Trouble with the Fake Boyfriend (The Rock Bottom Series Book 3)

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Trouble with the Fake Boyfriend (The Rock Bottom Series Book 3) Page 1

by Holly Renee

  Trouble with the Fake Boyfriend

  Holly Renee

  Trouble with the Fake Boyfriend

  Copyright © 2020 by Holly Renee

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously.

  Visit my website at

  Cover Design: Holly Renee

  Editing: Ellie McLove of My Brother’s Editor

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  For my family and the sacrifices you make to allow me to follow my dreams.

  I love you more than I could ever put in words.



  1. The Elder Wand

  2. The Lie

  3. The Ultimate Bachelor and Bachelorette

  4. The Deal

  5. Knight in Shining Armor

  6. Meeting the Parents

  7. His Past

  8. My Girlfriend, Brooke

  9. The South

  10. His Cheerleader

  11. Questions

  12. A Guy with a Secret

  13. The Fair

  14. No Regrets

  15. The Wedding

  16. A Business Deal

  17. Idiot

  18. Home

  19. I Don’t Love Tucker

  20. A Mess

  The End


  Come hang out with Holly!

  Where Good Girls Go to Die

  Also by Holly Renee




  Two Months Earlier

  Why did weddings make you so damn emotional and/or horny?

  Every wedding I had ever been to, I was either ready to fall in love with someone or I was ready to fall into bed with them. Neither one of those things was a good idea, but it didn’t matter. No matter how much I pep talked myself before, those same damn feelings hit me like a ton of bricks every time.

  And this time?

  It was the worst idea possible.

  Because for some damn reason, the only person I could see was the man standing across from me.

  I was the maid of honor. He was the best man.

  I was her best friend, and he was his.

  And we lived right next door to each other.

  Liam Gentry was gorgeous. Was it weird to call a man gorgeous? Probably, but I didn’t care. There was no other way to describe him. Especially today when he was dressed like that. His hair was so dark it was almost black, but somehow still had a golden hue to it that seemed impossible, and it was always pushed back out of his face perfectly. The black suit he wore did nothing to deter me or my libido.

  But none of that was what made my stomach tighten when he looked up from his feet to look at me.

  It was that fucking smile.

  It was perfect of course, everything on him was, but it was the way he used it as a weapon that fucked with my head.

  He could turn it on and off without a second thought, and just as soon as you thought you were getting something real from him, he could slide that smile right back into place and make you think you imagined anything that came before it.

  This was why I stayed away from Liam Gentry.

  Men like him were trouble. I knew that firsthand, and I had no interest in getting my heart broken by him. Not that he ever would.

  When Tucker and Liam first moved into the apartment next to us, I had to tell my vagina to calm down as soon as I saw him.

  Surely you’ve heard of love at first sight, but this wasn’t that. This was pure lust.

  Nothing more and definitely nothing less.

  But he shut that crap down before I could even put on my matching bra and panties and make a move.

  He wasn’t interested in getting involved with “a girl like me.” Whatever the hell that meant. I didn’t want to marry the guy. I just wanted to see what his penis felt like on my insides.

  But maybe he was right.

  Being friends with him seemed like a lot smarter decision.

  But none of those rational thoughts were helping my irrational lust and the way this damn wedding seemed to push them all back as I stared over at him.

  I looked out across the crowd as our best friends recited their vows to each other. Surely, there had to be someone else here that I could use to take the edge off with to get Liam out of my head.

  Because it had been a while.

  A good long while and that apparently was a huge mistake.


  Because Liam never looked as good as he did today, and I was having to have a silent discussion with my vagina about how she couldn’t have him.

  I looked through Tucker’s other friends. Jase was hot as hell. I knew from the moment I saw him that he would be hot, dirty sex, but I also knew the moment I saw Sophie look at him that he was completely off limits.

  There was also Ryan, but I barely knew the guy. And even though I was self-aware enough to know how bad a decision it was to sleep with a guy I barely knew at my best friend’s wedding, I was also aware that a guy I barely knew was a better decision than Liam.

  Ryan was good looking. He was more than good looking actually. His blond hair hung in his face in a way that made your fingers itch to slowly push it back, and I had no doubt it was intentional. Ryan always had a killer tan and shit-eating grin, and I would bet good money that he was a stellar lay.

  He looked fun, playful, and nothing like his friend that stood beside him with a chip on his shoulder that he tried not to let anyone see.

  Everyone started cheering around me, and I pulled my gaze away from Ryan to whistle for my best friends as they kissed. They were perfect for each other, and I couldn’t have been happier for Kennedy.

  I handed her bouquet to her as she grinned at me with the biggest smile I had ever seen on her face then she took off down the aisle with the man of her dreams.

  I wrapped my arm in Jase’s as he led me back down the aisle, but I made sure to smile over at Ryan before I did so.

