Court the Fire (Son of Rain #3)

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Court the Fire (Son of Rain #3) Page 20

by Michelle Irwin

  I watched Eth’s confidence with a growing jealousy. He was able to offer useful information about changes that had occurred at Bayview since I’d last been there. Apparently, it’d been converted to a hotel similar to the Oxford. I listened to his explanation to the others about the reasons behind the new front and felt more impotent with each word he uttered.

  Fiona approached the wrong son.

  As Eth continued his story, Evie’s body temperature rose, and I could feel the heat echoing off her in waves.

  “The tourists lap up the ‘historical’ angle of sleeping in an old prison,” he continued, “even paying a premium for it, and we get to keep a few key rooms on selected floor as holding cells. It was a win-win. In the end, it provided us with enough money to fund anything we needed, including actually increasing our presence worldwide.”

  “And no one notices the prisoners coming and going?” Evie asked.

  “They usually get taken up via service elevators, but they never leave,” Eth said. “At least, not alive. Or whole.”

  The aura that flickered around Evie’s body changed. The flames appeared to stretch further from her body than before and tightened, as if she had a thousand blowtorches around her body rather than a lazy campfire.

  The material of the couch began to smoke under her palm, and I could see Eth’s words were making her understand how dangerous the place was.

  One more thing he can do that I can’t.

  I placed my hand on Evie’s knee to calm her. “You don’t have to come with us. Eth and I can handle it alone.”

  Any thoughts I’d entertained that she was finally beginning to understand were swept away as she said, “No way.”

  “Don’t even think about it,” Aiden said over the top of Evie’s refusal. “Mackenzie is our family; we’re going to be there to help you too.”

  “You can’t,” Eth said. “The whole place is set up with anti-fae protections; it was built into the prison bars and much of it was kept when it was converted into a hotel. In addition to the measures built in by our forefathers, there is also a range of sophisticated equipment that constantly scans for nonhuman indicators. To be honest, I don’t even think you’ll be able to come, Evie.” He shot me a glance that confirmed he wanted her to stay away from the place as much as I did.

  I was glad for the backup, but figured it wouldn’t matter in the end.

  “I’m not letting you two go into that place alone,” she said, confirming my fear.

  “Us either,” Aiden said. “Surely there must be some way of getting us in?”

  To my surprise, Eth turned Judas and started to come up with ways the system could be broken to get Evie and the fae in.

  “How have the defenses changed?” I asked, knowing they were stringent before and they were likely to be stronger now. I wanted everyone to see how impossible it would be for them, but easy for Eth and I, to get in.

  “Some parts haven’t. The iron bars are still in place. They’ve even worked them into the design of most of the rooms.”

  “Iron could prove to be problematic,” Aiden said.

  “Iron? Why would that be problematic?” Evie asked. Her voice held a curiosity, but no hint that she was even close to changing her mind.

  “It is a repellant of sorts for fae,” Aiden started to explain. As he continued to tell her what iron did to fae, he leaned forward and stared intently into her eyes. His expression softened as he spoke to her with a new tenderness clear on his features.

  Evie leaned forward to him as well, and I watched as they fell back into the same stance they’d been in when I’d interrupted their conversation in Sweden. There was a comfort between them that I’d never shared with Evie, and it burned me that someone else could have forged such a deep connection with the one I loved.

  As if she felt my gaze on her, Evie lifted her eyes to meet mine. The confusion in them was too much for me to bear and I looked away, utterly disgusted with myself that I’d been the one who’d forced them together.

  Eth continued to talk, and I wanted nothing more than to get out of there. The atmosphere suddenly felt stifling and oppressive. I tried to concentrate on the flow of the conversation and even interjected when I had something helpful to offer, but I needed to get out.

  When I suggested planning and caution, Eth came back with his usual gusto. “All right! Now, when do we do this?”

  “It has to be soon,” Fiona said. It was the first thing she’d said in the conversation, and yet it held such gravitas that it was impossible to ignore.

