Fighting Our Forever (Panthera Security Series Book 3)

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Fighting Our Forever (Panthera Security Series Book 3) Page 4

by Elisa Leigh

  Chapter Nine


  The ride to my place is quiet, too quiet, but I have a lot going on in my head. I thought tonight would turn out much differently, but now things have changed, and I don’t know where my head is at. I thought I’d go along on their “date,” and we’d all figure out fast we aren’t meant for each other, that what we shared was an attraction and nothing more. I was wrong, so freaking wrong!

  Instead of sitting at the table we go to the couch where I sit opposite them on the loveseat while we eat and watch Supernatural.

  I’m enjoying my loser burger and doing an amazing job of ignoring my sexy guests. In the middle of watching the Winchester boys kick ass and slay demons, my show is paused. “Hey! What’d you do that for?” I shout looking over at the guys for the first time since I turned the show on.

  “I thought we could talk.”

  “Now?” I whine. I know exactly what’s going to happen in the show since I’ve binge watched the series twice now, but I’m not looking forward to this conversation. Getting up, I grab my trash and walk to the kitchen to throw it away. Seconds later the guys come in and throw theirs away too.

  I’m the queen of awkward silence and waiting people out. Looking everywhere but at them, I think of a hundred things I could say to get out of what I know is coming.

  Ryan touches my hand, and I about jump out of my skin. “Sorry, shit I’m not good at this stuff.”

  “What stuff is that?” Paul asks from my other side.

  “Relationship stuff, guy stuff, all the stuff that will and will not be happening tonight. That stuff.”

  “That’s a lot of stuff babe.” Ryan jokes. He grabs my hand again lacing our fingers together, at the same time Paul wraps his arm around my waist and nuzzles his face along my neck. Oh my god, I can’t do this. I jump out of their embrace and start pacing in front of them. If they weren’t already losing interest, I bet they are now. No one wants to date a crazy person, and that’s exactly how I feel right now.

  “Callie, stop and tell us what is going on.” Paul snaps.

  It’s as if a spell is broken and I can think clearly. They want to know why we can’t do this dance, I’ll tell them. “I’m a virgin, okay. I’ve never made it past first base, never had a guy steal second. I don’t even know what the bases are, and who the hell named how far you go with someone sexually after baseball?” They shrug, and I just keep on going. “See, I have no idea what I’m doing with a man, let alone two. You both have this idea in your heads about us being together. Which I mean, sounds pretty freaking hot in an ‘I’ve read that book, and I know what happens in these situations’ sort of thing, but be real. You two could have any woman in Sweet Briar, why would you want me?” Why did I say all that, what the hell was I thinking unloading on them like some, some virgin?

  “I’m sorry, you did just say you’re a virgin, right?”

  I glare at Paul and cross my arms over my chest. When they both groan I drop my arms rolling my eyes.

  “I’m not trying to offend you, but that’s rare for a woman of your age Precious.”

  “You make it sound like I’m some old bitty.”

  “Most people lose their virginities in high school, and you’ve held onto yours through college and then some. There had to be boyfriends or guys you dated. Have you done anything with a man before?” Ryan asks.

  This is exactly what I didn’t want to happen. People see it as a bad thing or something to make fun of. What my virginity is, is mine. It’s personal, and no one has a right to pass judgement on what I choose to do with my body, except me, even if they are freaking perfect. “I think it’s time for you two to leave. I won’t be ridiculed in my own home.” I walk to the front door, waiting for them to follow.

  “I think you misunderstood what he was saying Calliope. It’s just shocking is all.” Paul tries, but I’m in no mood.

  “Well, how many women have you guys been with?”

  They look uneasy, and as much as I want to know the answer, I also don’t want to know. Somewhere along the line, my heart claimed them as hers and just thinking they’ve been with other women hurts. Logically I know Ryan and Paul are in their thirties, so they have experience, but I don’t need to know how much.

  “If you really want to know, I’ll tell you, but I don’t think that’s something you want rolling around in your head Precious.” Paul finally answers.

