The Vampire Pirate's Daughter

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The Vampire Pirate's Daughter Page 15

by Lynette Ferreira

  I ask, “What’s wrong? Are you coming down with something?”

  “I don’t know. I do feel awful. I think there is a draft in your room and it has probably given me a chill.”

  “We must ask Amanda if she has anything for you. I’ll go quickly.”

  He holds me back. “We can ask her later.”

  “I think you should go lie down. How long have you been feeling ill?” I suddenly recall the last few days when he was only picking at his food and not really eating. I answer for him worriedly, “A while now. Why didn’t you say anything, Andrew?”

  He looks weak on his legs and I lean into him. I put my arms around his waist and I try to get him to walk with me toward the nearest chair.

  I say admonishingly, “You are burning up!”

  Thankfully, Edward comes walking in. I hear him vaguely ask if there are any more popsicles left. He looks over at us and then he scoops his arms in under Andrew, just as Andrew collapses. It happens so fast.

  Edward walks down the hall carrying Andrew’s limp body and calling Amanda’s name. She comes out of the library and then I see her visibly gasp. She looks toward me worriedly, while she instructs Edward to carry Andrew down to the cellar.

  “Why the cellar?” I ask unsure.

  “How long has he not been eating?” She asks me, avoiding my question.

  “I don’t know. He has been picking at his food for a few days now. I wasn’t really paying attention.”

  I follow them worriedly toward the cellar. They take Andrew toward Callum’s sanctuary and lie him down on the luxurious burgundy couch.

  While I light a few candles to brighten the dark room, I look around. I have not been down here for such a long time. I cannot believe that Callum has been gone almost four years already.

  Amanda interrupts my thoughts and instructs me, “Sit with him, I am going to fetch a few things upstairs.”

  I sit down on the couch next to him and I look down at his soft face. He is so boyishly handsome. His full dark eyebrows define his face. His dark hair curls over his forehead that is beaded lightly with drops of perspiration. His lashes are long and frame his eyes darkly. I cannot see his deep, brooding eyes because they are tightly shut. I take his hand softly into mine and I wonder worriedly what could be wrong with him.

  Amanda comes back and she is carrying a basin and washcloths. She has a multitude of bottles with her, which she carefully places on the little table in the middle of the room.

  Softly I ask, “What is wrong with him Amanda?”

  “I had a suspicion, the first time I met him, but then his birthday came and went and nothing happened. I thought I was wrong. Maybe his birth certificate reflects the wrong date, or his adoptive parents did not know when he was really born.”

  “It cannot be, because he did a genealogy of his family, so surely he would have discovered if his birth date was wrong?”

  She smiles agreeable. “How would he know if the date on his birth certificate is wrong? He would not have searched his own personal details, only those related to his mother and father and other ancestors.”

  I suddenly grasp what she is saying. “No. You mean he might be inflicted with the sickness?”

  She smiles softly. “I wouldn’t call it a sickness.”

  Hurriedly I explain, “I didn’t mean sickness in that way, I meant he is turning. You are going to make him drink your blood and he is going to become a vampire.”

  The thought hits rock bottom. I will be the only one here - human. My hand reaches protectively toward my extended stomach.

  I look up at her worriedly. “If he survives the turning, the Four Judges will have him killed.” I start crying. “So either way, he will be dead soon.” I did not want to lose him.

  She stands behind me and puts her hand comforting on my back while she looks down at Andrew. She says softly, “He looks so soft and innocent laying there. Call me when he wakes up so that I can explain the choices to him.”

  Softly I cry while I sit with Andrew and I remember the first time I saw him. He made me feel like jelly, when I looked into his eyes while he was so ignorant of me. He has not had the easiest life, living with Mr. van Heerden, always feeling unwanted. It must have been so sad.

  I wipe the sweat from his brow and I sit beside him. I get one of Callum’s books and I pull a chair closer to the couch. I fold my legs in under me and I start reading.