  “We’ll need time for the enchantments to wear off,” Evie said. “At least, I’m assuming we’ll be susceptible to all anti-fae symbols until it does?”

  I watched Evie as I considered the thought of losing my new, unique sight. As much as I had loved her the way I’d seen her before, the ability to see the physical manifestation of Evie’s true nature—the fiery aura that surrounded her body and the power that was barely contained within her flesh—was something extraordinary. I wasn’t sure I was ready to lose it so soon.

  Aiden nodded. “It would be for the best if you were to find alternate sleeping arrangements until after the rescue. Ethan, if you are amenable, we should take time to run through the possible anti-fae protections. I will provide you with details of any counters I am aware of and show you how best to break the symbols.”

  Eth nodded. “Fine by me.”

  “Evie and I will find a hotel room for tonight,” I volunteered, more than ready to be gone from the small room.

  Eth tossed me a phone. “That’s a spare with my number already programmed in. Call me with the details once it’s sorted and I’ll meet you guys there. While you’re at it, can you guys sort out how Evie will get past the heat sensors? That getup should trick the cameras. Her cheekbones seem higher.”

  It wasn’t long before Evie and I were tucked up in a cab, and she coaxed the doubt out of me. Laying my emotions on the line for her was almost easy, and I found them flowing from me in a rush.

  In return, she offered me her faith and reminded me of why I would be an asset to the rescue mission. I couldn’t deny that she made me feel infinitely better about things—except for the little fact that she’d be coming with us regardless of my arguments to the contrary. She proved to me how desperately she wanted to be there with me, even going so far as to singe my arm a little to prove her point that she could look after herself. I was certain I should have been scared at the reminder of her power, but I’d be lying if I didn’t say I was a little turned on.

  After she’d used her heat to try to convince me that she would be able to look after herself while we were on the rescue mission, she’d decided to tease me with promises of things to come. It was the reminder I needed over why I had been willing to let Eth think I was looking up hotels rather than going straight to an old fallback.

  I was desperate for some alone time with her, and I wasn’t ashamed to admit it.

  SOME TIME later, I had Evie in a bedroom at the Gansevoort Hotel, ready to take advantage of the extra sensory gifts the fae enchantments had given me before they faded. Based on the little touches and teasers we’d shared in the cab on the way to the hotel and in the elevator on the way to our room, the sensation would be everything I hoped and more. Everything I needed.

  Before the door had even closed, I had her in my arms and was tearing at her clothes. As each item fluttered to the floor, I became desperate for even more. Each time my fingertips brushed across her naked skin, sensations ran straight to my core. It was like a thousand tiny fires had been lit throughout my body. I wanted to ask her whether it had the same effect on her, but I couldn’t lift my lips from her skin long enough to form any words beyond incoherent mutterings about how perfect she was.

  Once I’d shed all of her clothes, I lifted her into my arms. She giggled as I hoisted her naked frame over my shoulder and carried her toward the bed.

  “Put me down,” she squealed as she half-heartedly fought against my hold.r />
  “I need you in bed.”

  She giggled again. “I can get there myself.”

  “Not fast enough.” I tossed her gently onto the mattress and immediately climbed over her. As I did, I found I was way overdressed for the occasion and started to shed my own clothing. Evie’s hands joined mine, pulling at my clothing.

  “What were you saying about not fast enough?” she grunted as she worked the fly on my jeans.

  I climbed off the bed, pushed my jeans and boxers off in one swift movement, and then climbed back into place over her body.

  “I need you,” I muttered as I claimed her mouth.

  While my tongue met hers, she scraped her fingernails across my scalp, and I had to close my eyes to avoid being overloaded by sensation. Evie stopped moving, and a giggle sprung to her lips. Her stillness forced me to open my eyes, and I found her staring at me with her teeth sunk into her lips as she struggled to suppress a grin.

  “What?” I asked.

  “This is just different.”