  I shake my head immediately, knowing it’ll bug the hell out of me. I don’t need to compare myself to them or the women they’ve been with. That’s a road filled with poison. “Do you see now why we’ll never work?”

  Ryan and Paul both look at me like I’ve lost my mind. I guess I’ll have to spell this out for them. “We are too different. The last boyfriend I had was in high school. I’ve never had an adult relationship. While I know that’s on me because I’ve been perfectly happy goofing off with Olivia and just figuring life out, I stayed away from the heavy. You’re asking me to jump in feet first to a relationship that isn’t even accepted by society. It’s a lot to take in and commit to when I don’t know if I’m ready.”

  “So, what you’re saying is you’re scared?” Ryan asks.

  I roll my eyes. “Sure, if that’s what you gathered from everything I said, then yes, I’m scared.”

  “And that you need more time to get comfortable with us.” Paul continues.

  “Wait… that’s not what I was-”

  “Well shoot babyface, if you wanted to hang out with us tomorrow all you had to do was ask.”

  “We’ll be here tomorrow morning to pick you up, be ready at six and wear a swimsuit,” Paul says before kissing me on the top of the head and walking outside.

  “What the hell are we doing at six in the goddamn morning that I need to be ready for?”

  “It’s a surprise. I’ll bring the coffee though, so don’t you worry about it. I know how important it is to you in the mornings.” Ryan says, kissing me on the cheek and then following Paul.

  Chapter Ten


  “You really think she’s going to go for this?” I ask from the passenger seat of Paul’s truck. We’re on our way to pick Callie up for our date this morning, and I can’t help but wonder if this is the right move. I laid awake over half the night talking myself in and out of today. What if this is all a waste of time and she decides she doesn’t want us?

  “That woman needs something to focus on besides how this relationship won’t work. Now I love her firecracker attitude and her innocence, but it’s up to us to get the ball rolling. Calliope isn’t like any other girl we’ve been with. She needs to know we’re in this for good and I intend to prove it to her.”

  “Paul, Maybe she’s right. I don’t want to push her if she’s not ready for something like this. I didn’t know she was a virgin, I just thought she was inexperienced.”

  “Are you listening to the shit that is coming out of your mouth? Do you really want some other swinging dick to come along, and they will, and claim her cherry? Is that what you want Ryan?”

  “Fuck you. Of course, that’s not what I want!”

  “Then stop pussy footing around and get on board. Our woman is nervous because she hasn’t done this before, fuck neither have we. Sure, we’ve had women, but none of them were our soul mate.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “How are you not?” Paul fires back. I can tell he’s getting frustrated, but I don’t know if this is right anymore. I stare out the window unable to answer him.

  “Ryan, one look at Calliope and I see Christmas, her swollen with our kid. I picture our children playing at the lake on summer vacation. God, I see the fights we’ll have, her throwing shit at my head while you stand there and laugh. I can picture our life so clearly, it’s almost scary. I’m putting in the time, whatever she needs, so she’s good with us. I just know Ryan.”

  I want that too, but I don’t want to admit I’m scared it will all be taken away from me. I’ve been burned
once by someone I thought could be my future. Turns out Brenna was a cheating bitch who pales in comparison to our Callie. Looking back, I know Brenna wasn’t right for me, but the mark she left still hurts occasionally.

  “I wish I could believe in the future like you do Paul, but I can’t. Too many things have happened.”

  Paul pulls the truck to the side of the road and parks.

  “Where the hell is this coming from Ryan? You said this is what you wanted. We’ve been watching her for almost a year, circling around her, letting everyone know she’s ours. Now that it’s time to do what we’ve wanted to, you don’t know if it’s right? I’m not going to let you hurt her. You decide, you’re either in or your out. Tell me now before we pick her up and make her fall in love with us.”

  “What the fuck are you asking me right now?”

  “Do you want Callie, yes or no?”

  “Of course, I want her.”

