Love Again

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Love Again Page 23

by Kelly Elliott

  My head should have been spinning. My heart should have been aching, but instead, I was making plans in my head to prepare for a baby. Which was insane. The girl might not even like us. Jonathon probably wasn’t ready for this step yet.

  “Do you want this? Now? I mean, we’re not even married, and we’d have to put a few things on hold, like the wedding and the honeymoon. I mean, this might not even work, and we could have our hearts broken if things didn’t work out.”

  Cupping my face in his hands, he looked deep into my eyes. “I’m ready. The question is…are you ready to take this leap with the knowledge that it might not work in our favor?”

  A tear slipped from behind my lashes as I nodded. “I want to try. If it doesn’t work out, we keep moving on. Our situation would be no different than it is right now if it falls through. It’s just part of the journey.”

  His lips pressed against mine.

  “Umm…not to interrupt this amazing moment, but Wanda is waiting to hear back from us, and I need a cell phone.”

  Jonathon broke our kiss and handed Amelia his phone. “Shit! Yes. Call her back.”

  Amelia took the phone and stared at it.

  “Meli, what’s wrong?”

  Chewing on her lip, she looked over at us. “I don’t remember their number. It was programmed into my phone.”

  “The goat ate your phone,” I groaned and pushed her toward Jonathon’s truck. “We need to get to Wade. Where is he, anyway?”

  “Chasing Patches. I told him I had to leave and come find you.”

  We piled into the truck, and Jonathon started down the driveway driving like a bat out of hell. “Jonathon, why don’t you have Wade’s number?” Amelia shouted.

  “That’s my work phone! My regular cell is at my house. I forgot it.”

  “Christ Almighty! Who forgets their phone!” Amelia cried out as she tried to remember Wade’s number.

  “Wait, you don’t know your own husband’s phone number?” I asked.

  “No! Do you know Jonathon’s?”

  “Of course, I do.”

  “Screw you, Waylynn. He’s in my favorites and I just tell Siri to call him!”

  Jonathon snapped his fingers. “Cord! Call Cord, he’s on that phone.”

  “Oh! Good!” Amelia said as she looked for Cord’s number. “Found it!”

  Punching Jonathon on the arm, I yelled, “Go faster!”

  “I’m trying! Do you not see all the cows up ahead?”

  “Answer, damn it! Answer!” Amelia shouted.

  “Why are we freaking out?” Jonathon asked. “Surely they understand we would need a bit of time to think about this?”

  “I want that baby, Jonathon Turner!” Amelia shouted. “I mean, I want that baby for y’all.”

  Jonathon looked at me with wide eyes, and I couldn’t help but giggle.

  “Cord!” Amelia shouted. “Find Wade! I need to talk to him. No, I don’t care that he and Daddy are setting up a game. I need to talk to him now!”

  Chewing on my nail, we waited for Cord to get Wade.

  “Wade! I need you to call Wanda or Mick and tell them that Waylynn and Jonathon want the baby. Yes! Okay, we’re almost there, but call them right after I hang up.”

  Amelia hit End and then looked at me. We both stared at each other.

  “Oh. My. God. What did we just do?” I asked.

  “Not we…you…y’all,” she said, pointing between me and Jonathon with a huge grin. “Y’all just signed up for a baby.”

  * * *

  Jonathon paced while I sat in the chair with my hands folded in my lap. When the door opened, I stood. A young girl with beautiful dark hair walked into the room. Her warm smile brought tears to my eyes. I couldn’t imagine how hard this must be for her.

  “Liberty, this is Waylynn Parker and Jonathon Turner. This is the couple who is interested in adopting your child.”

  She glanced over to her lawyer and then at the two of us. “Y’all aren’t married? I thought your paperwork said you were married.”

  “Not yet, but we were about to have a civil ceremony tomorrow and had planned on a beach wedding later this year, but then this came up so we’ve put that on hold.”

  “Oh. Okay.”

  Sitting down in a seat, Jonathon and I sat at the opposite end of the table.

  Liberty’s lawyer sat and set a few folders on the table. Our lawyer cleared his throat.

