The Assassin's Revenge (The Hybrid Chronicles Book 2)

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The Assassin's Revenge (The Hybrid Chronicles Book 2) Page 5

by Shana Vernon

  I replayed all of our past interactions and it made less and less sense. Quinn offering his empathic gift to make me feel better, giving me advice about Cade, and all of our moments together joking around.

  The more I thought about it, the angrier and more betrayed I felt. My eyes tightened as my hands began to tremble, fighting off the urge to grab my blade and stab him through the neck while he walked down the hall.

  He walked beside a man with bland, but recognizable features. He was the man I’d pick-pocketed the phone from the night before. I checked on my energy levels before stalking after them. Thankfully, I was nowhere near depleted and had at least another thirty minutes to use my abilities. They continued to talk in low voices as they headed back down the stairs, the familiar man halting by a training room.

  Quinn clapped him on his back, “Don’t worry about it, Tony. It’ll be fine.”

  Tony Anderson!

  I’d had him in my sights away from the compound and I’d missed my chance, too focused on the phone.

  Tony nodded and entered the room, leaving Quinn alone.

  I hesitated, unsure who to follow. Though now that I knew what Tony looked like, I could find him whenever I wanted, and the compound wasn’t the best place to deal with him. Someone was likely to hear his screams through the walls and then I would need to answer uncomfortable questions.

  I silently withdrew a dagger from my boot and trailed after Quinn as he proceeded down the hall. Once he was far enough away from Tony, I grabbed his arm, yanking him into an empty room and slamming the door.

  I dropped my invisibility while simultaneously pressing the blade against his throat, Quinn’s gasp echoing through the vacant space.

  Quinn narrowed his eyes. “Lenna? What are you doing?” His hand gripped the wrist that was pushing on his clavicle. “Why are your rage levels so high?” Him being able to sense and somewhat control my emotional state was not ideal.

  I shook off his hand. “Don’t try to use your gift on me, Quinn. You have some explaining to do.”

  “Lenna, I would appreciate it if you would lower the knife from my neck, I don’t react well when I’m threatened. Once you put it away, I’ll be more than happy to answer whatever questions you have.” Quinn said in a calming tone, as if he were talking to a spooked animal.

  I felt a haze enter my mind, soothing and relaxing my anger. I shook my head and pressed the tip of the blade into his skin, a few droplets of blood falling onto his chest. “Stop doing that!”

  Bursts of light shot out from my extremities as my anger rose, Quinn’s eyes widening as he leaned away from the sparks.

  He lifted his hands in surrender. “Alright. I’m sorry. It happens instinctively.”

  “I’m going to put the dagger away and you are going to sit over in that chair and answer anything I ask. Got it?” I said, pointing to where I wanted him to sit.

  He bobbed his head.

  I took a deep, steadying breath and backed away, lowering the dagger to my side.

  Quinn glanced at it but said nothing. He slowly took a few steps back, making sure not to give me his back before dropping into the chair. “So, what is this all of this about?”

  I glowered at him. “Oh, I don’t know… does the fact that you are killing innocent humans and vampires ring any bells?”

  His mouth dropped open. “Huh? What you’re talking about? I’m not killing any innocent people!”

  He was either an excellent actor, or his surprise was genuine. I really hoped it was the latter. He’d started to grow on me these last few months and I had a good feeling about him.

  “There are innocent people who are being targeted by Guild members for being born…” I paused, not sure how much to divulge, “a certain way.”

  “What? And you think I’m one of these members killing innocents?” He asked, disbelief evident on his face.

  “I didn’t even consider it until I overheard your conversation with Tony Anderson.”

  “What does he have to do with all of this?”

  I sheathed the dagger and approached Quinn, patting his pants pockets. He stiffened, but didn’t push my hands away, my stomach dropping as I found what I was looking for.

