Sun, Surf and Sex on a Beach

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Sun, Surf and Sex on a Beach Page 1

by Morrigan, Tuesday

  A Total-E-Bound Publication

  Sun, Surf and Sex on a Beach

  ISBN #978-0-85715-161-2

  ©Copyright Tuesday Morrigan 2010

  Cover Art by Natalie Winters ©Copyright June 2010

  Edited by Christine Riley

  Total-E-Bound Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Total-E-Bound Publishing.

  Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Total-E-Bound Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

  Published in 2010 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank, Ruston Way, Lincoln, LN6 7FL, United Kingdom.

  Warning: This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has been rated Total-e-burning.


  Tuesday Morrigan


  To the lovely, Aussies, I met while studying abroad Down Under. Thanks, mates, for inspiring this story.

  Chapter One

  Tequila Sunrise

  “You were supposed to arrive over an hour ago.”

  A smile spread over Michaela Jameson’s face at the familiar sound. Months passed since she heard that voice in the flesh. “Well, Cliff, it’s not my fault the plane took off an hour later than it should have.”

  “I bet that cramped your careful plans,” he said with a smile as he wheeled the luggage cart forward.

  She chuckled. The man knew her too well. Those familiar with Michaela understood that she lived her life according to a schedule. It was the only way she got anything done. Normally, there were so many things she had to accomplish in a single day, she found herself always checking her planner to make sure all was going according to schedule.

  “So what did you do for that extra hour?”

  Her smile widened as she followed him to the conveyer belt-distributing luggage. “You mean after I adjusted my schedule to fit the new timeline? I spent the remaining time going over my reading.”

  “Getting ahead of schedule, huh?”

  She shrugged. “It seemed like the most reasonable thing to do under the circumstances. Plus, they didn’t have any movies I wanted to watch.” She mumbled the last few words as she stifled a yawn.

  Cliff glanced back at her just as she lowered her hand. “I booked you a red-eye for a reason,” he admonished.

  Embarrassment flushed her system at his words. He’d been looking out for her when he scheduled the flight, but it was hard for her to change. Despite the night flight, she’d spent much of her time reviewing and reading the latest articles that touched on her specialty, bio-medical engineering. It was what she did normally. “I’m a workaholic. Sue me.”

  Cliff steered the cart until they were right beside the luggage belt and turned to her. “I thought you were going to relax while here. Or wasn’t that the point of coming to Sydney two weeks before the convention?”

  Cliff was her friend and mentor. He’d been her first boss, the head researcher in her section when she first joined Genetech almost a decade ago. She’d signed on with the company straight out of undergrad school and there were moments, like now, when he was more a father than a supervisor. The tone of his voice left her feeling thoroughly chastised. She groaned. “I just arrived. My vacation starts now.”

  The rich sound of his laughter cut through the bustling air that cloaked the airport. She lifted her head sharply in surprise and stared at Cliff. He always seemed happy, but she’d never heard him laugh in such a manner. “Am I really that funny?” she said, slightly irritated by the notion that Cliff found her amusing.

  “I love you, Michaela. I really do, but you’re something. Only you would think of starting a vacation after the flight.”

  She ignored his statement and looked over the moving conveyor belt. A distinctive pattern caught her attention. “There, that’s one of mine.” She pointed out the luggage as she spoke. Her second piece followed quickly. Fifteen minutes later they managed to make their way out of the airport and towards a hired cab.

  Just as she was about to enter the vehicle, Cliff called her name. “Have you considered the proposal?”

  “Considered, yes. Have I made a decision? No.” Genetech had offered her a lead researcher position in Sydney. She’d be working directly beneath Cliff and the project was something she’d expressed interest in. Rumour had it that the company had built the new division with her in mind and it was hard to ignore such whisperings when everything fit her to a T. Everything but the location. “I haven’t ruled it out, Cliff. It’s just Australia is so far away from everything I know, family, friends, even hated colleagues. You at least have your family here with you.”

  When they arrived at her hotel, she breathed a sigh of relief. She knew from one glance at the tall, glassy building with its abundance of chrome that she never would have booked herself into it for even one night. Michaela wouldn’t have been able to justify staying somewhere that cost as much as she believed the hotel did.

  “Is this really required?” she asked Cliff as she stepped out of the vehicle. She would have preferred something smaller, and more intimate. Maybe a bed and breakfast, she thought as she eyed the monstrosity. If she could convince the company to set her up somewhere else, maybe she could get the chance to stay somewhere that fit the image of what she wanted her vacation to be.

  Lips parted, she glanced over her shoulder to ask Cliff about changing her accommodations. He shook his silvery head. “No, can do, Michaela. I already tried. They already booked this and they’re not going to budge on it. Besides, you’ll love your suite.”

