Friends with Benefits_A Steamy College Romance

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Friends with Benefits_A Steamy College Romance Page 9

by Hazel Kelly

  “Please don't.”

  “That's a good start,” I said. “But it would be hotter if you put more emotion behind it. Maybe even throw in a few extra words like, please don't lick my pussy, Carter, it's too sensitive.”

  She cocked her head.

  “Give it time.”


  “Nina.” I wanted to be annoyed, but she was so adorable when she was being irrational it left me confused.

  “I'm trying to tell you what I need,” she said. “As a friend.”

  I clenched my jaw.

  “And if there's something I can't give you, I'm saying it's cool with me if you get it somewhere else.”

  I stared into her dark eyes, speechless at the bombshell she just dropped and how casually she dropped it.


  Shame I'd never hear her say that word without imagining how she'd look dropping to her knees before me and begging for just one slow lick…

  “Do we have a deal?”

  If saying yes would make her happy, I would say it. I wouldn’t like it, but I would say it. “Can you at least tell me why?”

  “Why what?”

  “Why these rules? Why do you feel this hostility towards romantic stuff? You have a record of getting dicked over by assholes or something?”

  She sighed. “Does it really matter?”

  “I wouldn't ask if it didn't.”

  “I do, yeah,” she said, lowering her voice. “But I'd rather not talk about it now.”

  My blood boiled at the thought of her being mistreated, and my chest tightened at the sadness that spread across her pretty face.

  “Maybe I'll tell you about it over Reese's sometime.”

  N I N E T E E N

  - Nina -

  “Wow,” I said, panting at the ceiling as I pulled the bedsheet up to cover my flushed chest.

  Carter reached over and pulled it down again so he could admire my tits.

  “Where did you learn to do that?” I asked, failing to consider whether I really wanted to know.

  “Do what?”

  “Bring a girl to the brink like that over and over until she explodes. I don't think I've ever come so hard in my life.”

  A smug smile brought his cheek dimple into view.

  “Don't let that go to your head.”

  He peeked under the sheet.

  “I meant the other one.”

  “Silly me,” he said, a few chunks of his light brown hair falling into his bedroom eyes.

  “Seriously,” I said, rolling onto my side. “I want to know.” His skills couldn't have been an accident. He was so methodical, so rhythmic, and I could feel him hanging on my every breath as he rocked between my legs, his thick arms holding him over me so he could enjoy the view of me writhing as he teased me.

  “It's a well-documented technique.”

  “So you read about it somewhere?”

  “Sort of.”


  “More beggy,” he coached. “Like you'll die if I don't tell you.”

  “I will die.”

  He rolled his eyes. “I studied it like anything else. Online.”


  “Not exactly,” he said. “There are these videos. My brother told me about them.”

  “Go on.”

  “He's a big science nut, so anything that's backed by research-”

  “Pussy pleasure research?”

  His face grew serious as his eyes dropped to my lips. “Wow. Alliteration has never made me so horny.”

  I smiled and said it again real slow, licking my lips first just to torture him. “Pus-sy-plea-sure-re-search.”

  “I need those gorgeous lips around my cock.”

  “And I need to know where you're getting your insider information.”

  “It's called OMGYes. You can buy the videos online.”

  My eyes bugged. “You paid for this knowledge?”

  “Yeah, and I'd do it again in a heartbeat for another chance to make your body shake like it just did.

  Thank God he was into it. If I hadn't been too high off his moves to care, I might be worried I made a spectacle of myself.

  “Honestly, Nina, your O face is the sexiest thing I've ever seen.”


  “I walked out of a class this week just to go jack off to the thought of it.”

  I lifted my head off the pillow. “What?”

  “I would've texted you, but I knew you were in class.”

  I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “Where did you even go?”

  “To the bathroom,” he said without a trace of shame. “It was an emergency.”

  I was both flattered and relieved. After all, my body had never craved anything like it was craving him these days. Even my addiction to Marple’s raspberry scones had taken a back seat to the irrational need I felt to let this preppy playboy pound my pussy. And the craziest part of all was that it was getting better every time we hooked up. Like he had moves on moves on moves-

  “Not all women can get off with every technique, but so far you've been very responsive.”

  “You're experimenting on me?!”

  He leaned over and sucked my nipple into his mouth before flicking it with his tongue.


  He looked up at me, and in that moment, his smiling blue eyes were everything. “Would it make you feel better if I told you that you're the sexiest guinea pig I've ever had?”

  “Only if it's true,” I said. “And if you've never had a real guinea pig.”

  He groaned. “Please tell me you're not asking what I think you're asking.”

  “Frat boys are into some weird shit. Seemed like a reasonable question.”

  “It isn't,” he said, smoothing a hand over my stomach and studying my body as if it were covered in intricate tattoos. “And I did have a guinea pig growing up.”

  “What was its name?


  I laughed.

  “What? He was really strong!”

  “I'm sure he was,” I said, trying to picture Carter as a little boy holding his little pet with the big name. “I assume he's long gone?”

