Fueled by Lust: Lucien (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Fueled by Lust: Lucien (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 17

by Celeste Prater

  Lucien joined her by the table and placed his hand over hers. “No. It didn’t bother me. In fact, I’m glad you were able to release all of that stress. It had to happen and I’m just glad I was with you when it did. You’ve been on the edge of fright for more days than I have. Think of all the incredible decisions you’ve had to make. It would have broken a lesser person. You were smart enough to take advantage of the Dar Kan rut and get us free. Hell, you didn’t even hesitate when the bastard pursued you from the field. He was seconds from capturing you, yet you injured him and got away. You never gave up. You owed yourself this purge.” He was immensely relieved at her tentative smile.

  “Damn, Lucien. You sure do know how to make a person feel better. Thanks for that. No wonder the guys look up to you. It’s written all over their faces each time I’ve seen them with you. You’re their leader, right?”

  Lucien swallowed hard, pulled his hand away, and picked up his spoon. He didn’t want to lie to her, but he couldn’t bring himself to reveal his title. He didn’t want to see the inevitable change in her demeanor. He just wanted to be Lucien to her.

  “Yes. I am their leader.” He scooped Ravioli onto the utensil and shoved it into his mouth. A burst of delicious flavor had his eyes widening.

  Tana chuckled. “I knew you’d like it. Now do you see why I wanted in that damn container so badly?”

  Nodding vigorously, Lucien joined her in the complete devouring of everything on their trays. Licking the sticky pineapple juice from his fingers, he picked up his tray and joined Tana by the water’s edge. She took the tray from him and washed it clean. They squatted there for several minutes and enjoyed a quiet repast of listening to the gurgling of the water and watching large fish swim by. He made a note to rig a line. They would make a hearty meal. Her sweet voice broke into the lazy quietness of their surroundings.

  “Hey. I told you what I did for a living. What do you do? I mean, I know you lead the guys, but in what? You look like soldiers.”

  Lucien nodded. “Yes, we defend our home world.” He watched her pretty fingers swirling in the water.

  “That’s a very honorable line of work.”

  “Yes, I’m extremely proud of my warriors.” He rose and helped her stand. Come, let’s cover the fire. We shouldn’t allow the smoke to give away our location.

  Together, they tidied the camp and sat beneath the shade to let their full bellies settle. He glanced over to her. She had leaned back against a tree, crossed her ankles, and was appearing to enjoy the beautiful surroundings. Her lips were curved into a peaceful smile.

  “Tell me something, Tana.”


  “What was your greatest wish when you resided on Earth? What dreams made you smile the way you are now?” She chuckled and rolled her head toward him.

  “It’s funny you asked that just now. I was envisioning a herd of horses on the other side of the river. Hundreds of them in every color imaginable. I’ve loved horses since the day I understood what they were. To me, they’re the most beautiful, graceful animal on Earth.” Her head turned back to the river.

  “Sometimes I wished I was an artist so I could capture their beauty with my own hand, but I had to settle for taking pictures. My greatest wish has always been to own a big ranch so I could just stare across the wide open fields and watch them grazing the land, or running across it in total freedom with no fences for miles. They’re beautiful when they run free.”

  Lucien listened to her wistful words and felt his stomach drop. He’d been right all along. Even if she was a compatible mate, she wouldn’t want anything to do with ruling beside him. Her love was for the peacefulness of the country. Just like Junia. He felt his heart shatter into a thousand pieces.

  Chapter 20

  “I can’t believe I let you talk me into this.” Lucien felt a slight push against his back. Her words came low and hushed.

  “You know I’m right. There are tons of them and just a handful of us. Ten swords and a few kitchen knives won’t win us a war, Lucien. God help us if that other ship shows up.”

  He touched his forehead to the tree they were hiding behind and released a frustrated grunt.

  “I know. I just think we’ve been extremely lucky up to this point. They’re going to catch on, if they haven’t already, that someone’s been breaching the containers and cellar. We should have waited for the warriors to arrive. I don’t like having you this close to the compound.”

