Shifting Shadows

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Shifting Shadows Page 5

by Barb Shuler



  “Where did I see that?” I asked myself as I looked up from the recipe book. I had found this book while I was cleaning out the pantry. I swear there were things in there as old as I was. Granted, that wasn’t exactly accurate, but you get it. They kept adding new stuff without tossing out the old stuff. There were even a few things that were no longer recognizable. The back of the fridge was the same. Some things that were once food were green, or black, and sometimes both. I gagged more than a few times, to say the least.

  I needed to see what was in that cabinet. I couldn’t see from my flat footed stance nor on my tip toes. I grumbled and moved to the other side of the bar, pulling a stool over to where I needed it. I wasn’t short, well, not that short... but everything in this cabin must have been adjusted for the boys’ height. I mean, Ty was like seven feet tall, and Horacio was six or a little over. Hmm.. my sexy boys… I shook off those thoughts and climbed up on the stool. The top cabinet held the things I needed.

  I pulled down the big salt and pepper containers and leaned down to set them on the countertop. Then I went back to exploring. It looked as if they hadn’t cleaned up in here in forever either. Though, they did have more important things to do. I moved to stand on the counter itself. The cool marble sent a shiver through my bare feet. I wiggled my toes and went back to pulling things out of the cabinets until they were emptied out. I climbed down and got a wet washcloth to wipe down the inside.

  It took me a few hours to get everything down, the expired stuff tossed, and the cabinets cleaned out. I nodded to myself and climbed back up on the counter as the music continued playing from the iPod the boys had given me to use. Nine Inch Nails’ Closer filled the room. I snickered as I moved to start restocking the shelves. This time, I put things where I would be able to reach them.

  Stretching up onto my toes, I placed one of the decorative plates I had found while cleaning up on the top of the shelves. I had one in place and was stretching up to put the second one up when there was a sudden loud crack and then a boom. I shrieked and not only did I drop the plate, but I slipped off the stool and came crashing down onto the floor. The breath whooshed from my lungs before the pain even registered.

  The stool had been flung across the floor in my most epic of ballet moves, which made it slam into something else, but what, I’m not sure. There was another crash. For Christ’s sake. My head was spinning as I tried to sit up. There was a warmth along the side of my head and neck.

  “God, please don’t let that be blood…” I whimpered, scared to look.

  “Jasmine!” I heard the roar of my name just before the front door slammed open. I jumped, which sent a bolt of pain through me. I groaned and tried to take in a breath through the tears starting to roll down my cheeks.

  “Ty…” I croaked when he came into view.

  “What happened, baby?” I closed my eyes as he crouched down beside me.

  “I slipped…” I sighed. “Something scared me.”

  “Tiberius! Jasmine!” Horatio’s voice is a growl as he comes barreling through the door. I wince when Horacio kneels down before me. Ty’s fingers skimmed the side of my head and I grabbed his wrist.

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I need to see where the blood is coming from,” Ty soothes softly. I bit my lip and took in a deep breath through my nose.

  “Jassy, what happened?” Horatio asks, taking my hand and pulling it to his chest. I let out a small, embarrassed, pain filled laugh.

  “I was on the counter cleaning. There was a loud noise… I fell…” I huffed. I watched as their faces took on that stoic look they got from time to time. I flicked my gaze between them. “What? What was that? It sounded like a frigging train smashing into a tree-”

  “Close..” Horacio murmured. He gave Ty a hard look. I moved my free hand to my big, strong man’s chest and met his gaze.

  “Please tell me what’s happened,” Ty pleaded. I let his warmth and the warmth coming from Horacio ease the pain made my head spin. My arm, shoulder, and my back hurt. Crap, I was gonna be bruised tomorrow.

  “I got spooked and I’m not the most graceful…” I groaned out.

  “See, you asshat! This is your fault,” Horacio shook his head, glaring daggers at Ty. I looked between them then reached up to cup Ty’s face.

