Folding Hearts

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Folding Hearts Page 14

by Jennifer Foor

  I caught myself daydreaming more than once and my boss was really getting on me to finish up an air conditioning job before the day was out. The customer had already waited an extra three days for the part to come in. I kept myself occupied on the task at hand until it was time for everyone to break for lunch. As I was walking out to the parking lot, I saw three familiar faces heading in my direction.

  My mother, Miranda and Izzy smiled as I met them halfway in the parking lot. “What are you guys doing here?”

  “I had to run into town and offered to bring Miranda with me,” she explained.

  Miranda held out a brown bag. “Your mom said that you really like this place so I got you lunch while we were there.”

  “Ty up!” Izzy held out her arms for me. I hated grabbing her in my dirty uniform, even though Miranda said it was okay. After giving her a fry, my mother finagled her out of my arms and walked her around.

  I leaned over and kissed Miranda. “Thank you for lunch.”

  She nudged me in the arm. “Thank you for wanting me.”

  “Just to be clear, I think I have always wanted you, sexually of course. Curious at least,” I added.

  “You know I don’t mean like that.”

  “I know and please don’t thank me. This,” I pointed from her to me, “is what I wanted. This is right.”

  “It feels so natural, almost like we have been together for a long time already,” She agreed.

  “I think all those late night phone calls helped us. We don’t have to go through that getting to know each other phase.” I took my sub out and started eating it. Miranda wrapped her arms into mine and put her head on my shoulder.

  “That is true. I even knew what buttons to push when we got freaky. That was a plus.”

  She leaned in to kiss me. “Definitely a plus.”

  “Your mom really loves you.” She changed the subject.

  “Yeah, she obviously really loves you too. She never liked Van. You should have seen when everything went to shit. She kept telling me how she had told me all along Van was the wrong girl. The fact that she likes you amazes me.” I didn’t want to tell her that at first my dear mother had told me to stay clear of Miranda. That only lasted until they met Izzy.

  “She helped me shop for you today. I am going to start making dinner during the week for us at the carriage house. She told me everything you like and don’t like so that shouldn’t be a problem.”

  She had no idea how depressing my life was before she walked back into it. I felt like I had died and gone to heaven.

  “I hope you can cook good,” I teased.

  “I hope you like everything well done.” She seemed pleased with her comeback.

  I looked over and saw my mother putting Izzy in her car seat. Miranda must have noticed too because we both stood up. “I guess I will see you tonight?”

  “Dinner will be ready for you.”

  “I feel like an old man.”

  “Am I an old lady?”

  “I’ve seen you naked and you have no wrinkles….like none anywhere,” I joked. “You going to give me a kiss so all these dick heads I work with can stop staring at my girl?”

  Miranda wrapped her arms around me and slapped me with a very long, very tongue involved kiss that left nothing for the imagination. I heard whistling as our kiss broke and waited until they pulled away before walking back into the shop.

  “Where’d you find that?” My boss asked.

  “None of your damn business.”

  “Touchy! This one must be good in the sack,” he implied.

  You have no idea…..

  “Her name is Miranda. She is my girlfriend and I would appreciate it if you kept your thoughts to yourself.”

  “Hey guys, it looks like Ty here has finally found himself a keeper,” he called out.

  “It’s about time. Is he pussy whipped already?” Someone yelled from the back.

  I rolled my eyes and went back to my station, ignoring them for the rest of the day.

  When I got off work it was starting to get dark. Pulling up to the farm and seeing the lights on at the carriage house really made me feel content. Walking in the door was even better. Izzy came running up to me grabbing on my legs while Miranda was busy getting the table set for the dinner she had ready. I still felt like I was in some kind of dream. A week ago I was coming home to an empty house. I didn’t have a girlfriend and honestly I didn’t know if I even wanted one, but from the moment Miranda walked in my door everything changed.

  “Ty up.” Izzy dangled between my legs. I pulled her up and gave her a big kiss on the cheek.