  It was one thing for the Guild to accept members who wanted to be a part of that nonsense into the fold. It was another thing entirely to use members who would never take a weapon against a blameless individual. To hide what they were commanding the members’ to do from them. I hoped Quinn hadn’t accepted any of those contracts yet.

  I lifted the phone in front of his face. “Who gave you this?”

  “How do you know what that is?” He responded, not answering my question.

  “Quinn, that’s really not important right now. Master Abbott, along with other Guild members, have been using these phones to send out contracts off the books. Unofficial contracts of innocents.”

  “No way,” he said, shaking his head. “It can’t be.”

  “Who gave it to you?” I repeated forcefully.

  “Master Wilde did when I graduated. He said I was being inducted into an elite division and our targets would be higher profile. We were instructed to be as discreet as possible because of that.”

  “The people they’ve been killing aren’t just innocents. Some of them are special and I need to protect them. I’m here to stop these attacks.”

  “What’s special about them?”

  I searched his eyes, trying to confirm his honesty. I rubbed my face and sat down next to him. “The Guild has been hiding something huge from the world, something that can change everything if people found out.”

  “What is it?” he implored.

  I internally begged him not to react the wrong way as the words left my mouth, “Offspring between vampires and humans exist. They are called hybrids, and the Guild has been killing them off for years. I have no idea how far back this goes and I’m not totally sure who is involved.”

  “Hybrids?” He breathed his eyes wide.

  I nodded. “They haven’t done anything wrong. They are hunted for being born a certain way.”

  His mouth dropped “Why would they kill them?” He asked.

  I shrugged. “I can’t figure out the reason behind it. Maybe there is something special about the hybrids? It could be nothing more than elitism and them not wanting to mix species.”

  Quinn rubbed the back of his neck warily. “If I couldn’t sense the truth on you, I would have a very difficult time believing this, Lenna,”

  I placed a hand on his arm and squeezed reassuringly. “I know. It’s baffling. Hundreds of years of vampires living among humans and we’ve never heard about this.”

  It made me wonder how the leaders of both species felt about it. There was no chance that they weren’t unaware which meant they were both working to hide it. The question was why? My mind battled with me, trying to determine a reason for going through all the trouble of hiding the fact that our species could co-exist. It would seem like a positive thing. A way to unite everyone. Unless that was exactly what they didn’t want.

  If the vampire leaders knew that the humans were killing off the hybrids, that would have to mean they approved of it. That they sanctioned it. What was so different about hybrids that made everyone so worried?

  Quinn suddenly gasped. “I’ve carried out a few of the contracts from those lists,” his hand flew to his mouth. “Have I been killing innocents this entire time?”

  I shook my head. “I don’t know,” I murmured. “If you remember their names, I have a friend who can check discreetly.”

  “Wait a minute. You said you were here to save the hybrids. Did you know about this before you arrived at the Guild?”

  “Before I answer that, tell me one thing. Are you going to help protect them?”

  “Well, I certainly didn’t sign up for killing blameless people - it doesn’t matter if they are human or vampire,” he said with conviction.

  “In that case, it’s time I tell you who I really am.”

/>   “I can’t believe it!” Quinn exclaimed, the smile on his face enormous. “Do you know how many times he trained with me? Alexei was a lot of the initiate’s favorite person to spar with. That man was a beast.”

  His smile faded and he pulled me into a hug. “I’m so sorry, love. He was a great man.”

  My chest constricted and I swallowed the lump in my throat. “He was. It’s good to hear about him from others. I’ve never been able to talk about him with someone from the Guild.”

  “Cade never mentioned him to you? We used to all spar together. It was always Cade and me against your father. Even while using our gifts, he always outsmarted us.”

  That brought a smile to my lips. “I can see that, but no. Cade doesn’t know about any of this. Quinn, you can’t tell him. He loves his uncle, so I really don’t think he would be on board with me plotting his death.”

  He scratched his beard. “I understand why you feel like that would be a problem, but Cade would want to know what’s going on.” He patted my arm. “Think about it.”