  “Suite?” she asked as she made her way to the back of the vehicle. She reached down to grab the smaller piece of luggage, but Cliff kindly pushed her aside. “That’s what I wanted to talk to you about,” he said in response as he lifted the bag and placed it on the ground.

  Something about his tone put her on edge. There was an alien nature to it that made her think Cliff would rather not have the conversation. That was not like Cliff. He normally just came straight out with it. Whatever it was must be bad. “Spit it out, Cliff. What is wrong?”

  He sighed and lowered his gaze. “The company has been getting a number of letters about your latest project.”

  “Okay,” Michaela said with a shrug. There was nothing new there. She was on the cutting edge of biotechnology. Many individuals didn’t like the fact that she was blending the line between biology and technology. It seemed like the moment she started working at Genetech, the company started receiving letters about her “ungodly” projects. Once, while out of town for a convention, Genetech hired her a bodyguard. The guy ended up wasting her time and his following her around. Turned out the threats were just that—threats, all bark, no bite.

  “The security team is genuinely worried this time around. Seems there’s something different about these letters that has gotten to them.”

  She grabbed the handle of one piece of luggage and started towards the hotel. “I’m assuming that’s why they booked me a room here,�
�� she said and tilted her head in the direction of the entrance. Management wasn’t stingy or opposed to showering its important employees, but this wasn’t normal. The hotel was by far the nicest one the company had set her up in.

  “Yes, that’s part of what they did to guarantee your security,” Cliff said softly, but just loud enough for her hear to him.

  “Miss, may I be of some help?”

  Michaela lifted her gaze at the sound of the man’s attentive voice. Warm brown eyes met hers. A quick glance at the figure before her told Michaela he was the bellboy, bellman to be more specific. For the first time in weeks she felt her body react to a man’s presence. It had been some time since she registered anything even remotely close to desire. She jolted at the response.

  A slow smile, moved across her face. Voice deepened by interest, she answered the man. “Definitely.” There was just enough sultriness in her voice to let him know she wasn’t just talking about the luggage. The next time he spoke, the smile in his voice reached his eyes. She bit her lip as she strode past him, mind on the many exciting things she could experience while on her vacation.

  “I saw that,” Cliff said just as she reached the check-in desk.

  “Saw what?” she asked with a bold grin. She was on holiday. She had no intention of behaving. Michaela was single and of age. During her vacation she planned to cross three very important things off her to-do list. She wanted to experience all that Australia had to offer including hours spent on the beach soaking up the sun, surfing until her body ached, and sex.

  She was pretty sure she could easily cross the first two items off her list by the end of her trip. Number three wasn’t a sure thing. Michaela wasn’t exactly known for her sexual prowess or competency with the opposite sex, but so far so good. The bellman seemed interested.

  The check in process was quick and efficient. After a few moments, she had the keys to her private rooms in her hand. She turned to Cliff, confused. “Can you explain to me why they booked me a suite?”

  “Uh,” he murmured, nervously.


  He lifted his gaze and looked beyond her to the entrance they’d just walked through. She turned and watched as a tall, broad shouldered blond man strode through the lobby. Her eyes widened and her heart rate picked up its pace at the beautiful sight. Michaela couldn’t help her reaction to him. The man was a wet dream come true, especially to a woman used to spending hours beside young, gangly research assistants or elderly, established scientists.

  Hard bodies weren’t exactly normal in her experience.

  She stood where she was watching the man as he made his way farther into the lobby. His gaze wandered around the room and she couldn’t help but wonder who he was looking for and what she looked like. There was little doubt in her mind that a guy that looked like he did was taken. All the good ones usually were.

  Michaela started to turn away when it occurred to her that he was still heading towards her and Cliff. By this point he was waving. Slowly, afraid of what she’d see, she turned and glanced at Cliff. He was smiling and waving back at the tall, blond man. Cliff must have felt her intense gaze or him or seen her turn because he lowered his voice and whispered to her. “Please behave, Michaela. Remember he isn’t the one to blame.”

  Damn. That really didn’t sound good.

  She straightened and lifted her gaze just as the man reached them. She didn’t need Cliff’s introduction to know she was staring at her worst nightmare, but when Cliff said the words she saw all her hopes and dreams for her trip disappear. “Michaela Jameson, this is Donovan Kelly, the bodyguard Genetech hired. Donovan this is Michaela, your assignment.”

  Donovan Kelly flashed her a grin and held out a broad, long fingered hand. Without conscious thought she slid her palm against his and shook his hand. The electricity that ran from her hand and through her body at his touch was exhilarating and oddly comforting.

  Her vacation definitely wasn’t going to go as she’d originally planned.