  “What does he mean?” I asked, my brows pulled together. Ty looked away from me, his gaze locking on the window just over the kitchen table. I tugged at his hand. “Tiberius?”

  “I lost my temper…” he whispered. I frowned.

  “What happened? Please trust me enough to tell me what happened. I fell, so what? I’m flipping fine!” I shoved his hand away as my anger spiked. I made my way to my feet, but immediately decided that was the wrong thing to do because the room started to spin again. Ty’s big arms wrapped around me and he pressed his lips against my temple.

  “I’m sorry. I let my anger build until it got the best of me. That noise.. It was me taking my anger out on a tree.” Ty’s body was ramrod straight, his muscles flexing as he spoke.

  “Tiberius, look at me,” I pleaded. He slowly leaned his head down. I reached up and cupped his face with both hands and even though the room was spinning I gave him my undivided attention. “It’s okay to let your anger out.”

  “Not if it hurts you,” he ground out. I raised a brow and shook my head.

  “Stop it. Just frigging stop it!” I huffed as I pushed free of his arms. “I fell, it’s fine. I can and have done the same thing walking across the frigging floor at wo- Work! Holy Hannah! I forgot about work. What is wrong with me?” I started to look around for the cellphones the boys always had on them. I had to call the bookstore!

  “Whoa, tiger, calm down. What are you doing?”

  “Bookstore. I need to call Angela. I work every weekend to make money. Holy Crap!”

  “Jassy, baby, calm down,” Horatio said as he took my hand. I met his gaze and sighed. “We’ve taken care of that. We can’t let you go back into town yet, so we talked to the owner of the sto-” I hold up my hand, halting his words.

  “How did you know to talk to her? How? I didn’t mention it!” I asked.

  “Jassy, take a deep breath.”

  “No! You answer me. I have stayed here like you asked me too. I’ve done everything, the least you can do is answer my questions.”

  “You’re right,” Ty says as he comes over and scoops me up into his arms. “We have a few things to tell you, and then we have a few questions. Anything you need or want to know, we are all ears.” With that, he carries me to the couch and sits down. My legs go over Horacio’s lap as he sits down and I relax against Ty.

  Now… where do I start...



  While I lavished in the love my mate showed me, his tenderness with Jasmine had me watching them in utter fascination. I preferred men, while my big strong bear of a mate liked women, and had only occasionally played the other side of the field. Thanks to the fates that he was drawn to me. It’s still an unreal situation. Two shifters and a human. It’s almost the start to a bad joke. But our love and understanding of one another is no joke.

  We’d spent the last few hours telling Jasmine of our visit from the old Fae. She was a little confused - lost, even - but we explained as much to her as we could. It’s still something Ty and I are trying to understand. It’s thoughts for another time though. Right now, my focus goes to my mates on the bed. As I listen to their sweet words to one another my heart thunders with pride and love. My cock though, it’s throbbing for another reason.

  “Ty… yes! Harder!”

  “As you my wish, Love.”

  With every muscle that flexes on Ty’s body, and each moan that escapes Jasmine, my dick grows harder. My need to have them both is going to win out, soon. It always does. They were the reason my beast and I were finally content in this world.

  “Fuck,” I curse as I rub my hand against my cock. They’re torturing me, an
d they know it. Jasmine moans my name breathily and my eyes lock on hers.

  “Please,” she begs, not only with her words but with the need I see in those beautiful green eyes. I stand and walk to the bed where she lays, sweat glistening across her lightly tanned skin. I lean down to capture her lips. My Jaguar growls “mine” as I reach down and cup one of her breasts. I tweak the rosy nipple, causing her to gasp. I deepen the kiss plant one knee on the bed, my body pressing closer to hers.

  Ty’s hulking body shadows us both as he lifts Jasmine’s legs and pounds his thick cock in and out of her sheath. Her back bows as I reach down to where they’re joined and wrap my fingers around his long cock. His groan makes my lips tick up at the corners.

  “That’s it, baby, fuck our girl.” My eyes meet his as he slams into her again, my fingers tightening on his long, slick cock.