  “Good afternoon, my name is Dereck Winters, and I’m the counsel for Ms. Parker and Mr. Turner.”

  Liberty’s lawyer stood back up again. “Rider Flynn, and I’m Ms. Wilson’s attorney.”

  I couldn’t help it, but I giggled and so did Jonathon. We both tried to hide it. I prayed like hell no one caught the slip.

  “It seems to me, Mr. Wilson, that this is cut and dry. Your client will terminate her parental rights, and my clients will petition for adoption. My clients understand that their petition will not be finalized until the child has been in their care for six months, at which time they will present the court with a social study as well as a genetic history. We have already presented the criminal history and will submit an updated report at said time.”

  I cleared my throat. “We’d also like to ask Ms. Wilson if she would be interested in an open adoption.”

  Liberty looked at her lawyer. It was clear she didn’t understand what that meant. Sitting down, he said, “An open adoption is where the adoptive parents and the birth parents, or parent in this case, would have contact with one another after the child is born.”

  Liberty’s mouth opened some before closing abruptly. “You mean, you’d let me see the baby after she’s born?”

  Jonathon took my hand in his. I tried to slow my breathing and speak with a calm voice.

  “Yes, if you would like.”

  When Liberty’s chin trembled, I had to look away. “Mr. Wilson, Mr. Winters, may I please speak with Waylynn and Jonathon alone?”

  Both lawyers looked at each other and then to us. Jonathon and I nodded.

  “We’ll be outside the door,” Dereck said with an unsure smile.

  Once the door shut, Liberty covered her mouth and let a sob slip through. I instantly got up and made my way to her. Sitting next to her, I took her hand in mine.

  “Are you okay, sweetheart?”

  She nodded and attempted to get her emotions in check. “Why would you do that? Let me see the baby?”

  Lifting my eyes to Jonathon, we smiled. Focusing back on Liberty, I spoke softly. “I won’t pretend to understand how you feel, because I can’t imagine it. I know you read my medical records and you know I had an accident—and a hysterectomy. It was very emotional to find out that I would never be able to carry my own child. So, for you to carry your child, and then give her up…I know it cannot be easy to do. We just want you to know that the open adoption is an option if you choose us as the parents of your child. I don’t have all the details of how we would handle it, or how you would want to handle it, but I feel strongly that we needed to ask you.”

  Liberty wiped her tears away and smiled. “I want to go to medical school.”

  “That’s amazing, Liberty,” Jonathon said, sitting down on the other side of her. “Your parents must be very proud of you.”

  Her smile faded. “My parents disowned me when they found out I’d gotten pregnant.”

  My hand covered my mouth in an attempt to hide an angry gasp.

  “Your parents disowned you?” Jonathon asked.

  She nodded and sighed. Then she looked at me. “You own a dance studio?”

  I grinned. “I do. I used to be a dancer in New York City.”

  “Wow, that’s pretty neat. The paperwork didn’t mention that.”

  We all chuckled.

  Turning to face Jonathon, she asked, “You own your own construction company?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Caring for your child will not be a problem, Liberty. She or he will have every opportunity we can give them.”
  With a slight grin, she glanced at her hands. Her cheeks turned pink. “I have to admit, my lawyer told me who your momma and daddy are, Waylynn, and I Googled them. You come from a very wealthy family. It makes me feel good knowing that you’re both driven and have family support. I know you can provide her with the things I can’t. At least not in the near future. Once I go to school and get my medical degree, I’ll be more…ready. For lack of better words.”

  The only thing I could do was nod. “I think what you’re doing is very brave, Liberty. And it’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

  She scoffed. “My momma and daddy don’t think so. They said I deserve to suffer with the baby since I was careless enough to get pregnant. He’s a good guy, the baby’s father. He’s just scared. He’s on a scholarship for football with Texas A&M.”

  Liberty wasn’t supposed to tell us anything about herself. “That’s where I go to school.”

  Jonathon’s face broke out into a smile. “That’s where I went.”

  “I saw that!” she said.

  Wringing her hands together, she seemed like she wanted to ask us something else.

  “You can ask anything you want,” I said.

  “Y’all are getting married?”

