A Bitter Sweet Murder (A Chocolate Centered Cozy Mystery Book 3)

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A Bitter Sweet Murder (A Chocolate Centered Cozy Mystery Book 3) Page 1

by Cindy Bell

  A Bitter Sweet Murder

  A Chocolate Centered Cozy Mystery

  Cindy Bell

  Copyright © 2016 Cindy Bell

  All rights reserved.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and locations portrayed in this book and the names herein are fictitious. Any similarity to or identification with the locations, names, characters or history of any person, product or entity is entirely coincidental and unintentional.

  All trademarks and brands referred to in this book are for illustrative purposes only, are the property of their respective owners and not affiliated with this publication in any way. Any trademarks are being used without permission, and the publication of the trademark is not authorized by, associated with or sponsored by the trademark owner.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  From the Author

  About the Author

  More Books by Cindy Bell

  Chocolate Cupcake Recipe

  Chapter One

  The crinkle of the wrapper gave Ally a sense of satisfaction. She carefully wrapped up the chocolate and tied a small, thin ribbon around the top.

  “You will look perfect on someone’s pillow.”

  “Good job, Ally.” Charlotte walked up with a tray full of caramel mousse chocolates.

  “Thanks. Are they ready?” Ally asked as she looked at the tray.

  “I’m afraid not. They took too long to set and I haven’t even been able to drizzle them yet. But if you want you can take what’s left from the test batch. I think there are a couple left.”

  “Okay. I’m sure the mint chocolates and dark truffles will be enough. That is what we agreed to bring. The caramel ones were just an afterthought, anyway. I can take them another time.”

  “Don’t be nervous, sweetheart, you’re going to do great.” Charlotte patted Ally’s cheek with a soft touch. “All you have to do is show up and they are going to ask for the pen to sign the deal.”

  “I don’t know, I spoke to Denise on the phone this morning. She said the manager wants to see what we have, and also wants to tour the shop to see where the chocolates are made.” Ally chewed on her bottom lip for a moment. “That doesn’t sound so simple.”

  “It’s going to be just fine. Denise already got us in the door. With that kind of good luck you know that this is going to go well.”

  “I’m just glad that I’ll get to see her. Until you mentioned her last week I had forgotten all about her.”

  “Of course you did. You were only a young girl when she and your mother were friends.” Charlotte smiled sadly. “It’s still hard sometimes for me to see some of her friends.”

  “I know, it must be.” Ally caressed her grandmother’s hand as the loss of Ally’s mother still affected them both.

  “But it is always good to have an old friend come back. And with the hotel just opening, it’s the perfect opportunity for us to link our business with theirs.” Charlotte plucked one of the ribbons on a chocolate mint candy. “These look fabulous. You did a great job, Ally.”

  “You don’t think it’s too much to leave on a pillow?”

  “I think it’s just enough. Remember, this isn’t the most traditional hotel, they want to be different, they want to mix traditional and modern. These chocolates might just help them accomplish that.” Charlotte closed up the box of samples that Ally planned to take with her to the hotel. “It’s not just about work either. I hope that you will take the time to enjoy yourself during your stay.”

  “It’s only one night. But it might be nice to be away from all of the meowing and snorting.”

  “Oh yes, I’ll be dealing with those two.”

  “I think they somehow know that you’re staying and they’re looking forward to it. Arnold’s tail was wagging this morning, and Peaches has been sitting on your favorite chair.”

  “Trust me, the feeling is mutual. I’ve missed Arnold snuggling up to me at night.”

  “Only you would cuddle with a pot-bellied pig.”

  “He’s very warm!”

  “I bet.” Ally laughed. “All right, I’m going to head out I guess. Any last minute advice for me?”

  “I find it’s always good to make a personal connection with people. Notice little things about the staff. Remember their names. If you do that then they are more likely to remember and recommend the chocolates.”

  “Good idea. I will do my best. See you tomorrow.” Ally gave her grandmother a quick but firm hug. She picked up the box of chocolates and a box of chocolate cupcakes and walked towards the door.

  On her way to the door Charlotte called out to her. “Don’t forget to bring me some of those cute little shampoos!”

  Ally laughed as she started to push open the door. She was too distracted to notice that someone had already opened it from the other side. When she turned to lean against the door, she pushed into Luke’s broad chest instead.

  “Easy there.” He grinned and caught her arm to steady her. The moment he touched her, she became flustered.

  “Sorry, I didn’t see you there.”

  “It’s okay.” He smiled and held the door open for her. “Where are you off to?”

  “I get to spend the night at the new hotel that opened up in Mainbry.”

  “Oh? For business?”