  “You know we can’t wait that long. We’re running out of time. You said yourself that they’re having to move slower because of the terrain. How much more time do you want to give the Dar Kans before they drain your fuel? I’m not sure why they haven’t pursued us into the forest, but you know they’ll want to head out for more slaves as soon as that other one gets back.”

  Lucien snorted and looked over his shoulder. “I swear, female. I cannot believe you weren’t a strategist with your FBI instead of an investigator. Your leader was an idiot for not utilizing your talents. You’re right. I’ll quit complaining, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

  “Smart man. Now, let’s go check out that shed. I just have this gut feeling that something really juicy is locked up in there.”

  Minutes later, their backs were flat up against the back of the shed as they waited for the first guard to walk his round. They didn’t have to wait long. Lucien passed his sword across the Dar Kan’s throat and it was the work of a moment to drag the body into the shadows.

  After two more easy kills, Lucien realized that the Dar Kans were not trained properly. There was one left and he hadn’t moved from his post in front of the building. Why wasn’t he curious as to why the others had not returned? This made him wonder about the prior lives of these last survivors of a decimated planet. Perhaps this collection was the royal elite or upper-crust citizens that escaped only because of their elevated stations? Granted, there were a few he’d seen capable of lasting in a battle with his warriors, but a majority appeared to be clueless to signs that an attack was underway. Their sheer numbers and inherent strength were the only saving grace for them.

  Lucien pulled Tana around to the side and motioned for her to stay while he finished off the last clueless guard. A simple rock tossed in the direction of the kitchens had the male lined up for the strike that ended his rote existence.

  Quickly, he breached the shed door and pulled Tana inside. They both stood side by side and stared at the large, glowing purple ball resting inside a glass box. He looked down when Tana gasped and lifted her wrist.

  “It’s tingling.” She moved closer to the device and her eyes widened. “Now it’s vibrating. I think this contraption is the control hub for the cuff devices. You think it might be the source for their rods, too?” Her wide grin made him smile.

  Nodding, Lucien backed away from it. “I think you’re right. This has to be the first thing to go. I’d push it over, but I’m not sure how it’ll react.” Looking around, he motioned toward the back wall. Two bundles of gray material wrapped in clear plastic sat on a table. “What do you think that is?”

  “Oh! I know exactly what that is. It’s C-4 explosive clay. I guess they figured out how to use it to blow the trees. I wonder how many blew themselves up before they got a clue. See these little prongs? You stick them in the stuff and then use that device over there to send an electrical charge into it. Boom!”

  Tana begin loading it into the sack she’d brought. She grabbed up the box of prongs and a long coil of wire and stuffed them inside. Grinning, she tilted her head toward the door. “Come on. I’ll rig the shed to blow. The ground is soft enough for me to bury the wire. They’ll never notice until we decide they should.”

  Lucien slipped out the door and kept watch as she worked diligently on the back wall of the shed. She tore off chunks of the gray stuff and pressed it under the lip of the building. Damn. She looked sexy as hell as she worked. She was so focused she didn’t realize she had a tendency to suck her bottom lip into her
mouth and hold it with her teeth. He had to look away so he’d have time to convince his erection to go down before she noticed. It went completely away when she talked him into rigging the two Dar Kan ships. He logged another three guard deaths before he finally argued convincingly enough to keep her from rigging the last ship and the compound. She was determined to annihilate the entire species.

  Forty-five minutes later, she had the wire running from the explosives buried as far back as their usual secluded entry spot into the compound. She dug a small hole, placed the detonator devices inside, and then covered it with a flat rock. Backing away, she grinned.

  “Done. All we do is arrive and press two buttons. Simple.”

  Lucien caught her arm as she began walking back to the compound. “Where are you going?”

  She frowned. “We need to get to the gun container. These explosions will help, but you’ll still have to fight the others. The guns will give us the greatest advantage.”

  Shaking his head, Lucien began urging her in the other direction. “No, we’ve already been here long enough. I’ll send Altair and Eryx to get them later.”

