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2SpiceRack_bundle Page 5

by Karen Stivali

  Eric thumped into the chair, looking pissed. Maybe he’s still upset about work. Her stomach flip-flopped. Hopefully this will take his mind off whatever’s bothering him. “You know how you’ve been asking me about the classes I’ve been taking?”

  “Yeah.” Eric scrubbed his hand over his head, still looking totally stressed.

  “Well, I thought I should let you know what kind of classes they are.” This is it. Showtime.

  Holding her breath, she hit the play button on the remote control. The opening notes of Peggy Lee’s Fever drifted out of the speakers. For the first time, Jess was glad Eric had insisted on surround sound. The music seemed to bring the whole room to life.

  She stepped out from the shadows, feeling as though she might pass out at any moment. Eric’s head darted up, his eyes locked on her.

  Moving slowly, making certain to place one foot directly in front of the other in time to the beats of the music, she made her way toward him. At each collection of drumbeats she paused, emphasizing the rhythm with a side-to-side shake of her hips.

  Eric seemed mesmerized. Mouth slightly open. Head cocked to the side. Seeing him swallow hard put an extra dose of confidence in her every step. She strutted around him, swishing just close enough that the fabric of her skirt grazed his arm before she moved out of reach.

  The way he craned his neck during the few seconds she lingered behind him sent a thrill through her. He wants to see more. Standing directly before him, she gyrated her hips, turning in a painstakingly slow circle, glancing over her shoulder for a second of eye contact as she circled her ass mere feet in front of him.

  His eyes flashed at hers. Approving. Hungry. Filling her with a greater sense of confidence. Facing him again, she took a step closer and nudged her knee against his. As if she’d spoken a command, he spread his legs wider. Perfect.

  She lifted her leg, praying she wouldn’t lose her balance, and placed the tip of her spiked heel on the space of chair between his thighs. She could see him suck in a breath as she leaned forward, hands gliding up the length of her calf then slithering up her body. Hips. Waist. Breasts. His gaze followed the path of her fingers. Grabbing on to the tie, she gave a gentle tug, slowly pulling again and again in time with the music until it came undone.

  The silky fabric felt good rubbing back and forth against her neck. As she removed it, she brought her leg down. Dangling the tie closer to him, she ran it along the edge of his shirt collar, grazing his neck. Eric’s breath hissed out, sending a shiver of happiness down her spine.

  She trailed the tie down his arm, to his hand. His palm turned upward and she teased the fabric over it before slipping it beneath his wrist. Will he let me? Bending forward so that her breasts were practically spilling out of her top, she knotted the tie and strutted back behind his chair, tugging Eric’s arm along with her. Without a word, he reached his other hand behind the chair.

  Jessica couldn’t contain the grin spreading across her face. He’s into it. Her heart did a happy jig as she secured the second wrist and slowly walked around his other side.

  Hands behind his back, eyes still locked on her, erection clearly visible through the fabric of his pants, Eric was right where she wanted him.

  Chapter Seven

  Eric tried to wrap his brain around what he was seeing. These are the kind of classes she was taking? Get the fuck out. Jessica, whom he’d had to coax out onto dance floors when they’d been dating was now swiveling and swaying in front of him like a professional goddess.

  His cock pulsed in reply as she gave her hips another slow swish before turning her back to him. Planting her heels in a yard-wide stance, she bent at the waist, lovely legs perfectly taut and straight as she bent forward until her hands touched the ground. Luscious round ass, barely covered by short skirt, dark panties peeking out from underneath, all a precious few feet in front of him. Yet he couldn’t touch her.

  Tugging at the tie that held both wrists, he realized she’d done a decent job of securing him in position. I’ll be damned. He’d never given much thought to being tied up or to having Jessica take control, but he was loving every minute of it.

  The last strains of the song sounded and Eric dreaded the show being over. To his relief, You Can Leave Your Hat On immediately started playing. Thank God.

  Continuing to sway her gorgeous ass, Jess slowly rolled upright then turned her head and grinned at him. A sexy, smirky grin that sent a wave of heat straight to his cock. She lifted one gloved hand to her full pouty lips and tugged at the tip of her silk-covered index finger. His cock twitched as he imagined those lips closing over him instead.

