King of the Friend Zone (Power of the Matchmaker)

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King of the Friend Zone (Power of the Matchmaker) Page 10

by Pratt, Sheralyn

  Jon’s hand circled Esme’s waist and pulled her in. “I do.”

  Instinct demanded Hunter smack the other man’s hands off her, but the impulse lost steam when Esme leaned into Jon’s embrace and smiled.

  “You guys are going to make me blush,” she said before giving Jon a look that even an idiot would interpret to mean kiss me. And, apparently, Jon was no idiot.

  Hunter glanced around for one of those waiters carrying drinks around. There was supposed to be free booze here. Where was it?

  He felt Esme’s eyes on him before she spoke. “Looking for someone, Hunter?”

  Yeah. A waiter.

  “He and the woman in the rose sheath dress are already circling each other,” Luke answered for him.

  “Yeah,” Esme said with a smile. “I noticed her. She does seem like his type.”

  Was it Hunter’s imagination, or did Jon smirk when she said that? And, if he did, why?

  The guy was weird.

  “Well, we should let you guys do your thing,” Esme said, her tone chipper as always. “I’m glad you could put the tickets to use since Jon’s colleague had to bail at the last minute.”

  “Yes,” Jon added. “Please enjoy yourselves.” Freeloaders.

  The last word wasn’t spoken, but it might as well have been, and it was then that Hunter knew that inviting them was 100% Esme’s idea. Jon hadn’t offered. No surprise there, but maybe Luke was a little more right than Hunter wanted him to be.

  He needed to watch himself very carefully because he was on Jon’s turf. Hunter held no sway here. One word from Jon and he and Luke would be escorted to the front door. The guy would do it, too. Hunter had no proof of that, but he felt it in his bones. Nothing would make Jon’s day more than humiliating him.

  “Thanks again,” Hunter said, trying for the same cordial smile Luke had pulled off. “But don’t let us get in the way of your schmoozing.”

  “Yes,” Jon said before Esme could respond. “We really should get back, hon. There are several people I still want you to meet.”

  “Of course,” Esme said. “Just wanted to say hi and glad you could make it.” She poked Luke in the side. “Especially you. Hunter may be a lost cause, but you need a lady, my friend.”

  “Oh, I have plenty of ladies,” Luke said with a smirk.

  Esme arched a knowing brow. “Yeah, but I’m talking about a real one…one who’s as loyal as you.”

  Luke laughed. “You think I’m going to find someone like that among all the doctor hunters here tonight?”

  “You never know,” Esme teased with a small wink.

  Part of Hunter was relieved that Esme was putting so much of her focus on Luke. Luke was hot—Esme’s type of hot, with his dark hair, green eyes, and three-day scruff—and her easy affection with Luke was proof that Hunter wasn’t her only male friend.

  She had several.

  But while part of him was relieved that she seemed more excited to see Luke, the rest of Hunter sank with disappointment that she hadn’t needed to be coached to give Luke more attention. She’d done it naturally. She was honestly more excited to see Luke tonight while being more than happy to lean into Jon’s territorial grip.

  She’s happy, Hunter reminded himself, even as Jon’s smug smile gnawed at him. Don’t ruin it. She’s happy.

  “Where do we get drinks here?” Luke asked pleasantly.

  “There’s a queue at the bar,” Jon said with equal civility before looking down at Esme. “Shall we?”

  “We shall,” she replied before sending both Luke and Hunter a toodle of a wave and starting away.

  Luke eyed Hunter like he was a lost cause. “Well, that was a disaster.”

  “It was fine,” Hunter said, heading for the bar while Luke kept pace at his side.

  “Dude. You have zero poker face.”

  “My poker face is fine.”

  Luke shook his head. “Not with her fiancé poking you like that. Kade used to do that to me all the time.”

  “Do what?”

  “Ice me out and try to get me to snap in front of Ali by touching her non-stop,” Luke said as they stepped into line. “All he needs is you being stupid once to make a case against you, which is why we should stay an hour—tops—and definitely walk out of here with women on our arms.”