  A quick glance at Michaela Jameson’s figure confirmed Donovan’s initial view of the situation. Despite Genetech’s claims and Cliff’s attempts, he knew guarding Dr. Jameson was not going to be the walk in the park everyone told him it would be. More than five minutes had passed and they currently stood in Michaela Jameson’s suite and still her tall, curvy body was fairly vibrating with the anger that was vividly etched across her face, heard in her voice the few moments when she spoke. The woman appeared to be five seconds away from kicking him and Cliff out of the hotel and her life.

  “For the record I think they’re overreacting,” she bit out as she unzipped one of her suitcases.

  “I beg to differ.”

  The very air in the room seemed to still at his statement. Jameson finished unzipping her suitcase, flipped it open, and pulled out an article of clothing before responding. She lifted her gaze and stared at him, her deep brown eyes hard with irritation. “Do you?” she asked softly, but there was nothing tender or kind about her words.

  The job wasn’t going to be easy, but the excitement should make up for it. Donovan doubted that the three weeks he’d be spending with the good doctor would be boring.

  “You might not think much of your bosses’ assessment, but I am a professional and I do agree with them. There is something different about the latest round of letters. It would be stupid to push them aside and ignore their dangerous nature.”

  She straightened and glared at him. “Well, if that isn’t the textbook definition of convenient, I don’t know what is. The bodyguard who is getting paid to protect me just happens to believe that there is a threat worth protecting me from.”

  “Michaela Jameson, that was uncalled for,” Cliff said in exasperation.

  She ignored Cliff’s admonishment and continued to glare at him. Donovan couldn’t help but smile in response to her anger. The woman did have a right to be angry. Apparently no one in her company bothered to mention that she would have a bodyguard for twenty hours a day for the entire length of her trip abroad.

  No forewarning. That would piss him off too.

  But that wasn’t why Donovan was letting her comments slide. The truth was there something attractive about a ticked off Jameson. From what Donovan knew, Jameson was usually too absorbed in her latest research project to pay those around her any attention, let alone give up enough energy to actually get mad at them.

  Being the object of her undivided attention was kind of fun, even if she was liable to skin him alive. Donovan blamed his insane reaction to the woman before him entirely on the fact that he was used to guarding starchy international businessmen who barely uttered a word to him.

  “I would never pretend a woman’s life was in danger simply because it would guarantee me a job.”

  “Huh,” she huffed, grabbed a small fabric bag from her suitcase and strode to the connecting bathroom.

  He glanced at Cliff once she was out of the room. The other man looked at him imploringly. There was a question on his face and fear in his eyes. The other man appeared to think he was seconds away from quitting. Donovan darted a glance at the parted bathroom door and wondered if that was Jameson’s objective. If so, she was going to have to work a lot harder to get him to quit. ‘Relax’, he mouthed to Cliff at the low sound of Jameson’s footsteps.

  Donovan wasn’t going anywhere.

  “You said you were a professional, am I right?”

  “Yes, that’s right.”

  “What’s your background?”

  He gave her a quick rundown of his experience and looked at her questioningly. He knew a set up when he heard one, and he had no doubt that the good doctor was getting ready to throw something his way. Still, even knowing that, he was a little surprised by her.

  “You said you were part of the Australian Navy?”


  “Tell me, again why did you leave the armed forces? Was it under the threat or being court-martialed or did they actually go through it with you?”
br />   Vicious! For some reason her statement didn’t tick him off as much as it should have. If he was honest, both her words and the steel edge to her voice let Donovan know that highly accredited researcher Michaela Jameson was pissed as hell and wasn’t anywhere close to calming down despite the time that passed since they were introduced. He flashed a wintery smile at Cliff. The man had lied to him. He gave Donovan the impression that Ms. Jameson was mousy, quiet, and timid.

  The woman standing before him, looking ready to rip him a new one, was none of those things. “I thought you said she would understand the situation.”

  Cliff glanced at her rigid form before responding to Donovan. “She will understand. She does understand, she just doesn’t like the situation.” He stood and strode across the room to stand before Jameson. “She will understand that this is for her safety and that it would not be smart or kind to make those of us who care about her worry simply because she is the most stubborn minded woman on the planet.”

  She crossed her arms beneath her breasts, unconsciously plumping up the mounds. Despite his best intentions Donovan felt his cock stir in appreciation.

  He watched in awe as her shoulders dropped in shame at Cliff’s words. From beneath the fans of her ebony lashes, she looked up at him. “There really is no reason for you to be so worried about me. I’m sure this situation is no different from the others.” She expelled a deep breath and straightened her shoulders. “But I understand that you’re worried so I’ll agree to the security.”

  She turned to Donovan. “I’m willing to have you trail after me, but don’t get in my way. I came to Australia two weeks early for a reason. Don’t interfere.” After making her declaratory statement she strode from the room. With a click the bathroom door locked behind her.

  “She’s mad at me now, but she’ll calm down. She always does.” Cliff walked to the door, opened it and stopped in the doorway. “Good luck,” he said over his shoulder.


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