The Boss Duet Box Set

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The Boss Duet Box Set Page 25

by Logan Chance

  His henchmen get no resistance from me as they lead me to the black sedan.

  I'll figure a way out of this. Just like when we were kids and played kidnap the princess. Except, this time, Xavier isn’t smiling and laughing. And this time I'm not the princess of some imaginary land. I'm a different kind of a princess. Something I want no part of. A Mafia princess. And Xavier isn't my white knight coming to rescue me. He's the dark Don willing to kill me to get what he wants.



  “What are you doing in my room?” I wrap the towel tighter around me.

  “This house belongs to me. Why wouldn't I be here?” Xavier’s blue eyes flit to the band aids on my knees. “Isn't this where we fuck?”

  “Xavier,” I hiss, “get out.” I've never fucked him, and I never will.

  “What's the matter, Rhiannon?” He crosses the distance between us. “Still shy around boys?”

  “Why are you so mean now?” I whisper, looking up at him. His eyes sweep down my body. This towel suddenly feels the size of a washcloth.

  “You've changed since I saw you last,” he says, ignoring my question.

  “Well, six years makes a lot of difference,” I tell him. “I'm not a naive eighteen year old anymore.”

  “I'll say,” he murmurs, his gaze lingering on my breasts. He crosses his suited arms. “I brought you clothes.” He nods to the bed now filled with designer shopping bags.

  “Why, Xavier?” I ask. “You can't keep me here.”

  “Sure I can.” he says. “Who helped you?”

  I turn from his piercing blue gaze and cross to the bed, rifling through the shopping bags. I can't look at him anymore; it makes my chest ache to see what he's become. While he worked his way up in the organization to become a ruthless mob boss by the age of thirty, I chose to follow through with what we’d always said--never become a part of this life.

  I left, graduated college, got a job, distanced myself. Until my father decided it was time for me to marry one of his associates. ‘It's your duty,’ he said.

  So, with the help of someone trusted on the inside, I ran. Until Xavier found me.

  The heat from his body sears my back, and the towel is yanked from around me. I spin to face him. He dangles it from his fingers.

  “Xavier,” I yell, grabbing a handful of clothes to cover myself.

  “Don't ignore me, Rhiannon,” he warns. “One way or another,” his heated gaze sets fire to my skin, “I'll get what I want.”

  He drops the towel and slams the door on his way out.

  Chapter Two


  “Boss,” Frankie calls out to me as I make my way down the hall.

  “What?” My anger rages as I try my best to calm down.

  Seeing Rhiannon again was not how I imagined. I pictured her agreeable, sweet, submitting to my every command. But, she had some fight in her.

  She had always been in this life, but remained untouched by it all.

  And when we were young, we both agreed to leave it all behind. Not together in some young lover’s way. But, we both hated the life and the strings attached to it.

  Yet, here I am. A boss to a family.

  And I planned on being different. I planned on making my way to the top and changing the whole organization. Although once I got in it, once I made my first kill, there was a shift in me. A darkness that descended. So, I had every intention to change things, but, things don’t always go as planned.

  “Justin is here. Did you want to see him now?”

  “It’s late. You know how much I hate being disturbed.” I make my way to my office and sit behind my desk.

  I hadn’t planned on it taking so long with Rhiannon, but when the call came in that my men had her...I dropped everything I was doing.

  Six years. Six long years of wondering about her.

  “He needs to talk to you.”

  My eyes lift from the stack of papers on my desk and meet Frankie’s cold, dead eyes. “Fine, send him in.”

  Minutes later, Justin walks into my office.

  His squirrely eyes bounce around the room.

  I don't have time for this shit.

  He takes a seat and bobs his legs with nervous energy. “Boss, I’ve been noticing some crazy activity over at the DeLaurio estate.”

  I run a hand down my face. “What kind of activity?”

  Sometimes it’s like pulling teeth to get anyone to tell me anything.