  Hunter liked to tease Luke about his eternal third-wheel status with Kade and Ali, but he wasn’t Third-Wheel Yoda for nothing. Luke knew stuff. And when he spoke, it was good to listen.

  Still, leaving in under an hour felt like he was handing Jon a win. If they wanted to stay longer, they should stay longer. They were all adults here. Why should Jon call all the shots? And what if Hunter didn’t want to find anyone he wanted to leave with? He should be able to leave alone.

  “See?” Luke said casually. “You’re already taking the bait.”

  “Am not.”

  Luke arched a skeptical brow right as they reached the bartender. “A beer.”

  “We have Stella Artois,” the bartender said.

  “That’s fine,” Luke said and glanced Hunter’s direction.

  “Make it two,” Hunter said, even though he wanted something stronger—he deserved something stronger. But whatever. He had to keep his head about him tonight. Because…Jon.

  Because of Jon, Hunter would leave early. Because of Jon, he wouldn’t let himself look Esme’s way. Because of Jon, he’d search for someone to walk out the door with. And because of Jon, he wouldn’t order the drink he really wanted to make sure he could stay on his best behavior at all times.

  Dude. This third-wheel stuff was stupid.

  When the two beers were pushed across the bar, Hunter snatched his up and turned to take a second look at all the unattached ladies at the event.

  “How do you do it, man?” he muttered under his breath and Luke chuckled.

  “I never had a choice,” Luke said, taking a drink. “Not like you. I never had a shot at single Ali. If she’d spent months at a time being single, like Esme has over the years, you can bet I wouldn’t be standing next to you right now. I’d be with her. No question.”

  There was more than a subtle jab in Luke’s response and Hunter felt it.

  “You know how it works,” Hunter shot back. “I tell her, I lose her. Same as you.”

  Luke didn’t have a comeback for that and for a moment they both just stood, looking at the room.

  “So, are we going to do this, or what?”

  “Yeah,” Hunter said, and they stepped forward together.

  Chapter 17

  When Hunter glanced across the reception hall to see how Esme was doing, he spotted Jon coming over. Alone.

  Why was he coming over?

  Hunter sent Luke a look and found his friend already looking his way. When they locked eyes, Luke mouthed the words, Don’t take the bait.

  Hunter had a better idea. Why couldn’t Esme’s fiancé stay out of his face? The man clearly wanted a fight and wasn’t going to let up until he got one. The good thing was that meant the best way to annoy Jon was to not give him the fight he wanted, which was why Hunter smiled and greeted the man like a friend.

  “Jon,” he beamed. “Good to see you again.”

  “Of course,” Jon said, turning his attention to the ladies. “It looks like you’ve found some wonderful company this evening.”

  “We have,” Hunter said, not liking the man’s opener. “This is Elise and Anya.”

  “Elise,” he said smoothly, lightly shaking the hand of the woman across from Hunter before repeating the gesture with Anya. “Anya. Lovely to meet you ladies.”

  “You, too, Jon,” Elise said.

  “Dr. Bauer,” he corrected. “Cosmetic surgery.”

  Both women lit up so obviously that Hunter almost felt embarrassed for them.

  “I hope my guests here haven’t been taking up too much of your time,” Jon said, his face the model of civility.

  “No,” Elise said as Anya sent Luke a flirtatious look. “We’ve been enjoyin
g ourselves.”

  “I’m so glad,” Jon said with that fake smile of his. “When my business partner couldn’t make it, my fiancé offered his tickets to these gentlemen. If your house is ever on fire or needs a new kitchen, these are the men to call.”

  Hunter almost laughed. Almost. Talk about the most epic douche move ever. It was official. Esme’s fiancé was a total tool and Hunter hated him.

  Elise’s smile faltered when she met Hunter’s eyes again. “You’re a fireman?”

  “Guilty,” he said with a shrug.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “You didn’t ask,” Hunter said. And it was true. She hadn’t. But Hunter could see that her enthusiasm for talking to him went from sixty to zero within a second of hearing the news, which was why he gestured Jon’s direction. “This guy, however, does boob jobs for a living and is a very rich doctor.”

  Elise’s shoulders literally pulled back at the news, pushing her breasts even further forward. Hunter hadn’t thought that was possible.