  Tana rolled her eyes and snorted. “Like they’ll be this slack in their guard duties after all the bodies are found. I don’t think so. We get them now or it’s too late.”

  Lucien’s nerves couldn’t take another minute of her near this compound. She hadn’t the first clue of the turmoil he was experiencing at the smallest image of her being injured or captured. His barbaric side snapped free and he did the first thing his instincts cried out for. She was over his shoulder in a matter of seconds. He figured he must have stunned her into silence or she had the wherewithal to stay silent until they breached the forest. As soon as he rolled her off his shoulder and set her on the ground, she was up in his face. His gut clenched at the ferocity of her words. Damn. Lucien couldn’t recall ever seeing her this furious before, even when the Dar Kan had brought her to the cells that first day. He started second-guessing his decision.

  “You sorry son of a bitch. I’m tired of you thinking I’m incapable of taking care of myself. We needed those guns. Now there’s no time to make a trip back in.” She narrowed her eyes and pointed her finger at his nose. “Fuck you, Lucien Tarquinius. I give up.”

  It took him several long beats to realize she’d swiveled around and disappeared into the thick brush. He grabbed the bag she’d thrown to the ground and set out after her.

  “Tana. Stop. Wait. You’re going the wrong direction.”

  “No I’m not. Any direction away from you is the right one. I don’t want to talk to you at the moment.”

  “Hold up. We do need to talk. Stop.”

  “Leave me alone, Lucien. I’m mad at you. Get a clue.”

  “I know you’re mad, but you’re mad for the wrong reasons.”

  He froze in his tracks when she swiveled around and glared at him.

  “What the hell does that mean?”

  He swallowed hard. “Yes, the guns will be helpful, but the warriors can get them. I never thought that you couldn’t take care of yourself. You’ve proven that over and over again. It’s just that I…I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to get you away from there.”

  She rolled her eyes and stomped her foot. “How is that any different than you not trusting me? You automatically assume I’m going to get hurt. Yes, it’s dangerous. I get it. But this whole damn place is. I’m going to be in harm’s way no matter which way I turn. Don’t you get it? I’m no different than your warriors. I’ve got to survive just like they do, but I don’t see you sending them to their room.”

  “You’re different.” He knew he was in trouble as soon as she crossed her arms and her left eyebrow went up.

  “Why? Because I’m a weak little girl?”

  He wanted to shout out that he loved her and it made him crazy knowing she wouldn’t be happy in his world. That each time he thought about her not being in his life, he wanted to tear his hair out for the unfairness of it all. He wanted to throw himself at her feet and beg her to stay alive, just so he knew she was somewhere out there in the universe living a happy life. Instead, he took too long to form the perfect words to make her stop running from him.

  Her arms dropped to her sides and signs of resignation crossed her features. She dropped her chin and shook her head.

  Lucien thought her angry words could cut, but he was wrong. It was the soft ones that slid like a hot knife into his gut.

  “You of all people. I would have never guessed. You’ve been lying to me this whole time, warrior.”

  Tana turned away from him and his world upended as he watched her body completely disappear from sight.

  Shouting her name, Lucien scrambled to where she’d fallen. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Tana had slid effortlessly over the edge of a steep precipice. It had to be at least a fifty foot drop to the river below. The cliff face was lined with trees and ragged boulders. His muscles went loose when he saw her brilliant green eyes staring up at him several feet below the lip of the ridge. She had a death grip on whatever root system she’d been fortunate enough to snag on her way down. He expected to see sheer fright, but was shocked to find anger instead. She turned her face away and shook her head to clear it of the debris drifting down. When she turned back, she smirked.

  “Well, color me stupid. I guess you were right after all.”

  Throwing himself to the ground, Lucien leaned over the edge and reached out for her. She was too far down. He groaned and briefly closed his eyes. “No. It’s my fault. My fear drove you right into the very thing I dreaded. I should have listened to you. I’m so sorry, baby.” He couldn’t believe it when he heard her chuckle.