  “Then fucking man up and act like it then Ryan. Whatever bullshit you’re dealing with from that bitch Brenna is not Callie. Don’t bring it into our relationship. Are you ready to be the man Callie deserves? Can you be that for her?”

  God damnit, I don’t know what I’d do without Paul. I’m fucking proud to have him by my side and sharing a woman with him. Without hesitance, I answer truthfully. “Yes. Let’s go get our woman and prove she has nothing to fear in choosing us.”

  “That’s fucking right.” He says with a smile and pulls back onto the road.


  “I can’t believe you guys brought me out here to go on a freaking hike this early!” Callie complains, for the second time this morning.

  “Oh, stop whining. I can see how much you’re enjoying this. Olivia told me how much you love going for hikes out here, but since she’s been pregnant, you haven’t been able to for a few months.”

  he stops in the middle of the path and scowls, crossing her arms over her chest. “You talk to Liv about me?”

  “Of course, I do. I know all about that time you two got drunk after finals your senior year and went to the county bar dressed like Dolly Parton.”

  “You what now? Oh, I got to hear this. What else happened that night?” Paul asks, looking amused.

  “No way, we promised we wouldn’t speak about that night. I’m going to have a talk with that hussy about keeping her mouth shut.”

  “Ahhh come on baby, I need to hear your version of Jolene.”

  Callie storms off up the path, and I can’t help watching her perfectly round ass bounce as she stomps. God, she’s so fucking sexy. I don’t know what the hell I was thinking, almost walking away from us. I was close to making the biggest mistake of my life. Thank God Paul was there to reel me back in.

  We walk for a few more minutes in amused silence until we see Callie stop. Walking up beside her, I wrap my arm around her shoulder loosely pulling her into my side.

  “I didn’t know this was here,” Callie says in awe, looking at the waterfall in front of us.

  “Ryan and I like to come out and hike the trails every few weeks to get away from it all. We found this one last year on one of our trips. We knew it was the perfect place to bring you today.”

  “The bathing suit makes sense now. I was wondering what I’d need one for when you pulled up to the state park. It sure is beautiful, I’ll give you that much.” She says, entranced by the large waterfall in front of us.

  “You ready to go in?”

  “In there? The water must be freezing!

  Chapter Eleven


  “It gets hot, walking out here for a few hours. We only figured you’d want to cool off. No biggie, but don’t mind if we hop in.” I smile at her warmly. This woman has been driving me crazy since I saw her walk out in cut off jean shorts and a tight, thin tank top that hugs her breasts perfectly.

  Pulling off my shirt and cargo shorts, I lose my boots and socks then jump into the deep pool of water. She was right when she said the water is freezing, but after spending a few hours in her presence, I need the relief.

  I watch as she sits at the edge and pulls her shoes and socks off, sinking her toes into the lush green grass. I’m so absorbed in her every movement, I don’t notice Ryan jumping in until he splashes me with cold water.

  “Thanks, man,” Ryan says low, so only I can hear.

  “Hmm? For what?” I look over at him and see that he’s staring at Callie.

  “I almost gave her up.”

  “You wouldn’t have let that happen, you were just working through the demons Brenna left behind.”

  To my utter amazement, I watch as Callie pulls off her shirt and shimmies out of her shorts. She’s got on a black bikini, that covers everything but also shows us more than we’ve ever seen of her. As she walks into the shallow end, I hear Ryan beside me mutter “Fuck me.” Fuck me is right. Our woman is smoking fucking hot, and I intend on showing her just how much she’s affecting me.

  Swimming toward her, she spots me and our eyes lock for a second before she looks away shyly and tries covering her stomach with her hands. Even her innocence is a turn on. When she looks back, she traces my body with her eyes. Sucking her bottom lip into her mouth, she bites down the closer I get. She might not have any idea what to do with us, but I’m more than willing to show her.

  “Get too hot out there Precious?”

  “I couldn’t pass this up, and yeah, it’s getting hot.”

  “Well, get in here Precious.”