  “Hey cutie. What did you and Mommy make for dinner. It smells so good.”

  “We made you peach and thyme glazed pork chops with rice and broccoli.” Miranda smiled like she had accomplished something tremendous.

  I walked over and grabbed her for a hug. “I would have been fine with hot dogs and beans.”

  She kissed me slowly. “We can have that tomorrow.”

  “Or next week, cause you will still be here,” I kissed her again. “or the week after..”

  That is exactly what happened too. After three weeks had passed, we were happier than ever. During the week I would work and come home to the girls. We spent the weekends going places or just hanging out with my parents. Miranda fit in like she belonged with us and the longer we were together, the more sure I became. In a few short weeks everything about my life had changed and I never wanted it to go back to the way it was.

  Van had called to talk to both of us several times, but we decided to keep our relationship a secret, to avoid the time bomb that would go off when our Kentucky family found out about us. She knew we were friends and that we hung out and that is where we left every conversation. Miranda’s mother had been keeping tabs on Tucker’s release. It hadn’t happened as early as they first assumed, but he had been out for a couple weeks before they heard anything from him. The phone calls to Miranda’s old phone started up and with those calls came the threats. The voice was muffled and the number was always blocked, but it was clear who was doing it. As much as her family hated it they knew she was safe staying at the farm.

  Miranda and I had been trying to figure out how to keep her there for a longer period of time. At some point the verbal threats weren’t going to be enough to keep her with me, so she had to either tell them we were together or find a different reason that she needed to stay. With the help of my mother, she found a salon in town that was looking for someone to fill in while their regular shampoo girl/receptionist was on maternity leave. It was just temporary but would give us two months without the family breathing down our necks. I had to give it to my mother. Not only did she keep our secret, but she welcomed Miranda and Izzy into our family, sometimes too much.

  Even my father stepped in and suggested that we clean out the back of the carriage house, which was for storage and still had wooden garage doors on it, and finish it off to give Izzy her own room. His argument was that it increased the value of the property, but their desperate attempts to secure my happiness made me appreciate them. Who better than them to know how pathetic my life had become before the girls came into it.

  Miranda’s mother didn’t take the news of her daughter wanting to stay here, but with her ex being such a threat, it worked to our benefit. They still video chatted and talked at least a few times a week.

  My mother was all too happy to be able to watch Izzy three days a week while Miranda worked. The salon was on the same block as my shop so not only did we ride to work together, but I got to have lunch with the hottest girl in the world every single day she worked. The guys at the shop finally stopped giving her a hard time. Once they got used to seeing her all the time, they knew how serious we were.

  Because things had become so serious, I had decided that I was going to give Miranda a romantic night out. Even with a little one running around, we got to spend time together, but it wasn’t like we could run around naked having wild sex all night.
Most of our alone time consisted of hot showers while Izzy napped or waiting until she fell asleep so we could quietly have sex.

  It was a Friday and our official one month anniversary. My parents were taking Izzy for the night and Miranda and I had reservations at a little restaurant an hour away. She wore a red dress similar to the one she had worn months ago on the night that should have been ours. Of course she looked gorgeous and I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. She had curled every strand of her long blonde hair in fancy ringlets. Her makeup was perfect and she smelled like heaven. I even wore a pair of dress pants and a black v-neck shirt. While Miranda was getting into the car, I ran back into the house and set up her surprise for when we returned. My father was going to set the rest of the things up once we were gone.

  I had everything planned out. Our dinner was going to be perfect and when she got home she would be showered with attention. I had never felt this way about anyone and she needed to know that I was pretty damn sure that this was it for me.

  Miranda seemed nervous on the ride to dinner. “You okay baby?”

  “I’ve never been to any place fancy before. Are you sure I look alright?”

  We were already holding hands, in fact I never drove without her hand in mine. I pulled it up to my lips. “You are the most beautiful woman on this planet. You deserve to be taken to fancy places.”