  “I will, and you are right. He would want to know. I just don’t know how to bring him into this without telling him about Killian.”

  He pursed his lips. “There is a pretty good chance he would speak to his uncle the moment he was told.” He exhaled. “We shouldn’t say anything, but we will need to pay attention to his missions. He has a phone too.”

  My mouth gaped open as my heart skipped a beat. “What?”

  Quinn shrugged. “We were both chosen together. That’s why I wasn’t suspicious. They would never do anything to a Master’s family.”

  I face palmed. “This isn’t good, Quinn. I’m going to need to interfere with his contracts.”

  “About that. I noticed that you manifested Alexei’s invisibility. I wonder if it’s something in both of your genes to cause the Donum Vitae to transfer that gift,” Quinn said, his face scrunched in speculation.

  The Donum Vitae was the plant that gave all Guild members their abilities. All members go through a special ceremony when they are initiated, which begins the process. I had already been born with most of my abilities, the only new one was my light.

  “Uh, I didn’t manifest that. I was born with invisibility.”

  “You were born with gifts?” He said, his expression wide-eyed.

  I bobbed my head. “Yup, I was born with both of Papa’s gifts and my healing abilities. The only new power is the light manipulation.”

  “Incredible. I can’t wait to train with you, little badass.”

  I smiled. “Anytime, anywhere.”

  Quinn chuckled. “So, you’re going after Tony tonight?”

  “Yup, just as soon as night falls and he goes home. You don’t happen to have his home address, do you? It’ll save me some time if I have to tail him.”

  Once initiates graduated to full Guild members, they were given residences off the compound, unless they were required daily access. Only the staff and masters stayed at the compound, which was a blessing for me. It would have been a lot more difficult if I needed to interrogate Tony in the building. Someone would have been sure to notice the anticipated yelling that would ensue.

  “I do, but please make sure he actually knows what’s going on before you kill him. There is a chance that he is ignorant, just like me.”

  Why does everyone keep saying that to me?

  “Quinn, he was the main interrogator and torturer of my father. I don’t care what he knows, he will die.” I said before getting to my feet. “I have a few things to prepare before I head out tonight,” I reached into my bag and pulled out a notepad and a pen I had put there earlier. “Write down the address for me please.”

  The next few hours were spent coming up with a plan for that evening. Most of what I would need I had access to in the armory, but there were a few items I needed from the city. I had to go pick up some cash and a disguise.

  Sofia caught up with me when I stepped out of our quarters a few hours later, wearing a fresh jumpsuit. She eyed the multitude of weapons sheathed over my body and grinned maniacally.

  “You’re going to get one of those fuckers now, aren’t you?”

  I nodded, not able or willing to prevent the first genuine smile since Papa had died cross over my face. I was going to start avenging him that night, making sure that every person that wronged him would regret it.

  The most satisfying part of my vendetta was that Master Abbott would soon realize someone was coming for him. He would be floundering, trying to figure out who was connected enough to Papa to want to kill every person involved in his captivity.

  Saving him for last would be the perfect psychological torment before the real torture began.

  “Do you need any help?” Sofia asked, and I realized that she really would do it if I said yes. She cared about me enough to avenge someone she had only met for a few moments. My cold heart warmed slightly in my chest.

  “I got this one,” I said, pausing as I studied her face. “Papa would have really loved you.”

  She smirked and flipped a curl over her shoulder, “Duh, I’m awesome as fuck.”

  I laughed. “Wish me luck.”

  She shook her head. “Nah, you don’t need luck. Enjoy your revenge.”

  Chapter 6

  “Ugh, I hate winter,” I said to myself as I walked down Tony’s street, sloshing in the first snow of the year. It was already brown and dirty, soaking my feet through my boots and socks. I shivered, mentally reminding myself to get thermal undergarments for the next hit.

  I easily maneuvered through the complicated street layout thanks to my earlier research. I could likely do it with my eyes closed after checking it as many times as I had. I wanted everything to go smoothly as possible.