  Slowly, one by one, she loosened every finger. With one sharp pull the glove came off in her teeth. Turning slowly toward him, she held the glove high in the air, then drew it up the length of his torso as she moved behind him. She trailed the satiny fabric across his head then let go, leaving the garment draped over his shoulder.

  The sweet scent of her perfume tormented him. Directly before him once more, she began to remove the second glove. As she got to the last finger, she held her hand out, close enough that he could lean forward. He gripped the tip of the glove between his teeth and gave a slow, steady pull.

  Both arms now bare, she shimmied her shoulders, lowering first one strap of her tank top then the other, teasing him with every glimpse of what she wore beneath it. In one quick move, she yanked the center of the top and it split in two. Sweet Jesus. Letting the shredded garment drop to the floor, she rolled her shoulders again, leaning forward.

  Full pale breasts overflowed from the cups of a black bustier with red laces straight up its front. Eric shifted in his chair, desperate for any friction he could create against his aching cock.

  Seeing him squirm seemed to please her and she smiled again. A slow, delicious smile that made him want his hands free so he could tug her onto his lap. She leaned forward and lowered her face to his, hovering a centimeter away, just out of reach, until he couldn’t stand it another second. Her lips brushed his in the sweetest breath of a kiss then she pulled away, the sexy grin in place once more.

  A low growl escaped him as she swiveled her way down to the floor then back up again. Every curve in motion. Slow, torturous motion. Arms crossed in front of her, pushing her already magnificent cleavage into a breathtaking show of abundance, she undid the buttons on either side of her tiny skirt.

  Raising one hip then the other, she lowered the skirt, just enough for a tempting glimpse of hipbone and panties. She twirled in a slow circle, flipping up the back of the skirt for a glimpse of silk-covered ass before finally sliding the skirt down past her thighs. Letting it drop to the floor, she did a sexy squat bend, picked it up and allowed it to fall right onto his lap. Even the faint weight of the skirt was a welcome sensation against his cock. Any attention was welcome. His stomach muscles clenched hard, allowing the swollen head the tiniest wiggle room. A trail of wetness remained in the inch it shifted. Had she not tied his wrists, he was sure he would have grabbed her by now. He wanted nothing more than to feel her against him. Every bit of her.

  As if sensing how much he needed her, she strolled closer. The heat that rose from her body surrounded him with its enticing aroma. Honey. Ambrosia. Nothing had ever smelled sweeter than her.

  Her hands trailed up his chest, barely grazing him over his shirt. Up and down, once, twice, pausing over each nipple then sliding again. She tipped her breasts toward him and he noticed that the ribbon holding her bustier closed dangled right by his mouth. He parted his lips as she leaned closer, then he grabbed the silky string between his teeth. She pulled back, rolling her shoulders as she went until the bow came undone. Wiggling back and forth loosened the strings enough that her lush breasts spilled out.

  Jess wrapped her hands around his head, tugging him toward her, nestling his face between her boobs. Eric inhaled deeply, thankful for any skin-on-skin contact he could get.

  Before he could kiss his way to a nipple she shifted, lowering herself in a
corkscrewing spiral until she was on her knees before him. Firm but gentle hands inched up his thighs. He held his breath and stared at his lap, praying she was headed for his cock.

  Staying an inch from the bulge in his pants, she stroked his hips, his belly, the crease where his legs met his body, everywhere but the precious inches of him that made him feel as though he’d die if they weren’t touched.

  His groaning brought another smile to her face and she mercifully drew her hand directly over his erection. Holy hell. It took all the self-control he could muster not to come then and there. Breathe.

  She rubbed his length through the fabric. Pre-cum soaked the top of his waistband and the front of his shirt. Moving so slowly he thought he might lose consciousness, she unzipped him, finally, blissfully setting his erection free.

  His cock was as dark red as he’d ever seen it. Thick and glossy. Dainty fingers twirled over the tip then down his shaft as she freed his balls with a gentle swoop of her hand.

