The Boss Duet Box Set

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The Boss Duet Box Set Page 20

by Logan Chance

  Lying in the dark of the night, with Theo pressed by my side, my heart ached. I could never tell him the reason I wouldn’t tell my father to take a hike. I could never let him know. I just had to pray the P.I. worked out.

  I loved Theo.

  Everything about him.

  The man of my dreams.

  The Lord of my O’s.

  And the only man I would ever love.

  I ran my hand through his dark hair as he slept. Gorgeous. His steady breathing lulled me to sleep within minutes as I dreamt about a happily ever after with him.

  The next morning, life wasn’t so happy.

  I awoke to Theo rushing around his bedroom. “What’s going on?” I asked.

  “I’m heading out to see Xavier. Just trying to figure something out here.”

  I loved his spirit. His eagerness to fight for me.

  “I’ll be at Lopa whenever you’re done. I’m training Fiona on the bar.”

  “Ok, as soon as I get out of the meeting I’ll be there.” He leaned over, kissing me.

  “Good luck.” I hoped the P.I. could figure something out. The thought of my father being on the up and up sounded far-fetched. Please let him be as dirty as his fathering skills.

  We said goodbye with a few more kisses and some other naughtiness. He was so amazing. Everything about him was what I wanted. What would it be like to wake up to him every morning?

  As I drove back to my house, I peeked down to my phone at a red light. June. One missed call from Theo’s mother. My nerves were strung out.

  How much longer could I keep up the façade with her?

  I clicked the number to call her back, and we made plans to meet for more wedding planning. After our goodbyes, I tossed my phone in my bag.

  Maybe I should come clean to June about Dex? Wishful thinking.

  Pulling into my drive, I threw the gearshift in park and closed my eyes.

  An image came to mind, crashing waves and tiki torches on the beach. The sun almost lost to the sweet kiss of the night. Me, in a simple, white dress. Theo standing at the end of a long aisle. A smile spreading on his lips as he watched me walk toward him.

  A loud horn woke me from my reverie, and I peered in the rearview mirror to see Margo’s car pull up behind me. Sliding out of my car, I approached a disheveled Margo still sitting behind the wheel.

  “Are you just getting home?” I stepped closer to her door, and, sure enough, Margo was still in her dress from the night before.

  She got out and slammed the door. “Yeah, I had a rough night. No, I don’t want to talk about it.”

  I followed her to the front door. “Oh come on, you can’t leave me hanging like that. What happened?”

  She spun on her heels. “I said, I don’t want to talk about it.”

  I raised my hands. “Ok, ok. Touchy.”

  She huffed and unlocked the door. It wasn’t like Margo to not bounce and prance around with happiness. I guess someone couldn’t be happy-go-lucky all the time and needed a day off just like everyone else.

  She marched inside and collapsed on the couch.

  “Do you need anything?” I called from the kitchen.

  “Coffee,” she mumbled.

  “Ten steps ahead of you.” I already had the crushed beans in the filter.

  “Thank God,” she moaned.

  The rich coffee smell filled the air, and I smiled. Soon, I’d have a nice cup, and I could get ready to manage the Lopa for the afternoon.

  Margo slunk into the kitchen and rummaged in a cupboard while I poured her a mug of brew. “What are you looking for?” I asked.

  “I need water.” She spun around. “Why are men such assholes?”

  I stopped what I was doing. Something was up. I should prepare for a crying fit fest that Margo liked to have after a bad date. Was it too early for ice cream? Isn’t that what you were supposed to do when you were upset? I never understood that. I never ate ice cream after a breakup. Instead I wanted to murder people. But, I never did that either.

  “Anyways,” she said, “after last night, I came home and MMA fighter, Colin, called.”

  “Oh, and…”

  “We went out. It was good, until he took me back to his place.”

  My jaw dropped and my chest heated. “Oh no.”

  She waved me off. “Oh, nothing like that. He didn’t try to get frisky. And, that was only part of the problem.”

  “And the other problem?”