  Her words had me on edge as I tried to figure out what she was talking about. “What is?”

  She trailed her fingertips across my cheeks. “This is.”

  I tilted my head, still not sure what she meant. She reached for my hand, guiding it over her heart. A rumble built in my chest as desire overtook curiosity. Her fingers curled around mine.

  “This,” she murmured as she escorted my hand on a trek along her skin.

  Finally, I saw what she was talking about—the purple flame that sparked between us. I’d noticed it shortly after my first sight of the fae world, but had grown almost accustomed to it. Watching our auras interact while we were both naked and desperate was a totally odd sensation. It forced me to recall the way I’d felt while we were on the yacht, the way my body searched for her. With the visual evidence, it was clearer than ever before. My aura leaped from my skin, seeking a connection with hers. When I lifted my hand, our auras twisted for as long as possible, only breaking apart at the last moment.

  For half a second, I wondered whether it was like that when Evie was with him, but I pushed it out of my head because this moment was about us, not about her past.

  I was so fascinated watching the interplay of our auras as I traced my fingers over Evie’s body that I didn’t even realize the effect my soft touches were having on her until she issued a needful moan that made my cock twitch with anticipation. My fingers explored lower, brushing across her slick skin before dipping into her warm body. Our moans issued in unison. It was like I could feel everything she felt, but enhanced and mingled with my own sensations, as if it wasn’t just our auras that were entwined, but every part of ourselves.

  “Clay,” she murmured as she fisted her hands in my hair and pulled me closer to her.

  I took the movement as my signal to take her. Grabbing hold of one of her legs, I hitched it up as I pushed myself deep inside of her.

  A jumble of words spilled from me and I had to still all movement to stop myself from losing control because of the ecstasy in our enhanced union. When I was unable to stop myself from moving any longer, I claimed her mouth and kissed her deeply as I thrust into her once more.

  Her legs wrapped around my back; her ankles linked and locked me in place. With gentle motions, I continued to move inside her as I traced my fingers over her body, watching the way our auras sparked together once more.

  “Does it get more perfect than this?” I asked, breathless and overwhelmed by how much I could feel.

  Evie shook her head before tipping it backward as I thrust into her again. I dipped my head to taste her breasts. My breathing sped until it was choppy and harsh. I could barely concentrate on anything but our union.

  After a few minutes, Evie nudged me to roll over. When I obliged, she moved quickly until she was on top, sinking onto my erection with a desperate moan. My hands lifted, and my fingers found the groove on her hips to guide her over me. She tipped her head back, the action sending her hair cascading down her back and causing her breasts to lift.

  “Fuck, Evie,” I muttered. The sight was so perfect. Without thought, I tucked an arm around her waist, pinning her against me, and then sat up so that I could taste her again.

  Once I was sitting, she leaned forward and wrapped her arms around my neck. She panted with need against my skin before kissing a trail along my neck.

  Secure in my hold, Evie rocked her hips against me as her lips found mine. My fingers pressed against the base of her spine, urging her down a little harder each time she thrust forward. Sweat clung to us both as need and passion rocketed her heat to the level where her body was almost fire in my hands. Despite the warmth, I didn’t burn. She could have ignited the room at that point, and I would have felt invincible. Like I’d be safe from her flames even if they burst bright from within her.

  Everything built within me faster than I could have imagined, and before I knew it, my world exploded moments before Evie’s cries pierced the air and confirmed she’d tumbled into oblivion on top of me.

  I rested my head on her shoulder, and she mimicked the action on mine. In the small space between our bodies, all that existed was the sound of our panting breaths and a purple fire made from the union of our auras.

  “I love you,” I murmured before brushing my lips across her collarbone. I hoped she would hear more than just the words I’d issued—there were so many more I’d meant to say, even that powerful declaration barely covered it all.


  AFTER SPENDING SOME time alone with Evie, I called Eth as agreed and let him know the hotel we were staying at and gave him the room number.

