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Unbound Page 3

by Sara Humphreys

  Zachary breathed deeply as her distinctly feminine scent filled his head, enhancing the sudden and unexpected surge of desire. He couldn’t think of a time that his body had responded so strongly or so quickly to a woman—and he’d had lots of women. Holding her stare, he cradled her wrist in his hand and read out loud the name inscribed in flowing script letters on the silver disk. “Annabelle.”

  “That’s me,” she murmured. “Annabelle.”

  “Nice to meet you, Annabelle.” Zachary gently released her and sat up, needing to put some distance between them. He was having a hard time thinking straight because all the blood was rushing to his crotch. “You have a last name, don’t you?”

  “Yes. Of course I do… It’s Johnson.” Her tongue flicked out and moistened her lower lip. “Annabelle Johnson.”

  “Right.” He knew she was lying about her last name. There was too much of a pause, as though she were thinking one up as opposed to simply saying her name. She looked so scared and alone, it took all of his willpower not to gather her in his arms and comfort her. Instead, he stuck his hand out to her like some kind of dorky teenager. “Zachary McKenna.”

  She looked at him for a moment, as though deciding whether or not to shake his hand. A hint of a smile played at her lips, and some of the tension eased before she finally put her hand in his. The instant her soft skin settled against his, warmth washed over him and need tightened in his gut. Zachary glanced down at their interlocked hands, and recognition flooded him. He rasped his thumb along the edge of her palm and turned it just enough so he could see her long, delicate fingers.

  Clearing his throat, he quickly released her hand, the warmth of her flesh suddenly and noticeably absent. Zach’s gaze skittered over those deep auburn locks, and his muscles tensed as a vaguely familiar energy signature throbbed through the air. It was like music; a slow, light tinkling in the air that was almost unreadable but was growing louder with each passing moment.

  He sharpened his focus, reaching out with his own energy. Zachary tuned in to her and, as the sound of the waves crashed in the background, he knew.

  Memories of the dream realm came roaring into focus…it was her.

  Annabelle was the woman from the dream realm—and his mate. Holy shit. She was here. Right here in front of him and he didn’t have the first fucking clue what he was supposed to do. How ironic. Zachary had been with countless women and was never at a loss for words. Yet here he was, with the woman he was destined to spend eternity with, and he was a tongue-tied boob.

  Great. Thank God Dominic wasn’t here, because Zach would never live this down.

  “Are you alright?” Her voice, soft and concerned, pulled him from his thoughts. “Zachary?”

  Zach just nodded, holding her green-eyed stare, and he noticed she was fiddling with her bracelet again. He was feeling a little fidgety himself. Rising to his feet, he started to pace the room, needing to put some space between him and the woman the universe had tossed at his doorstep. Her energy signature grew stronger and whirled around him in the air, faster with each second. It was both unsettling and oddly comforting at the same time.

  “So let me get this straight.” He stopped in front of the breakfast bar that separated the kitchen from the living room and folded his arms over his chest. “You came to Mexico alone. With one bag. No clothes. No suntan lotion. Just a bag with your identification and some money? That’s it? And that bag, with everything in it, is now gone.”

  “Yes.” She nodded and didn’t take her eyes off his. The woman was curled up on the couch and looked totally terrified again. Not of him, though. She was frightened of whomever or whatever she was running away from. At least, that’s what he suspected, and based on her reaction, there was no way she knew that he was an Amoveo. She would have said something, wouldn’t she? “You probably think coming to Mexico like that is something only an idiot would do.”

  “No.” Zach pressed his lips together and leaned both hands on the back of an upholstered chair while leveling a serious look in her direction. “It sounds like something only someone on the run would do.”

  She opened her mouth to say something but apparently thought better of it and snapped it shut. Fiddling with the chain around her wrist, she looked away from him and shrugged one shoulder. Bingo. Annabelle was on the run. Anger simmered beneath the surface at the notion of someone hunting down his mate, and in that instant, he knew he wasn’t going to let her out of his sight. No way.

  What if she was running from a Purist who found out she was an Amoveo mate? What if the Caedo found out about her?


