way to scratch it is to do the opposite of what I’m told.

  They already spanked the shit out of me, tormented me sexually, and fucked me within an inch of my life, I thought. What else could they possibly do to me that I should be afraid of?

  I got off the bunk I was sitting on.

  The floor gave a sudden shudder. Were we taking off?

  That settled it.

  I pushed the big orange button.

  Chapter 21


  Our new ship, which logs showed was named Tyrant, swooped away from the Bane at high speed. Personally, I always thought our ships names were kinda childish. But, I understood the logic behind it all. None of our enemies would be intimidated if we flew up to them in a ship named the Peaceful Sunset.

  “Hot damn but this baby can move!” shouted Dax.

  I looked over his shoulder. We were accelerating at a rate that my squishy human brain found difficult to conceptualize.

  Travan was grinning. Even Jensi was smiling, which for him said quite a lot.

  I was wondering if it was safe for us to be flying this fast, this close to the Bane. Many dozens of cargo, scouting and picket ships flew into, out of and around the Bane at all times.

  At long last, the red light on Dax’s console quit blinking. I decided to relax.

  “Is this as fast as we can go?” asked Travan. I blinked in surprise.


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