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2SpiceRack_bundle Page 7

by Karen Stivali

  “But Mother’s Day is in May.”

  “Exactly.” Jessica bit her lower lip in a way that could mean only one thing.

  Sex. “Oh my God. Tell me. Everything.”

  “What? I’m not telling you everything. Let’s just say that Eric knows how to pamper me very well. In every way.” She tilted her head and crinkled her lips as if Olivia was supposed to be satisfied with nothing more than a few broad strokes.

  “Come on.” Olivia dropped her shoulders, envy bubbling under her skin. “Just tell me. Brian and I have the most run-of-the-mill sex life right now. It’s driving me crazy.”

  “No way. Your husband is so hot it’s ridiculous.”

  “Hot and overworked. Not that I’m helping that much. I get so wrapped up in taking care of the kids and the house.”

  “When was the last time you had sex?” Jessica whispered while shielding her lips with her hand.

  Olivia didn’t have to think back very far. “Last night. Not our best showing.”

  “What happened? Failure to launch?” Jessica winced.

  “What? No, not that. It’s just…we were in the middle of foreplay and he got a text.”


  “He checked his phone.” There had once been a time when Brian couldn’t have been distracted from sex by anything…flood, plague, locusts. None of it would have kept him from giving Olivia everything he had in the tank. And then some.



  “Why on earth would he do that?”

  “His company’s in the middle of a huge deal right now.”

  “Did you smack him upside the head?”

  “No, but maybe I should have.” Actually, he used to like it when I gave him a little swat. Olivia took a long draw of her latte, wishing last night had merely been a scene from a bad made-for-TV movie. “He put his phone down and told me we were going to have to make it quick.”

  “You’re kidding.”

  It felt as if a dark cloud were forming overhead. Listening to herself say these things out loud make it seem so much worse. Maybe things were really going off the rails. “I don’t mind quick if it’s hot.” She picked at her nails. “We weren’t always like this. Our sex life was pretty spicy at one point.”

  “Oh yeah?” Jessica arched her eyebrows.

  Olivia nodded. “Yes. It made Brian and me really connected. I just want that back.”

  Jessica patted Olivia’s knee, which didn’t feel like comfort so much as confirmation that her sex life was inching toward pathetic. “I think I can help.”

  Olivia sighed. “I don’t really see what you can do, but thanks. It’s okay. It’ll get better. Soon. I hope.”

  “No. I’m serious. I can help. Have you heard about the Spice Rack?” Jessica set her mug on the table and dabbed at her mouth with a napkin. “It made my big day with Eric so much fun.”

  Olivia had a vague recollection of her younger sister receiving the Spice Rack at her bachelorette party a few months back. “Isn’t that like a sex game? I’m not sure Brian is up for that. He can be playful, but maybe he’ll just think it’s hokey.”

  Jessica shook her head while grinning like the Cheshire cat. “Sweetie, you have no idea. It’s way more than that. Trust me on this. Brian will love it.”

  * * * * *

  Brian Saunders opened the front door to a smell both familiar and shocking. Is Liv roasting a chicken? The heavenly aroma teased his nose as he set down his briefcase and keys on the table in the foyer. The idea of his favorite meal, on a Thursday night no less, followed by playoff hockey on TV was a welcome relief after a hellish day at work.

  The metal clang of pans mingled with a distant strain of music, bringing him to a dead stop outside the dining room. Candles? What the hell? Our anniversary isn’t until June. He proceeded with caution to the kitchen, wondering what could possibly be wrong. Did she run into something with the car?

  As much as the fragrance of dinner had surprised him, Olivia’s attire was the last thing he expected on a weeknight. Bent over, she was sure enough pulling a roast chicken from the oven, but his eyes were more drawn to the seductive curves of her hips and ass in a short black skirt. As she straightened, the creamy skin of her back was revealed and he realized she was wearing the dress with the tie at the neck. His favorite. Interesting. And sexy. The view was spectacular even though it made him highly suspicious. That particular view was usually jeans and a sweater.