  Jonathon and I looked at each other and smiled. “Yes.”

  “And I can see the baby?”

  I squeezed her hand. “Yes.”

  “Can we tell her that I’m a family friend?”

  “If that’s what you want. But Jonathon and I have already spoken about this, and we plan on telling the baby when she is older that she is adopted. And we’d love for you to stay a part of her world.”

  Tears streamed down her face. “You mean, you’d tell her I’m her momma? And why I had to give her up so that she knows I did it for her?”

  My eyes stung as I fought to hold my tears back. “Of course. If that is okay with you.”

  Liberty stood and threw her arms around me. “I knew God would bring me the right couple to love and take care of my baby. I just never dreamed he’d bring me angels.”

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  Jonathon and I parked next to the line of cars outside my parents’ house.

  “My folks are here,” Jonathon said with a chuckle.

  I took a few deep breaths and faced him.

  “I wish we could have more time to let this all soak in. I feel like we just found out we won the lottery, and everyone wants a piece of the pie!”

  Chuckling, Jonathon nodded. “It’s a lot to take in. I know everyone is anxious. A lot has happened the last couple of months.”

  “Does it feel like it’s too good to be true? That we’re going to wake up, and it’s all been a dream?”

  He took my hand in his. “Yes. A little bit. But it’s not a dream, and I feel like this all happened for a reason. I mean, I hate that the option for you to carry a child has been taken from us, but if it hadn’t…”

  “We’d have never met Liberty. And she would have given up her child to a couple who would probably never let her see the baby again.”

  “Exactly. It’s meant to be.”

  A tear trailed down my cheek. Jonathon brushed it away with his thumb. “You’re the most amazing woman I’ve ever met. When you told me you wanted Liberty to stay a part of the baby’s life, I had to fight to hold back tears. That’s such an unselfish gift.”

  “She’s the one giving us the most amazing gift. If one mother is good…two has to be better, right?”

  His hand slipped behind my neck, pulling me closer to him.

  “I love you so damn much.”

  My hand covered his. “I love you too.”

  The knock on the window made both of us scream.

  Amelia and Wade stood outside the truck. Well, Wade was standing there and my sister was jumping up and down like a crazy person.

  We took a deep breath, exhaled, and said at the same time, “Let’s do this.”

  I opened the door, and Amelia nearly pulled my arm out of socket.

  “What happened? Why are y’all sitting out here in the car? What was the mother like? Did she like y’all? Are you getting the baby? Oh my God, why are you not talking?”

  I replied, “Cool your tits, Meli. Christ Almighty, I can’t talk because you won’t let me get a word in.”

  Wade shook Jonathon’s hand. “How did it go?”

  We glanced at each other and smiled.

  Amelia threw her hands in my face. “No! Wait! Don’t say it yet. I want you to say it in front of everyone!”

  Grabbing my hand, she started pulling me behind her as she ran up the porch stairs.

  “Jonathon’s folks are here, too, as well as Evie, Hollie, Dalton, Hope, and Rip.”

  “Rip? Oh, man. How’s Steed handling that?” Jonathon asked with a chuckle.

  Wade answered. “Let’s just say he’s not handling it well. Especially since he and Chloe are sitting on the porch swing talking away.”

  “Oh hell, my poor little brother. The Parker woman spell is already upon him.”

  Everyone greeted us the moment we walked into the house. Hope came running up and jumped into Jonathon’s arms while my mother engulfed me in a hug. Kristin, Jonathon’s mother, followed.

  “Jonathon, Cord promised to take me horseback riding!” Hope exclaimed. Her crush on Cord was beyond cute.

  Kissing his sister on the forehead, Jonathon replied, “How fun, Squirt! Maybe I can come too?”

  She frowned and then shrugged. “I guess. If you want.”

  “How did it go? I want to know everything!” My mother gushed as she guided me to the family room. When we walked into the room, my father kissed my cheek. Moving his mouth to my ear, he asked, “Overwhelmed?”

  With a giggle, I replied, “A little.”

  He gave me a wink before turning around. “Alright! Everyone take a few steps back and let’s give Jonathon and Waylynn some breathing room.”

