Swept Through Time - Time Travel Romance Box Set

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Swept Through Time - Time Travel Romance Box Set Page 58

by Tamara Gill


  Anna tied the yellow ribbon on her bonnet into a bow under her chin and checked her reflection in the mirror. She ran her palms down the front of her dress, over the calico material, smoothing it out. Her gaze traveled lower, to her feet—scuffed brown button up shoes and black stockings—and grinned. She’d turned into a real life re-enactor.

  History had never been a passion with her, but interesting enough that she’d visited re-enactment camps a few times. Back then, little did she know one day she’d be one for real. Anna picked up the papers she’d worked so diligently on while Wes had been gone, and headed for the door.

  Wes. A wave of fear washed over her each time she thought of him. He’d been gone for two days and one night. Thirty-four hours. Each one of them dragging, reminding her he could be lying dead right now with a bullet in his head. She shuddered to think of her life if she lost him.

  He was the reason the Indian woman had sent her into the past. Wes was everything she ever wanted in a man. Friend, lover and partner, all rolled into one. Well, except for his insistence that she not work. Yet he filled so many empty spots in her, and his integrity eased her fears of abandonment and philandering. Wes was strong where she was weak, and unsure of himself where she was strong. Together they were complete.

  The short walk to the newspaper office cleared her mind, the nods and smiles from the townspeople brightening her spirits. Until one of them asked after Wes. Then it was as if a cloud had passed over the sun, leaving her chilled and fearful once again.

  It took her a minute to adjust to the dimness of the small office once she entered from the bright sunlight. The smell of printer’s ink and paper filled the small space. A man, much younger than she would have imagined, sat behind a desk, writing furiously. An older man, with dark blue bands holding up the sleeves of his striped shirt, wore a green visor on his head, and plucked letters from cubbyholes in front of him at an amazing speed. She stood transfixed for a moment as he quickly set the type for the next edition of ‘The Denton Times.’

  Anna approached the desk and the young man glanced up. “May I help you?”

  “Yes. Are you the editor?”

  He laid his pencil down and raised his chin, leaning back in his chair. “David Penders, Senior Editor.”

  Since there were only two men in the room with no other desk, the emphasis on his ‘title’ amused her. “Then you’re the person I want to speak with.”

  He waved his hand in the direction of a wooden chair next to his desk. “Have a seat. Miss . . .”

  “Mrs. Anna Shannon.”

  “The marshal’s wife?”

  She sighed. Maybe she’d always have a hard time being identified as someone’s wife. And one day probably someone’s mother. That thought caused a fluttering in her belly. She might already be pregnant. Too soon to tell, though. And with no little white stick to pee on, she’d have to discover it the old fashioned way—time.

  Pushing her wandering thoughts aside, she replied, “Yes. I’m the marshal’s wife.” She leaned forward and placed her papers on the desk. “I’ve written an article on women’s rights that I thought your newspaper might be interested in printing.”

  Mr. Penders sat up abruptly, his eyes shining. “Women’s rights?”

  Now it was her turn to raise her chin. “Yes. Is there something wrong with that, sir?”

  He shook his head. “Not at all. That is exactly what this town needs to move things into the future. I took this job a few weeks ago. Came out from Boston. I can’t believe how backward these people are.”

  She swallowed a chuckle. You should see them through my eyes.

  Anna inched the papers closer to him. “Here’s my article.”

  Mr. Penders pushed his glasses further up on his nose and picked up the sheets. His eyes moved back and forth as he read, shuffling from one page to the next, a slow smile on his lips. He laid the packet in front of him. “You’re a troublemaker, Mrs. Shannon.”

  She grinned back. “Just ask my husband.”

  He folded his hands together and studied her for a minute. “How would you like a job?”

  “A job?”

  “Yes. As a reporter.”

  “You mean my husband hasn’t been to see you?”

  He frowned. “I don’t understand.”

  She waved him off. “No matter. Yes. I would love a job as a reporter.”

  “I want to build this newspaper into more than a town gossip sheet.” He tapped his finger on her article. “This is just the thing to bring some life to the place. You know, back east there are always controversial essays in the papers.”

