Folding Hearts

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Folding Hearts Page 11

by Jennifer Foor

  When I went back into the carriage house, Izzy was getting a much needed diaper change. The smell of fresh shit filled the room and I covered my nose. “Ewww somebody has a stinky hiney.”

  “That would be your little cutie over here.” Miranda started laughing as she pointed to the wrapped up diaper. I grabbed a plastic bag and held my nose as I walked over toward the stink bomb.

  “I will take this outside and bury it,” I said as I scooped it into the bag and tied it shut. When I reached the door, I fanned it open and shut. “How can you sit in there and not gag?”

  “You get used to it,” She laughed.

  Izzy ran toward the door. “Bye bye?”

  “No. Uncle Ty will be right back,” I explained.

  I didn’t bury the diaper, but I threw it in the dumpster behind the barn. I wanted that smell to be as far away from human contact as possible.

  When I got back inside Miranda was cleaning up. “Your cell phone keeps ringing.”

  I grabbed my phone and noticed I had thirty-seven missed calls. I shook my head and sat down, scrolling through the numbers. Ten calls were from my mother, and the rest were from my friends, including Van and Colt’s number. I had seventeen text messages.

  Most were asking about Miranda and Izzy, so I answered everyone from Kentucky back that things were fine and I just left my phone somewhere. I had a bunch from Heather, telling me what I had missed out on, and some from my best friend Mike.

  Every year the fraternity had a big ABC party. The concept of the party was that you could wear anything but clothes, and let me just say that people my age were very creative. To say that a lot of skin was revealed would be an understatement. The outfit malfunctions themselves left for great entertainment.

  Miranda must have noticed me smiling just thinking about it. “What are you smilin’ about?”

  “There is an ABC party tonight at the frat house. I was just thinking about how much fun it was last year.”

  “I have always wanted to go to one. I even know what I would wear. I am sure you are goin’ to have a good time. Take pictures so I can see them tomorrow.”

  That wasn’t acceptable. “What if I can find a sitter? I mean, we won’t go until after nine so Izzy will be asleep anyway.”

  “We just got here. I don’t know anyone to ask. Izzy would freak out.”

  “My mother will do it. We can find out at dinner.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t know if that is a good idea. We didn’t come here so I could go party with college people. I came here to protect myself and daughter.”

  “I am inviting you to come out for a little while. I won’t even drink.”

  “You really think she will watch her?”

  “I think that after spending ten seconds with her earlier, she is filling a craving for her own grandchild, that obviously she isn’t going to have anytime soon.”

  For the next half hour Miranda seemed excited, but still feared my mother would say ‘no’. Izzy was running around the couch, itching for me to keep chasing her. Every time I got close, she would scream at the top of her lungs and yell ‘no’. I would grab her and tickle her.

  I managed to run over and ask my mother if she would babysit, before the girls arrived for dinner. I knew that after seeing Izzy for herself, she wouldn’t be able to resist. She agreed without even giving it a second thought.

  Dinner worked out great. We brought Izzy’s seat over and hooked it right to the table. My mother got herself so excited about watching Izzy, that she had my father run to the church to borrow a porta-crib. While the girls did dishes, we tried to get it set up ourselves. Of course Miranda came walking in and had the damn contraption set up in three seconds flat.

  Izzy saw what it was and ran away from it, like it had teeth.

  ABC parties required planning, due to the fact that it was an anything but clothes party. I had already set out something for myself to wear, but I had absolutely no idea what Miranda was planning. She grabbed a few things from my mother’s pantry and headed over to the carriage house to get ready, while I went in my old bedroom to do the same. My costume consisted of a small orange cone and some caution tape. The cone was to cover my goods, while the tape was wrapped around to cover the rest. Last year I had used the tape and it got ripped off, so this year I secured it better with Duct tape. Because we still had to drive there, I threw on a sweatshirt and some large jogging pants. I tried to avoid my parents as I walked past them, with what looked like a giant hard-on.