  “What’s ‘breathing room’?” Chloe asked.

  When I looked down and found her holding hands with Rip Jr., I nearly lost it laughing. The look on Steed’s face was priceless.

  He hit Paxton on the arm. “They’re holding hands! Make them stop!”

  She hit him back. “Hush up, Steed Parker!”

  Glancing around, I saw Corina holding Gage. I smiled. “How are you feeling?”

  She looked confused at first, but flashed me that beautiful smile. “I’m feeling amazing. “

  Kissing my nephew on the head, I faced everyone. Jonathon made his way over to us.

  “So…how did the meeting go? Did she like y’all?” Amelia asked again.

  Taking my hand in his, Jonathon gave me a slight squeeze. I opened my mouth, but nothing came out. I was overwhelmed with emotion, so Jonathon spoke.

  “We met the mother. Her name is Liberty Wilson. She’s a college student right now and wants to go to medical school.”

  “Oh my,” Kristin said with a smile.

  “Good for her!” my mother added.

  “She asked to speak with us alone. Once the legal people left, we got to know her. We talked about an open adoption and asked for her to be a part of the baby’s life. We told her that we could work out visiting times when the child is old enough.”

  You could hear sniffling, and I reached up and wiped a tear away. I wasn’t surprised when I saw my handsome future husband doing the same thing.

  “Um, anyway, after talking to Liberty for over an hour, the lawyers came back, and we signed the paperwork. Liberty signed over her parental rights, and we are on the road to adopting a baby.”

  Cheers erupted in the room, and between my family and Jonathon’s filling the family room, it felt like we were at a sports event.

  The sound of a cork popping drew everyone’s attention over to Jonathon’s stepdad, Rip. “Time to celebrate!”

  And celebrate we did. When I finally needed a break, I made my way to the quiet of the front porch. I sat on the swing, leaned my head
back, and let out a contented moan.

  “Would you like to be alone?”

  I jumped at the sound of my Aunt Vi’s voice. Lifting my head, she stood in front of me, two small shot glasses in her hands.

  “Is that whiskey?” I asked.

  “Why, yes, it is.”

  “Please, tell me they’re both for me.”

  She winked and handed me one and then the other.

  “I always knew you were my favorite for a reason.”

  I laughed. “Aunt Vi, why is life so crazy? I don’t know if I should be crying or celebrating. I mean, I’m still upset about the hysterectomy, yet I’m thrilled to be adopting this baby. It’s like I don’t know how I’m supposed to feel. A part of me feels guilty that I moved on so quickly, yet deep down inside, I still hurt.”

  Sighing, I buried my face into my hands and groaned. “Ah, shit, I don’t know!” My hands dropped into my lap.

  “Have you ever wondered why I’ve never had kids?”

  I stared at her. “Yes. I’ve even asked Daddy, and he said that was your story to tell.”

  She nodded. “He was right, and I haven’t told it in years.”

  Lacing her arm with mine, she pushed off the porch and we started rocking.

  “I remember when your momma was pregnant with you. Lord, did she ever look cute as a button, that Melanie. I was so happy for them. Then came Tripp and my brother got the boy he wanted so badly.”

  “He was hoping for a boy with me?” I exclaimed.

  “Oh, yes, he had been calling you Waylon for months, but I know for a fact that you had him wrapped around your little finger from the first moment he laid eyes on you.”

  With a contented sigh, I leaned my head on her shoulder.

  “The day I found out your momma was pregnant again I was living in California. I had just left the doctor’s office and had been told I would never be able to have kids.”

  My head snapped up. “What?”

  She forced a smile. “It was a tough day, for damn sure. When I got home, your daddy had left me a message with the news. Twins. I thought for sure God was playing some cruel joke. I let myself cry for a good two hours then I plastered on a smile and called your folks back and told them how happy I was for them. And I was, don’t get me wrong. I was over the moon, but when you’re feeling so overwhelmingly sad, your head plays tricks on you. From that point on, I told myself I was going to just live my life like I was going zero to ninety without a damn care in the world. I went through men like candy and used sex to cover up my hurt.”


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