  He ran one hand over his stubble-covered jaw and let out a slow breath. What a clusterfuck. How the hell was he supposed to approach this whole mate business with her? He couldn’t come right out and ask her, Hey, do you know about the Amoveo? Seen any shapeshifters lately?

  “Do you have a phone that I could use?”

  “Nope.” He shrugged and gave her an apologetic look. “I don’t have a cell phone, and the one here at the house doesn’t seem to be working.”

  “You don’t have a cell phone?” She looked at him like he was an alien from another planet. “Are you serious?”

  “Totally. I don’t really care for them.”

  “It figures,” she said with a curt laugh. “If I didn’t have shitty luck, I wouldn’t have any luck at all.” Annabelle shook her head and stifled a yawn before giving him an embarrassed smile. “Sorry. I didn’t sleep much on the plane.”

  “Yeah, well, I’m sure getting mugged took it out of you, too,” he said.

  Sleep. The dream realm. That’s it. If she really was his mate, then he would be able to find her there tonight. Connecting with her before had been next to impossible, but now that they’d actually met, maybe he could get through to her. It would be a hell of a lot easier to tell her about the Amoveo if she experienced the dream realm with him.

  “You could probably sleep for a week,” he murmured.

  “I—I should go. I’m sure there’s a pay phone in town or something.” Annabelle made a pained expression while she pushed herself off the couch and slowly rose to her feet. “I’m sorry for the trouble I caused you.”

  “No trouble.” He crossed to the couch and held his hand out to her. “Come on.”

  “Where?” She looked at his hand warily before turning those haunting green eyes back to his.

  “The bedroom.” Her big eyes got even bigger, and Zachary couldn’t help but let out a loud laugh. “Not like that. Believe me”—a grin cracked his face and he winked—“if I wanted to take advantage of you, I could’ve done that while you were passed out on my couch.”

  “Oh really?” She folded her arms over her full breasts. The action had the delightful side effect of accentuating her cleavage, and when he finally looked back at her face, she was giving him a knowing look. Eyebrows raised, she waited for him to continue.

  “I’m kidding.” He was partly kidding. The truth was that he wanted to wrap her up in his arms and discover every inch of gorgeous flesh hidden beneath that dress. He bet she tasted sweet, like a plum. He also bet that he had a better chance of winning the lottery than getting Annabelle in his bed. At least for now. “Listen, it’s getting late, and you’ve had a hell of a night. Whoever you want to call will be there tomorrow after you’ve gotten some rest. You can take the bedroom and I’ll crash out here tonight.”

  “No.” She shook her head and waved him off. “I couldn’t. Really, I should go.”

  “Where are you gonna go?” Zach rested his hands on his hips and gave her a doubtful look. He closed the distance between them, stopping just a few inches from her. He lowered his voice and met her challenging stare. “You have no money, no credit cards, no ID, and a lump on your head. You really don’t have a lot of options right now, and I’d like to think that crashing here with me is more appealing than sleeping on the s
treet in Loreto, Mexico.”

  “Why would you help me?” Annabelle asked in a quiet, almost reverent tone. She was shorter than he had first thought, probably not more than five-foot-three. The top of her head barely came up to his chin. Looking up at him with wary curiosity, she fiddled with the bracelet again, as though she was trying to detect if he had any ulterior motives. At least she wasn’t looking at him with fear. That was a step in the right direction, and with any luck, he would eventually get her to tell him who or what she was running from. “You don’t even know me, Zachary. I—I could be anybody.”

  “I know you’re hurt and you’re alone.” Zach’s lips tilted at the corners. “And that you need help.”

  Without thinking, he reached out and brushed away the long strand of hair that drifted across her forehead. The pad of his finger grazed over her impossibly soft, smooth skin, reminding him of spun silk, and that ball of need in his gut tightened ferociously. Her eyes widened, and she sucked in a slow breath while he trailed one finger along the perfectly sculpted edge of her jaw.

  Dropping his hand to his side, he murmured, “That’s all I really need to know.”