  He squirms in his seat. “Seems they know Rhiannon is missing. Mr. DeLaurio says he’s offering a lot of money for her safe return.”

  “Safe return? Ah, ok.” I let this information roll off my shoulders. So what? So he knows his daughter is missing. Good, cause I’ve got her. And I’m not letting her go that easily.

  Let him offer all the money in the world.

  I dismiss Justin and go to check on my little prisoner.

  I make my way down the hallway while the rest of the house settles in for the evening. It’s late. But I never sleep.

  The house is massive and sits on forty acres of secluded land, guarded land, that I keep a close eye on.

  It wasn’t always like this.

  I grew up with nothing, and now I have everything I could ever want.

  I come to the door where Rhiannon stays and don’t bother knocking. Why would I? I own this manor.

  And I’m the king here. The boss.

  I grab the key and turn the lock, stepping into the room.

  The lights are dim and I move to the bed where she sleeps.

  Unsure what I’m going to do with her, I pull back the covers.


  Two large pillows under the down comforter are all that occupy the bed.

  My eyes search the room, and she’s nowhere.

  “She’s gone,” I say to Frankie after pulling my phone out of my double-breasted suit.

  “Don’t worry, boss. We’ll find her.”

  “You better.” I hang up and slam my fist against the wall.

  This little bitch.

  I glance around the room once more, looking for any small clue she could have left behind. There’s nothing.

  The window is shut. The door was locked. “I’ll find you,” I mutter to myself.

  I leave the room in a flash and head to my security center to look over the footage.

  “Anything?” I ask the men assembled.

  “Nothing. It’s like she’s vanished,” Gio, the head of security says, swiveling around in his office chair.

  Thirty monitors and not one of them has her on it.

  “Play back the last half hour. Find her.”

  Thirty monitors of the halls and common areas. Not one fucking camera in her room. Which, originally I wanted, but a sliver of me that still has a sense of decency decided to give her some privacy. I never expected this.

  I never planned on kidnapping her.

  Never have I kept someone as a prisoner before. The people I take captive, don't come out alive.

  This is what I get for wanting her to be comfortable. I should have just locked her in the fucking basement.

  I leave the security room and head down the hall. Unsure of where to even look, I head back to my office, swinging by her room along the way.

  There’s a frenzy outside, the lights are on, the dogs are out. She has nowhere to go.

  No way to run.

  I spot something out of the corner of my eye leaving her bedroom door. The flash of black-and-blue hair rushes past and I follow her.

  There she is.

  She has no idea I’m behind her.

  The halls are dark.

  The night is even darker with a moon overrun by clouds.

  She tiptoes, turning each corner carefully. I stalk her like the prey she is. Oh, Rhiannon.

  I laugh ever so quietly that she thinks she can outmaster me.

  I’ll admit, it was smart of her to hide in her room knowing I’d leave the door open. Then when the frenzy starts, sli
p out.

  We’ve been focusing on the outside as she makes her way through the house.

  Clever girl.

  She gets to the door that leads to the side of the house and waits, finding a small alcove to hide herself.

  “Hello, Rhiannon. Going somewhere?” I stand over her, my power exuding off me.

  She cowers at my words and then throws her hair over her shoulder. “Actually, yeah, I am. I’m leaving. Don’t try to stop me, Xavier.”

  I laugh. “Rhiannon, sweet little Rhi. I’m not only going to stop you, but now I’m going to punish you as well.”

  Her eyes widen. “I’ll put up a fight.”

  “Oh, I hope so. I really hope so.”

  I swoop in and lift her by her legs, draping her over my shoulder and carry her back to my room caveman style.

  I’m pissed she would want to run from me.

  To run from the beast she thinks I am.

  And who knows, maybe I really am a beast. There’s only one way to find out.

  Chapter Three


  Punish me? It’s no use trying to wiggle free. The only thing it's getting me is half naked. All the bumping and jostling has my black tank pushed up to my armpits and my yoga pants easing down.

