Shifting Shadows

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Shifting Shadows Page 12

by Barb Shuler

  We look up to see Zyla looking towards the west. I curse as I stand. My hands go out to help Jasmine and then Ty up to their feet. My arm wraps around Jasmine and she sags into my embrace. Ty starts looking her over as I pull her up into my arms.

  “Easy, Guardian, she’s fine, just a little weak. She used a lot of her energy to help heal you,” Kelanie speaks softly as she rests a hand on Jasmine’s forehead. “Sleep, granddaughter mine. You are safe.”

  “She is strong,” Zyla says, a smile playing at the corner of her mouth.

  “As she should be,” Hadley huffs, clearly annoyed that anyone could doubt this fact.

  “Come. We should get to the cabin. Zyla, have your warriors find their legs.” With that Kelanie disappears. The air shifts as Lalamke and Amadrell follow her. Alec looks us over then nods towards the woods.

  “We should go.” He takes the lead and we quickly follow behind him. Zyla and the drakes, in their human forms, follow after us. Something bad is coming and we need to get ready for it. Something tells me there are going to be some serious casualties. I just hope the fates are on our side this time.



  When your territory, your home and the sanctuary of your private space becomes over run with she-beasts, snarky fae and a horde of other shifters, short tempers are bound to get someone in trouble. Namely, me. With each new arrival, my nerves are becoming more and more unhinged. My bear is ready to burst forth and protect his mate. I know - the human side of me knows - Jasmine is completely safe with these people. They are my fellow Guardians, my friends,m and the Fae are of Jasmine’s line. But there is a feeling, something clawing at me from inside that is second guessing that everyone present is here for the right reason.

  As I watch the she-beasts, the drakes, interact with Jasmine I lean back against the back porch railing, my arms crossed tight over my chest. My unease isn’t coming from the Drakes. At least I have been able to cross them off my list. I should have known better. Zyla would skin and filet any of them if they dare harm her niece. Hadley has been keeping close to Jasmine as well. I feel the air around us shift, and I straighten to my full height. Then, nothing. Zyla takes a step from the tree she had been below and looks up, her brow raised. Xorlan and Keyna move to flank her. The air shifts again, causing my ears to pop, but again, there’s nothing.

  Alec comes out of the house and walks past me. He raises his hands, and with a word, two men drop from the sky to the ground before him. Alec takes a step back as they both stumble to a halt mere feet from him.

  “Took you long enough!” The larger of the men snarls at Alec. He steps back from them again. The man moves to grab Alec up by his shirt front. I move forward as Alec raises his hands. It’s one thing to get snarly with Alec, I do it all the time, but in order for him to let them in they have to be newcomers. This is my territory. No one is going to treat someone with this much disrespect in front of me.

  “Release the Fae and speak your piece” I snarl. Alec is dropped on his feet and he quickly moves to put distance between himself and the two newcomers. Out the corner of my eye I notice that Zyla has drawn her sword. Interesting.

  “I’m not here to see you, shifter.”

  I pretend to look around then back at the man. My bear pushes forward. I feel my eyes burn. The men step back as I speak. “This is my land. You will speak your piece, or get out. I won’t ask again.”

  The men exchange a quick look. While they are distracted with watching me, Zyla moves closer. The tip of her sword pokes ever so gently against the large man’s throat.

  “Nice to see you again, Cylis. Are you here as friend, or foe?” Zyla’s voice is soft, but there’s an edge to it.

  “Zyla, Tiberius, leave them be. I called for them,” Kelanie says from behind me. I huff and turn my head slightly to look at the older Fae moving out towards us. She had changed out of her robes into a pair of leather pants, boots and a tank top. Her long hair is up in a bun and she looks pissed. I side step her path and watch as she moves straight to the men. “What did you find?”

  “The Prince has not been seen in weeks. His army has searched, but to no avail. The Reapers are moving in a mass through the veil, criss crossing in at different points. He is leading them straight here.” The man’s words make Zyla curse. Jasmine moves to stand beside me, her gaze intent on the larger of the men. Her eyes had a gold ring around the iris. I watch her for a moment. She looks at her Grandmother.

