Fueled by Lust: Lucien (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Fueled by Lust: Lucien (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 9

by Celeste Prater

  Tana couldn’t figure out why he was smiling. “You find this humorous?”


  “Mind telling me why you have that stupid grin on your face?”

  “No. I don’t mind at all.”

  Tana squirmed under his intense gaze. That damn dimple was unfair. “Then tell me.”

  “When were you going to tell me?”

  Confused, Tana lifted her palms. “Tell you what?” She forgot what she’d asked as soon as he leaned forward, grabbed the bars, and braced his arms. All those bunching muscles, ebony hair sliding across his huge shoulder and swaying against his bicep, his stomach muscles constricting with every breath, and those killer green eyes were too much to handle in one sitting. She dropped her gaze and studied his big boots.

  “You need to relieve yourself and you’re afraid to tell me. That’s what.”

  Flicking her gaze back to his handsome face, Tana wished the floor would swallow her up. “Uh. No, I don’t.”

  “Yes you do.”

  “No. I’m fine. Really.”

  “Quit lying, Tana. You squirmed the entire time you were telling your story. Do you think it’s just going to go away? Now take care of your business and get it over with.” He released the bars, rose back to his full height, and surprised her by turning around. “I promise I won’t peek.”

  Tana knew she couldn’t avoid it any longer. She confessed on a whisper. “I don’t want you to hear.”

  “I’ll put my hands over my ears. Now go.”

  “The others will hear me. I can’t pee around strangers. I couldn’t even go in women’s bathrooms if others were around. I’m just weird that way. I know it’s stupid. I’m sorry.” When no laughter or masculine curses hit her ears, Tana stared in wonder as he backed up, picked up his cup, and leaned against the bars. He reached upward and began running the mug back and forth across the thick metal. Soon, similar sounds joined with his. Tana wrapped the blanket around her shoulders and walked over to the toilet. Rare tears flowed down her cheeks as she smiled and listened to the Insedi play a horrendous tune to shield her modesty.

  * * * *

  “I’d kill for a bacon cheeseburger right now.” Tana rolled off the bunk and approached the cell door. She gazed appreciatively at Lucien lying prone on his back with one arm tucked behind his neck and the other draped across his ridged stomach. He was too tall for the bunk, so he’d propped a knee against the wall and let the other stretch out until just his boot hung from the edge. It was flipping back and forth while he studied the ceiling.

  Damn. It looks like he’s all laid out and just waiting for the Playgirl photographer to show up. Well, if I have to be stuck somewhere, at least the view’s magnificent. Despite how much she enjoyed it, she was glad he’d finished doing his daily pushups and crunches. She’d had to lie down and pretend to be asleep or risk crumpling to the ground. Her previously dead libido was fully awake and getting pissed from lack of attention.

  He rolled his head to the side and she stood very still so he could study her in that intense, thorough way he had. She felt like a complicated puzzle he hadn’t quite figured out yet. Tana gave herself an internal pat for not flinching this time. Three days of togetherness had afforded her some time to try and figure him out as well. One eye narrowed more than the other when he was considering something and he never spoke without giving it some thought, so she waited. Soon, his sexy-as-hell voice reached out and made her sigh like a freaking teenager.

  “I actually know what that is. When it was described to me, it did sound somewhat tasty. If you’re still hungry, you should have finished your breakfast, Tana. There’s some left on your tray. Eat it before they come back to pick them up.”

  Tana shook her head. “No, it’s not that I’m hungry. I’m just sick of eating the same thing. Even the sweet berries are starting to piss me off.”

  Lucien smiled and she felt the familiar rush of tingles traveling her spine, amongst other things. She was suddenly thankful for the bars separating them or she’d have acted on her first instinct and dived right on top of him. He might throw her off with disgust, but at least she’d finally find out how hard those muscles really were. No way in hell would that walking orgasm generator want to roll around with someone packing twenty pounds over the limit. Pipe dream, Tana. Just keep talking before he sees the drool hanging off your lip.