  She leaned over and kissed me. “I can’t believe that it’s been a month already Ty. If I would have known that we would be this happy, I never would have held back my feelin’s.”

  “All that matters is that we are together now.”

  Dinner was perfect. We had a candlelight corner table and Miranda looked so excited. Instead of sitting across from me, she scooted her chair closer to mine and I rubbed her leg under the table. She had no idea that her night had just begun and I wanted it that way. I had so much more planned.

  On the way home from dinner, she cuddle up next to me as I drove. “Our dinner date was wonderful. Thank you Ty.”

  I kissed her head. “You’re welcome baby.”

  Her hand started sliding up my leg and stopped at the zipper to my pants. “I’ve never been so happy in my life,” she whispered in my ear and then licked the lobe.

  I felt her hands unzippering my pants and then one of her hands sliding inside. “Ahh.” I was trying to focus on the road as she pulled out my cock and started stroking it with her hand.

  She said nothing before unfastening her seat belt and dipping her head between my legs. I felt her take my erection into her mouth. “Jesus Miranda….”

  I held the steering wheel with one hand and put my other hand on her head. It was extremely hard to keep my eyes on the road when Miranda was working her magic. No one had ever got me off the way she could. I finally had to pull over to the side of the road until she finished. I needed to close my eyes and enjoy it. We had a baby at home and blowjobs just weren’t something that happened that often. Her mouth lingered over my erection even after I had finished. She slowly pulled away with a big smile on her face, like she had made some huge accomplishment. “Thanks again for our date Ty.”


  She giggled as I pulled back on the dark road. I had sent my father a text telling him that we were on our way home before we had left the restaurant. He knew to wait a little while before he went over and got everything set up for me.

  We pulled up and I jumped out of the car before Miranda and headed to open her door for her. “Let me get that for you.”

  “Thank you. We are home now. You don’t have to impress me anymore,” she said.

  “I have a surprise for you.” I covered her eyes and slowly walked her into the house and straight to the bedroom. Candles were lit around the room and my father had done a great job putting the rose petals all over the bed. A bottle of wine was chilling and chocolate covered strawberries were on the nightstand. I slowly removed my hands from her eyes.

  Miranda put her hand over her mouth and her eyes filled with tears as she took everything in. “How did you do this?”

  “I had some help.”

  She walked over to the bed and touched the real rose petals. “This is amazing.”

  “Sit down baby.” She followed my lead and sat down on the bed. I grabbed a strawberry and fed it to her. “Do you have any idea how happy you make me?”

  She kissed me with her strawberry lips. “I have an idea.”

  “I get lost in you every single day. I love you so much.” It wasn’t how I planned on saying it, but there it was just flying out of my mouth like it couldn’t stay unsaid any longer.

  Her tear filled eyes looked directly into mine. I started to feel like I was going to pass out. “You love me?"

  “I do. I have never loved anyone like I love you.”

  She lost it. She buried her head into my chest and started balling. I held her tight, afraid that she didn’t return the feelings and perhaps my sudden confession has just caused me to lose both her and Izzy. I couldn’t speak. I just sat there holding her.

  Finally when I was about to cry myself, she looked up at me. “Nobody has ever really loved me, not like this, not for real.”

  “This is real Miranda. I don’t why anyone couldn’t love you, but it is their loss and my gain.”

  Even after I kissed her on the lips she still cried.

  “Do you love me?” I needed to know. My heart was beating out of my chest and I felt like I couldn’t breathe.

  “Ty, yes I love you. I have wanted to say it so many times, but I didn’t want to scare you away.”

  I ran my fingers over her cheek. “I’m not going anywhere baby. Now stop crying and celebrate with me. I got you wine and chocolate and not to mention I planned on giving you one hell of a massage later.”

  She laughed and nestled her head into my neck. “I’m just so happy.”

  “Good. You deserve to be.”

  She looked up at me. “So do you.”