  “He’s lying. Or not telling us something. I-I don’t know how I know, but I do. I think it’s important.” Jasmine squeezes my hand. “Really important.”

  “Fae do not lie! You watch your tongue, girl.” The man has the nerve to snarl at my mate. Seriously? I move towards him, my hand going around his throat as he claws at my fingers. “The truth, or so help me I will let my bear out and he will have you as a midday snack.”

  “They are coming, as well!” The other man, a smaller, more reserved version of the man I had by the throat says.

  “Who?” Jasmine asks, stepping closer to him.

  “The Guardians of-” “Angelicus,” Zyla says, a growl in her voice.

  “My lady, that means-” Keyna starts but is cut off.

  “I know. We have to prepare. Get the half breeds into the air. Have them scout out ahead. Tell them they must not be seen. One whiff of them and they will become kabobs as well. Take the younger ones back across the veil. Keep them in the dwelling until this is over.”

  “My Queen,” Xorlan says, softly. “We do not fear them. They are but the means to an end for the Reapers.”

  “And anyone else they see as a threat,” Zyla snarls back at him.

  “They are here to do a job, nothing more. Relax, my girl. I’ve been sent word from the Archangel himself. He will not allow harm come to anyone other than the Reapers and the ones who stand against us,” Kelanie announces confidently. Jasmine just gawks at her. I, on the other hand, was with the she-beast. They may be the good guys, but the lines of who and what were good was left to interpretation, and sometimes they got it messed up.

  “If the Guardians of Angelicus are coming, I want Jasmine taken someplace safe. I do not trust those blonde haired psychos any further than I can throw one.”

  “Wait,” Jasmine says, trying to compose herself. She makes a face and takes a ragged breath. With a huff she turns to her grandmother. I notice her hand is running along her stomach. I drop the man in my grip and move closer until Kelanie holds up a hand. “What is this about an archangel? Like, the kind from the Bible? Wings? Excuse me,” she says before anyone can respond she takes off towards the house. I follow after her as she burst through the door and into the house.

  “Jassy girl?” Horacio calls from the front room. He raises a brow at me and we both follow after her. The door to the bathroom shuts and the lock clicks just before we get to it. I can hear her vomiting on the other side of the door.

  “Jassy, open the door, baby,” I plead.

  “No,” she croaks before she throws up again. I let my head fall against the door and bang it a few times. I should have know the stress of all of this shit was going to be too much for her.

  “Move,” Hadley says as she pushes me to the side. She murmurs something and the lock on the door clicks. She’s inside the door and has it locked again before we can move.

  “Dammit! Hadley, let us in there! Is she okay? Jassy, baby, please tell me you’re okay?” My pleas are met with silence. I growl, frustrated with the forced separation. “I will break this damn door down, I swear it.”

  Horacio pulls me back and places a warm hand on my chest. “Relax, handsome. Pregnant women puke.. It’s in that book Kelanie left for us.”

  The bathroom door opens and Hadley helps Jasmine to the bed. I move to sit beside her, taking her hand. Horacio sits behind me, his hand resting on top of our joined ones.

  “I’m okay,” she says, yawning slightly. “Just not feeling so good all of a sudden.”

�She’ll be fine. It’s a part of pregnancy. Leave her to nap. You both have things to do.” Hadley makes a go-away motion with her hands. After a few moments, we reluctantly leave her to her mother's care. She will be safe for now. We have things to prepare for.

  Shit is about to get real.



  “Holy hot cakes!” I say, wide-eyed. A huge grin spreads across my face as I catch sight of the pancakes piled up on the plates. The grumble from my stomach says it appreciates the aroma coming from them. I’m starving all of a sudden. My eyes move from the plates lined up on the counter to Tiberius’s broad smile. That sexy expression has my heart fluttering.

  “You said you wanted pancakes, baby,” he says, still giving me that panty melting smile.

  “I did, like I wanted four or five… not ten dozen,” I say, laughing as I move around the counter and stretch up on my tiptoes to meet his lips as he bends down to greet me. His kiss is hot, desperate even. I moan softly, balling his t-shirt in my hands.