  She rolled her eyes. Harder than I ever saw anyone roll them. Harder than I’d ever rolled my own.

  “His roommate, Preston.”

  “Oh. What was wrong with him?”

  “Everything.” She slammed the cupboard door.

  The way she hurled her body toward me and the gleam in her eye made me a little afraid of her. Not going to lie, she was down right scary. “Ok, well what happened?”

  “Get this. We get back to Colin’s place, and things are getting pretty heated.” She sat on the stool and I pushed her coffee mug closer to her. “We’re on his couch, his hands are up my blouse. Big hands too.”

  I smiled. “Nice, go on.”

  “Well, then out comes his roommate, Preston. Ugh.” She made a face which could only mean he’s the worst person in the world.

  “So he interrupted you guys?”

  “It’s worse.” She shook her head as a shudder ran through her body. “So much worse.”

  “It can’t be that bad. You’re just getting home now.”

  “It can. It is. Aren’t you going to be late for work?”

  “Oh shit. What time is it?” I glanced at the clock above the stove. Shit, enough time to do nothing.

  I rushed down the hallway. “Don’t think I’ve forgotten, I want to hear all about it.”

  Margo gave me a thumbs up as I entered into my room. Terrible, I felt terrible leaving her like that. But, I’m sure it wasn’t as bad as she made it out. Preston probably cock blocked her, and that was the problem.

  I dashed to work, speeding a little bit to make sure as the boss I would be on time. I didn’t want to lead by bad example. Still no word from Theo.

  I must have checked my phone over a million times to see if he had called. Nothing. As soon as I stepped inside Lopa my phone lit up. But, not with the person I expected. Dex’s number flashed on the screen, and I chewed my bottom lip a moment before answering. Please let this be painless.

  “Hey, Dex.” I tried to sound chipper. I tried to sound happy, although I was anything but.

  “Penny, where are you?”

  “Work. Why?”

  “I’m coming to see you.” He disconnected and my stomach plummeted. Great. What could he possibly want?

  He sounded angry on the phone, but these days he was always angry.

  And I just did not care.

  I busied myself with work until I saw his large frame enter the building.

  Producing a smile was the hardest feat imaginable but somehow I managed and walked over to him.

  “Hi there.”

  “Penny, where’s Theo?”

  Was this what he wanted to talk about? He rushed all the way over here to ask about Theo’s whereabouts?

  “I don’t know.” And I didn’t although I was dying to know.

  “You’re meeting with my mother soon, and I had an idea.” His eyes bounced like he was... oh my God, was Dex nervous?


  “I want to move up the wedding to next weekend.” His smug smile made me sick.

  I didn’t answer right away. I couldn’t. Words were nonexistent in my brain as I tried to come up with a few. “Why?” Ah, the blushing bride to be, wondering why a wedding would be moved up. Wasn’t it usually the other way around? Wasn’t the bride usually begging the groom to say the nuptials earlier?

  Either way, our plan we had would not survive a wedding next weekend. I wouldn’t survive a wedding next weekend.

  “Why? Because why wait. We have the venue, and let’s just do it.” He wrapped
his conniving arms around me, kissing me on top of the head.

  He acted like we were the epitome of love. I knew better. I didn’t answer. I mean, did I really need to? His mind was made up and anything I said wouldn’t weigh in the final outcome of it all anyways. So, I kept my mouth shut.

  Moments later, he released his hold on me. Stepping back, he peered into my eyes. “This will be a great thing, Penny. Your father says you’re one step closer to getting everything you’ve ever wanted and that turtle sanctuary is just within reach.”

  “Ok, great.” I just wanted him to leave. I needed to be alone.

  He stepped away from me and I saw Theo right behind him. They glared at each other like two boxers in the ring.

  Dex cleared his throat and straightened his dark blue silk tie. “Theo.”


  And with that Dex left the building and all the air trapped in my lungs rushed out.

  Theo brushed past me as he headed in the direction of the office. Of course I followed, I’d follow him anywhere.

