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Crimson Desert

Page 9

by Melissa Jane

  “Laila’s a different girl. Almost like she adapts to any situation she’s put in and does what she can to survive. She will get through this.”

  “Everyone has limits, Aiden.”

  I didn’t doubt that for a minute and it scared the fuck out of me.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  The trip through the Nevada desert to our current motel had been a long but breathtaking journey. The starkness of the crystal blue sky as the sun radiated down on the brown earth kept me mesmerized the whole trip. Now I was stuck in a hotel, imprisoned by my own stupidity, longing to feel the wind against my face again. Aiden and Jorge had been adamant I was to not venture beyond the threshold.

  It had been four days.

  I had spent longer trapped inside when I was captive at Hector’s, but I had been given a taste of freedom since then. Now it felt like I was captive all over again.

  I had no one else to blame but myself.

  We were at least co-existing in two separate motel rooms that had an adjoining interior door. Again, Aiden and I shared, while Ethan and Jorge shacked up together. The arrangements were made under the pretext that we both still needed protection from someone trained. I couldn’t argue with that, especially after seeing firsthand the networking coverage Hector has over the nation.

  I used this time to talk things through with Ethan, who had gradually and somewhat reluctantly agreed to cut both Aiden and myself some slack for whatever was happening between us. He had confessed the extent of his guilt over the whole ordeal and how he still feared for the sisters who were in hiding.

  I felt for him.

  Ethan had taken a great risk in rescuing the girls and keeping them safe until they no longer were in danger from Alexsonov. Was it unavoidable destiny that things would unravel in the wake of that?

  I didn’t know.

  Water had been washed under the bridge and I was grateful we could now work together instead of rubbing each other against the grain.

  Aiden and Jorge spent much of their time talking in hushed tones and looking at the screens of all their devices. My input so far hadn’t contributed much positivity or safety so I let them conduct their business now without interfering or becoming a nuisance. I have to say it was hard for me to do that. My curiosity always wanted to get the better of me, but this time I couldn’t let it.

  Their workload had increased since I went to the police. They had tracks to cover and new ones to make. Lethargic from inactivity, I found myself crashing in the early hours of each evening while the others stayed up. Aiden would crawl into bed late at night, mentally exhausted. He would pull me close to him and I was comforted by his delicious scent and tender touch. We hadn’t been intimate in a while, partly due to the close proximity of Ethan and Jorge through the paper-thin walls. That didn’t stop the cravings and the touching which I took comfort in. He didn’t hesitate to caress me, nor I him, and I relished in the feel of his lips as they trailed down my neck every night before we fell asleep.

  On the fifth day I realized I wasn’t alone in my thoughts.

  “Are you going as mad as I am?” Ethan stood behind me as I glanced longingly out the window.

  “I already am mad.” I said with slight despondency. “There is still hope for you.”

  “Unlikely. When one of us turns, the others quickly follow.”

  I laughed lightly at his attempt to make me smile.

  “It’s getting hard being cooped up in here.” The sun was shining outside and I could hear the sound of music from at a local bar drifting in the breeze. Children were playing down in the parking lot on their multicolored trikes while mothers gave them gentle pushes.

  I wanted nothing more than to stretch my legs.

  “It won’t be for much longer. Aiden and Jorge aren’t saying much, but I can tell they have something brewing.” Ethan joined me on the edge of the mattress and stared out of the window. Silence rested between us as we watched the world go about its daily business.

  “Do you love him?”

  Sighing heavily, I knew the truth would hurt my brother. “Yes.”

  Silence again. I couldn’t tell if he was pissed or not.

  “He watches you like you are the only person that exists in his world.”

  “I know,” I said simply, but my heart swelled and a lump formed tight in my throat.

  Aiden and I had found each other in a fucked-up place, yet somehow we had forged a relationship amidst all the horror.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  Aiden lay propped up on his elbow, staring down at me in our dimly lit room. He had finished with Jorge early and, after making a few phone calls in Spanish, he came to bed and kissed me tenderly.

  “How you doing, muñequita?” I loved his name for me.

  “Better now you’re here.”

  “I’m sorry I haven’t been able to spend much time with you. We’re so close yet I feel like we’ve hardly been together.” Aiden kissed me again, taking his time, his soft lips sending quivers through my body.

  “You wouldn’t be working so hard if it weren’t for me.” I said apologetically as I traced his jaw line with the tip of my finger. “What is it? Why the frown?”

  “You didn’t answer my question.”

  “I thought I did.”

  “No,” he stroked my cheek with his knuckles. “You told me what I wanted to hear. I want to know how you really are.”

  “I think I’m doing ok. I mean, it has been a lot to digest and it doesn’t seem to be ending anytime soon.”

  “You’re still having nightmares,” he said, his face radiating concern.

  “I am?”

  He nodded. “You settle down once I pull you in close, but that doesn’t change the fact you are having them.”

  “I don’t know how to get them to stop. Before you took me away from Hector’s, I would wake up a few times a night crying and drenched in sweat. I guess I am lucky at least I’m not waking up anymore from them. Soon, I won’t have any at all.”