  “Our lovely hosts have a container full of Earth food, but they don’t seem to want to share it. I’d give anything to get my hands on a can of Ravioli or the pineapple slices. Assholes.” Tana laid her cheek against the bars and sighed. He remained quiet, so of course she had to fill the gap.

  “Well, there’s at least one upside to this forced diet. I think I’ve lost over ten pounds. I wouldn’t mind another fifteen. Maybe I’ll start exercising when you do.”

  Lucien rose off the mattress and was standing at the bars before she could decide if the frown was meant for her or he’d heard someone coming. He clued her quickly.

  “That’s not good. You’re starving yourself. I see how you pick at the food. Even if you don’t like the taste, you need to eat everything on your tray. You should not lose any more weight. You’re perfect as you are right now.”

  Tana snorted and rolled her eyes. “Easy for you to say, Mr. Universe. I’m not going to be happy until these jeans start falling off me. You obviously have no idea what it’s like to be fat.” Is he growling?

  “You are not fat. Don’t ever say that again. You’re the epitome of what a woman should look like. I’ve learned of the misconception Earth women have regarding their bodies. You strive to look like the entertainment females. I’ve seen pictures and they look ill. Why would you ever want to lose those luscious curves? It makes no sense.”

  Tana realized she was gaping at him and shut her mouth.

  “If you want to exercise with me, that’s fine. I’ll help enhance, not diminish what you have. You must promise to eat everything they provide.”

  When he continued to stare at her like he was expecting an answer, Tana stammered for a response.

  “Uh…are you serious?”

  His eyes widened. “Of course, why wouldn’t I be?”

  “Um…don’t lie just to be nice, Lucien. You can’t tell me that your wife or girlfriend wasn’t in tip-top shape. Guys like you may have girls like me as friends, but you’d run as soon as you got an eyeful of that extra pooch you think should hang around.”

  “He’s not lying.”

  Tana recognized the voice from the next cell. It was Geleon, the quiet one. He had much to offer this time.

  “We Insedi like our mates to have flesh on them. I saw you when the slaver brought you down the hall. You’re built like our females. There’s no shame in allowing your body to form as it should. I don’t know of any male that would like to cuddle up with just bones, or how a mother could nourish her young if she has so little to offer. Lucien would help you strengthen and tone without losing that which makes you feminine. You have nothing to be ashamed of.”

  Tana found comfort in his words. “Thanks for that. My ex certainly didn’t think the way you do. I couldn’t get below a size fourteen so he traded me in for two sevens. I hope he has permanent dents in his ass from their skeletal appendages.” Lucien’s bark of laughter brought a smile to her face and she immediately felt comfortable enough to share her thoughts.

  “Don’t laugh, mister. I’m a total hypocrite. I love looking at a spectacularly honed masculine form. If you start packing on weight, I might give up my fantasy of pinching your fine ass if I ever get out of here.” When his smile faded and he engaged the “I’m going to analyze you until you squirm” look, she immediately regretted her honesty.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say that.”

  “Yes, you did.”

  “Okay, I’m busted. I didn’t mean to say it out loud.” His returning smile helped lower her blood pressure.

  “Don’t ever stop doing that.”

  “Wanting to p
inch your ass? Sure, no problem.” Tana leaned heavily against the bars. His killer grin always gave her noodle legs. He just so wasn’t fair.

  “No, silly female. Saying what’s on your mind. I like that.”

  “I have a feeling you’re going to regret saying that one day.”

  “I’ll take my chances.”

  “Okay, but I’ll have to warn you. I don’t pull any punches. I was in trouble at work more than anyone else in my department. Why do you think I was out in the middle of the Atlantic? I think my boss was hoping that I’d fall overboard. Well, he got his wish. No one’s going to miss me, that’s for sure.” Tana recognized the narrowing of his eyes and his head cocking to the side as a sign that he was going to dig even deeper. She really didn’t want to confess that her boss and the ex were one and the same.