  He looked a little shocked by the flirt, but he smiled back.

  The reception was a whirlwind of activity and being shoved in different directions by the wedding planner, and it wasn’t until I finally got to take a deep breath at the bar and grab a glass of champagne that I finally got a moment alone with Ryan.

  “Ryan, has anyone told you how handsome you look tonight?”

  He looked up at me from his beer, and by the way he didn’t answer immediately, I wasn’t sure if he realized that I was talking to him.

  “Other than Tucker’s mom, nope.” He chuckled, and the sound was endearing. How had I not noticed that before?

  “Well, I’m here to tell you.” I tipped my champagne flute in his direction. “That you clean up well.”

  He seemed a bit surprised at my words, and I couldn’t say that I blamed him. Ryan and I had only spoken a handful of words to each other before, and they definitely didn’t sound anything like the ones that just left my mouth.

  “I would say the same to you.” His eyes roamed down my body and over my bridesmaid’s dress that fit me like a second skin. “But you always look beautiful.”

  I ran my finger down th
e lapel of his suit, and he tracked the movement inch by inch.

  “You’re sweet.”

  He took a step closer to me, almost unnoticeably so, but I noticed.

  Apparently, so did Liam.

  “Weddings wear me out.” He saddled up next to Ryan, and Ryan pulled his attention away from me to look at his friend. “Anyone up for a shot?”

  He didn’t wait for either of us to answer. Instead, he ordered three shots of tequila from the bartender and thanked him as he quickly poured the shots.

  Liam handed the first shot to Ryan before turning to me with a shot in each hand. He held the shot out to me and our fingers grazed as the glass slipped from his hand and into mine.

  And I hated that a simple touch from him could stir more inside of me than this whole little charade with Ryan.

  “To friends.” He raised his glass and touched it to mine causing a tiny bit to slosh over on my fingers. His eyes didn’t leave mine as he threw the shot back and swallowed it as if it was water.

  “Friends.” Ryan chuckled softly, and I pulled my attention away from Liam long enough to smile at him before I threw back the liquor that burned my throat.

  I set my empty shot glass down on the bar next to Liam just as a new song started playing through the speakers, and I gave Liam my back as I asked Ryan, “Do you want to dance? I feel like dancing!”

  Ryan grinned and I could tell he wanted to look to Liam, but I didn’t give him the chance. I took his hand in mine and pulled him to the dance floor. Kennedy and Tucker were dancing with the biggest grins on their faces, and I wrapped my arms around Ryan’s shoulders as we began to dance alongside them.

  Ryan gripped my hands in his and slowly unlaced my fingers before pushing me away from him and twisting me into a spin. My body hit his with a thud, and I couldn’t stop laughing.

  “These other boys don’t have a thing on me.” He wiggled his eyebrows, and I laughed some more as he dipped me.

  “Boys? Are you a boy, Ryan?”

  “You know what I meant.” He rolled his eyes. “I’m a man.”

  “Don’t start beating on your chest now. You’re the one who said it.”

  I wrapped my arms back around his shoulders, and I felt so relaxed with him.

  “I have several references that could attest to just how manly I am.”

  He was still grinning, and I swear it was the easiest damn grin ever, like nothing or no one could make it fall from his face.

  “Oh yeah?” I looked around the room. “Are any of those references in this room? Should I start questioning the girls that line up to catch the bouquet, or is this more of a Mrs. Robinson situation?”

  “I don’t kiss and tell, Brooke. That wouldn’t be very gentlemanly of me.”

  I cocked my head to the side and looked at him. “Good to know.”

  His smile widened, but his eyes didn’t stay on mine for long. Instead, he looked to the bar before looking back at me.

  “So what’s the deal with you and Liam?” He looked uncomfortable as the words passed his lips.

  “There is no deal.” I shrugged my shoulders as we continued to dance.

  “You sure?” He looked like he didn’t believe me.

  “I’m absolutely positive.” Why the hell were we still talking about Liam. I was trying to get laid here and Liam was a buzzkill.

  “Does Liam know that?” He nodded his head toward the bar, and I looked over my shoulder to follow his gaze. “Because it looks like one of my best friends is currently planning my death while we dance.”

  He was right. Liam was staring daggers at the two of us, and I wasn’t sure if he realized it or not, but he was doing absolutely nothing to hide it.

  “I don’t know what his problem is, but I can assure you that it has absolutely nothing to do with me.” I turned back to Ryan and tried to avoid the fact that I could still feel Liam’s eyes on me.

  Ryan lifted his fingers and tucked a stray piece of hair off my face. “I’d be willing to bet my left nut that it does.”

  “Only your left?” I moved my body closer to his and ran my fingers through the hair that hung in his forehead. It fell perfectly right back into place.