  She dipped her head into his lap and flicked her tongue against his head before trailing lower. Bathing each of his balls with a slow, wet caress, she licked her way back up for a quick tight suck as her fingers unbuttoned his shirt.

  When his chest was bare she ran her hands over his nipples once more, sending yet another zip of electricity to his balls. Fuck. Her mouth felt so good he could barely stand it. Don’t come. Not yet.

  Jessica’s hands went to the two black sticks holding her hair in a loose bun behind her head. She pulled them both free, sending her hair cascaded down over her shoulders. It brushed against his belly like a sheet of cool silk. Jesus.

  She kissed her way up his torso. His cock grazed her chest, the satiny laces of the bustier, the smooth skin of her belly, each sensation more thrilling than the last. She hooked one leg over his, then the other, straddling him as she pulled back and shifted the barely there black silk panties to the side.

  Her newly exposed flesh was as crimson and slick as his own. He tugged at the tie holding him in place, aching to touch her, to wrap his arms around her, to pull her down, impaling her on his cock.

  Jessica ground against his hardness as she placed her lips on his. Still being unable to touch her caused the sensation of their mouths meeting to feel more intense. Magnified. Craving any contact he could get, he found her tongue with his own, twirling it hard and fast.

  He growled when she pulled back. She leaned toward the table, plucked a strawberry from the tray and slipped the tip between her lips. His mouth watered as he watched her sink her teeth into the red flesh, her tongue darting out to catch a drop of juice before it fell.

  Chewing slowly, a devilish look in her eyes, she dragged the berry across his lips. Sweet. Wet. Tempting. Just like her. He parted his lips and took a bite, feeling the burst of sugar and tanginess in his mouth. All his senses seemed heightened. The sound of the music made his body pulse with each beat. The sight of Jessica sent a static charge through every inch of him. Her scent stirred a yearning to be inside her. He longed to touch her but the sensation of her skin on his was already more than he could stand.

  A low moan vibrated through her chest as she raised and lowered herself against him. He strained toward her, aching.

  Hot fingers wrapped around his cock as she lifted herself off his lap until the tip of him was at her opening. Although his hands were tied his legs were not. He braced his feet against the floor, making sure he wouldn’t tip the chair and them over, then thrust up toward her.

  Sinking into her hot, dense flesh, he groaned. Jessica shuddered as she took him to the hilt, rocking herself back and forth in his lap. Eric had all but forgotten music was still playing until the song changed and Wicked Game began to play.

  Jessica’s body moved in sync with the song. Long, sexy movements. Drawing out every stroke. Pivoting against him. He strained against the tie, but Jessica stroked his arms, lowering her mouth to his neck. Shudders of pleasure raced up his spine as she licked and nipped at him. Tension grew in his belly, spreading lower, filling him with intense need.

  She slipped her hand between them and stroked her clit, the smooth back of her hand rubbing against his stomach. Her newfound willingness to touch herself in front of him put him over the edge. His balls were knotted, abs tight as a drum, mind spinning as cum rocketed up through his cock. Being unable to grab and hold her focused all the sensations on his groin. As the third spurt left his body, he felt Jessica’s tight walls contract around him. She threw her head back and let out a sharp cry that accentuated the pleasure he felt.

  As she bucked, her face moved toward his and his lips found hers once more. Tongues entwined, they rode out the orgasm until their combined shudders stopped. Jessica pulled her mouth away and leaned to the side. She reached behind him, her fingers nimbly slipping between his wrist and the tie, somehow undoing the knot that had so securely held him in place.

  The second his hands were free, he curled his arms around her, hugging her close, still inside her. He could feel her heart pounding as he held her. “That. Was. Amazing.” He breathed the words into her hair, running his lips over the delicate shell of her ear.

  “You liked it?” She sat back, looking him in the eyes.

  “Are you kidding me?” Vulnerability colored her beautiful features and his heart ached. “That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. Anywhere.”

  She kissed him, hard. “I’m glad.”

  “I’m floored. I can’t believe you learned to do all that.”