  It was time to begin my vengeance.

  I sent the cooling sensation over my body a few blocks before nearing Tony’s street, and halted once I arrived outside of his apartment building. I narrowed my eyes in concentration and almost jumped for joy when I sent little balls of light energy into the street lamps, burning them out with a loud bang.

  I flinched and spun around, arms raised, waiting for someone to come investigate the noise. Which was precisely what I was trying to avoid by snuffing out the lights. I face palmed.

  Should have tested that out before tonight.

  After waiting another few tense moments, I proceeded to his front door, still invisible. I knocked and waited with bated breath, my heart pounding in my chest. I could no longer feel the chill of the winter night with the blood pumping through my veins.

  I heard footsteps approach and I braced myself, ready to act.

  The door swung open and I was met with a set of chocolate colored eyes and bushy brows. A look of confusion swam over them as he glanced around at the seemingly empty doorway and I didn’t hesitate.

  I leaped forward, taking the side of his face in my hand, and slamming it into the door post, pushing the weight of my entire body against his head.

  He crumpled to the floor without so much as a yelp.

  I am so glad that actually worked.

  Earlier that evening, I’d flown to Max to retrieve the car I’d used to enter the Guild and a set of keys to one of his local safe houses. He’d raised an eyebrow at my request but said nothing. I appreciated that he understood when not to push his opinions on me.

  After making sure the street was still void of any potential bystanders, I held my breath and yanked him over my shoulders in a fireman carry. I didn't want to expend the energy needed to keep the both of us invisible if I didn’t have to. Especially when I was using so much just to carry him to the car. My knees buckled and I almost toppled to the floor from the added weight.

  I loosed the breath and with excruciating slowness, made my way back to my car I had left a few blocks away. I was almost to the door when the back of my neck became clammy and my legs started trembling dangerously.

  What does this guy eat?

  I took another shallow breath, and quick
ly caught the shout in my throat as one of my knees gave out. I dropped to the floor, Tony spilling onto the wet pavement. I held back a curse and forced myself to my feet before dragging Tony the last few steps to my trunk. I heaved him up and into the compartment, closing him from view.

  I hoped the injury to his head was enough to keep him out for the twenty minutes it would take to get to the safe house. It would have been easier to use his apartment, but I doubted his neighbors would take too kindly to his inevitable screams.

  “Wake up!” I said as I splashed cold water over Tony’s face.

  Tony was strapped to a metal chair - his chest, ankles, wrists, arms, and legs, all bound tightly. Guild members are trained to escape restraints, so I’d been extra cautious when I’d secured him to the seat.

  We were in the unfinished basement of Max’s safe house in Boston, the stone floor solid and freezing beneath my feet. The room gave the perfect ambiance for what I’d planned for Tony, with its dim lighting, lack of windows, and easy to clean surfaces. I’d laid out a large piece of plastic beneath the chair to catch whatever blood or other substances fell from his body.

  Tony jerked away with a startled cry. “Ow! Shit!” His eyes focused, taking in his surroundings before landing on me, recognition dawning on him. “I know you. You’re one of the new initiates.” He went to move and only realized he was fastened to the chair when his attempts were met with failure. His muddy brown eyes looked over his body and his face flew up to meet my gaze. “What the fuck is going on?”

  I gave him a blank look and ignored him, pulling blade after blade off of my body, resting them on the small table I had brought down from upstairs.

  His eyes trailed my movements, and he began fighting his restraints harder. “You don’t know who you are messing with, you stupid bitch. Untie me right now!”

  Did all idiot men feel the need to use the term ‘bitch’?

  Once I was finished depositing my weapons on the table, I turned back to face him. Looking at his murderous expression and knowing what he did to Papa without a lick of remorse strengthened me for what I was about to do. My confidence rose, right alongside my anger, the tendrils of light drifting off my body adding to the vibe.


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