  “Surely your family is awaiting your return, Tana. If anything, your parents are very concerned.”

  “There isn’t anyone. My folks died when I was little and my aunt and uncle took me in. She passed away when I was in high school and my uncle died last year. Due to my penchant for telling the truth, I have very few female friends. They’re really more casual acquaintances than anything else. Nope. It’s just me. Shit. I sound pathetic.”

  “Why would you say that? Just because you’re particular about whom you spend time with doesn’t make you pathetic.”

  Tana smiled and studied him for a moment. She kept forgetting that he was an alien and couldn’t relate to how awful “Earthlings” could be. When humans asked for you to be honest, they were full of shit. Tell a girl once that her boyfriend really was using her for free rent and you’re kicked out of the “friend club” without a second thought.

  “What about you, Lucien? Do you have someone wondering where you are?” Sadness washed over his face and she wished she hadn’t asked.

  “Yes. There are many. But, it’s my son that I worry for the most.”

  Swallowing on a hard lump, Tana was afraid to reveal the next thought banging around in her mind, but she had promised honesty.

  “A son? Uh…I’m sure your wife is freaking out that you’re missing.”

  “There is no mate waiting for me. She died with the others.”

  “Oh. I’m sorry. How old is your son? Who will care for him?”

  “Drusus is thirty-three. I’m sure his lovely mate is comforting him through this ordeal.”

  Tana felt her jaw unhinge. She knew she was eyeballing his body hard and didn’t care if he knew it. “Crap, Lucien. How old are you? There’s no way you have a son that age.”

  “Three hundred and nineteen.”

  Tana felt the back of her legs hit the mattress and promptly sat down. “That’s not funny, Lucien.”

  “It wasn’t meant to be.”

  “You’re serious?”

  “Yes. Does this bother you?”

  “Uh…no…why would it bother me? You just…well…you took me by surprise, that’s all. Um…how long can you live?”

  “Well past a thousand years, if mated.”

  Tana felt lightheaded and blinked a few times to clear the black spots from her vision. “Geez. That’s unbelievable. Uh…not that I don’t believe you. Just give me a minute.”

  “Take your time.”

  A horrible thought hit and her eyes widened. “Time. You said your wife is dead. How long do you have if you’re not mated?”

  “I’ll be around for another fifty years, or so. That’s if this place doesn’t kill me first.”

  “So, what you’re telling me is your species has a human life span if you don’t have a mate, but you live longer when you do?”



  “Normal to us.”

  “Yes, I would think so.” Tana felt her brain engaging again. “So, when the dickhead down the hall wiped out the female population, he basically sentenced you all to a shorter life with no hopes of future generations.”


  “Why did he do it?”

  “Insedivertus has an abundance of minerals and gems. He wanted those and us as slaves in exchange for providing females from his planet. We went to war with him instead. He lost.”

  “I’m glad.”

  “Me, too.”

  “He got here a day ahead of you. Were you chasing him?”

  “You’re very smart, Tana. Yes, we were trying to stop him from getting to his cousin on Messor. He’s a replacement for the mad king.” Lucien snorted and gripped the bars. “If I’d known our blue friends were going to snatch him up, I’d have stayed at home.”

  Tana chuckled and nodded. “Yep. If I hadn’t pissed off my boss, I wouldn’t have been on that cargo ship either. My uncle always said that things happen for a reason. I’m still trying to figure out why I had to be here. I hope it’s worth it. Not knowing is playing hell on my overwrought curiosity.” Tana saw his shoulders relax just before he turned and leaned against the wall.

  “I like to think that we make our own destiny. We can find reason within anything just so we don’t go mad, but nothing can stop us from orchestrating a new path. Don’t worry, Tana. We’ll get out of here.”