  She rolls her eyes at my name for her, but I refuse to dial it back. Taking her by the hand, I lead her in until she’s unable to touch the bottom and she’s treading water. I pull her close to me, running my hands down her back and cupping the globes of her ass. She tries to pull away, but I hold on, needing her to see, to acknowledge what is really here.

  “Wrap your legs around me love.”

  The indecision is clear on her face, but I wait patiently for her to decide. When her legs wrap around my waist, I thank god for small victories. “There you go, love. Trust me to take care of you. We’re only exploring. This will go as far as you want it to.”

  Staring into my soul, her eyes search mine, begging me silently not to break her. I wish she knew that is the last thing I’d ever do. Leaning down, I kiss her full pink lips like I’ve been waiting to do for months. She opens for me immediately, and I moan at her sweet taste. Gripping her ass, I move her pussy over my hard dick slowly, back and forth.

  She digs her nails into my shoulder and starts writhing on my dick all on her own, sexy mewling noises slipping from her lips. Ryan swims up behind her, his eyes fixed on our woman. Looking up, we lock eyes, and I know without speaking we’re on the same page. “That’s it, Callie. God, that’s fucking it!” I ground out, about to lose control myself.

  Moaning my name, she continues rubbing herself against me, chasing her orgasm but not quite able to get there. Callie looks up, confused and frustrated. “I don’t know what’s wrong, it feels so good, but there’s something missing.”

  “There’s someone missing, baby,” Ryan growls from behind her, nestling his face into the side of her neck, nipping her skin between his teeth and licking the pain away.

  She leans back into him while continuing to rub her sweet pussy against me.

  “Do you want more, sweet love?”

  “Please Ryan.” She moans between us.

  Ryan unties her top, slowly pulling the string. I don’t know if he’s trying to fuck with me, or he’s teasing her, either way, my eyes are glued to her tits. I’ve watched her flounce around in tight t-shirts for far too long. When her top starts to fall, she grabs it and covers herself, looking around us.

  “No one is here to see, but us. We’d never let anyone see you this way baby. No one ever gets to see you like this, ever.” Ryan growls.

  She looks up at me, and I nod, unable to speak, not wanting to break the spell she’s cast over me. Callie lowers her top and her huge tits spring free, dusky pink nipples hard and needing so
me attention. Ryan grabs her breasts in his hands, massaging her large tits, rolling her nipples between his thumb and forefinger. Leaning back against his shoulder, her tits on full display, and her pussy rubbing against my painfully hard dick. My mouth waters needing to taste her. Ryan pushes her breasts together. Fuck, I’ve never been more turned on than I am at this moment.

  Gripping her waist, I lean down and suck one of her hardened nipples into my mouth. Laving my tongue around the edge, I suck hard and bite down, losing control with this woman I can’t get enough of. Callie goes rigid against me crying out. Fuck, did I just screw this up? I look at her and see she’s staring down at me, lust pooling in her green eyes.

  “More, please I want more.” She moans.

  I untie one side of her bikini bottoms and Ryan undoes the other. I pull the scrap of material that was covering her sweet pussy, through her legs, making her moan as it moves over her clit. Ryan grabs the back of her thigh, holding her open for us. I throw her bottoms, watching them land on the rocks near the edge of the water. I trace two fingers up her inner thigh to her heated pussy. “Is this the more you needed Precious?”

  With heavy eyes, she nods, biting her bottom lip and moaning when I slip my fingers into her slippery pussy and around her engorged clit. She moves between Ryan and me, trying to find the release she’s craving.

  “If you don’t stop moving I’m going to stop,” I tell her sternly. “We’re in charge of your pleasure from now on, you got me?”

  I don’t know where that came from, and I’m momentarily shocked myself, but I need this from her. I need her to give over that control, to let us be the ones to give her what she can only get from Ryan and me.

  Callie struggles with this. The woman is known for her independence, and it must be tearing her up, knowing to get what she needs, she has to give up something that’s a big part of who she is.


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