Jack-O-Lanterns: Good Weds Evil

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Jack-O-Lanterns: Good Weds Evil Page 2

by Kate Hill

  * * *

  Urbane stretched out on the bed in the room he and Evangeline were to share, crossed his arms behind his head and stared, seething, at the ceiling. Not only was his wife proving to be more problematic than he’d foreseen, but this damn bed was too comfortable. The soft down quilt beneath him, the firm mattress, and pillows that seemed made of clouds directly from heaven annoyed him beyond belief. Everything about the room was so bright, cheerful and seemingly made for the delight of angels.

  The only thing that could make such a revolting atmosphere bearable would be having a beautiful woman beside him to fuck. Damn it, he needed a fuck! Not just any fuck, but an extended, skin-drenching, breath-stealing rut with Evangeline.

  He’d made his desires plain, but he would not beg. Nor could he force her. Even a day ago, he wouldn’t have thought twice about bending her to his will, but her good had already tainted him. One look into her eyes and he was lost. Just as Hadrian said he would be.

  What else had Hadrian said? No matter what he did, she would always hate him. In hell, hate was a good thing, but here in the Midland, married to a woman he craved like no other, it was almost unbearable.

  Regardless of whether she hated him, she still desired him. That he knew. Perhaps if he tried seducing her again…

  He rose quickly and walked downstairs, refusing to hurry in spite of his need to consummate this union. In the sitting room, Evangeline lay curled on the rug by the fire, deeply asleep. He could take her then, fast, and she’d have little time to react.

  The thought of his cock inside her tight pussy sent his heart beating out of control, yet again something prevented him from taking what he wanted. Instead he picked her up and carried her toward the stairs.

  Evangeline snapped awake. Instinctively, she clutched his neck, her dark gaze fixed on his.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “Bringing you to the bedroom. Unless you prefer sleeping on the floor? I often did in the netherworld. There’s nothing like the feel of hot, rocky ground beneath one’s naked flesh.”

  She wrinkled her straight little nose. “Sounds awful.”

  “It would to you.”

  “No wonder you wanted to come here instead of living in such a terrible place.”

  “Terrible?” He glared, his teeth grinding. Already his soul ached for the agonies of hell, but because of her he was denied them forever. “I would enjoy something -- anything -- terrible right now, but I’ll settle for other things…” His voice faded a bit as he brushed her mouth with his.

  She turned away and pressed her face against his neck. The sensation of her satiny skin against him made him want to close his eyes in pleasure. When he reached their room, he placed her on the bed and loomed above her.

  “Thank you for the ride,” she whispered, a teasing expression in her eyes that he found most charming.

  “You can pay me back now.”

  Again his mouth covered hers in a crushing kiss. His hands slid up and down her body and slipped the torn dress off her torso. He broke their kiss only to run his lips down the side of her neck and over her breasts. Kneading one of the soft spheres, he used his tongue and lips on the other. The hard little nipple tasted delicious. He sucked and laved it until she gasped with need. She arched against him, her hips thrusting in a primitive rhythm as his hand sank between her thighs and he slid his finger into her slick, wet cunt.

  “Mmm,” she murmured breathlessly, her hot flesh pulsing around his exploring finger.

  He inserted another and she pressed harder against him, her spiky nipples teasing his flesh. With her head arched back, delicate lavender veins straining beneath alabaster skin, he thought he’d lose complete control and devour her then and there. He withdrew his finger and circled her clit.

  “Ah!” she cried, her lovely voice ragged with need. Rubbing her clit faster, he began sucking her nipple at the same time, drawing the rosy bud hard between his lips. She trembled beneath him, and he felt her desperation in every gasp, every quiver of flesh and thrust of her slender hips.

  Her eyes flew open and she pushed against him. “No! Stop, Urbane, I said not tonight.”

  “You are my wife. I am a demon and not accustomed to waiting for what I want.”

  Both went very still, their gazes locked and hearts pounding in union.

  “I am an angel,” she spoke softly, “and demand to be treated with respect.”