  “Is that true?” Elise said, angling her body to face Jon now.

  When Jon flinched and glanced toward the bathrooms, Hunter bit back a smile.

  “It…is,” Jon said.

  “You said your name is Dr. Bauer? How come I haven’t heard of you?” Elise asked. “I only go to the best. I would have thought your name would come up.”

  Oh, burn. Hunter literally bit back a smile at the slight. And the best part was that Elise wasn’t even trying to drag Jon. She was being sincere.

  “I’ve only been practicing a little over two years,” Jon said, his ego unwilling to let the comment slide. “Perhaps that’s why.”

  “Perhaps,” she said, giving him an appraising once-over.

  “I’m sorry,” Hunter said, stepping back. “Should I leave you two alone? I feel like I’m interrupting.”

  Jon glared at him. “Hunter, you know I have a fiancée.”

  Hunter looked at Elise. “But they’ve only known each other six months.”

  “I see,” Elise said, and Hunter was sure she did as she turned her attention back to Jon. “Where do you practice?”

  Hunter could tell Jon wanted to exit the conversation, but he was also looking at a potential customer and seemed a bit conflicted about giving her a total brush off. It was too perfect.

  He cleared his throat. “Here. In San Francisco.”

  Elise stepped forward. “I mean, specifically. In case I wanted to see you…professionally.”

  The man actually produced a business card. “This is my office number.”

  Elise look at the card. “Thank you, Dr. Bauer. Now tell me, what do you think of my recent mastopexy? Do you think it was well done?”

  When Jon’s eyes dropped to the woman’s bust, Hunter assumed she was referring to her boob job. “Well, if you want my professional opinion and suggestions, you are welcome to call my office and make an appointment.”

  It was almost perfect that Esme chose that moment to walk up behind Jon. She seemed to assess the situation at a glance before sliding a territorial hand into Jon’s.

  “What did I miss?” she asked, her voice chipper.

  Happily, Luke was the one who responded. “Elise was asking Jon for his professional opinion on her mastopexy.”

  Esme’s eyes dropped to the other woman’s bust as well, and she raised an eyebrow. “Interesting.”

  Esme’s response got a smile out of Hunter, but when the other woman looked Esme up and down with an expression that said I can take her, Hunter felt himself bristle. He might not be a Jon fan, but having Elise size Esme up like that rubbed him wrong.

  Elise held up the business card and gave it a little flick with her nails. “I’ll be sure to schedule an appointment,” she said, her tone a little less than professional. Then, after a small nod to Anya, both women walked off. No goodbyes, no nothing.

  Hunter sent a look to Luke, but the man shook his head, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.

  “Where are they going?” Esme asked, seemingly dismayed. But Hunter knew better. “I thought you all were hitting it off.”

  Hunter shrugged. “They found out we weren’t doctors.”

  “And that Jon was,” Luke added helpfully.

  “I see,” Esme said, looking between Hunter and Jon as if sensing that she was missing part of the story. “Hunter, can I talk to you for a second?”

  Jon tensed, clearly not a fan of that idea.

  “Sure,” Hunter said, following her until she stopped about twenty steps away—still in sight of her fiancé, but out of earshot.

  She sent him a critical look. “What were you saying before I walked up? Are you playing nice?”

  “Nicer than your fiancé,” Hunter muttered. “I don’t know where his head’s at, but he specifically came over to chase those women away.”

  Esme’s nose wrinkled in confusion. “That makes no sense.”

  “He makes no sense. He tried to throw me and Luke under the bus and pretty much just ended up dragging himself instead. I hate to break it to you, Ez, but your fiancé has the social IQ of a whippet.”

  The expression on her face told Hunter than maybe he’d gone too far with that one. “Are you saying I have bad taste in men?”

  Hunter gestured helplessly. “Maybe? Either way, our night here is done. Pretty sure Luke and I are going to take off.”

  “So are Jon and I. That’s probably why he dropped by to talk to you two.”

  “Uh-huh,” Hunter drawled. “Because he wanted to make sure to say goodbye.”

  “Is there another reason?”

  Hunter rolled his eyes.