  Anna burned with excitement. She could be on the forefront of the women’s movement. “What are you looking for in the way of a reporter?”

  “I probably used the wrong word. I don’t want you to be a reporter as much as a columnist. Write things like you have here. Contentious articles that will stir things up. In the meantime, I’ll run this in today’s edition.” He stood. “Don’t leave yet.”

  Mr. Penders turned toward the man flipping little blocks of letters. “Josh, put that aside and find room on the ‘Editor Speaks’ page for our new columnist, Mrs. Shannon.”

  “Excuse me.” Anna tapped the editor on the arm. “Can we use my maiden name?”

  His eyebrows rose. “Why would we do that?”

  “Well, I’m not too sure the marshal will be so happy about this. At least if no one recognizes my name, it will keep the peace.”

  “I guess so.” He shrugged. “What name should we use?”

  “How about ‘Kay Devlin?’”

  Penders glanced at the article. “Didn’t you say your name is Anna?”

  “Yes. But Kathryn is my middle name.”

  He chuckled. “It’s all right with me. As long as you keep writing articles like this, you can call yourself anything you want to.”

  “Thanks.” She stood and gathered her reticule. “How often do you want a column?”

  “Every day. I want you to be a big part of the newspaper. Let’s spark a flame here in Denton.” He stuck his hand out and pumped hers, grinning from ear to ear.

  Anna left the newspaper office and hurried down the boardwalk, her mind in a whirl. The things she could write about that were so far ahead of this time . . . I could make a name for myself.

  Then she stopped abruptly, causing the woman behind her to scoot around, casting her a dirty look. She’d never asked how much the pay was. No matter. She was happy to have a job and to be the voice of the future in 1870s Denton, Kansas. Maybe she would keep this a secret from Wes for a while. A cloud passed over her again at the thought of him off chasing after outlaws, and how soon he would come home.

  After several more steps, her attention was drawn to the front of the jailhouse where four horses stood, one of them dancing frantically while Arnold tried to hold onto him. Sweat broke out on her body and her heart dropped to her feet when she realized it was Wes’s horse, and the bundle tied to the skittish horse looked amazingly like a dead body.


  She raced to the jailhouse, choking on the panic trying to force its way up her throat. The heavy wooden door crashed against the wall as she barreled through it. Wes whipped around, his hand anchored on the arm of a scruffy looking man with his hands tied behind his back. Gulps of air tried to make their way into her lungs, but the little bit she could access wasn’t enough and she sank like a stone to the floor, everything going black.


  Wes shoved the outlaw at Jack. “Lock him up.” He reached Anna just as her knees hit the floor. Scooping her limp body in his arms, he carried her to the cot. “Someone get me a glass of water.” He yanked at the strings of her bonnet and eased it off, then opened the first few buttons on her dress.

  “Anna.” He tapped her cheek, then yelled over his shoulder, “Where’s that water?”

  Mose handed him a glass as Wes continued to call to Anna, trying to rouse her. “Honey, wake up.” />
  Anna’s lids fluttered open, tears sliding down her cheeks. Her eyes sought his and she raised a shaky hand to his face. “I thought you were dead,” she whispered, her chin quivering.

  Wes used his knuckle to wipe away the tears. “Nope, darlin’. Not even hurt.”

  With both hands pressed against his chest, she pushed him back, glaring through wet eyes. “You scared me to death! Why do you have a dead body strapped to your horse?”

  “It’s one of the Mather men. Not sure which one yet. I’m sorry it scared you. Horses don’t like carrying dead bodies, but I knew I could trust Nektosha. I didn’t know you would be outside right at this time.” He smoothed back the damp strands of hair from her forehead.

  Anna eased herself up on her elbows. “You know, marshal, I’ve never fainted before in my life until I met you.”

  He held out the glass of water. “Here, drink some of this before you get up.”

  Anna took a sip and handed it back. “I’m fine now.” She swung her legs over the side of the cot and stood, stumbling slightly.

  “You sure you’re all right?”

