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Dark Matter and Cosmic Web Story Page 42

by Jaan Einasto

  Einasto, J., Jaaniste, J., Jôeveer, M., et al. 1974a, Hypergalaxies, Tartu Astr. Obs. Teated, 48, 3

  Einasto, J. & Jõeveer, M. 1978, Structure of the Galaxy, Zemlia i Vselennaia, 6, 30

  Einasto, J. & Jõeveer, M. 1979, The structure of the Universe and the formation of galaxies, in Science and Modern Times, ed. J. Kivi (Eesti Raamat), 57

  Einasto, J., Jõeveer, M., & Kaasik, A. 1976b, A new model of the Galaxy, in Stars and Galaxies from Observational Points of View, ed. E. Kharadze, Third Europrean Astronomy Meeting (Mecniereba, Tbilisi), 398

  Einasto, J., Jõeveer, M., & Kaasik, A. 1976c, The mass of the Galaxy, Tartu Astr. Obs. Teated, 54, 3

  Einasto, J., Jõeveer, M., Kaasik, A., Kalamees, P., & Vennik, J. 1977, A list of hypergalaxies, Tartu Astr. Obs. Teated, 49

  Einasto, J., Jõeveer, M., Kaasik, A., & Vennik, J. 1976d, The dynamics of aggregates of galaxies as related to their main galaxies, A&A, 53, 35

  Einasto, J., Jõeveer, M., Kaasik, A., & Vennik, J. 1976e, The missing mass around galaxies, in Stars and Galaxies from Observational Points of View, ed. E. K. Kharadze, 431

  Einasto, J., Jõeveer, M., Kivila, A., & Tago, E. 1975a, Superclusters of galaxies, Astronomicheskij Tsirkulyar, 895, 2

  Einasto, J., Jõeveer, M., & Saar, E. 1980a, Structure of superclusters and supercluster formation, MNRAS, 193, 353

  Einasto, J., Jõeveer, M., & Saar, E. 1980b, Superclusters and galaxy formation, Nature, 283, 47

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  Einasto, J. & Kaasik, A. 1973, The correlation between colour and mass-luminosity ratio of old galactic population, Astronomicheskij Tsirkulyar, 790, 1

  Einasto, J., Kaasik, A., Kalamees, P., & Vennik, J. 1975b, The structure of groups of galaxies, A&A, 40, 161

  Einasto, J., Kaasik, A., & Saar, E. 1974b, Dynamic Evidence on Massive coronas of galaxies, Nature, 250, 309

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  Einasto, J., Klypin, A. A., Saar, E., & Shandarin, S. F. 1984, Structure of superclusters and supercluster formation. III-Quantitative study of the local supercluster, MNRAS, 206, 529

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  Einasto, J. & Lynden-Bell, D. 1982, On the mass of the Local Group and the motion of its barycentre, MNRAS, 199, 67

  Einasto, J. & Miller, R. H. 1983, Neighboring Superclusters and Their Environs, in IAU Symposium, Vol. 104, Early Evolution of the Universe and its Present Structure, eds. G. O. Abell & G. Chincarini, 405

  Einasto, J. & Rümmel, U. 1970a, Density Distribution and the Radial Velocity Field in the Spiral Arms of M31, in IAU Symposium, Vol. 38, The Spiral Structure of our Galaxy, eds. W. Becker & G. I. Kontopoulos, 42

  Einasto, J. & Rümmel, U. 1970b, The Andromeda Galaxy M31. III-Hydrodynamical model, Astrofizika, 6, 241

  Einasto, J. & Rümmel, U. 1970c, The Rotation Curve, Mass, Light and Velocity Distribution of M31, in IAU Symposium, Vol. 38, The Spiral Structure of our Galaxy, eds. W. Becker & G. I. Kontopoulos, 51

  Einasto, J. & Rümmel, U. 1972, Descriptive functions of the Andromeda galaxy, Tartu Astr. Obs. Teated, 36, 55

  Einasto, J. & Saar, E. 1982, Supercluster of Galaxies, in Marcel Grossmann Meeting: Gen-eral Relativity, 875

  Einasto, J. & Saar, E. 1987, Spatial distribution of galaxies — Biased galaxy formation, supercluster-void topology, and isolated galaxies, in IAU Symposium, Vol. 124, Observational Cosmology, ed. A. Hewitt, G. Burbidge, & L. Z. Fang, 349

  Einasto, J., Saar, E., Einasto, M., Freudling, W., & Gramann, M. 1994a, The fraction of matter in voids, ApJ, 429, 465

  Einasto, J., Saar, E., Kaasik, A., & Chernin, A. D. 1974c, Missing mass around galaxies — Morphological evidence, Nature, 252, 111

  Einasto, J., Saar, E., Kaasik, A., & Traat, P. 1974d, Dynamical evidence for the presence of hidden mass in galaxies, Astronomicheskij Tsirkulyar, 811, 3

  Einasto, J., Saar, E., & Klypin, A. A. 1986b, Structure of superclusters and supercluster formation. V - Spatial correlation and voids, MNRAS, 219, 457

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  Einasto, J., Tenjes, P., Barabanov, A. V., & Zasov, A. V. 1980c, Central holes in disks of spiral galaxies, Ap&SS, 67, 31

  Einasto, J., Tenjes, P., & Traat, P. 1979b, A Mass Distribution Model of the Andromeda Galaxy, Astronomicheskij Tsirkulyar, 1032, 5

  Einasto, J. E., Chernin, A. D., & Jõeveer, M. M. 1975c, Hidden mass in galaxies, Priroda, 5, 39

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  Einasto, M. & Einasto, J. 1989, Self similarity of voids in large-scale distribution of systems of galaxies, Tartu Astr. Obs. Teated, 95, 21

  Einasto, M., Einasto, J., Tago, E., Dalton, G. B., & Andernach, H. 1994b, The Structure of the Universe Traced by Rich Clusters of Galaxies, MNRAS, 269, 301

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  Einasto, M., Liivamägi, L. J., Tago, E., et al. 2011d, SDSS DR7 superclusters. Morphology, A&A, 532, A5

  Einasto, M., Liivamägi, L. J., Tempel, E., et al. 2011e, The Sloan Great Wall. Morphology and Galaxy Content, ApJ, 736, 51

  Einasto, M., Saar, E., Liivamägi, L. J., et al. 2007d, The richest superclusters. I. Morphology, A&A, 476, 697

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