  “You really love me?”

  She stood up and grabbed my hand, pulling me to stand with her. Miranda ran her fingers over my lips then pressed her mouth to mine. “I do.” She brought her lips to my ear. “Make love to me Ty. I don’t want to go fast tonight. I want to kiss every inch of your skin and look into your eyes when our bodies come together.”

  Chapter 21


  My body was trembling after Ty’s confession. I had never been so overemotional, but as his fingers slid the straps to my dress off of my shoulders, I started shaking. Tears streamed down my eyes and it wasn’t because I was sad or in any pain. I had never felt anything like this. I had Ty’s heart, the one that he had never really given anyone, including Van. I couldn’t react to his shocking confession. In the back of my mind I had always been comparing myself to her. I don’t know how it happened. He came crashing into my life and never backed down. He’d never disappointed me and he adored my daughter. To everyone at home I had always been trash, but Ty never looked at me that way. Not once.

  Passion filled kisses started at my neck and slowly made their way to the back of my shoulder, sending heated flames between my legs. I felt the zipper slide down my back and his hands free the dress from my body. As it fell to the floor I heard him gasp at the matching bra and thong I had picked out to surprise him. My surprise had nothing on his. “You are so beautiful,” he whispered in my ear as his fingers traced over either of my ass cheeks.

  “I know how much you love red,” I said as I turned around to face him.

  He licked his lips and ran his two pointer fingers over my breasts, until he hit the lace of my bra. “I do love red, especially when you’re wearing it.”

  He kissed my neck and I tipped my head back. “Maybe I should wear it every day.”

  He slid both of my bra straps down my shoulders, making sure to kiss each one before sliding it down off of my breasts. I watched him taking in my naked breast, licking his lips before meeting my gaze. He stared into my eyes as he reac
hed behind me and released the hook, allowing the bra to drop to our feet. His lips pressed between my breasts and kissed the skin. I felt his tongue sliding down to my stomach until he reached the base of my panties. Ty kissed my underwear directly where I was ready for him underneath. His hands seized either side of the elastic as he pulled them down and off my legs. He stayed there on his knees running his hands up my thighs and then back to my ass. I was hot for him as I watched him taking in every inch of me.

  He stood up and backed me up onto the bed before removing his shirt and dropping his pants to the floor. I was wondering why he kept his boxers on until he grabbed a bottle of lotion laying on the bed. Ty turned me around to lay on my stomach and I felt the cold lotion being dispersed over my back. At first it was cold, but then I felt his hands rubbing it around. He started at my shoulders, slowly kissing all over each part of skin that he finished. He worked magic on my upper back and let his fingers slide over the sides of my breasts.

  When Ty got to my lower back I could feel him rubbing his erection over my ass, as if to remind me that this was not just for me to relax. Once he got to my ass it was obvious that it was his favorite part of the massage. He gripped both cheeks and lathered up the lotion to provide to a slippery service. He circled his hands around my butt and down my thighs, letting his fingers gently touch the heat between my legs. When he got to my feet, he turned me around. I watched as he sat on his knees and placed one leg at a time on his shoulders, massaging each foot separately.

  He paid attention to what he was doing, but I caught his eyes lingering around my naked body. I continued to tremble in ecstasy. While his hands moved slowly up my legs, my breathing got heavier knowing he was inches away from my sex. He sensed my anticipation and teased me at my thighs before placing soft kisses where I was burning for him. I felt his tongue on me and started to shudder as the heat intensified. I was so hot from his touching me that when his tongue hit that most sensitive spot I cried out in pleasure. “Ohhh! Please. Don’t. Stop.”

  Ty grabbed my ass and continued licking as my body finally began to quake. He let his lips linger over my sex, giving me shivers. Finally, he moved his lips up to my stomach and then each breast. He kissed each nipple before our mouths made a happy reunion. I could taste my orgasm as I kissed his lips and it got me even hotter.


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