  He grasped a handful of her silken hair, not enough to hurt, but snugly enough that his knuckles pressed against her scalp. “Were I in hell, I would ravish you, sultry wench.”

  Evangeline met his gaze, unfaltering, and stated, “You are no longer in hell.”

  Rage and longing flared through him. “And you’re no longer in the heavens.”

  “I will not make love with you, Urbane.”

  “Who’s asking for love? I’ll be more than satisfied with a good fuck.”

  “If that was the truth, you wouldn’t have bound yourself to me forever.”

  His teeth gritted so hard he thought they might chip. In a swift motion he stood. “You may live in this gilded cage, angel. When you come to your senses and decide to feed the wild hunger I know burns inside you, seek me in the garden.”

  He stormed out of the house and slammed the door behind him.

  * * *

  A week later, Urbane lay on his back atop a flat rock by a pool in the garden and stared at the starry sky. Always a man to value time alone, he hadn’t realized how lonely one could become with absolutely no one to talk to. Even in hell there had been other demons around to fight with, but here… nobody. Except his stubborn wife whom he hadn’t seen except through the windows of their house when he spied on her by night. In the daytime he’d found a dark cave where he could curl up and sleep, therefore avoiding dreaded sunlight. Also he refused to stalk her by day since she’d probably notice and he didn’t want her to think he was desperate for her company, even if he was.

  If he was lonely, he didn’t doubt her suffering was worse. Angels were known as social creatures, always talking and laughing among themselves. A demon was made for torture. This loneliness was simply a mild irritation. He needed no one, least of all Evangeline --


  Hell, it was her! He leapt up so quickly he smashed his head against the cave’s craggy ceiling. With a foul curse, he crawled out of the darkness and into the warm, sunny afternoon. His heart slammed in his chest and he tingled with desire and a longing so painful it was almost a pleasure.

  “Urbane! Where are you?”

  He leaned nonchalantly against the side of the cave and called, “Over here.”

  Wearing a gossamer gown that left little to the imagination, she approached, smiling so sweetly he nearly returned the gesture.

  “I’m glad I found you. Would you like to have lunch with me? I imagine you must be tired of living off of fruit.”

  “Actually, this garden is filled with delectable serpents. I’ve been more than satisfied.” He sneered.

  She wrinkled her nose and sighed. “Then you don’t want to come home with me?”

  “Do you intend to feed my every appetite?”

  “To be honest, I’m tired of being alone and thought you might be, too.”

  Relief and disgust battled for precedence inside him. Hell, yes, he wanted to go home with her, but damn the weakness in his character that made him need her closeness.

  She sighed, looking so dejected he nearly took her in his arms, and said, “I guess I’ll leave you to your privacy.”

  “Wait.” He approached, his hands clenched behind his back to keep from touching her. “I have grown bored with eating snakes. Maybe a change in diet is a good idea.”

  A brilliant smile illuminated her face and she grasped his arm. Her shoulder brushed his as they walked to the house.

  The meal went rather well. They managed not to argue and even came to certain compromises regarding the house. The basement would be turned into Urbane’s
private territory, all the annoyingly bright furniture removed and the wooden floor turned to one of rocks and dirt. A mere shadow of the hell he remembered, but nonetheless a place where he could remind himself of what he truly was.

  He soon realized that without such compromises, life would be intolerable for them. Now what he needed was to seduce her completely. To do this, he must think like an angel. What would make her feel secure and loved? What would inspire her to please him?

  Thrusting aside his innate hatred of all things cheerful, he began courting her with a vengeance. Every day he’d take her for walks, bring her freshly cut roses and baskets of the ripest fruit in the garden. He hung on her every word, and ate the meals she cooked with relish -- even the lousy ones.

  She laughed often, paid him much attention, and was shockingly free with her kisses. To his annoyance, she almost used them as rewards. He would please her and she’d throw her arms around his neck and cover his face with kisses. Though pleasant at first, he soon realized she was more of a tease than the worst succubus in hell.