  My mother gasped and shook her head, probably regretting the idea of babysitting while Miranda and I walked around half-naked.

  “It’s just a party Mom, and all of the private parts are covered,” I assured her.

  “I don’t want to know,” She said as I walked out the door.

  I was dying to see what Miranda was wearing, but she already had on a jacket that came down to her knees when I walked in. “Can I get a peek?”

  “Nope. You can be surprised just like everyone else.” After only being able to see a pair of red high hells, I was more than curious.

  I shook my head, feeling like I was going to regret this. This was exactly what Conner did not want happening.

  I begged her to show me her outfit the whole ride to the frat house, but she kept refusing. When we finally parked, we noticed lots of people stripping off coats in the parking lot. I pulled off my clothes and turned to see if Miranda was following my lead.

  Holy Hell!

  My mouth dropped.

  Miranda was standing there, in nothing but a tiny strand of saran wrap across her large breasts and some concoction of a very small, very short saran wrapped skirt.

  “Holy Shit!”

  “Do you like it?” She spun around, probably to tease me more.

  “There isn’t much there. Maybe you should keep the coat on,” I suggested.

  “Why? Does it make me look fat or somethin’?”

  “Hell no! You look fucking hot! Too hot! My friends are going to bust a load when they see you. Just stay close to me tonight, please. I don’t feel like fighting anyone.”

  She started laughing. “Whatever you say. Lead the way.”

  I held out my hand for her and thankfully she took it. This was a bad idea. Every guy in this place was going to be mindfucking her. She gave the word MILF its name.

  Just as I suspected, we walked in and people’s mouths actually dropped. She may as well have been naked and I immediately felt protective. “Here we go,” I said under my breath.

  Mike approached us. “Damn boy. Now I know why you didn’t call me back. Who is this fine thing?”

  I looked over to Miranda. “This is……she is my….”

  “Hi, I am Miranda. I am visiting from Kentucky,” She interrupted.

  Mike looked her up and down as he shook her hand. “You are fucking hot!” He blurted out.

  I rolled my eyes while he continued to give her his undivided attention. “Follow me if you want a beer.”

  She looked back at me while he pulled her forward. I regretted it, but he was my best friend and all he knew was that she and I were together. He wouldn’t go against guy code. Mike wasn’t like that.

  It took seconds for Heather to come up behind me and smack the caution tape over my ass. She let her hand linger. “Why did you bring her?”

  “Because I wanted to.”

  “Is that your baby?” She said as she turned around to face me. She had made a bikini out of beer boxes. The top was light beer and the small bottoms were regular beer.

  “That is none of your fucking business.” I scoured the room, trying to spot where Mike had taken Miranda.

  “Who is she Ty? I have never seen her before and she is clearly staying at your place.” She was jealous. I wanted to laugh in her face, but I was too busy trying to find Miranda to give her a second of my time.

  “Seriously Heather, can you just stop throwing yourself at me. I am not interested. Can’t you take a fucking hint? What do I have to d
o to get the point across? I don’t want you!”

  I never took my eyes off the crowd, and my heart dropped when I saw Mike and Miranda dancing together. She was so fucking gorgeous. Her body was perfect and I clenched my fist when I watched her put her hands in the air and Mike groping her at the waist. The tattoo on her ribs of Bella’s name was being displayed for the whole world to see. Then another one of my buddies grabbed her from behind and they were starting to run a damn train.

  What the fuck?

  Heather continued to talk, but I heard nothing she said. I pushed her out of the way and headed toward Miranda.

  Chapter 17


  I couldn’t believe how awesome Ty was being and the fact that he had managed to give me a night out. After almost kissing me earlier, he had gone back to his strict friend demeanor. He kept confusing me. One minute I felt like he wanted me and the next he was making it clear that we were just friends.