  Later I hear Andrew mumble, “Susie?”

  I put the book down and I smile down at him. He looks so weak, and he whispers, “What is happening to me. I feel weird, as if I am disconnected and I am so terribly thirsty.”

  I smile down at him reassuringly. “I am going to call Amanda. Don’t fall asleep again, try to stay awake.”

  I run through the tunnels and up to the kitchen. All the lights are off and it is night. Sometimes they are so inconsiderate when they forget there are people here who are unable to see in the dark.

  I knock against the kitchen table, groping for the light switch. It flickers on and then I run through the hallway, yelling Amanda’s name. She comes rushing from upstairs and I ask angrily, “What are you doing? Andrew is awake and I think he is dying.”

  Tears start running down my cheeks and she hushes me. She walks ahead of me and I follow her, trying to keep up.

  When we reach Andrew, she sits down next to him unhurriedly. She smiles down at him kindly and she talks to him softly. I am standing inches away from her and I can barely hear a word she is saying.

  I see first the look of shock wash over Andrew’s face and then acceptance. He looks up at me and his eyes are miserable. He whispers croakily, “I cannot leave you, Susie.”

  I hear Amanda say, “You do not have to leave her. She will still be here and everything will be as always, if you choose the change. Do not be afraid, it is okay to be one of the living dead. Look at me, my happiest years has been the years since I died.”

  I see Andrew frown and he looks back at Amanda. I want to rush to him and throw my arms around him.

  Amanda stands up and says to me, “I’ll be back now.”

  I sit down next to Andrew again and I take his hand into mine. I trace my fingers over his palm softly, and I see a faint smile on his lips. He asks, “Remember when we were stuck in the basement of that building? Amanda says she knew this would happen that day she told me you were a vampire.”

  I see his eyes go hazy and I wonder frenzied where Amanda could be. I am going to have to safe him. I look around for something sharp so that I can cut myself and let Andrew drink from me. I find a letter opener and I hold it above my wrist. I feel nervous hurting myself. I smirk, so much for wanting to live on the edge, face death and defy it. I push the sharp point into my wrist and suddenly it flies out of my hand.

  Edward is bending over me and he growls, “Are you stupid, Susanna?”

  I look up at him shocked.

  He continues, “He will kill you.” I look at Edward confused and he explains, “You are human now and once we start drinking your blood, we secrete a chemical that renders a human helpless. Therefore, it is easier for us to drink until we have had enough, without having to fight you. Once he starts, he won’t know when to stop.” He shakes his head and mumbles to himself, “Did Amanda never tell you anything?”

  I consider this and realize that Amanda and Shayne had always treated me like a child and they have always protected me. I have found out more things about my kind since I have met Callum and his friends, than before. I want to ask Edward if this is why I turned mortal again after the vagrant vampire bit me. Did this chemical that was injected into me, to calm me, suppress the vampire virus in me, did it kill the virus, eradicate it and heal it?

  Edward turns away from me, he picks up the letter opener and then without hesitation he cuts his wrist open. I watch the crimson blood ooze from the wound. He sits down next to Andrew on the couch and he says softly, “Here boy, drink this. It will make you feel all better.”

  I see Andrew’
s eyes grow wide and then he reaches up to Edward’s arm. He folds his lips around the wound and then I see him bring his hands up and fold them around Edward’s arm. He drinks greedily.

  Just then Amanda walks into the room and she exclaims stunned, “What are you doing, Edward?”

  “Don’t worry, Amanda. You can still mother him, but I’ll stay by your side and help you look after him.”

  I see Amanda nod approvingly.

  Edward pushes Andrew’s head away from his wrist and when Andrew is lying down again, he closes his eyes tiredly. Already I can see that the color has returned to his cheeks. Edward whispers softly as he leans down toward Andrew, “This means starting over.”

  I look at Edward amazed, because I have never before realized that he could be so compassionate. His joking and mockery of everything around him was hiding his real personality.