  After nearly two weeks of these games, he’d had enough. Worst of all, he was starting to enjoy pleasing her. If he was losing part of himself to good, he expected to be properly paid for it. Enough was enough. He wanted satisfaction.

  On a night even warmer than usual, Evangeline had gone to the pool behind their house for a moonlight swim. Urbane undressed and went to join her.

  * * *

  Evangeline smiled up at the stars as she waded in the warm water, relishing the feel of it on her naked skin. The only thing missing from this perfect night was Urbane. She longed for the day they would make love and knew it wouldn’t be much longer. Though the demon in him would always remain, he had learned to temper it and she believed he even enjoyed pleasing her at times. Maybe there had been a craving for good in him all along, just as she had a desire for something a bit evil. That was why they were drawn to each other and willing to live in exile together.

  She heard a branch snap and stood, her arms folded across her breasts, water streaming down her torso. Her gaze fixed on Urbane who strode, naked, toward the water.

  Heavens, he was gorgeous. All that swarthy skin, his chest lightly dusted with hair, his muscles lean and hard. Curly, windblown black hair gave him a roguish look, as did the wicked arch of his eyebrows.

  His long, thick cock bobbed as he walked and she longed to touch it. Before Urbane, she’d never had such thoughts, but now she was obsessed by the drives of her body and the longing in her heart.

  He walked into the pool until he stood so close she could see the pattern of hair on his chest and feel his breath on her face. The urge to kiss him almost overtook her. When he grasped her roughly by her upper arms, her pulse fluttered.

  “I’m tired of waiting, Evangeline,” he stated, staring at her with such intensity in his gray eyes that her entire body screamed with desire. “I will have what’s mine. Now.”

  “Yes,” she breathed.

  “There will be no further argument. You will -- yes?” His brow furrowed, the look of surprise on his face most endearing.

  Smiling slightly, she nodded and before she had a chance to speak or react, he swept her into his arms and covered her mouth with a searing kiss.

  Evangeline wrapped her arms around Urbane and closed her eyes, savoring every dark and beautiful sensation rolling through her, inspired by the demon’s kiss.

  His tongue plunged into her mouth, and hers matched it stroke for stroke. He tasted hot and delicious. Crushed to his chest, she relished the tickle of his hair-dusted flesh against her hard nipples. The pressure of his steely cock trapped between their bodies made her tremble with desire. She longed for its velvet thickness deep inside her, filling her with his power, making her feel forbidden sensations.

  Moaning softly, she gave herself over to him, allowing him to support her completely. His rock hard arms tightened around her, then he lifted her, their mouths still locked, and carried her to the grassy shore.

  “Evangeline,” he breathed against the side of her neck. He ran his tongue along the straining column, across her collarbone, and down the center of her breasts.

  She entangled her fingers in his thick, black hair and caressed his scalp. His lips closed over her nipple and sucked hard. With a piercing cry of pleasure, she arched against him, pressing his head closer, trying to force more of her breast into his mouth. His wet tongue lashed her nipple and he gently bit the soft flesh surrounding it. While his lips and tongue continued teasing one breast, he stroked the other. He kneaded the fleshy globe and used the tip of a callused finger to stroke the nipple until his touch became one of pleasure/pain.

  “Oh, Urbane, yes,” she panted, wrapping both of her legs around one of his. His legs were so long and powerful, the muscles like iron beneath hair-roughened flesh. The man was absolutely perfect.

  A low growl escaped his throat. He disentangled himself from her and roughly turned her onto her stomach.

  “Stay,” he ordered, pressing a hand to the small of her back.

  He brushed aside her long hair and licked the back of her neck. He ran his tongue over her shoulders and down her spine. Evangeline quivered, her entire body crying out for him. Her clit ached so much that she squirmed against the grass in an effort to appease the demands of her body which no longer seemed to be under her control. She now belonged entirely to Urbane.

  His hands trailed over her ribs and the sides of her breasts. He pressed kisses to every inch of her back. When he reached her buttocks, he squeezed the rounded spheres and bit them gently. He laved and licked her lower back, his tongue dipping to the indentation of her bottom.