  “Knock that off! You shifters are like the Energizer bunny on Viagra,” someone says from behind us. I jerk away from him to scowl at the person. An Amazon of a woman stands there. Her long black hair sways as she moves. The dark yet faint smoke like marking along the left side of her face tells me she’s a Drake. I turn back to Ty when he growls under his breath.

  “Begone, Satan,” Ty says, a bite to his voice.

  “The name is Saytor,” she snarls.

  “Saytor, Satan, same difference. You’re an angry little girl who can’t get any love. Go find someone else to bother.”

  “Do not test me, bear.”

  Fuck! Why did people keep challenging my bear? Stupidity, that’s why. Ty’s eyes glow and his posture straightens. He acts as if he’s going to go after her. Uh, no, not inside. He’ll break the house. I like this house. It’s our house.

  “Tiberius, come on. The baby and I are hungry. Ignore her,” I plead as I rest my hands on his chest.

  “Saytor! Enough. Leave them be,” Zyla says coming to a stop before her drake warrior. The woman, Saytor, drops her head and crosses an arm over her chest.

  “Forgive me, my Queen. I shall take my leave now.” With that she moves to the front door and walks out. I sigh as I lean into Ty’s warm body. Before anyone can say anything my stomach lets out a loud rumble. I guess it needs to put it’s two cents into the matter as well. I snort when Zyla’s eyes widen.

  “What?” my face flames hot. “I said I was hungry. Don’t give me that look.” I huff.

  “Go sit at the counter, Jassy girl. I’ll bring the fruit and syrup over.”

  “Apple juice too, please?” I move to take a seat at the counter. Zyla moves to sit beside me.

  “Do you plan to eat all of this?” she asks, her brow raised.

  “Um, no, not unless you want me to explode. The boys will eat the majority of this. They can pack food away like two chipmunks saving nuts for the winter.” I grab a napkin and tuck it into my shirt and then spread another across my lap, ya know, just in case.

  “Here you go, baby. Four large pancakes, a side of fried apples with extra cinnamon, your syrup, and a big glass of apple juice to wash it all down with.” Ty gives me a wink before kissing my cheek.

  “You really do care for her,” Zyla says, as if she had been thinking out loud, yet hadn’t meant to actually voice the thought. For being my aunt she doesn’t seem too bright. Do they all think the boys don’t really care for me? Is that what’s stuck up everyone’s ass? I sigh as I take a big bite of my pancakes. Not now Satan, this mama needs food.

  “Of course I do. She is my mate, the other piece of my soul,” Ty says, defensiveness in his tone. His eyes start to glow again.

  I try to tune them out as I eat my pancakes. I am not getting between a bear and a dragon, both of which are Guardians. Even I know my limits. The first big bite of my pancakes has me all but slobbering on myself. I totally moan out loud. One of those oh-my-god-that’s-so-good type of moans. The kind some might mistake as an orgasm. Hell, it might as well be, because these pancakes are pure ecstasy and I don’t give a damn who hears me. These things were like fluffy clouds of goodness in my mouth. I got a heated look from Ty and my cheeks begin to burn. Oops…

  With a wink in my direction, his gaze flicks back to Zyla.

  “I know there is a bond here, one between the two of you and then one between the three of you. I meant no disrespect. It was just an observation. I can see you would do anything to make her happy. I approve of this.”

  Her words make me grin. I take another big bite of my pancakes, then move onto the pile of fried apples Ty has mounded up on my plate. I close my eyes, my tongue darting across my lips to catch every last drop of the deliciousness on my lips. There’s a groan from someone and I open my eyes. I looked around and grin, yet ignore the gaze Ty has locked on me right now.

  “You eat as if it’s the best thing you’ve ever had in your mouth,” Amandrell says as she pops into my line of sight. I yelp and almost knock my glass off the counter. Zyla, thankfully, has really good reflexes. “Ah, sorry.” She grins.

  “Damn Fae. Do you people not know how to fucking knock?” Ty grumbles.

