Writing would be lonely without such excellent writing and reading friends, so I am very grateful for Alison Anderson, Jennifer Bew Orr, Elizabeth Coleman, Tasja Dorkofikis, Carla Drysdale, Nancy Freund, Steve Himmer, Lou Hundt, the ever-wonderful WH, Catherine Kapphahn, Jen Kerwin, Sophie Knight, Anne Korkeakivi, Patti Marxsen, Karen McDermott, the tall-tale-telling CM, Camala Projansky, and Rodrigo S.M.
I am incredibly thankful for the incomparable VSs—Jason Donald, Jo Ann Hansen Rasch, and valiant bookseller and writer Matthew Wake—for your laughter and friendship, excellent advice, and endless support.
To my dearest L’ATELIERs, Sara Johnson Allen and Laura McCune Poplin, I would not have written the first draft of this book without our writing group so many years ago, nor would I have finished it without your friendship and support at Villeferry for three years. I cannot thank you enough. And I’m so grateful to everyone at L’ATELIER who makes this life of writing both fun and meaningful: Alison Anderson (merci deux fois), Steven Antalics, Edna Ball Axelrod, Angi Dilkes, Carol-Ann Farkas, Nancy Freund (you deserve years of acknowledgements, my friend), Jo Ann Hansen Rasch (again!), Sandra Ionescu, Áine Lorie, Caitlin McGillicuddy, Jen McInerney, Nadu Ologoudou, Pauline Vangheluwen-Blatt, Jo Varnish, and Gabrielle Yetter.
And finally, to my wonderful family and friends, I appreciate your love and support more than I can adequately express: Jennifer Jones Barbour and Josh Barbour, the most amazing Henry and Hazel, Mitch and Mary Jones, Kim and Adam and Mirabelle Bamberg, Jeffrey Coleron and Rhiannon Kruse, Andrée Bailat, and, last but never least, Claude and the marvelous, incredible Emiline—thank you for all that you do and all that you are.
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