  “We don't actually know,” he said. “The fate that befell him remains a mythical uncertainty to this day.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him. “Meaning?”

  “Meaning he either ran away to live with the squirrels, which is my preferred theory-”


  “Or he got snatched by a hawk.”

  “Oh no!” I said. “Where the heck were you when that happened?”

  “Watering the plants for my mom along the side of the house.”

  I frowned. “I'm sorry. That’s awful.”

  “It wasn't too bad, to be honest. My dad gave me a big speech about the fact that he was going to die before I even got him.”


  “Yeah.” He sat up and fluffed a pillow behind him. “I had to promise I’d be tough about it when the time came or they weren’t going to let me have a pet in the first place.”

  “Wow. That's hardcore.”

  He shrugged. “It didn't seem odd at the time. My dad was always going on about the circle of life and survival of the fittest, so I was used to not having stuff sugarcoated.”

  “So your parents never suggested Hercules might be in Heaven?”

  He laughed. “No. My parents don't believe in Heaven. And my dad certainly doesn’t believe there could be a supreme father figure that wields more power than he does.”

  “I see.” I scooted closer and wiggled under his arm so I could lay my head against his chest. “We would've had a guinea pig funeral at my house- body or no body- and prayed for Hercules’s soul.”


  “No question.”

  “Different strokes, I guess.”

  I inhaled his masculine scent, wishing I could bottle it and take it everywhere. “So you don't believe in Heaven, I take it?”
  “Sure I do,” he said. “I just think Heaven is lounging naked in my bed with you more than I think it's a frat party in the sky that I can never leave.”

  “I never thought of it that way.”

  “What about you?” he asked, nestling his fingertips into my hair and combing it back against my scalp.

  “Mmm, that feels good,” I said, closing my eyes. “Dare I say heavenly.”

  “Is that a no?”

  “It’s more of an I don't know,” I said, reaching forward to trail my fingertips down the notches of his abs. “Either way, I'm not going to make all my decisions in this life based on a promise that sounds too good to be true made by a bunch of illiterate desert people who were cool with stoning and slavery.”

  “Your parents must be very proud.”

  “Actually, I can't talk about this stuff with my parents. They just get defensive and say that questioning my faith is sinful.”

  “They sound like pillars of tolerance.”

  “Not really, but they're good people. My mom is awesome anyway. My dad is more…” What? Difficult? Abusive? Alcohol dependent? How much did I really want to tell this sexy naked guy who thought I was fun and carefree?

  “More what?” he asked.

  And then there was a knock at the door.

  T W E N T Y

  - Carter -

  Nina slipped under the blankets, but neither of us said a word.

  “C'mon, Carter,” Logan said. “I know you're in there.”

  I groaned. “Fuck off.”

  “I thought of a few tweaks I want to make to the product page and-”

  “Not a good time, man.” Hadn't I put a sock on the doorknob? Some asshole probably knocked it off just to be a fucktard.

  “It'll only take a second.”

  “If you don't walk away right now, I'm going to come out there and kick your ass.”

  “Yeah right. You’d have to stop jerking off to do that.”

  I yanked the sheet off my legs, stormed across the room, and threw the door open.

  He looked me up and down, blushing when he realized I was buck naked. “Shit, man, I was only joking.”

  I stared at him, hoping he would just walk away.

  “Here.” He handed me a legal pad covered in illegible chicken scrawl. “Tell Amanda I said hi.”

  My eyes bugged out, and I dragged a finger across my neck.

  He winced, realizing his mistake. “Sorry.”

  “You will make this up to me,” I said, snatching the paper from him.

  He looked genuinely embarrassed. “My bad.”

  I slammed the door and locked it again, my face burning up.

  Nina’s bedhead popped out from under the covers. “Did you just answer the door like that?”

  “Look,” I said, tossing the legal pad towards my desk like a frisbee. “About what he just said-”

  “You don't have to explain.”

  “I haven't hooked up with that girl since last semester.”

  “Carter, seriously-”

  “It's important to me that you know that.” How was I ever going to convince her I wasn't the womanizing douche she took me for with shit like that shoving me under the bus? “I don't even know why he would say that.”

  “Probably ’cause she was throwing herself at you like a bitch in heat last night.”

  My face fell. “What?”

  “Amanda with the tramp stamp? Just guessing, but-”

  I cringed.

  “I'm right, aren't I?”

  “It doesn't matter.”

  She pulled the sheet down beside her and patted my side of the bed, her eyes pinging between my eyes and my dick. “Will you please cover that thing? Logan might be able to talk to you when it's swinging around, but that's only ’cause he doesn't know what it's capable of.”

  I crawled in beside her, but I didn't feel any less sick to my stomach. That other girl meant nothing to me. As far as I was concerned, Nina was too good to even hear her name.

  “She's probably the same girl who started blowing up your phone when you disappeared from the party last night.”

  My temples pulsed. Fucking women and the eyes in the back of their heads. It was probably Amanda who'd jostled the doorknob while we were fooling around last night, too. Fortunately, the music was loud enough that I don’t think Nina noticed.