  “Yes. I think I’ll go on home now.”

  Wes cupped her elbow and walked her to the door. “Once I get this all straightened out,” he gestured toward the man shouting from the cell, “I’ll be home.”

  Anna nodded and turned to him, rising on tiptoe to kiss his cheek. “I’m glad you’re all in one piece.” She poked him in the chest. “But don’t ever carry a dead body on your horse again.”

  Wes returned to his desk and pulled out the ‘wanted’ posters for the Mathers. A quick glance at the man behind the bars confirmed his prisoner was Joe Mather, which meant Billy was dead. And Buck and Noah were still out there, most likely spitting mad at the raid they’d pulled. He shoved the papers back into the drawer and headed outside to join Arnold who was bringing the dead body to the undertaker.

  The early evening sun still held the day’s heat. Wes thought of Anna, and how the blood drained from her face right before she went down in a heap. Lord, he’d been so glad to see her. Now he was anxious to get the last of his duties finished so he could go home and hold her in his arms, assure himself that she managed to stay out of trouble while he was gone.

  Gone. The word he fought all the time. Would he wake up one day and she’d be gone? Just disappear like a wispy cloud? He needed more information from her on exactly how she ended up right outside his town.

  But for now he’d be happy to just get home and take her to bed. He got a whiff of himself as he yanked open the barber shop door, where old Eric Yoder performed haircuts, shaves and burying. A quick visit to the bathhouse might be a good idea before he approached his wife with any ideas of loving.


  It was near midnight when Noah and Buck rode into Denton. The two horses they’d stolen from the livery in Devil’s Dungeon were old and slow, but got them where they wanted to be.

  Buck pointed his chin in the direction of the saloon on the left side of the street, the tinny sound of its piano spilling out on the street. “We start there.”

  Noah nodded and laid the horse’s reins against its neck to direct him toward the bar. “I’m tired, Buck. Can’t we stop somewhere and do this tomorrow?”

  Buck cuffed Noah on the side of the head. “Don’t make me drag you off that horse and beat you, boy. Yore brother was killed. Killed! Shot dead by that marshal’s man.” Buck spat out of the side of his mouth. “And he has one of y’all locked up like a criminal. Now git off that horse and quit bellyachin’ like some woman.”

  After tying the reins to the hitching post, they entered the saloon and walked up to the bar. Buck threw a coin on the counter. “Whiskey.”

  The bartender slammed a bottle down, along with two glasses, and scooped up the coin.

  Buck poured half a glass of the brown liquid and tossed it down in one swallow. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “You go fetch one of them girls and take her upstairs. See what you can git out of her. I want to know where the marshal lives, and anything else you can find out.”

  Noah downed his glass of whiskey and headed across the floor. A whore old enough to be his grandmother took his hand, but he pulled back, grabbing the arm of a young girl not much older than him. Buck watched them until they disappeared up the stairs, then he moved to a table where a rowdy game of poker was being played.

  He plopped into one of the chairs and tossed a bill into the ante. “I’m in.” The dealer shuffled and cut the deck, then flipped cards in front of the four men.

  After years of poker, Buck could cheat with the best of them. But tonight his insides burned with the need to settle a score, so strong it was hard to sit in the chair. Still, he had enough ‘lucky’ hands that some of the players began to glare in his direction. Not wishing to bring attention to himself, he pushed back from the table and returned to the bar.

  After another few drinks, Noah came down the stairs, buckling his belt. The young whore leaned close to his ear and said something before she sauntered off, casting him a glance over her shoulder. His face a deep red, the boy joined Buck.

  “You sure took long enough. All ya had to do was give her a poke and git her to talk.”

  “I did.”

  Buck shoved his empty glass across the bar. “Let’s go.”

  The crowd had thinned since they’d entered, so they quickly made their way across the floor and stepped outside into the sultry night air. They lumbered across the street and leaned against a storefront glass labeled Prentiss Mercantile. Buck pulled a piece of tobacco from his shirt pocket and stuffed it into his cheek. “So what’d ya find out, boy?”