  Her buttocks seemed to fascinate him and he spent a long time there, nipping, licking and kissing until gooseflesh rose on her skin. Finally he moved to her thighs.

  Evangeline had never imagined physical pleasure such as this. Her entire body felt aglow while at the same time frustrated with a need beyond words. She wanted him to fill her, to… to… fuck her into oblivion!

  His wildness had tainted her and she didn’t care. Oh, she’d never be truly evil, but there was a dark, carnal part of her soul that only this demon could please.

  Urbane grasped her waist and tugged her to her hands and knees. Her hands braced firmly on the grass and her knees spread apart, she waited, her pulse throbbing so fast she thought she might faint. He was going to take her from behind like an animal. Fuck her like a primal beast and she wanted it so badly she thought her heart would explode.

  He grasped her hips firmly, his long, strong fingers sinking into her soft flesh. She felt his cock head prodding where she was so hot and wet. With frustrating slowness he eased into her.

  “Ah, ah. Urbane, oh, please, yes!” she cried, clutching handfuls of grass and thrusting her buttocks against him.

  Finally buried to the hilt, he uttered a sound somewhere between a growl and an evil laugh. He thrust so quickly he nearly stole her breath. His balls slapped flesh each time he filled her completely with his thick cock.

  One of his hands reached around and began fondling her clit. Evangeline cried out with unabashed pleasure.

  “Yes, oh, Urbane. Don’t stop. Don’t stop. Please don’t!”

  This time there was no mistaking his wicked laughter. He thrust faster and harder while continuing to press and rub her engorged clit.

  Evangeline exploded, her entire body throbbing with pleasure that stole her vision and left her only with sensation. Urbane didn’t stop rubbing and stroking until she collapsed completely, her heart slamming against her ribs. Still supporting her with an arm around her waist, he withdrew from her then let her drop onto her stomach with a soft grunt.

  She moaned, a sound of utter contentment, just before he rolled her onto her back. Her eyes still closed, she wasn’t completely aware of what he was doing until she felt the brush of his velvety cock head across her face.

  “Umm,” she purred when it swept across her forehead, down her cheek, and finally
over her lips.

  “Suck me,” he ordered.

  Her eyes opened and she gazed up at him from where he knelt above her, his entire weight supported completely on his knees. The muscles bulged in his hair dusted thighs. From this position, he looked bigger than ever to her. Muscles bunched in his broad shoulders. His chest and stomach looked like they were chiseled from rock.

  He leaned forward on his hands and knees, then buried one hand in her hair while keeping his balance with the other. He pressed his cock a bit harder against her lips and repeated, “Suck me.”

  Drawing a sharp breath, she realized this was exactly what she wanted to do. Suck and lick this gorgeous demon until he lost control of himself just like she had. She wanted to see him shudder and writhe, hear his ragged breath and see exquisite pleasure on his handsome face.

  Every sexual need, each dark passion hidden inside her burst forth. She opened her mouth and took his cock head between her lips. She swirled her tongue around it and licked the underside. Then she sucked.

  Urbane groaned and released her hair so he could use both hands to support himself as passion grew. Evangeline lifted her head so that the crown of his erection brushed the back of her throat. She continued sucking and laving until she felt a shudder rip through him. Gasping, he pulled away and sat back on his heels, one hand clamped around the base of his engorged cock. The ruddy head looked ready to burst. By the heaving of his chest and the straining tendons in his neck, she knew he was close.

  “Let me,” she said, crawling toward him. She slid her hands over his thighs, her gaze fixed on his. The passion in his eyes nearly scorched her. “Please, Urbane. Let me suck you.”

  She dipped lower and again took his cock head into her mouth.

  “Ah, sultry wench! You’re going to destroy me,” he gasped, his hand still clamping the base of his staff while she laved and sucked the head. She ran her tongue over the eye and traced the thick vein on the underside. Then she lapped where he gripped his cock, her tongue drenching both his hand and his shaft. She continued lapping upward, leaving no inch of his erection untouched. When she reached the head again, she took as much of him into her mouth as she could.


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