  The dark wood floor of the hallway passes quickly beneath his angry strides. I've no idea where he's taking me, but I'm not giving up without a fight. So, I balance on his shoulder as best I can and reach down his broad back to slip my fingertips beneath his slacks, right to the edge of his briefs. And then... I grip the cotton band and give a yank. Hard. Take that, asshole.

  “Goddammit, Rhiannon,” he spits out. I nearly let go when he slaps my ass. The sting is sharp, and he lands another one when I tug with all my might. “What are you fucking five?”

  “What are you? A Neanderthal?” Another slap lands before tiles blur as he stalks faster, and then I'm forced to let go when he maneuvers and drops me on the granite countertop of his kitchen.

  The air sizzles between us. “What's wrong? The big bad Mafia boss doesn't like wedgies?” I taunt.

  I'll admit, I've never been afraid of Xavier until this moment. It's not fiery anger igniting in his blue eyes, it's glacial iciness. Anger I can handle, form a defense against. This cold silence, with his chest rising and falling, scares me.

  “Give me your shirt,” he orders.


  “Do it.”

  He removes his suit jacket and tosses it aside. Pick your battles. This isn't one I'm going to win, so I remove my tank and well, I should really listen to myself. Because, I don't place it in his outstretched hand, nope, instead I fling it at his gorgeous face. He's not too happy when he snatches it off his head. Before I can blink an eye, he twists it around my wrists, binding them.

  His eyes drop to my lacy black bra before he steps between my legs, bracing his hands beside me. “You're going to regret that, Rhi,” he warns, barely above a whisper. “Bad girls get punished.”

  That line coming from his lips, scares me more than what he's become. It does something to my insides, causes a flutter low in my belly. I shouldn't like the way it sounded. Before I can think of a plan, he flips me over and bends my upper body against the counter until my cheek rests against the cool surface. Everything happens so fast. So fast I can't think. A drawer slides open and my pants are yanked down, exposing my ass. Something solid and wooden thwacks my left cheek. Five times. Each harder than the last. My ass is on fire, but I refuse to cry out. He repeats it on the right cheek, then drapes his body against my back. I buck against him. My movements come to a confusing halt when I feel his hard cock press against my bottom.

  He whispers in my ear, “Ten more to go. Not so funny, now is it?”

  As much as I dislike him right now, my body reacts to his hand massaging my cheek. His touch is sensual, caressing the tender skin until the burn subsides.

  “Maybe I like it,” I pant out, not wanting him to have the satisfaction of thinking he's winning. But, god help me, he is. I'm wet. The more his large hand strokes, fondles, and squeezes, the wetter I get. These are the fantasies I used to have of Xavier. Fantasies I've fought hard to put behind me. I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't take the pain to experience the pleasure of what he's doing right now.

  The weight of his body leaves me, and I grit my teeth through ten more punishing spanks on the opposite cheek.

  “Are you done?” I ask, biting back a moan as his fingers erase the pain.

  “You have a really nice ass,” he murmurs. “I don't remember it being this nice when you walked away and left me six years ago.”

  Why did he have to say that? Memories of an uncorrupted Xavier flood my mind. And then the worst thought enters my brain: what if I can save him from this?

  He flips me over and lifts me onto the countertop, then leans in to whisper in my ear. “I'm not done with your punishment yet. Although, this may not be quite a punishment.”

  “What do you mean?” My brain formulates another plan, don't fight and maybe I can run.

  He slides my pants off and licks his lips. “What do you do in a kitchen?” he asks.

  “Cook?” I answer like a nitwit.

  He shakes his head and runs his hands up my thighs, creating a frenzy of chills to race along my skin. My breath catches when his thumb strokes along my pussy. “You eat.”

  Read the continuing chapters by signing up for Logan Chance’s newsletter: Sign Up


  Here’s the first draft of Like A Boss. I decided not to go with this chapter, for so many reasons. But, enjoy.