  Shrugging, she bit her lip, a stunning mix of innocent and drop-dead sexy. “I wanted to feel sexy. For you and for me.”

  Eric stroked his hands through her hair, pushing it back off her face. His thumbs caressed her cheeks. “Did you? Feel sexy? Because you sure as hell looked it to me.”

  “I did.” A smile lifted one corner of her mouth. “Seeing the look on your face helped a whole lot.”

  He chuckled. “What look was that? Mouth hanging open like a Neanderthal?”

  “Pretty much.” She giggled and he held her tighter, feeling her laughter vibrate through him.

  Jessica slid her hands up his forearms to his wrists. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

  “Not a bit. You shocked the hell out of me though. I’ve never wanted to use my hands so bad.”

  “I kinda liked seeing you squirm.”

  “How did I wind up with such a beautiful, sexy, devious wife?”

  “Just lucky I guess.”

  He kissed her again, savoring the sweet taste of her lips.

  Chapter Eight

  When they finally untangled themselves from each other, Jessica realized she was starving. Deciding they’d had enough fancy food for one day, they ordered a pizza. As usual, the Friday night delivery time was well over an hour so they showered, together, slowly massaging each other, then returned to the family room. Eric looked mouthwateringly sexy in a low-slung pair of pajama pants and a soft cotton t-shirt. Jessica opted for a short nightie and her favorite fleece robe.

  “This may be the best pizza I’ve ever eaten,” Eric said, sprawled on the couch, feet on the coffee table, plate in his lap.

  Jessica sat at the opposite end of the couch, her legs propped up on his. “Agreed.”

  Eric put his plate alongside the pizza box then grabbed his beer and took a deep swallow. He picked at the label, looking pensive. “I don’t want to risk ruining the mood, but I feel like I have a confession I need to make.”

  Jessica’s heart felt as if it had plummeted into her belly. “What kind of confession?”

  Eric shifted to face her, drawing her legs toward him until her feet rested in his lap. He massaged her foot and calf before speaking.

  Her throat felt so tight she didn’t think she could swallow the bite of pizza that was still in her mouth. Chewing slowly, she raced through the possibilities of what he might say. Nothing good sprung to mind. Unhappy? Bored? Cheating? Oh God, anything but that. She knew Bill’s impending divorce was taking its toll at work. Not to
mention that she’d worried about their relationship more with news of each splitting couple rolling in. It had reached practically epidemic proportions.

  Eric stared at his hand as it traced the contours of her leg.

  Just tell me. Please.

  He took a deep breath and looked her in the eye. “I know you’ve been unhappy the past few months. I saw it. And it bothered me. But I didn’t do anything about it. And I’m really sorry.”

  Is that the confession? That didn’t sound too bad. Is that all? “It’s not your fault. I was just stressed from the move. It’s not easy being the low-key mom in this neighborhood.”

  “I know. I guess I thought since we were still in the same town it wouldn’t matter but I know you lost some friends. And that sucks.”

  She nodded, not sure she could continue speaking without worry seeping into her voice. What isn’t he saying yet?

  Eric traced small circles on the bottom of her foot but as good as it felt it didn’t distract her. He took another breath. “When you started taking your mysterious classes I was glad. I figured anything to get you out of the house was a good thing. And right away you seemed happier.”

  Where is he headed with this? Her heart hammered. “I was happier. But I was never unhappy with you. I need you to know that.”

  Eric let out a sigh then picked up her hand and placed a kiss on it. “I was never unhappy with you either. Not for a second. But when you wouldn’t tell me what the classes were I got…worried.”

  Worried? “About what?”

  His gaze shifted down, away from hers. “I thought maybe ‘class’ was more like you finding someone who paid more attention to you than I was.” His eyes met hers, dark and tinged with fear. “I thought you might have been having an affair.”

  Stunned, Jessica stared back at him then laughter tumbled out of her. She knew she shouldn’t be laughing. Not at all. The expression on Eric’s face told her that. He was clearly baffled by her reaction. “I’m sorry.” She tried to speak but more giggles bubbled out of her.


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