  The party was in full force and I loved all of the different things people were using to cover their bodies. Ty was nice to have let me hang out with his friend Mike. He was hot, but not as hot as Ty. When he asked me to dance, I glanced over and saw that Ty was with the girl who had been at his place the other night. I didn’t want to disturb them, he was probably telling her that I was his family. It hurt a little just thinking about it. I was really starting to wish that we could be more. I had even made an effort to woo him with my choice in attire tonight, but after his initial shocked voice, he stopped looking at me. I was running out of ideas and with having Izzy, I wasn’t going to throw myself out there anymore.

  I had to focus on her, not myself. I couldn’t spend time trying to get guys. It just wasn’t a priority, besides I really loved Ty’s relationship with my daughter and didn’t want to do anything to come between them.

  After having me take three shots with him, Mike led me to the dance floor. I tried not to look over at Ty. I wish I could tell him how much I wanted him. I had never been friends with a guy like I was with him. I didn’t want to lose that. I didn’t know if telling Ty the truth would mess things up between us, but part of me was finding it so hard to resist him.

  Mike was a good dancer and I loved that he and his other friends were giving me attention. I never went out and didn’t have much friends at home. Being a mother will do that. Sometimes a woman just wants to feel desired. I knew I wasn’t ugly, but sometimes I needed the reminders.

  “So are you and Ty together?” Mike asked.

  I wish. “No, it is complicated.”

  The shots were warming me up and I was starting to let go with my dancing. Mike’s hands started lingering like I had given him the go ahead that he needed. He was definitely a good looking guy. His sandy brown hair was cut short and he had pretty light blue eyes. If I had to guess I would say he was a football player or wrestler from the size of his muscles. He had taped a pizza box to the front and back of him to cover his package and the cardboard continued to rub against me as we danced. His rock hard chest was as exposed as almost every guy at the party. Some were not as easy on the eyes, but everyone seemed to be having a good time looking. Mike kept leaning into my neck and brushing his nose into my hair.

  “I think I might love you,” he joked with a wink.

  “Really? I think I have heard that line before. You will have to come up with a better one than that,” I teased.

  “I will say whatever you want if it gets me a night with you.”

  I let my head fall back as I laughed. Another guy came up behind me and started dancing with us. I had been too busy laughin’ at Mike’s comment to pay attention to the other guy. I was having a good time with two hot guys when Ty came up and grabbed me. “Thanks for keeping her safe guys.”

  They started to moan and groan. “She said you weren’t together man. What gives cock block?”

  “Fuck off!” Ty pulled my body as close as I could get to him. He had a cone that was about six inches long covering his private parts, so when he did it, it pressed into my stomach.

  “Ouch! Why did you stop me from dancin’? I was havin’ a good time.”

  “I don’t want them touching you.”

  We started dancing to blend in with the crowd around us. “Why?”

  “I…um..Colt and Conner would kick my ass, that’s why.”

  Not the reason that I was hoping for. Why can’t you want me?

  “They ain’t here Ty. I am a grown woman. We have been over this before.”

  A slow song came on and people started getting close and freaky. We looked at each other and Ty leaned into my ear. “I want you to have a good time, but not with these freaks. They want one thing. Trust me I know!”

  “Didn’t you bring me here to have a good time? I think I can handle myself.”

  “I want you to do something for me. I want you to pretend we are together tonight. Can you just do that to make me happy? I don’t want to worry about any of my pervert friends hitting on you all night.”

  Ahh, a reason to touch him….I think yes!

  I ran my hands over his chest. “How much do you want me to pretend? Is this really for my safety or are we tryin’ to make someone jealous?”

  He stared at me for a second and started to smile. Before I could argue, he picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. His hands were on my ass and the cone covering his package was no longer an issue in keeping us apart. I reached my arms under his and held onto the top of his shoulders. I felt Ty backing up until we were against a wall. He licked his lips. “I don’t need to do anything to make anyone jealous, because just seeing you with me did that.”

  “So are you makin’ someone jealous?” I asked as our lips started to brush.