  “Hey, beautiful,” he said, coming up behind her.

  Olivia jumped. “Shit, Bri. You scared me.” She set her hand against her now heaving chest. “I didn’t even hear you.”

  Brian reached past her to pluck a cherry tomato from one of the artfully plated salads on the kitchen counter. “I’m sorry, hon. What’s all this about?” he asked, popping the tomato into his mouth.

  Olivia drew in a deep breath and smiled, but it struck him as forced. “You’ve been working so hard. I wanted to make your favorite dinner.” She leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek, leaving behind a heady waft of her perfume.

  Her slinky dress draping over her feminine curves called to him the way a cold beer did on Friday night. He just hadn’t realized until that moment exactly how thirsty he was. He caressed her hip with his hand. “Sounds great. I like the dress even better.”

  Her teeth dug into her lower lip. Her chocolaty-brown eyes softened as she leaned into him. Waves of sandy-blonde hair swept across one rosy cheek. “Good, because that’s dessert.”

  “My favorite.” He dug his fingers into the hair at her nape and pulled her mouth to his. She didn’t hesitate to surrender to the kiss, her soft lips parting and her tongue eagerly seeking his. The distinct flicker of electricity below his waist told him to slow things down or the chicken would get cold. “I look forward to that part very much.”

  At Liv’s direction, Brian brought the salads and a bottle of wine to the dining room.

  “Where are the girls?” he asked as she followed with the rest of the meal.

  “They were exhausted after school. They’re already in bed.”

  “It’s a bit early, isn’t it?”

  Olivia shook her head and set the platter of roast chicken and vegetables before him. “Have you noticed how late you’ve been getting home from work lately?”

  With a shake of his wrist, he checked his watch as he took his seat. “Is it really eight thirty?”

  Her lips spread into a thin line. “I timed the chicken to be ready at eight. I figured that was a safe guess.”

  “Glad I set the DVR to tape the hockey game.”

  “Hockey? Tonight?”

  He filled a wineglass for Olivia. Make sure she knows you’re not a complete ass. “Of course not. I’ll watch it tomorrow.”

  “Good,” Olivia said. “Oh, I forgot to tell you, it’s looking good for the freelance job with the new Italian restaurant that’s opening uptown. I submitted my portfolio and they seemed to like it.”

  Brian finished a bite of chicken. “That’s great, honey. When do you find out?”

  “They said by the end of the weekend. Maybe Monday.”

  “Is it all graphics or would you be creating original art?” Graphic design had been her field of work before the twins were born, but fine art, especially painting, was her first love. Her artistic abilities boggled his analytical mind and were most certainly underutilized.

  “Probably some of both. They need a logo and menu design. Possibly some help with their website.” Her smile told him she was enthusiastic but not ready to celebrate. She’d spent the last six months trying to find a way back into anything creative, meeting brick walls at every turn.

  “Well, I’m really proud of you no matter what happens,” he said. “And I should have said this earlier, but you look amazing tonight. Dinner is incredible too.” He eased his hand across the table and she twined her delicate fingers with his.

  Her face flushed as she drank the last of her wine. “Thank you. I just want to mak
e you happy.”

  “You always make me happy.”

  She began to draw circles in the palm of his hand with the tip of her finger. The gracefully light touch was maddening. “I’m hoping to make you especially happy tonight,” she purred.

  His cock instinctively stiffened at the tone of her voice. He leaned forward and lifted her fingers to his lips. “Oh yeah?”

  “Have you ever heard of the Spice Rack?”

  His vision narrowed. “Wait. Are we back to talking about dinner?”

  She shook her head and giggled, another sound that had blood flow rushing to his groin. “No. It’s something fun for us to use in the bedroom.”

  Bingo. “I’m listening.”

  Olivia stroked his wrist with her thumb, distracting him. “Well, it’s a set of jars and there are three types—sweet, savory and spicy. You choose a jar and read the suggestion inside and then…”

  “Then I tear off your clothes and ravage you?”

  “Maybe. We have to see what we get. And I don’t think they’re that specific anyway. I think they’re more open-ended.”