  Silence hung between them, and desire that was almost palpable crackled in the air. Dominic’s words from yesterday drifted through Zach’s mind as he stared into the seemingly limitless depths of those gorgeous green eyes. You can’t run from it.

  Zachary was in so much trouble, because he knew what Dom said was true. For the rest of his life, no matter where he went or what he did, this woman’s face, scent, and energy would be forever imprinted on his psyche. And that scared the ever-living shit out of him.

  “Thank you.” She stepped back and gestured to the couch before hugging her arms around herself. She felt the connection too. She must have, and he didn’t know if that was good or bad. “Zachary, you’re kind enough to let me stay here, so the couch will be just fine.”

  “You’re sure?” He gestured to the bedroom. “I don’t mind. Really.”

  “I’m sure.” Annabelle flashed him a shy smile that just about did him in and left him speechless. “Thank you for showing me such kindness. I wouldn’t expect it from an—from a stranger.”

  After settling Annabelle in with a blanket and some Tylenol, he locked up the house and bid her good night. Lying in his bed, he couldn’t get those gorgeous green eyes out of his mind, and a million thoughts raced through his head. With the soothing sounds of the ocean surrounding him, Zachary drifted to sleep with one name on his lips. Annabelle.

  Chapter 4

  Sand squished beneath Annabelle’s bare feet as the fog lifted, bringing the beach outside the rental house into focus. She was dreaming again. Just like the dream she’d had with the lion, but this time felt different somehow. Everything was brighter, sharper, and more clearly in focus. The sun was rising above the ocean, giving the entire area a golden hue, and it was absolutely beautiful. Letting out a relaxed sigh, she closed her eyes and allowed the sun to warm her skin.

  It feels so real, she said out loud to the empty beach. If I didn’t know better, I’d think I was awake. Standing at the water’s edge with her hands clasped behind her back, she tilted her face to the sky while the water rushed over her feet. Or it could be heaven. Maybe I’m dead?


  Startled by the sound of the familiar voice, Annabelle spun around and found herself face-to-face with Zachary McKenna. He was as stunningly handsome in the dream as he was in real life. He stood about six feet tall, with a lean muscular build that was on full display. A dusting of dark blond hair covered a well-sculpted chest, and a slightly darker trail disappeared into his gym shorts. A smile curved her lips. Hell. If she was going to dream about her sexy rescuer, it was no surprise he was shirtless. His short, spiky blond hair was even blonder in the sunlight, and his hazel eyes emitted even more warmth than they had last night.

  He was a deadly combination of sweet and sexy. Savior and sinner.

  Hello, Zachary. Annabelle’s smile broadened as he strode toward her. Given her intense attraction to him, it was no wonder she was dreaming about him. After all, hooking up with an Amoveo shifter in real life wasn’t exactly a possibility—not for a Caedo, anyway. The Amoveo hated the Caedo family, and she couldn’t blame them. I guess my subconscious is working overtime.

  How so? Zachary asked in a low, sexy tone she felt all the way down to her toes.

  Damn. As soon as she’d figured out what he was, Annabelle should have gotten the hell out of there… But where would she have gone? Besides, she’d never been more attracted to another man in her entire life. It was as if he had a direct line to her libido. All he had to do was look at her and it made her wet.

  Zachary moved closer until he was standing directly in front of her, with only a few inches separating them. She wanted him to touch her, to run his fingers along the bare flesh of her arms, but he didn’t. He did stand close enough for her to feel the warmth of his body ripple along hers.

  What a tease.

  Do you know where we are? Zachary’s lips tilted, and he reaching out and wound a strand of her hair around his finger while holding her stare. Have you ever walked in the dream realm before, Annabelle? From what my family tells me, it can be quite stimulating.

  Annabelle froze. For a moment, she’d allowed herself to forget who and what Zachary was. Perhaps this sexy little dream wasn’t actually a dream at all. Apprehension flickered up her spine. She knew that the Amoveo were dream-walkers, but how and why could she be dreaming with him? Was he really here with her, or was this simply her subconscious working things out?