  Aiden remained quiet, seemingly unconvinced, his brows furrowed as he looked into my eyes. He was so devastatingly beautiful.

  “What is it? Tell me,” I encouraged.

  “You’ve seen me shoot people dead. Before that you were tortured and assaulted. Now we are on the run with a very real threat on our heels. I want to believe I-m not damaging you, that my actions are not destroying the life in your eyes. I need you to be able to see the beauty around you in all its shapes and forms. I don’t want to be the reason why you live in a gray world.”

  Cupping his face in both my hands, I pulled him closer, our noses and foreheads touching.

  “Aiden, my world will never be grey as long as you are in it. No matter what happens.”


  The next morning, Jorge was in charge of looking after Ethan and me while Aiden went to the store for food. I was green eyed with envy. It was another stunning day with a glaring sun in a crystal blue sky. Sticking my head through the adjoining door, I saw Ethan lying down, flicking through the few mundane TV stations, a picture of boredom plastered on his face. Jorge was yet again engrossed with his laptop and I dared not interrupt. I slipped back into my room and decided a bit of exercise might make my muscles feel more alive.

  After a ten-minute run on the spot, a hundred crunches and pushups, I still wasn’t satisfied. In fact, I was more tired than before I began. Peering out of the window, a habit most definitely second nature now, I could once again see the little children scooting around the almost empty parking lot. Peering over to the closed adjoining door, I deemed it safe enough to at least walk out onto the balcony for some fresh air.

  I knew Jorge would be pissed off, so I twisted the knob quietly and was immediately hit by a cool breeze. Stepping onto the balcony, I gripped the railing, tilting my head up to the sun and capturing its beautiful rays on my face. It felt amazingly perfect as it sunk into my pores and warmed my blood.

  The laugh
ter from the children drew my attention back to the ground level. A little girl sat on her tricycle staring up at me, a smile forming on her cute face. I gave her a small wave and she gave an enthusiastic one back. She cast a curious glance to the car the four of us had driven in and pointed a tiny finger in its direction. Confused by her gesture, I walked along the balcony and down the stairs to where she waited. Something was amiss. Two completely flat tires on the right side of the car caused it to sit on an angle. I crossed a few lots to gain a better look and pulled on the passenger door handle, pleased to find it was still locked with no other notable damage to be seen.

  If Aiden had seen the car like this on his way out, he would have told us.

  Suddenly the air closed in around me, suffocating my last breath. My skin prickled, a chill ran down my spine.

  I was frozen in place. Trapped.

  I fought the urge to vomit when the devil himself appeared in the reflection of the car window.

  “Mamasita, I have missed you.” Juan’s fingers grazed my neck. “Why do you keep running from me?”

  My mouth was dry and I could feel an uneasy sense of hysteria starting to build inside me. “Aiden is watching me.” It was the only thing I could think to say.

  “No, he’s not. It’s just you and me. The way it should be.”

  “You can’t hurt me anymore, Juan.”

  “And why is that?” With a rough hand clasping my shoulder, he spun me around and pushed me against the car. I hadn’t missed his face. Not in the slightest.

  “Fuck, it’s been so long, I had almost forgotten how beautiful you are.”

  In an instant his lips were on mine, his tongue fighting its way into my mouth. I squirmed to escape him but he pinned me harder against the car door until I had no room to move.

  “I never forgot your taste,” Juan breathed, his eyes hooded.

  “Let me go, Juan, it’s over.”

  “It has never been over between us.”

  Pulling a Glock from his belt, he held it between us, pointed straight at me. My heart plummeted, my world coming to a sudden standstill.


  “No.” I said, defiant.

  He glanced over his shoulder to where the children innocently watched on unaware of the danger being played out before them.

  “I like your courage, mamasita, I do.” Turning back to me, I knew what sick thoughts were playing through his psychotic head. “However, I love your fear more. Now move, before I show you just how heartless I really am.”

  I didn’t know if it was in his repertoire to hurt a small child, but I wasn’t prepared to challenge him on it.

  In silent agreement, I moved when Juan’s free hand circled the back of my neck, forcing me in step with him.

  Crossing the parking bays, he stopped me at the back of a black Mercedes and opened the trunk.

  “Get in.” he demanded.

  “Please, don’t make me get there.” I was stalling, secretly hoping that Aiden would come back from the store and sort this motherfucker out once and for all.

  Juan’s closed the space between us, his chest pressing against my back. “Mamasita, get into the fucking trunk.” The roughness of his face against mine combined with his chilling tone frightened the hell out of me. The muzzle of his gun dug painfully into my back and served well as my warning.


  Aiden, please!

  “Are you going to kill me? Because if you are, just do it now.”

  “My sweet girl, what would be the fun in that?”

  “Juan,” I choked through tears.

  “We’ve played this game before, bonita. Your tears won’t work. You know they turn me on.”