  “So, the Gansevoort?” he queried. “How long exactly did that decision take? A minute? Two?”

  Glancing over at Evie’s mussed-up hair and smeared makeup, I chuckled.

  “Yeah, that’s what I thought,” he said in confirmation. “I hope you booked me a separate room.”

  “Nope.” I laughed again.

  “Well, that’s just great.” His sarcasm wasn’t lost on me, but I could tell he was smiling. Even though he probably didn’t want to think about my sex life any more than I wanted to consider his, I had no doubt he was happy that I’d shaken off the despondency that had been such a big part of our relationship for years. “No doubt I’ll have to listen to the two of you fuck like bunnies all night long.”

  I heard another low voice in the background before Eth laughed at whatever had been said.

  “What was that?” I asked.

  “Aiden just said there’d be a room for me at the court if your newfound virility was too much for me.”

  Of course he’d have something to say about it. Aiden typified everything I hated about the fae. He was opinionated, arrogant, and nosey. Other than his looks, I had no idea what Evie saw in him—but I’d never known her to be so shallow either. There must have been something about him that attracted her, and that thought made me uncomfortable. That feeling was only made worse with the knowledge that if I accepted the fact that Fiona was my mother, Aiden must be, for all intents and purposes, my cousin.

  I shuddered at the thought.

  Evie caught the movement and gave me a questioning look, but I shook my head to indicate it was nothing.

  “Well, that’s all I really needed to tell you. Evie and I are going to try to find some internet access. We’ll meet you back here later,” I said to Eth, choosing to disregard his comment about Aiden’s offer and get off the phone as soon as I could.

  “Sure thing.” Eth seemed a little confused at the speed my emotions had turned, but I ignored that as well and ended the call.

  “We’re going out?” Evie asked.

  “Yeah, we need to do that research, and I don’t want to risk looking anything like that up here at the hotel just in case it triggers any alarms in the Rain systems.”

  “Okay.” She climbed off the bed before straightening the blanket. “Just give me a couple of minutes to refresh.”

  We asked
the concierge for directions to the nearest internet café. He gave me an odd look when I refused to use the business center in the hotel, but looked it up for us anyway.

  Both Evie and I were quiet while we walked to the internet café and didn’t speak much once we were inside either. Once I’d accepted exactly how determined she was to go with me, I was just as resolute about giving her the best chances of survival.

  Going as a hotel guest would be far easier than trying to convince the Rain that she belonged there. It would be easier getting the fae into a hotel room too. From what Eth had told us, the public areas were less protected than the Rain floors. Apparently, it was to stop suspicion if any fae or other similar creatures stumbled into the place. The low-level protections would cause some pain and inconvenience, but not enough to drive them to their knees.

  If I could work things right, I thought I might actually be able to keep her out of the worst dangers. We’d both get what we wanted that way. We spent the better part of the afternoon gathering up everything necessary for the deception and then returned to the Gansevoort to meet Eth.

  Once we were there, he showed Evie and me everything that he’d learned from Aiden. Evie watched with rapt attention, and I tried not to let my personal impression of the fae fucker disrupt the evening.

  Unfortunately for us, the evening was disrupted when Dad called Eth to find out where he was and why he’d disappeared. Although Eth tried to convince him there was nothing to worry about, it seemed Dad wasn’t convinced. Almost the second he’d hung up, Eth sprang into action, grabbing the phones and charging from the hotel to dispose of them so, at least, Dad couldn’t surprise us in our sleep.

  Evie asked about Dad and then about Abe. After I’d explained who Abe was, she surprised me by asking whether he might have known about Fiona.

  Her question floored me because it wasn’t something I’d even considered. There were so many things that I hadn’t stopped and thought about after learning of my heritage. Was it a closely guarded secret that only Dad and a small number of other people knew—like with Charles, the director of the Oxford division, and his dalliance with the fae help—or was it something that was common knowledge among the ranks of the Rain but hidden only from us three. Were we the fucking laughingstock of Hell?


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