  “Well, I’m pretty attached to both, but I need to at least reserve one for baby making. Could you imagine a world where there wasn’t more of this running around?” He motioned to his face, and I had to bite my lip to stop myself from laughing.

  “It would be tragic.”

  “Exactly, and I’m pretty sure Liam’s planning to detach both from my body, so.” He quickly looked to his left just as Liam stepped up to us. “Hey, bud.”

  Liam nodded his head in Ryan’s direction but didn’t return his easy banter. “Can I cut in?” He was staring straight at me.

  Ryan started to pull away from me, but I latched on tighter.

  “Ryan was actually just telling me his plans for making babies, and I have to tell you, it’s a fascinating story.”

  “That’s not exactly true,” Ryan started to interrupt me, but I kept talking.

  “I’d really like to learn more about it. Raincheck?”

  Ryan turned his head away from me and Liam, and I didn’t miss the way his body shook with silent laughter. Liam definitely wasn’t laughing though. He was just standing there like an asshole staring me down like I was somehow ruining his night.

  “Ryan?” Liam said his name through clenched teeth.


  “I’d suggest you find someone else to make babies with tonight ‘cause this isn’t fucking happening.”

  “Who the hell do you think you are?” I narrowed my eyes at him and gripped the back of Ryan’s shirt in my fists.

  “I asked you to dance.” He completely ignored my question and that just served to piss me off more.

  “And I said fuck off.”

  Ryan looked like he wanted to be anywhere but there in the middle of the two of us, but I wasn’t about to let him go.

  “Brooke.” Liam growled my name, but I didn’t care. He could take the scowl on his face and his clenched fists and shove them right up his ass. I showed a little interest in someone else and all of the sudden he gave a shit. I didn’t think so.

  “Liam, is there something you need?” I turned to face him more, but I left my hands on Ryan. “Your friend,” I made sure to enunciate the word as I pointed to myself, “is busy flirting with your other friend,” I pointed to Ryan, “with the hope of getting laid at this wedding.”

  “Shit.” Ryan said the word under his breath with a soft chuckle.

  He stared at me, long and hard, and there was something about his anger toward me that was a bigger aphrodisiac than a wedding could ever dream of being. I rubbed my thighs together to ease the ache that had begun to build there and Liam noticed.

  He reached out, wrapping his hand around my upper arm, practically engulfing it, as he leaned toward me. Ryan was still standing in front of me, but Liam didn’t care.

  His mouth was next to my ear and his words were strained as they caressed my skin. “You and I both know Ryan isn’t the one you want to fuck. You either dance with me or I’ll deck Ryan and carry your ass off this dance floor.”

  I turned toward him, our lips only centimeters apart. “You wouldn’t dare.”

  “Test me, sweetheart.”

  I had no idea what his damn problem was. Was he the official cock block of this wedding or was he just going out of his way to cock block me? Either way, there was no way I was causing a scene at Kennedy’s wedding, and with the way Liam was looking at me, I didn’t doubt that he would hold true to his word.

  “Ryan, I’m going to dance with your boy here, but don’t go too far.”

  Ryan softly laughed as I let my hands fall from him, and I hated how entertaining this whole interaction was for him. “Good luck.”

  Once Ryan had his back turned, I stormed past Liam, but he grabbed my hand and pulled me to a stop before I could get too far. He pulled me toward him, my chest slamming into his, b
efore he wrapped his arms around my waist and started to move.

  I didn’t so much as sway my hips.

  “What, you can dance with him but you’re too good to dance with me?” He was staring down at me, and I was doing everything in my power to avoid his eyes.

  “Ryan wasn’t an asshole to me. So, yeah.”

  “I wasn’t trying to be an asshole.” He sounded sincere, but I didn’t care.

  “It just comes naturally.”

  He smiled, that damn smile that I loved and hated, and for the first time since I knew Liam, I wanted to slap that look right off his face.

  “Just dance with me, B.”

  I used to like when he called me that, but tonight it just pissed me off. “Don’t call me that. What? Is it too much effort to use my full name?”

  His smile got wider and he pushed his thigh against mine to force me to move on the dance floor. “It doesn’t stand for Brooke.”

  Wait, what? “Then what does it stand for?”

  “It’s not important.”

  “The hell it isn’t.”

  He wasn’t listening to me though. He was lifting my arms and laying them against his chest. I watched as his fingers traced their way back down my skin, and I couldn’t remember for a second why I was mad at him when his fingers skimmed over the delicate area just inside my elbow.

  My fingers clenched, gripping his shirt, just as one of his hands skated around my body and pressed against the small of my back, forcing my hips against his.

  His body began to move, and I had no choice but to move with him or I would have been left a hot mess in the middle of the dance floor. Not that I already wasn’t.

  It was another reason that Liam was a horrible idea. He made me flustered and irritated, and I didn’t like being either of those things.


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