  “Nope. There isn’t anyone here I care about.”

  “What about that girl? The one that was at your house?” I asked.

  “Nothing to tell.” Our lips brushed again.

  To say I was turned on was an understatement. His hands were gripping my ass. Our lips were touching. I nudged my lips over his and started to pull away.

  He spun us around and I was now against the wall. The room was crowded with people, and I was hardly worried about anyone seeing us like this. I didn’t care at all. It was like they didn’t even exist.

  Ty pulled away from my face and brought his mouth to my ear. “You are making this so fucking hard.”

  He looked at me again. I searched his face for answers, but he seemed so confused himself.

  “Making what hard?” I was not understanding. “You said to pretend. Who are we pretending for?” God, I was so hot for him. His naked chest pressed against mine. My nipples were hard under the plastic and the more he held me the more they tingled.

  He freed one hand and brought it up to touch my face. His fingers stroked my lips as he watched, biting his lip. “I don’t want anyone else to touch you. I want them to think you are all mine.”

  I didn’t care what his reason was. I had wanted to kiss him, like really kiss him, for over a year. I had imagined it a million times. He might be faking his feelings, but I sure wasn’t.

  He didn’t have to know that.

  “Okay,” I whispered.

  I licked my lips and watched him getting closer to me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and slowly brought my lips to his. I was so afraid that he was going to pull away that I just froze with our lips pressed, but as his body pressed against me, all I could think of was feeling his tongue. I stroked his bottom lip with my tongue and pulled away, waiting for him to respond.

  Ty smiled. He pressed his forehead to mine. “Okay?” He was giving me a second chance to back out.

  There was no way I was going to do that with the fire that had ignited between my legs. I had barely any clothes on, but I was so hot. Instead of answering him, I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him into my kiss. If I thought my nipples were overly sensitive from his holding me. Well, when his tongue stroked against mine for the first time, those sensations doubled. I let o
ut a soft whimper as our tongues began to mingle. His lips were so soft and his breathing was becoming heavier. I hadn’t come here to seduce him, but if I wanted more of Ty, I knew I had to give it my all.

  He was giving me the reigns to continue this little charade, which had been his idea from the get-go. I dug my nails into his back and pulled his body closer to me. I wanted to feel his chest pressing against my sensitive nipples. Just feeling his body that close made them ache. I couldn’t remember ever being so turned on from just kissing. I just wanted to feel his hands all over me, touching me in every way that would imply that we were way more than just friends.

  I was aware that I was wearing nothing but saran wrap, and that my ass was most likely only covered for the fact that I was pressed into a wall. Our kisses were so deep and I couldn’t help but feel like Ty was enjoying them as much as I was. For two people that were ‘pretending’ we seemed to be more in sync than any other couple at the party.

  After several catcalls and some juvenile comments, Ty pulled his lips away from mine. His head burrowed into my neck as he calmed his heavy breaths. “I told you to stop me.”

  He sat me down and pushed himself away, giving us a good foot between us. I knew he was hard under that cone, he couldn’t deny it. His cheeks were flushed and his eyes were fixed on mine. “I wasn’t ready to stop. Don’t you want to put on a good show?” My heart was beating out of my chest, but I couldn’t deny my yearn for his touch. I wanted him.

  He looked around the room. “I am pretty sure that everyone here is fully aware of what we just did. I did have a practically naked, hot as shit chick, pressed against a wall with my tongue down her throat. I am certain that neither of us are in any danger of getting hit on.”

  I tried to act like it was no big deal; like it was just something fun we did as a joke. Still, we both stood there unable to speak, while our eyes were still filled with desire.

  I looked down at the orange cone that was fastened to his hips and ass by Duct tape. Under that cone was something I couldn’t help but be curious about. The shots had relaxed me and made me feel adventurous. When he still hadn’t said another word to me, I grabbed him by that cone and broke the distance between us. His lips were close to mine again. I could feel him breathing. “You seem like you had fun.”


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