  “Marshal lives near the jailhouse. He’s only been in town about a year. Everyone in town likes him. Things have been peaceful since he’s been marshal.”

  “That it?” Buck spat on the ground. “Ain’t nothin’ there to help us.”

  Noah shrugged and side stepped when Buck raised his hand. “Did ya at least ask the girl where the damn jailhouse is?”

  “North. About three blocks.”

  Buck shoved Noah’s shoulder. “Move on boy, I don’t even know which of y’all is dead.”

  “Well it ain’t me.” Noah sped up to avoid Buck’s fist.

  They circled the dark jailhouse, set on a corner close to the edge of town. It appeared the prisoner was not alone in the jail, but soft snores coming from the front of the building assured them his guard wasn’t awake.

  “Billy?” Buck called out softly. When no one answered, he slid his gun from his holster and knocked on the bars. “Billy, wake up, boy.”

  “It’s Joe. Billy’s dead.” Joe’s face appeared at the window, his hands fisting the window bars.

  “Shit. How’d they git you?”

  “Damn marshal shot me in the leg. Didn’t even get a doctor for me until a while ago.” He winced as he shifted his weight and shook the bars. “Git me out, Buck.”

  “That’s my intention, boy, but I ain’t gonna do it now. These things need to be planned out. And I’m workin’ on an idea for that marshal. A painful one.”

  “Well, make it fast. I ain’t wantin’ to stay here. You gotta git me out.”

  “I’ll git you out when the time’s right. Now shut yore mouth and let me think.”

  “Shit. They ain’t treatin’ me right. That marshal bastard spent more time worryin’ about that wife of his faintin’ dead away than he did ‘bout my leg. Why, I was in pain, and hollerin’, and—”

  Buck cut him off. “What’d you say, boy?”

  “I said I was in pain and hollerin’. . .” He stopped when Buck backhanded Noah.

  “What was that for?” The boy rubbed his cheek.

  “You spent all that time diddling with that whore and she never tole’ you the marshal was married?”

  Noah shrugged “I don’t know. She might’ve said it.” He backed up at Buck’s expression. “What?”

  Buck grinned. “I just found me a way to git to the marsh

  Noah and Joe exchanged glances, then turned their attention to Buck.

  “Come on, we got some planning to do.” He nudged Noah.

  “Buck, what about me? I gotta git outta here,” Joe whined.

  “Quit your bellyachin’. We’ll git you out, and git that marshal, too.” Buck chuckled as he lumbered down the street. “Yeah, I’ll git that marshal, too.”


  Wes brushed the damp curls from Anna’s forehead and tucked her up against his chest. They’d spent the last hour making love, and he felt his body completely relax for the first time in years. He’d no sooner entered the house than he dropped his saddlebags and reached for his wife. She came willingly, any prior annoyance at him apparently forgotten in their flurry of removing each other’s clothes and rushing toward the bedroom.

  Their breathing slowly returned to normal, and Wes’s eyelids drooped with fatigue.

  “What happened to the other two?”

  Jerked from his near slumber, he cleared his throat. “They got away. Ran off into the woods. Jack and I chased them for a bit, but they knew the woods better than we did.”

  “Are you going back after them?”

  Wes shifted to his side, facing her. Her flushed face and dewy skin from their lovemaking had him hardening again. He ran his finger around one of her nipples, gaining a sigh from her lips.

  “Not right away. I’m sure they’ve gone into hiding. I’m actually hoping they come to me.”

  She looked at him with raised eyebrows.

  “I have Joe in my jailhouse. I’m sure that won’t sit well with Buck. I’m going to have a twenty-four hour guard posted.”

  “I can take a shift.”

  “No.” Before she could argue, he reclaimed her lips, crushing her to him. Slowly he pulled away. “Don’t you understand I want to keep you out of trouble?”

  “And I want to keep you safe.”

  A slow smile curved his lips. “I’ll do the safekeeping in this family.” God, he was ready to take her again. No other woman stirred him like she did. Once more the fear hit, that she would one day disappear. The old Indian woman who sent her across time must have had a reason. Was he part of it?


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