  His throat tightened in anticipation of what might be in store for them, courtesy of the mysterious Spice Rack. “You know what I think?”

  “Tell me.” Her dark lashes fluttered as she unleashed an impish grin.

  “I think the dishes can wait.”

  Olivia clutched her husband’s hand and led him down the hallway. This was easily the most playful prelude to sex in a while. They stumbled over the threshold of their bedroom. Her entire body went warm and tingly as he tugged her against him and softly slapped her ass before cupping it with both of his hands. That’s the Brian I adore.

  “I love it when you do that,” she huffed into his ear. She drew his tender lobe into her mouth and gently nibbled.

  “Do what? Smack your ass?” he asked, half laughing as he went for the tie at the back of her neck.

  Olivia reared her head back. “Not so fast. The Spice Rack.”

  He arched his dark eyebrows but his crystalline-blue eyes narrowed. “Whatever that piece of paper says, it had better involve you naked.” He tightened his grip on her, pressing his impressive erection against her hip.

  Twisting, she broke free from his grasp. “It will eventually,” she quipped as she retrieved a box discreetly labeled “the Spice Rack” from their dresser. She lifted the lid to reveal a set of glass jars with shiny chrome lids. Excitement bubbled through her and she dragged a finger along the jar tops. “I think I get to pick first. Since I bought it.”

  “Sounds fair to me,” Brian murmured as he placed his hands on her hips and softly kissed her neck.

  She unscrewed the lid, slid the small paper scroll from the jar and read, “Dress for your partner in a way that you know will turn them on.”

  “Perfect. You already did that.” Again he pulled the tie of her dress, this time succeeding.

  Olivia clutched her top to her chest. “That’s not what it means.” She smacked his hand. “Now shut your eyes for a minute so I can pick something out.” She lunged for their bedroom door and locked it, then headed to the closet. Thumbing through the hangers, she found what she was looking for. Perfect. With a spring in her step, she made her way to the bathroom. “I’ll be right back. Why don’t you get into something a little more comfortable?”

  Brian sprawled on the bed, wearing an impatient smirk. “I was hoping to get into you.”

  She stifled a laugh. “Just be quiet and take your clothes off. I’ll be right back.” She closed the bathroom door but quickly opened it again. “Actually, put on some music. Something sexy.”

  Olivia slipped out of her dress and plucked the barely there nightie from the bathroom vanity. She threaded her arms through the skinny straps and turned in the mirror. The red silk hardly covered more than her nipples and stomach—the delicate black lace of the hip-skimming sides, the trim along her breasts and the hem revealed virtually everything else. The sum total of the garment was something deliciously dangerous.

  The G-string that had come with the nightgown was so skimpy it could have easily been mistaken for a hairband. She considered skipping it, but half of the fun of the night was having Brian take these things off her. Perching on the edge of the toilet seat, she carefully pulled on sheer black thigh-high stockings. With a quick tousle of her long hair, she was now ready to blow her husband’s mind.

  When she emerged from the bathroom, Brian popped up onto his elbows. “Wow. Have I mentioned that I’m a huge fan of the Spice Rack?”

  A nearly silent moan left her throat as she eyed him. She’d fallen for his white-hot smile the first time she’d laid eyes on him and it was doing a number on her all over again. Hell, every other inch of him was worthy of praise—long and lean with sculpted shoulders and a wonderfully smooth, broad chest. In many ways, both inside and out, he was more handsome now than the day they’d met a decade ago, on the first day of class, sophomore year at William & Mary.

  Olivia stepped to the edge of the bed and watched expectantly as he sat up and scooted closer to her. His pale eyes flickered but she couldn’t stop her own from drifting to the sight of his rigid erection. Thoughts of the night stretching out before them warmed her from head to toe. All she wanted was for them to get lost in each other in complete naughty abandon…the way they used to.

  “Honestly, Liv, you look incredible and I know that was the purpose of this exercise, but we need to get you out of this thing.” Settled at the foot of the bed, he bracketed her legs with his and pushed the nightgown away from her stomach.