  What do you mean, the dream realm? Her hand went to the chain around her wrist, her fingers immediately seeking out and finding the disk bearing her name. In the familiar soothing gesture, she worried it between her fingertips while studying him intently. This is a dream. I know I’m dreaming, which is weird, but I know it’s a dream.

  Are you frightened? he asked, releasing the lock of hair and looking contrite, as though he’d said too much. I would never hurt you. Please give me a chance to explain everything. I thought that if I came to you tonight, in the dream realm, it would help you to understand. I tried before when I was in my Lion Clan form, but you didn’t or wouldn’t see me. A smile bloomed across that handsome face, revealing an adorable set of dimples. At least, not until tonight.

  No. She shook her head furiously. I—I can’t stay here. If they find me, then they’ll find you. You’ve been so kind to me, and I’d never forgive myself if you were hurt because of me.

  Who? Zachary tucked the strand of hair behind her ear before brushing her cheek with his thumb. Closing her eyes, she pressed his hand to her cheek, and an overwhelming feeling of safety filled her. This man, whoever or whatever he was, would never hurt her. She didn’t know how she knew that. She just did. Zachary would keep her safe…but at what cost? Who are you running from, Annabelle? You can trust me.

  I can’t tell you. Shaking her head, she backed toward the water and pushed his hand away. They’ll kill you, Zachary.

  I’m not that easy to kill. Undaunted, Zachary stalked toward her and winked. Annabelle stopped when her legs were submerged in water halfway up her calves. Before she could respond, Zachary linked his arm around her waist and tugged her body tight against his. A gasp laced with desire escaped her lips when his taut form pressed against her far softer one. Her hands instinctively settled on the bulging muscles of his biceps, and she let out a shuddering breath when he leaned down and nuzzled his lips against her ear. In between butterfly kisses, he whispered, I’m sure you’ll find out that I’m too damn stubborn to die.

  You don’t understand. She dug her fingertips into the unyielding strength of his arms, and even though she wanted to protest, she couldn’t form a coherent thought. Lust fogged her brain and weakened her body. Annabelle’s head drifted back and she moaned while he trailed kisses down her throat. You’ll die
if I stay with you, she whispered.

  See, baby. That’s where you’ve got it all wrong. His gravelly voice, edged with need, surrounded her. Zachary lifted his head and tightened the arm around her waist before cradling her face with his other hand. I’ll die if you don’t.

  Holding his stare, Annabelle let out a needy moan at the very moment his mouth slanted over hers. His tongue slid along the seam of her lips and she opened to him, greedily accepting all he had to offer. Linking her arms around his neck, she tilted her head, deepening the kiss and surrendering to the erotic feel of him. Kissing him deeply, she threaded her fingers in his hair and groaned when he slipped his leg between hers, putting pressure on exactly the right spot.

  Breaking the kiss, Zachary’s hands drifted down her back before settling over her waist. Annabelle smiled, lost in the luxurious sensation of his body. Her eyes fluttered open, and she stilled when her gaze captured his. Zachary’s hazel eyes had turned into a pair of exotic, glowing, amber orbs. They were the same exact eyes as the lion’s from her other dreams—which was both fascinating and confusing.

  That’s so cool. A smile cracked her face and she trailed her thumb along his lower lip, which he promptly flicked with his tongue. Why are your eyes glowing? They’re just like the lion’s I saw in the dream and the one I saw in the vision when I touched your shirt.

  You get visions? Zachary’s brow furrowed and his voice dropped to just above a whisper. What did you see when you touched my shirt?

  Lots of stuff. Annabelle gave him a shy smile and lifted one shoulder. Sometimes I get visions when I touch an object that was just touched by somebody, but it almost always happens when it’s something they’re actually wearing. I’m usually able to block the visions out unless I want to see them, but lately I’ve been pretty distracted.

  Of course, Zachary murmured. You’re human, but you have psychic ability. You’d have to in order to be—

  Hey. This is my dream. Annabelle tugged him against her playfully. You didn’t answer me. Why are your eyes glowing like that?


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