  “Tease,” he grunts. I smirk. He knows me all too well.

  “I need… both, please…” Jasmine pants. Her reddened cheeks, her heaving chest, the sweet scent of her arousal, it’s all too much to say no to.

  Ty lifts her up and lays back on the bed so she is on top of him. My boxers are gone with one flick of my wrist. I climb up on the bed and lean into her, straddling Ty’s big muscled thighs. My hands move to knead the flesh of her ass. Her body leans back into mine while Ty reaches up and pinches those perfect nipples of hers. I use two fingers and run them against her wet slit before I move to run the tip of my middle finger against her puckered hole.

  “Here,” Ty says, handing me the small bottle of lube. His husky, lust filled voice sends a shiver through me. I wink at him, loving that even this small thing makes my big man’s cheeks flush a light red. I lick my lips and lean back from Jasmine, squirting the lube against her flesh and my fingers, coating them fully.

  A shudder runs through her as she reaches back and grips my cock. My eyes close and I have to fight my animal as he struggles to claim what is his. I won’t hurt her. I slowly work my slickened fingers into her. She gradually starts to squirm against me, her grip tightening around my fingers. I add a third finger, scissoring them against her walls to stretch her for me. As I nip at her shoulder I pull my fingers from her and move to grip her ass. The precum she has so delicately worked out of me helps while I guide my way into her.

  “So tight..” I growl as I slowly make my way inside her. Her sharp intake of breath is followed by a low growl - the kind that lets you know she’s ready to come undone. It’s such a sexy sound that I have to work to control myself or I will come far too soon. She starts to move her hips against both Ty and I, and I’m lost. Lost in the sensations that my mates bring me. I feel his cock rubbing against mine as we work in tandem to satisfy our girl. My lips trail along her neck, her thick curls brushing against my chest as she writhes in pleasure.

  “Oh, God…”

  Her panting, breathy moans are killing me, in a glorious way. With each thrust into her tightness I’m pulled further and further into heaven. Her body starts to shake, her muscles tightening around me. Ty’s moans coupled with Jasmine’s are pulling me closer and closer to the haze of a lust filled oblivion.

  My hands travel to her stomach and I slide a finger down to find her sweet bundle of nerves. I flick my thumb against her as Ty’s large, warm hands moved up my thighs, squeezing gently. The feel of them both makes me growl against Jasmine’s neck.

  “Let go, gorgeous. Come for us.”

  Ty growls out his agreement with me. Jasmine screams as her orgasm rocks through her, followed by Ty’s roar. His hands lock on my thighs as he thrusts up one last time. The pinch of his nails biting into my skin is enough to send me spiraling over the edge. We are both buried inside of her as the world starts to fade out. They are my everything. I can feel her body slouch against me as I wrap my arms around her. Ty sits up, wrapping his massive arms around us both. Leaning over Jasmine’s shoulder, my lips meet his. I pull back slightly, embracing the feel of my loves, my soul mates against me.

  I could stay like this forever.

  Hours later I am roused from a peaceful sleep by the wiggling body pressed between Ty and I. I groan as I stretch out my tired muscles. I pull Jassy closer to me and kiss her neck. She was still trying to get up and out of the bed.

  “Going somewhere?” I smile as she presses back into me, but that doesn’t last long. She pulls at my arms.

  “Horacio, stop. I gotta pee,” she whines. With a chuckle I release her and swat that beautiful ass as she moves past me on her way to the bathroom.

  “Tease,” she mutters before sticking out her tongue and closing herself off in the bathroom. I shake my head and shift to lay on my back. Ty is snoring beside me, his big body so relaxed that he hadn’t even felt her leave the bed, which is totally out of the norm for him. I smile as I look up to the ceiling and close my eyes.

  The moment Jasmine climbs back into the bed and lays between us, Ty’s big arm go around her and pull her to his chest. I chuckle and move to snuggle back into my loves. Tomorrow will be a new day.