  She smiled, gazing down at him as he dotted her belly with warm, wet kisses. “Do you like it?” Another wave of heat washed over her as his strong hands slid from her waist to her ass and squeezed. His thick head of ebony hair was silky as she ran her fingers through it.

  “More than you know.” His thumb dug into the waist of the G-string, shimmying it down her thighs and to the floor while his other hand pushed the nightgown even higher.

  She wished he wasn’t quite so eager to move on to the main event. “No rushing tonight, okay?” She dropped her knee on the bed and crawled past him until she was in the center of the mattress. Flipping to her back, she stretched her arms high above her head and clasped her hands in surrender.

  Brian was now hovering above her on his knees. “I left my phone in the other room. You are all mine now.” He dipped his hands beneath the nightgown again, this time pushing it above her head while brushing her breasts with his forearms. With precision, he went to work on one of her tightly beaded nipples, flicking at her skin with the tip of his tongue.

  She arched her back and moaned as he sucked slowly and carefully, moving back and forth between both breasts. Her need for him deepened when he maneuvered between her legs and pressed his full body weight against her. His cock was now perfectly nestled in her folds and he slid forward and back, the head nudging at her clit every time he shifted.

  “Oh Bri. That feels so good.” Olivia raised her knees higher and wrapped her legs around his back, muscling him closer.

  He looked up with hot lust in his eyes. “You know what feels good? Those stockings against my back. Those are staying on.” He planted a long kiss on her lips, his mouth open and craving and his tongue tangling with hers.

  She may have made a big deal about taking their time, but impatience was taking over and Olivia’s mind fixated on her most immediate desire—Brian inside her. Now. She grinned and raised her head, clutching the back of his neck. “Fuck me,” she said firmly into his ear before dropping her shoulders back onto the bed. “Slow.”

  He reached between his legs and positioned his cock, teasing her with sweeps of his skin against her slick opening. With a skillfully languid motion, he stroked deeply. Her mind went blank as he hit a most gratifying spot on the first try.

  She matched every unhurried thrust as his lips moved over hers again and again and again. Everything that had been weighing on her seemed to float away. In that mo
ment there was only her and Brian—his chest skating over hers, her heels firmly planted on his ass, his cock gliding in and out of her. His breaths were already becoming ragged and she had her first lucid thought in a while as she realized how close she was to the brink.

  Tension doubled in her belly when he rotated his hips and was able to grind against her mound with his pelvic bone. She bucked against him. “Harder, honey. Harder.”

  Brian pushed up on his arms and thrust at an unbridled speed, definitely a gear or two more than she’d expected, causing the pressure between her legs to release in a massive, shuddering wave. Groans like gravel rumbled from his throat and he slammed into her with one final thrust, holding his torso frozen above her. His head dropped and his shoulders went slack before he rolled to her side in a complete collapse.

  Her breathing slowed, as did his, and contentment lazed over her. This is more like us. There was always room for improvement, but it was markedly better than the previous night.

  “That was amazing,” he said, grasping her hand and raising her fingers to his mouth for a soft kiss.

  Olivia rolled to her side and smoothed her hand over the ripples of his abs. “It was great, wasn’t it?”

  “I heartily endorse the Spice Rack. You can quote me on that.”

  She thought back to everything she’d put into their night—shopping, cooking, primping. It was all worth it if they could reclaim the passion of their former love life. “I was hoping this could be a new beginning for us. As a couple.”

  He furrowed his brow. “How so?”

  She became lost for a moment in his crystal-clear eyes. “I just, well…”

  “Are you unhappy?” he asked, the curiosity on his face morphing into worry.

  “Oh no, Bri, not that.” She shook her head, unable to keep from smiling at his sweet nature, even when she was about to tell him to start being a little less so from time to time. “I’m happy. I just think that we need to make our love life, our time alone as a couple, more of a priority. Not just an afterthought after we’ve been watching TV all night.”

  He nodded eagerly, threading his fingers through her hair. “Of course. Done deal. Anything else?”


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