  I wasn’t even given the chance to respond to such a vile remark. A painful thud seared through my skull and rattled my brain.

  The beautiful rays of the sun disappeared and everything went black.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  “We leave on Thursday,” I said to Jorge and Ethan who didn’t even deign to look at me. Here I thought they would be jumping for joy at the news . “I’ve paid up until then, so we can take off around midnight.”

  This time, I had been extra careful to avoid any contact with the motel staff in case they too were on the payroll.

  “Does Danny know?” Jorge asked, finally looking up from his laptop screen.

  “I will give him a call after I speak with Laila.”

  “She’s in there.” Ethan pointed to the next room in a zombie-like state as he continued watching some program about antiques on the TV.

  Dropping their grocery bag on the edge of the bed, I headed for the other room.

  “Laila,” I called when she was nowhere to be seen. The door to the empty bathroom was wide open. “Where the fuck is Laila?” I yelled to Jorge and Ethan.

  Both men were at the adjoining door in seconds.

  “I left her here this morning to go to the store. Where is she now, assholes?”

  “No one has come knocking, not even housekeeping.” Ethan’s face had blanched to an unhealthy shade of white.

  “You saw no one? No knocking at the door, no one walking along the balcony?”

  “No!” They both cried in unison.


  After checking the small bathroom window and the front door lock I could at least rule out forced entry. “Get your shit together. Pack everything, leave nothing behind. I am going down to reception to look at their cameras.”

  I had to take the chance with the staff. If they were corrupt I would deal with it then. For now, I had to find out if their cameras were merely for show or if they contained the answers I needed.


  My body shook with rage as I replayed the footage over and over again. Prior to this I had already determined I would kill Juan when we met next.


  Now, I would make him suffer through hours of torture before I ended his miserable existence.

  The man at reception had been more than helpful when I explained briefly why I needed to view the footage. He didn’t ask questions and never demanded any money.

  “Fucking hell...” Jorge breathed behind me.

  “I should’ve been watching her.” Ethan was in shock, pacing relentlessly behind us.

  “Play it again from the start, just in case we missed something,” Jorge urged.

  The cameras were all situated on the ground level, however, many were positioned to capture first floor activity where we had all been staying.

  We watched again as Laila exited the door of the motel room. She was looking around, cautious of her surroundings, but not cautious enough. She was a sight to behold as she bathed her face in the sun for a few minutes before smiling and waving to children down below. We could see the doubt cross her face as she tentatively moved down the stairs to the ground level. From the footage, I too could see what grabbed her attention. The tires had been slashed and a look of concern crossed her face.

  And there he was.

  That fucking piece of shit.

  My blood was boiling, my muscles twitching with a fury I could not yet release.

  Juan advanced from behind, stalking her like the predator he is.

  The fear on Laila’s face as she was spun around.

  The fucking kiss she tried desperately to escape.

  The gun pointed at her as he moved and forced her into the trunk.

  We couldn’t hear the conversation that ensued, but I could tell he was taunting her. Laila was crying now. And he fucking hits her over the head with his gun. She collapses against him. He catches her limp body, scoops her up and lays her down in the trunk of the car, before driving off.

  “Where has he taken her?” Ethan asks, looking as though he is going to pass out.

  “I’m not sure, but if I know Juan, he is looking for the thrill of the chase.”

  “Will he kill her?”

  “No. There is no point in him killing her yet. This is still a game to him an
d we have no choice but to go along with it. We will find him.”

  “How?” Ethan asks doubtfully.

  I scroll back the footage to the car Juan has used to take Laila.

  “This isn’t a stolen car. The Mercedes belongs to Hector’s fleet.” I explained.


  “All of Hector’s cars are have GPS tracking. The device is hidden to avoid being tampered with. I put them in myself and Juan would have no clue about it.”

  Despite the rage I was still feeling, a small smile played on my lips.

  “Why haven’t we used this system to track him so far?” Ethan asked.

  “Because up until now, Juan had driven his own car which doesn’t have a tracker. Let’s just say that at the time I didn’t care much for his safety. In hindsight, I could have used it to my benefit.” Pulling out my phone that had been switched off since we left Hectors house, I activated the GPS tracking app. Up until this point I had been using the same SIM but different phone. Hector had ensured that as I family we could be located if either of us went missing. That entailed all phones being traceable.

  The phone in my hand vibrated indicating a new message. I knew before looking at the screen who it would be.


  The time on the message read 9.37am. From the surveillance footage Juan had Laila in the car already.

  Come find me, puto. Laila is looking particularly delicious today.

  “What does it say?” Ethan asked with urgency.

  “Nothing,” I snapped back.

  “Nothing? Why are you snarling at the phone then?”

  I understood Juan’s message loud and clear. The others wouldn’t understand it. The asshole had said the same thing to me about Laila just before he raped her.

  He was planning on doing it again. That’s what the message indicated.

  “We need to get the fuck out of here and find her.”

  “And then what?” Jorge asked.

  “Then I kill that mother fucking piece of shit who took her.”


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