  Amanda says, “He should stay here. We can give him Amanda’s supply of pills in the meantime. He has to be kept a secret.”

  I see Edward look toward me, but I do not recognize the look in his eyes. He asks Amanda curtly, “Have you spoken to her about her choice.”

  Amanda looks at me suddenly and then she returns Edward’s gaze admonishingly.

  Edward shrugs and walks away.

  I ask, “What choice, Amanda?”

  “You know we cannot turn a human at random, but you have been a vampire before. If you chose to go back to the way it was, we can always ask permission from the Four Judges.” Hurriedly she adds, “Only if you want to, Susie. Make the choice only for yourself and nobody else.”

  I ask confused, “How?”

  “From what I understand, the vampire venom binds around the vampire molecules in your body and confines them, suppressing them. However, if someone changed you back, it would break down this layer. The vampire virus is stronger than your human cells, and they would once again, be in control of your body.”

  I sink down in the chair behind me and I notice that Andrew has drifted off to sleep. I never contemplated the idea, never even considered it. Should I roll the dice and go back to the way it was. I feel the baby kick me ruthlessly and I smile softly to myself. I believe there is no choice. Even now, with Andrew becoming a vampire, I will remain human. I am sure I could always convince him to be human again. I want to be mortal and I do not want to be stuck in this body forever anymore.

  I sit in the chair across from Andrew. I change my plans and dreams to include a different Andrew. I make future plans and decide to wait until the baby is older before we go on our reckless adventure, although I do not feel the irresponsible urge to look death in the face defiantly any more. I have to consider the baby and what might happen to him or her, should something happen to me.

  When Amanda walks into the room again, she looks down at Andrew shocked. I notice that the color has drained from his face and he is insipidly pale. Amanda hurriedly leaves the room.

  I look down at Andrew and he is laying in exactly the same position as he was the last time I looked up at him. His dark lashes are fanned across his cheeks. He did not move since Edward and Amanda left mere minutes ago.

  Amanda returns with Edward. He sits down next to Andrew on the couch, and then he looks up at Amanda miserably.

  I walk closer to them and I ask shrill, “What’s wrong with him? Why is he so pale?”

  Amanda walks toward me and softly she takes me into her arms. She pulls me closer into her and then I know. I just know that Andrew is dead. I predicted long ago spitefully that he was too weak to survive a turning and now I proved myself right. I sink into Amanda and she holds onto me tightly.

  I cry for days, refusing to eat, until Amanda reprimands me and reminds me about my unborn baby.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Between the day Andrew died and the moment my baby was born, I do not remember a lot. I do remember though the excruciating pain of childbirth and wondering why women did it so willingly.

  I lie next to him, he is a little over a month old, and I look down at his face lovingly. Although I thought I loved Andrew completely, now when I look down into the sweet, beautiful face of my child, I understand the concept of unconditional love fully. I have found it.

  I hear the door to my room open softly and then from the corner of my eye I see Edward walking tentatively into the room toward my bed. He stands over me and then he looks down at William in my arms.

  I decided to name my son William Francois. When I told all the doting men that surround me on a daily basis now, they were ecstatically happy that I chose the name William. Edward was not so happy about Francois being connected to the name as well though, but I insisted and after all, it was my choice.

  Edward whispers softly, “Do you want anything to eat?”

  I have them cooking for me now, although I do not think this particular novelty will last.

  He says amazed, “I cannot believe how much he resembles William.”

  I look down again and smile. His hair is white blonde, his eyes sparkling blue. He has that brooding look of Andrew and Andrew’s long eyelashes. He is just absolutely beautiful. I feel my heart overflow with love for him.

  I look up at Edward again and softly I reply, “I’ll come down now. He is about to fall asleep.”

  Edward nods his head and then softly he leaves the room.

  I remain lying next to William for a little while longer, smelling the sweet smell of him.