  I sigh as I take another big bite. I try to focus back on my food. I close my eyes and keep on eating. It’s on the third bite when something happens.

  I gasp and my vision turns to a place I have been before. I can feel my body move to stand. I move to the table that is in the room, my hand pulling open a book on it. The words mean nothing to me, but that isn’t important. The important part is the man looking back at me through the mirror above the table.

  I’ve seen that face before. I have to remember where. He stands there with his fingers balanced on the open cover of the book as he stares back at his reflection, back at me, watching through his eyes. His glowing red eyes are full of menace and hatred, all but make my heart stop. His blonde hair, or what is left of it, is tousled, flat on one side of his head and the flush to his cheeks does nothing more than to add to the crazy look he has going. He looks like a wino on a three day binge after sniffing paint fumes all day.

  “I see you, little wolf. I’m coming for you! No one can keep you from me.” The book slams closed. I feel hands grab me. A cold chill shoots through me. He wants me. Oh, fuck no! With a shriek, I jerk back from the hands grabbing at me.

  “No, no, no!” A full body shudder rockets through me. What was that? How did that happen?

  Arms wrap around me and I fight to push them away. There are raised voices and growls all around me. I duck down, pulling myself from the arms holding me. I have to get to… my stomach rolls and I alter my trip and lock myself in the bathroom. I hate this. I’d savored breakfast and took my time filling up my tummy, only to lose it all…

  The voices filling the house are deafening as I slide from the bathroom. I have rinsed my mouth out and brushed my teeth, but I still feel gross. I hate getting sick, especially like that. I have a hot cloth pressed to my face as I move over to the large bed in our room. I have to figure out where I’ve seen that face before. The books Grandmother had given me sit stacked on the table under the window.

  The books! I jump up. My stomach, not at all that happy with the sudden movement, churns, but I push down the bile rising up in my throat. I have to find it. I know it’s here somewhere.

  “Jasmine, baby, are you alright?” Ty’s worried voice calls out through the bedroom door. When had I shut that?

  “Ye-yes, give me a minute,” I respond.

  I sigh as I flip through the books. It’s here. The book he’d had in his hand. I’m almost scared to touch it. My fingers hesitantly run a trail along the cover before I open it. It’s a book about the beginning. The one the Fae had recorded the events of the first veil crossing. I flip the pages and with a shaky hand I stop on the page that shows his face looking back at me. I grab the book and run from the room.



t in the hell was happening here? One minute Jasmine is enjoying her breakfast the next she is gasping in terror. Terror that I can feel rolling off of her in waves. I want to break the damn door to the room down, but I’m stopped. Zyla, Amandrell and Alec stop me. After I’m calmer I move to stand by the door, in case she needs me.

  I hadn’t expected her to come storming out of the room with a book in her hand, or for her to just stroll past everyone to move outside. Her entire body is shaking, she looks green and I’m worried she is either going to puke again or pass out.

  “Jasmine, baby, what is it?” I ask, moving to block the bottom steps off the porch. She’s panting, her chest rising and falling. I can smell her fear. She’s freaking the fuck out and I have no idea why. I scent the air but I catch nothing on the air. “Jassy, baby, talk to me.” I cup her cheeks and gently force her to look up at me.

  “I know…” she trails off as the hand holding the book begins to shake harder. I try to take it, but she pulls back, refusing to let it go.

  “Know what?” Zyla asks, moving down to the step just above where Jasmine is standing. Her brows raised.

  “Jassy, what is going on? Tell me, baby,” I plead. Jasmine looks from me to the sky and them lets her head fall back slightly. She screams for her father at the top of her lungs. I shiver at the force and power she put into it. Whoa!

  “DAAAADDY!!!” she collapses backwards when she throws herself off balance. I grab her, pulling her to me. I place a kiss to her head and manage to get the book from her with my free hand. Zyla takes it and I don’t like the look on her face as she slams it shut between her hands.

  Suddenly the yard is full of Drakes and a few other Guardians. Everyone is in a defensive stance until they see us. They stand guard, looking around to see what the threat is and where it’s coming from. The power rolling off of Jasmine almost brings me to my knees.


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