  Something was wrong. The crease on his forehead appeared an awful lot like worry. And the way he stalked down the hallway couldn’t be a good sign. Did that mean the meeting with the P.I. didn’t go too well?

  When we were in the safety of the office, Theo spun to face me. His brown eyes narrowed as he frowned at me.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  “A turtle sanctuary?”

  I swiped a few stray strands of hair from my face and moved closer. “What?”

  “You won’t tell your father to fuck off because of some turtles?”

  Shit, that wasn’t the reason at all. But, I had to keep my mouth shut. “Theo, I’m sorry you found out like this.” I should have told him sooner. Why didn’t I?

  He grinned, barely, as if he couldn’t believe it. “Ok then. Good to know.”

  “What? It’s my dream. Are you discounting my dream?”

  His eyes flew to explore mine. Despair blazed behind his irises. “What? No. But, I was ready to walk away from my dream for you Penny. I love you that much.”

  He was right. But, I couldn’t let on about the real reason.

  “I’m sorry.” I had nothing to say for myself.

  “She’s never coming back, Penny. As many turtles as you save, she is never coming back.”

  I raised my chin to stop the onslaught of tears threatening to spill over. “I know.” My voice was meek, silent almost.

  “Fuck.” He stepped further away, and I wanted to reach out to him. To once again hold him when he was hurt. “I just can’t believe this.”

  “Wait, Theo. What happened at the meeting? Anything?”

  He shook his head, his hair falling into his eyes. “Who cares. Wouldn’t want you to not get the turtles. I won’t sit on the side and sneak my time with you, Penny.”

  “I’m not asking you to.” My heart hurt, and my chest blazed with a burning so real I wanted to run to the ocean to put out the flame.

  “Fuck.” He slammed his fist against the hard, oak desk.

  The hairs on my arms stood on end. I couldn’t lose him. I couldn’t get married. I couldn’t breathe. I tugged at my suit jacket. “Theo, please tell me what the P.I. said,” I practically begged him.

  He took a few deep breaths as he paced the small space. “He found a few things. Some offshore accounts. Well, you already know he and the county commissioner go to Bahamas once a year.”

  I closed my eyes, trying to picture the man’s face. Short man, beady eyes, and a round head. “Yes, Mr. Spielman. What does that have to do with anything?”

  “Well, Stephen thinks all the affairs they handle there is to cover up their dirty work. We think he’s paying off officials to assure he gets the proper permits, among other things.”

  “What other things?” I sat in the office chair as Theo moved around to sit on the edge of the desk in front of me.

  “Paying them off to hold liens. I’m not entirely sure yet. He’s still looking into things. What did Dex want?”

  I inhaled, then exhaled. “He wants to move the wedding up to next weekend.”

  “Goddammit. Why?”

  “I asked and he said because “why not?” or something stupid.”

  “I’m going to call Stephen, make sure they aren’t onto us.”

  I rose from my seat and situated myself between his long legs. “Please don’t be mad.”

  He stood, pushing me back slightly. “I don’t know what to think or feel right now. I just need some time to process. I’ll still keep you up-to-date with the P.I.”

  He moved to the door and took with him a piece of my heart. I was crushed.

  “Oh, and Penny,” he called from over his shoulder.


  “I won’t be at work tonight.”

  I smiled, and he slammed the door shut. I wanted to cry, but I wouldn’t. Slamming my hand on the desk, in the same spot as Theo, I cursed under my breath.

  My father had to be shady as fuck and now we needed to prove it.

  I had an idea.



  Why the fuck are some people unlucky in love?

  I had the girl, she loved me, why couldn’t it work? Now, with the news of this turtle sanctuary, my anger surfaced. Turtles, really? I could go to the pet store and get her a few. Hell, I’d work three jobs to help her achieve her dream. What I would never allow was for her to marry Dex to get it.

  Part of me wondered just how far Penny would go to save some fucking turtles. Sure, don’t get me wrong, turtles are cool and all, but come on.

  It was her dream, though, and ultimately her decision. Who was I to judge?