  Who would ever have thought that I would take to motherhood so naturally? I wonder if it is a natural instinct built into each girl. I cannot say that I was glad I was attacked and that my life changed in a second. I went from being immortal to being mortal in the blink of an eye, but how could I regret that awful moment when now I am here holding my purpose in life in my arms. Always have I searched for this, this feeling that will bind me, no matter what, to another living being and I found it in a place where I was not even looking for it.

  When my stomach growls hungrily, I get up from the bed gently. I lift William softly and I cradle him in my arms, before I place him carefully in the crib.

  Amanda bought me every single baby accessory ever invented, so now I push the button on the baby monitor and attach its partner to my hip.

  I leave the room softly and then I join everybody in the kitchen. The smell of food welcomes me before they do.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  William comes running toward me, his white, blonde hair bouncing around his tanned face. His light blue eyes sparkle with excitement. He is helping me pick grapes in my section and he eats more than he picks.

  We celebrated his sixth birthday the week before and still it astounds me how much I love him.

  I celebrated by twenty-third birthday seven months ago and never have I contemplated how great it would be to grow into my body, until I felt comfortable in my skin. For two hundred and a few odd years, I was sixteen and although I felt old at times, it was a different kind of old. It was a tired, bored feeling, where now I enjoyed being me. I loved the way my body filled out. My bronze skin looked beautiful, my red hair was sun-kissed and I felt the sun on my shoulders while I worked. No longer was it just a warm, pinprick sensation, but it was as if I could feel the warmth sink into me. I realized that I did not have to perform death-defying acts to live in the moment and to appreciate everything. I lived in the moment every day.

  William screams excited, he is always loud and exuberant and he ruled our little family with a firm small fist. “Mommy, Mommy, look quickly.”

  I am not alarmed, because the tone of his voice is inquisitive. I look up at him smiling and see him chase a white butterfly through the vines. I smile and then the smile fades from my face.

  Without thinking, I pull the bright scarf tied around my hair off my head and I hold it in my hands nervously. I see a dark silhouette in the low sun walking toward me and my breath catches in my throat. I feel fear in my legs and I want to start running. I want to scoop William up and run away as fast as I can and never stop - never.r />
  The shadow walks closer to me and then I look up into his dark blue eyes. He is so memorable. It is as if I only saw him the day before. It feels as if my world stops. He smiles widely and tears burn inexplicably behind my eyes. I stand frozen in place, unable to move.

  His eyes laugh when he says, “You look different. I have kept you in my memory so protectively, yet somehow you have grown more beautiful.”

  I notice everybody walk closer to us. Everybody is laughing and happy to see him, but I look up at him bewildered.

  Before everyone reaches us, he asks uncertainly, “Aren’t you glad to see me?”

  I find my voice and I say softly, accusingly, reluctant to let anybody hear me, “You said you would not be gone long!”

  He laughs and the sound punches the wind out of my lungs, “Relatively, if you consider my lifespan, it wasn’t long.”

  William notices everybody converging around me and he runs toward me hurriedly. He grabs onto my leg and then he looks up at Callum curiously.

  I notice Callum look down intrigued when he sees William clutch onto my leg.

  Amanda, Edward, Herman, Claude, Justin and Peter greet Callum exuberantly.

  While I let my hand drop down onto William’s head and I ruffle his hair reassuringly, I see Edward grab Callum around the waist and lift him. They laugh boisterously.

  I bent down and I pick William up off the ground. Lately I do not pick him up anymore, because he is too heavy for me to carry, but now I have apprehension propelling me away from Callum.

  I hear Amanda call, “Susie, wait for me.” I do not wait and I hear her run toward me.

  When she reaches me, she grabs onto my arm gently. “What’s wrong, Susie?”

  I say adamantly, “Nothing. Please Amanda I just want be alone for a while.”

  She lets me go and I feel sorry for leaving her without any explanation, but if I stayed and I explained I would start crying. These days I cry for nothing and Justin says its hormones.


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