  Deleted Scene:

  Twelve weeks. Twelve long weeks since I’d had sex. Fuck, I was going out of my mind.

  I remember the last time well. It was a Friday night, I was at a club situated downtown on Collins Ave, drinking my usual bourbon and coke, taking in the city’s wild nightlife. South Beach was notorious for being home to beautiful people. I rarely ever went out, but Friday nights were my moment, my one true time to bask in the sun if you will, or in this case get into a little trouble and forget about real life for a while.

  My Friday’s became routine after a while, find a hot woman and take her back to her place. Most times we wouldn’t even make it out of the bar.

  I sat on a stool at the large lacquered-covered bar while I took inventory of the prospects for this evening. I spotted a smokin’ hot brunette shaking her ass on the dance floor. The jeans I wore tightened across the inseam as I gazed in her direction.

  She’d been eyeing me all night, and now I was taking my chance.

  Putting my drink on the oak bar, I moved across the dance floor and came up behind her. Her long blonde hair cascaded down her back, and the first thing I noticed was her lush pink lips. Lips that would look so good wrapped around my cock.

  I wrapped my strong arms around her tiny waist and rocked her to the rhythm of the dance floor.

  Blue strobe lights blinded us into oblivion as I ground my body against hers. The place was packed, and we were hidden in our own little secluded corner.

  “What’s your name?” My lips brushed along her ear, taking in the scent of vanilla and lavender.

  “Ashley,” she purred as she reached her arm to grasp onto me tighter.

  Her ass pressed against my now hardened dick as I nibbled on her lobe. Her short black skirt inched up each time she swayed her hips and my hands took the opportunity to skate up underneath.

  She moaned as she asked my name.

  “Theo,” I answered.

  She wanted me. I knew by the way her breathing labored as she turned in her black heels to face me. Her brown eyes gazed into mine as she brought those fucking lips closer. Within seconds my tongue was down her throat, sucking and tasting her. Her hands worked their way through my dark, thick hair. As I leaned my hard body into her.

  “Fuck,” I growled as I broke the kiss.

  “Want to get out of here?”

  Fuck yeah, I loved a woman who too
k charge and I had already seen enough for tonight. She was by far the prettiest in all of Miami.

  I grabbed her hand and we pushed our way out into the balmy Florida air. Summers here were nothing but heat and sweat, but I didn’t let it bother me for I had my arm around a beautiful woman.

  We hailed a cab and I helped her into the backseat. The moment the door shut and the driver took off to the address she gave we were back to our previous kiss. I breathed in her scent and she smelled so sweet. Sweet enough to eat, and I was sure I’d be doing a lot of that later.

  Taking women back to their places was a easier, I didn’t need them at mine.

  My brother Dex hated my decisions and was sure to lecture me when he visited tomorrow. He was bringing his new girlfriend for me to meet, and I didn’t want to even think about how he’d be telling me how I was making poor choices.

  Success was a word I knew well. I’d worked hard to start my own construction company from the bottom up.

  Now I felt I deserved to be carefree with my life. I wasn’t looking for anything special, just for some fun while I figured life out.

  I was thirty which Dex felt was too old to still be playing the field. He was two years older and was determined to find the “one”.

  Me, I didn’t believe in that shit. Why should I? I’d come close once and failed.

  So, to me the happily ever after was bull.

  As I thought to myself, Ashley’s fingers were getting closer to the bulge in my pants. I needed release, and bad. And she was just the ticket.

  She rubbed along my hardness as I nipped at her earlobe.

  The cab stopped in front of an apartment complex and she scooted toward the door. Her high heels hit the pavement as I threw some money to the man behind the wheel.

  Hand in hand we practically ran up to her floor. Once inside the apartment, she attacked. I had no time to even notice the white leather sofa which sat next to the far wall. Pictures of children lined the curio cabinets and I realized I knew nothing about her. It didn’t matter because she was quickly unzipping my pants as she sank to her knees before me.


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