  I pulled my phone from my pocket as I left Lopa. Anger, confusion, and other emotions I never felt before, and more importantly, couldn’t identify, warred beneath my fire hot skin.

  Fuck, it was hot outside. It was hot inside my mind too. Everything turning into this fiery inferno ready to explode to a rising temperature of molten lava. I got carried away, and what I needed to focus on was this shit with her father.

  That needed to end, immediately. I wanted to keep the fucking Lopa. If Penny could have her dream, then why couldn't I? Maybe I shouldn’t be so quick to give up my dream if she wasn’t going to sacrifice anything for me. It was that selfish thought which had me in turmoil. How could she be so selfish? Fucking turtles.

  All I ever wanted was to own a club. But, everything was so confusing now. I didn’t know what to do anymore. So, instead of thinking about it, I headed down Ocean Drive in search of some afternoon solace to keep my anger at bay and something to douse this heat blazing within.

  I landed myself on a barstool at The Mango Tropical Cafe and ordered up a drink. You fucking guessed right...Whisky neat, as always.

  I tried to swallow the warm liquor, but something wasn’t sitting well with me.

  Would Penny throw her life away over some silly turtles? Again, turtles are cute, but fuck.

  Love, oh, what a tangled web we weave. I heard the saying before, may have even gotten it wrong, but the meaning was crystal clear.

  When you love someone you go to great depths for that person. You move mountains, you write love songs. You weep over poetry written. You don’t fuck them over for turtles. Again, not the turtles fault, I know.

  Ah-a, a list was in order. But what about? My life was in shambles. A web of lies and deceit. Ok, maybe not that dramatic, but I was drinking and feeling sorry for myself.

  How To Fix This Shit

  Run away with Penny

  Break Dex’s face

  Win the lottery

  My head feels fuzzy

  All viable options, highly unlikely though. I studied the last option. Was that an option? I was no closer to figuring things out when a hand slapped my shoulder.

  “Hey, man,” Xavier said as he sat on the stool next to me.

  “Hey.” My voice felt foreign. How many drinks did I have? My vision blurred slightly.
br />   “How many have you had? You don’t look so good.”

  “How’d you know I was here?”

  “Theo, you called me.” Xavier’s laugh sounded distant, and I tried to focus on my phone. Had I called him?

  My brain felt clouded, and I tried to shake it off. What the fuck was wrong with me? My limbs weighed close to a thousand pounds.

  “What’s wrong with me?” Those four words were the last thing I remembered before closing my lids. I thought, maybe, just maybe, I saw Dex’s bright blue eyes shining down at me.


  Seconds, maybe minutes later, I awoke. My head pounded. I scanned the empty parking lot of the club and tried to place where I was. Definitely not minutes, I would guess hours, judging by the empty parking spaces.

  My lip felt huge, and I pressed my finger to it and brought back blood. My head split down the middle. I wanted to die.

  Laughter behind me, a kick to the ribs, and I thought maybe I just might. Still unsure as to what the fuck was going on, I held my ribs as my attacker kept kicking. Disoriented, I tried to grab at the force behind my pain.

  The gravel from the pavement pierced my cheek, as I curled along the pavement. Another blow to my face and pain erupted everywhere. There was nothing I could do to stop the onslaught of blows.

  My left eye was swollen shut and out of my right I could see both attackers. Dex and Xavier.

  Fucking shit.

  I struggled to fight back but failed miserably. My body was weighed down by the alcohol or drugs they must have slipped me.

  “Stay away from Penny,” a voice said, sounding like Dex.

  I felt as if I was under water as the kicks continued against my back rendering me helpless. I needed to get up. Get to my feet.

  Trying once, twice, and a third time, I failed. Nothing worked.

  What the fuck was Xavier doing in on this?

  The warm metallic taste of blood burned my mouth, and I leaned over spitting it out. When I stared up to Dex, he laughed.

  “Theo, man, just stop and give it up.” Xavier moved to where I could see him clearly.

  I tried to choke out some words, but nothing came out. Drugged and beaten to a bloody pulp by my brother and best friend. Could life get any worse?


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