  “I’m counting on you, Lucien. I sure as hell can’t fly one of those ships on my own.”

  Tana was happy to see his smile again. He was so assured in their ability to overcome this bullshit, she finally felt a slight ray of hope burning a hole through the bleakness of her situation. She knew she’d have hell trying to explain how she survived falling overboard, but at least she’d be back on Earth and could…what the hell? A single, very simple thought slid into her brain and she felt like a fool for not realizing it sooner.



  “You speak English, knew about bacon cheeseburgers, and saw pictures of models.”

  He pushed away from the wall and gripped the bars again. His brow furrowed.

  “Yes. I’ve told you this. What of it?”

  “You said your ancestors were from Greece and you’re half-human.”

  “I did.”

  “Even though all the Insedi females were killed, your son has a wife.”

  “Yes. There are many that are fortunate. Where are you going with this?”

  Tana swallowed hard and asked the question she already knew the answer to. She just wanted to hear him confirm it.

  “Is she from Earth?”

  Lucien’s brow softened and the edge of his lips lifted into a sympathetic smile.

  “Like I said, Tana, you’re a very smart female.”

  Chapter 11

  Tana pulled another wet shirt from the basket and cursed the blue assholes for not stealing the container full of washers and dryers while they were at it. She was sick of touching their clothes and fed up with this damn place. How easy it was to forget the luxury of modern amenities until you had to stir hot vats of dirty clothes and hang them by hand. What the hell was up with these damn aliens? They could fly in space, but couldn’t come up with a simple device to wash their clothes?

  Back screaming in agony and a face full of eye-stinging sweat, Tana plopped down on the ground and didn’t give a shit if her guards liked it or not. She needed a break and that was that. Three days of lying around the cell had made her soft. Glancing over her shoulder, she was relieved to see the three idiots were too busy punching each other on the arm to notice her defiance.

  Grabbing the bottom of her T-shirt, Tana wiped the sweat from her face and grimaced. She was starting to smell and the shirt had seen better days. She’d kill for a shower and a clean change of clothes, but that was just another of the many things she’d wished for and been denied. She was still pissed the slavers had taken her from the cells before she could finish her conversation with Lucien. He had a lot of explaining to do. Her pathetic whining halted when she saw the side door to the main building open. It was time.

  Tana cupped her eyes from the glaring sun and watched as the slavers led their new prisoners out to the field. At
least this time, the idiots had fed them properly. They’d killed off two batches of workers before figuring out poor treatment meant additional trips out to find more. Dumbasses.

  The line of bodies was too far away for her to make out individual faces, but she would never forget her first glimpse of the other Insedi as she was led down the corridor. Each had nodded and gifted her with shy smiles as she passed. They were just as stunning to look at as Lucien. In all honesty, despite their jaw-dropping looks, she still thought Lucien was mind-numbingly gorgeous. There was just something about him that made him stand out from the others. She couldn’t pinpoint it, but she knew it was there. He was different.

  Her eyes immediately snapped to the last prisoner exiting the building and she clambered to her feet. Her heart pounded in her chest when she recognized that rolling, confident stride. His head was swiveling around and taking in everything around him. He was smart. She had faith that he’d spot a weak link and use it to his advantage. It was just a matter of time.

  Tana’s breath caught when his face turned in her direction and stopped moving. Had he spotted her? She squashed the need to wave at him like a giggly teenager waiting for the star quarterback to exit the field. Besides, he was probably just checking out the building directly behind her. There were always more guards around this structure than any of the others. She was clueless as to what was inside and it wasn’t worth a zap to find out.

  “Yas! Narshun mak!”

  Shit! Tana jumped at the barked command and braced herself for a rod across the back. Instead, the command was repeated. She turned and was relieved to see the big bastard was still standing by the back door to the kitchens. One of the females stood inside the doorway and gestured for her. A quick, wary glance to the guard let Tana know she was just as leery of him as she was. Her voice was urgent, yet sweet.


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