  “Tell you what. You get me the hell out of here, and I’ll call it even. Deal?”

  Incredulous at the bravery she was showing, Lucien nodded vigorously. “Deal. I’ll be right back.”

  Spider-crawling backward, Lucien rose up and ran for the bag he’d dropped. He dumped the bomb material and began ripping the sack into long strips. Tying them at the ends, he scrambled back to the ledge and threw it over the side. He looked down and was relieved to see she was still there and the line was long enough to loop around her waist. He just hoped she could free one hand to attempt it.

  “Can you tie it around, mellis?”

  At her nod, he wrapped the end around his forearm and braced to pull her up. He was so damn proud of her. She took her time and calmly worked the cloth around her waist. Soon, she had an acceptable knot and tugged on the line to let him know she was ready.

  Painstakingly, he pulled her up the side. When he saw her beautiful hair peek over the edge and both hands firmly on the lip, he flipped his body around and grabbed her under the arms. He pulled her up and their eyes locked. Before he even realized what he was doing, he rolled her to her back and crashed his lips to hers.

  Lucien fell into the sweetness of her mouth as his body trembled uncontrollably from the massive dump of adrenaline. He pushed his tongue past her soft lifts and moaned as she met him in equal fervor. She tasted of ambrosia and he couldn’t get enough of her. He wanted more. His core energy exploded outward and ran tingles of electricity across his skin as it tried to escape.

  The first bite of the mating necklace had him jerking away to keep from crushing her as his muscles began to seize. He was flat on his back in a matter of seconds. He heard her shouts of fear as his spine arched from the forest floor and he dug his elbows and heels into the ground. He felt as if his jaw would snap from the pressure of keeping his teeth locked while he rode the indescribable pain laced liberally with intense pleasure. Not even with his first mating had the necklace reacted in this manner. His cock went fully hard in a matter of seconds. Later, he would wish that she hadn’t straddled his body to try to hold him place. She innocently thought he was having a seizure and was trying to keep him steady.

  Lucien felt her hand smoothing his forehead and rubbing at his chest. Insedi instincts kicked in and he grabbed her the m
oment his muscles unlocked. Flipping her backward to the ground, he inserted himself between her thighs and rolled his hips hard against her plush body. Good, he was where he needed to be. Quickly, he lifted her shirt, pushed her bra up, and wrapped a palm around both of her generous, beautiful breasts. Mounding them together, he latched on to a nipple and sucked it into his mouth. He lapped at the beaded flesh until he felt her grasp both sides of his head and arch into his touch. Energy leapt from his pours and traveled along her skin. His core was recognizing its mate and preparing to investigate. Her sensuous moan signifying acceptance snapped him from the drive to unleash the full brunt of it. He would have her pants ripped away in a matter of seconds and tunneling inside her wet heat if he didn’t do something quick.

  Flinging himself sideways with a roar tearing from his throat, Lucien struggled to his feet and backed up until he slammed into a tree. He didn’t like the sound of his gravelly voice, but there was no way around it.

  “Go! Get back to the camp. Hurry. Stay there and don’t go anywhere until I return.”

  He watched as she scrambled to her feet. Her eyes were wide in confusion as she pulled her shirt back into place. Face flushing to a bright red, Tana didn’t waste a second in getting away from him. He listened for her movements until they faded away.

  Sliding down the tree, Lucien felt he deserved the scrapes he was receiving to his healing flesh. Reaching up, he grabbed the heated predator tooth and clamped it in his fist. What have I done?

  Chapter 21

  Tana walked like a zombie through the thick vegetation until she found the trail back to the camp. Her mind was stuck in a repeating loop of images. From Lucien shoving her to the ground and giving her the best kiss of her existence to shouting for her to get ghost. What the hell?

  She hadn’t even realized that she’d stumbled back into camp until her boot sent a cup skittering across the grass. Absently, she reached down and picked it up. Walking on numb legs over to the table, she set it down then summarily plopped to the ground.


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