  “Good thing she didn't follow you up here,” she said, sliding her leg over mine. “I would've had to kick her ass.”

  “Oh yeah?” I reached to the back of her smooth thigh and pulled her over until she was straddling me, her messy blonde hair framing her face. “I thought getting possessive was against the rules?”

  She wrapped her hands around my shoulders and crushed my cock between us gently, the weight of her body coaxing it back to life. “This is a life and death matter, though, Dr. Montgomery.” She shifted so her wet slit lay across my shaft. “I mean, if I don't get my medicine, I could die.”

  “Your medicine?”

  She nodded, her playful green eyes sparkling at me.

  Damn. I knew she thought I teased her bad this morning, but the feel of her slipping along the delicate underside of my cock was making me dizzy.

  “In fact, I think I might need some more.”


  She dropped her forehead against mine as she rocked her hips, her breath growing shallow as she found her rhythm. “Yeah.”

  “How would you like it administered?” I asked, playing along. I wasn't usually the role-playing type, but there was nothing I wouldn't do if it would make this incredible girl feel good. Or sexy. God she was hot when she felt confident.

  “You tell me,” she said, grinding against me harder now that I was rock solid. “You’re the expert.”

  “Let's see.” I pulled her hair back with one hand so I could see her heart pounding in her throat. “I could give it to you here,” I said, dragging two fingers across her pulse. “A nice healthy dose.”

  A throaty exhale gave away the fact that she was growing breathless.

  “Or here,” I said, moving my hand down between her breasts as I relished the way it felt to have her use me like a sex toy. “All over your perfect tits.”

  “Okay,” she said, dropping her head to kiss me before whispering against my lips. “Come on my tits.”

  I couldn't wait to decorate the shit out of this girl. I kissed her back harder, my own pleasure starting to get away from me. Yet I was torn between putting a condom on and feeling her hot release on my bare skin.

  “But warn me,” she said, her eyelids fluttering in a way that told me she was close. “So I can watch.”

  Fuck me, I thought, as much expletive as encouragement.

  Her eyes found mine. “I'm gonna come.”

  I could feel her pussy seizing against my dick like it wanted something to swallow, but I didn’t dare interrupt the delicious pace of her silky slip and slide.

  She gasped as her face filled with panic, and she squeezed the back of my neck before curling her lithe body towards me like a tightening spring. “Carter,” she whispered, trembling in my arms.

  And those syllables escaping from her beautiful lips was all it took to make me explode with a groan, my thick load bursting over my stomach as I sank my fingertips into the soft flesh of her hips. “Fuck.”

  She panted through her smile as she looked down between us. “You misfired.”

  “I blame you.”

  “I'm sorry. I guess I got a little carried away.”

  “Most unnecessary apology ever,” I said, still trying to catch my breath, a feeling I'd had ever since this girl tornadoed into my life.

  “I know that wasn't the plan.”

  “Fuck plans.”

  She laughed and dropped her eyes again, studying the mess I'd made between us.

  “I promise to come on your tits another time.”

  “What a guy,” she said, dragging a finger through my cum.

  “Orange Reese’s I dare y
ou to taste it.”

  Her face relaxed, and she laid the dripping finger on her tongue, closing her lips around it and sucking it clean, her eyes on mine the whole time.

  I couldn't fucking believe it.

  Her eyes rolled up to one corner like she was trying to pick out the individual flavors of a fine wine.

  I couldn't fucking breathe.

  “Not bad,” she said finally, licking her lips.

  I exhaled.

  “Not that I'm surprised. You would taste good.”

  “So would you,” I said, fixing my eyes on hers.

  “I guess the game does work without the candies.”

  “Yeah,” I said, still reeling from what she’d just done and how fucking hot she looked doing it. “I guess it does.”

  T W E N T Y O N E

  - Nina -

  As Zoey and I searched for an empty table where we could throw down and eat our burritos, I found myself growing increasingly impatient at how ridiculously crowded the student union was. It didn’t help that the air was disgustingly muggy. Between the heat from so many warm bodies and the moisture on everyone’s winter coats, it was almost hard to breathe.

  To be honest, the whole experience kind of made me miss Groundhog Day back home. Not that we did shit for it. It was more that I missed it for what we didn’t do, which was get bundled up like Eskimos and fall all over ourselves on icy sidewalks every time we wanted to go anywhere.

  That said, the weather was the only thing I found myself missing about Seaside with any regularity. Maybe that was because I was so distracted by my new hobby of regular “frolfing” dates with Carter (less than half of which actually involved a frisbee), or maybe I was just finally feeling at home and settled on campus.

  Whatever the reason, life was good.

  “Finally!” Zoey said, beelining over to a small table as soon as its previous occupants moved to leave.

  I was relieved to see it was by a bright window, which featured a view of the frosty grass between this building and the next. Not that I was too claustrophobic to sit in the middle of this fire hazard. I mean, I used to think I was, but after my quickie with Carter in an equipment closet at the gym, I think it was safe to say I'd conquered that fear.


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