  Today was one of those days when that nothing we did worked. There was a pack of mutts causing trouble on the outskirts of town and somehow they kept getting by us. My nerves were on edge as it was, and this wasn’t helping. With everything that had happened over the last few weeks Jasmine was feeling caged in. After a lot of talking, getting the logistics down, and some serious security precautions laid out, we were able to get her back to working at the bookstore. It’s an antique consignment shop that is a local favorite. They have books and knick knacks and… crap, and it’s a bunch of old crap, at that.

  Each morning one of us would take her to the shop, and sniff it out to make sure it was safe. Then we would head off and do our patrols. Were we acting a bit overprotective? Hell, yes. Lalamke’s warning paired with Kelanie’s cryptic messages in the wind had both of our animals on constant alert for danger. Days like today… it made us very deadly, and these mangy mutts were about to find that out first hand. If we could catch them, that was.

  I shifted mid stride and ran my fingers through my hair. I needed to go in and check on Jasmine before I met up with Horacio. We needed to call in a few others. This place was becoming more and more congested and the air just felt wrong. My animal was telling me that danger was close. I learned many moons ago to listen to him. The moment I opened the glass door to “The Book Closet” the hair on the back of my neck prickled.

  “What!?” I heard Jasmine’s raised voice call out across the store.

  “You heard me, child.”

  “Please leave,” Jasmine pleaded.

  There was the smell of magic in the air as I moved into the store. I growled as I turned the corner of the first two aisles. Jasmine stood facing a silver haired woman. The woman was dressed in skin tight jeans, knee boots and a poofy peasant top. Not what you would expect a fae of her age to be seen in. I shook my head as I moved to stand between them, my eyes narrowing at the woman.

  “Kelanie, why are you here?” I asked.

  “Cool your heels, Guardian. I’m just here to speak to my-”

  “Don’t say that again!” Jasmine said, her voice panicked. I turned to her, wrapping my arms around her. She buried her face in my chest, her hands curling into my shirt. I turned to face the old Fae.

  “What in the hell is going on here?” I growled out.

  “I’m here to see my granddaughter,” Kelanie said. I blinked. Granddaughter? I looked between her and Jasmine a few times before I met the Fae’s gaze again. I could feel my animal push forward as I spoke.


  “Yes, Guardian. She is of my blood. The eldest daughter of my eldest daughter.” The words ran through me along with a shiver of unease. Not because Jasmine was part Fae, or might be, but because this meant something big for us all. I tightened my arms around Jasmine, letting the fact that I was holding my heart in my arms show. I looked back at a now smiling Kelanie.

hat does this mean? Why did you not tell us? You knew who she was.” My voice was steady and calm, but I was nothing of the sort. My insides tightened in worry and fear. What if the others found out? What would happen to Jasmine? Would they try to harm her? It was taking all I had in me to keep my shit together right now.

  “It means you should get your mates to the clearing. I’ll meet you there.” With that being said she was gone. I heard Jasmine gasp and I looked down to meet her gaze. My hand moved to her cheek, cupping it as I leaned down and placed a soft kiss to her forehead.


  “We’ll figure it out. Come on, we need to go meet Horatio and the Fae. We will get our answers then. I promise,” I said as I straightened to my full height. She nodded, her body still tight against mine. I waited to see if she was going to move and she eventually did. It just took her a few minutes to get her mind and legs on the same page. She shut the shop down, leaving Angela a note that she wasn’t well and would see her on Friday. I pulled out my cell and called Horatio. It rang once before he answered.


  “Meet us at the clearing.” I hung up before he could reply. Jasmine was not clinging to me anymore, but I could see the stiffness in her actions. She was scared and it was eating at me that I couldn’t fix this for her. I wrapped my arm around her after we stepped out the door and locked it.

  “You want to ride on my back, or for me to carry you? It’s a good little walk from here.” Jasmine’s stride faltered and she let out a laugh.

  “I can walk, thank you.”

  “What’s so funny?” I asked, my brows pulling up.

  She stopped and looked up at me, a smile tugging at her lips. “You asked me if I wanted to ride…”


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