  “Use your words, Hunter.”

  “I don’t think you want me to. Just know that the mystery of how men like that charm women like you is probably going to keep me up all night. I may not get any sleep. So thanks for that.”

  She shrugged. “Hey, whatever I can do to put a new wrinkle in that stubborn brain of yours is a win in my book.”

  When she started away, he touched her arm to stop her. “Now I have a question.”

  She glanced over her shoulder, her eyes reflecting the blue in her dress in a way that had him catching his breath in surprise before he composed himself. “Um.” He cleared his throat. “Does it really not bother you that women like Elise are taking their tops off for Jon all day? Does that seriously not faze you?”

  “It’s his job,” she said without so much as a blink. “He actually hates talking about it when he’s not at work.”

  Hunter didn’t buy it. “But Elise clearly—”

  “Trust me, Hunter. Jon isn’t interested.”

  Hunter laughed. “Are you kidding? He has an MD in I’m Interested, Ez. Literally. He went to college for like thirteen years for the express purpose of getting a job that allows him to look at boobs all day, every day. He’s interested.”

  Esme shook her head, but he could see the annoyance under the surface. “Jon’s over the teenage-boy response to his job, Hunter. You can trust me on that.”

  “He no longer finds breasts titillating?”

  She didn’t mean to smile. He could tell. But she did. “How long have you been holding that one back?”

  “Pretty sure I’ve had some version of that one in my pocket since I was twelve.”

  Esme let out a little laugh in spite of everything. “Well, I’m glad you were finally able to let it loose. But being funny doesn’t change the fact that you need to start playing nice. I really need you and Jon to get along.”

  “Hmm. Magic 8-Ball say: Outlook Not So Good.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Well, that’s the beauty of the Magic 8-Ball. You can always shake again to see if you get a different answer.” Ah, man. She was using the doe eyes on him…whipping out the big guns. “Please?”

  “I’ll try. But the whippet has to try, too. I am but a man; not a dog whisperer.”

  She tensed, clearly annoyed at how he was talking about Jon, but she limited her response to, “I
’ll talk to him.”

  “Yeah, you do that,” he said and they both walked back to the people they would be leaving with.

  Chapter 18

  The freeway humming under the wheels of the car was the soundtrack for Esme’s drive home. Jon had opted not to turn the radio on, and he hadn’t spoken since they’d left the fundraiser either.

  The evening had clearly ended on a bad note—a note Esme had missed for the most part. She was still trying to piece it together, but one thing she knew for sure: Jon wasn’t happy with how things played out. After about ten minutes of mutual silence, she decided to poke the beast.

  “You’re being quiet,” Esme said, easing into the topic.

  Jon kept his eyes on the road, waiting a beat before he gave a nod of acknowledgment. “I am.”

  Not a good start. “Because you don’t want to say something, or because you’re trying to figure out how to say it?”

  “Door number two.”

  Yep. Definitely not a good start. Whatever he said next was going to be about Hunter. She knew it. “Look, I don’t know what Hunter did tonight, but I promise that—”

  “Is he usually a jerk?”

  Esme bit her lip. “He can be, but I’m not quite sure what happened so I can’t tell you if it was classic Hunter or not.”

  There it was, an invitation for Jon to tell his side of the story for whatever had him white-knuckling the steering wheel.

  “After tonight, it’s pretty clear why you took so long to introduce us,” was all he said.

  “He can be brash,” Esme said. “But he’s a really great guy, Jon. You really need to give him a chance.”

  “I don’t think so,” Jon snapped before glancing her way. “Why are you friends with him?”

  Uh-oh. They were back here again? She’d thought they’d covered this already. “We grew up together.”

  “That explains why you were friends as children, but you’re adults now,” he said, eyes on the road. “Why do you keep in contact with a man like that?”

  Esme opened her mouth to answer—to gush about how Hunter was a really great guy—but nothing came out. There were definitely words she could say…reasons to give, but she knew how they would sound to Jon. Nothing she wanted to say right now would be anything that helped. He was too jealous. Of all the men in the world, she’d landed one of the few guys who had no problem acknowledging the fact that Hunter was attractive and considered him a threat.


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