  “Yes. I’m going to try to woo them with my chocolates.”

  “I see.” He reached into the box of chocolates and tried to grab one.

  “Hands off the merchandise, mister.” She quirked a brow as she moved the box away from him.

  “Aw.” He stuck out his bottom lip and winked at her.

  “How can I resist that look?” Ally knew that he wasn’t a fan of dark chocolate so she picked a mint chocolate out of the box and handed it to him. “Now, you can’t eat that right this second.”

  “No? Why not?”

  “It’s supposed to go on your pillow.”

  “Hm. So I’ll dream of you?”

  “Ha ha.” Ally rolled her eyes and looked away before he could see the blush that rose in her cheeks. “Or maybe, so you have a treat before you crawl into bed.”

  “I’ve never understood the chocolate on your pillow thing. When are you supposed to brush your teeth? Do you eat the candy first? Do you brush and then eat the candy and then brush again?” Luke shook his head. “That’s why I don’t stay in fancy places.”

  “You’re funny, Luke.” Ally grinned at him. “I’m sure that you have not spent that much time thinking about chocolates on pillows.”

  “This one, I will put on my pillow. I will make sure that it is there tonight before I go to sleep. Because it’s from you.”

  “Thanks Luke.” Ally blushed. “Do you want to walk me to my car?”

  “Sure.” As they approached the car Ally glanced back at the shop to see her grandmother peeking out through the large window at the front of the
shop. As soon as Charlotte discovered she was caught, she ducked out of the window. Ally smiled to herself. Her grandmother did enjoy playing matchmaker.

  “Let me get that for you.” Luke opened the passenger door for her. Ally set the box of samples and cupcakes inside.

  “Thank you, Luke. I’m sorry, I didn’t even ask you why you were stopping by.”

  “I just wanted to check in, see how everything’s going. I know it’s been a while since we’ve seen each other.”

  “Over a week.” She met his eyes as she closed the door. “I was beginning to think that you had forgotten about me.”

  Luke rested one hand on the top of the car beside where she stood.

  “I could never forget you, Ally, not for a second.”

  “I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.” She laughed. He looked into her eyes as her laughter faded into a nervous giggle.

  “I think it is a good thing.” He stood up from the car and walked around the front to open the driver’s side door for her. “Have a safe trip, okay?”

  “I will.” She smiled and got into the car. It was difficult to drive away from him. She had the sense that he wanted to say more, or maybe he wanted her to say more, but she still believed that many things were better left unsaid.


  The drive to Mainbry wasn’t very long, but Ally savored it. She rolled down the windows and let the wind blow through her hair. With the radio cranked up she sang along to one of her favorite songs. She had a lot to feel positive about. As the manager of the chocolate shop she had taken on a lot of responsibility, but she found that she enjoyed it. The important thing was that her grandmother now had more freedom to enjoy her time, which she was, in the senior community of Freely Lakes.

  When Ally pulled into the parking lot of the hotel she was a little surprised. The hotel was a bit smaller than she expected, and it was also blue. From top to bottom it was blue. It occurred to her that the hotel might have fit in better in Blue River than in Mainbry. She drove through the canopied entrance and found a parking valet waiting for her. He stepped out and opened the door for her.

  “Is there anywhere I can just park it?” Ally asked.

  “Don’t worry I’ll take good care of it.”

  “All right, let me just get my things.” Ally grabbed her overnight bag and the boxes of sample chocolates and cupcakes.

  “Name please.”

  “Ally Sweet.” He wrote down her name on a slip of paper.

  “I’ll get that taken up to your room,” he said as he gestured to the overnight bag.

  “Thanks.” She smiled and handed over her bag and car keys to the valet.

  “No problem. I’ll be careful, I promise.” The valet held up the car keys.

  Ally laughed as he drove her car away from the hotel entrance. She took a moment to smooth down her hair as the wind had tousled the brown tresses. Once she felt that she looked her best she started towards the door. Before she could reach it, someone walked right in front of her. She took a step back to avoid walking into him.

  “Excuse me, I’m sorry.” He turned to face her. His light brown eyes met hers as he offered a sheepish smile. “Head of security, and I didn’t even see you there.”

  “It’s okay.” Ally smiled and offered him her hand. “I’m Ally Sweet.”

  “Dustin Keeris.” He shook her hand and smiled at her. “It’s nice to meet you. Are you staying here?”

  “Just for the night. I’m here to pitch my chocolates for the turndown service. Would you like to try one?” She started to open the box.

  “What kind are they?” He smiled.

  “We have a choice of milk mint chocolates or dark chocolate truffles.”

  “Oh, no thanks. I really don’t like mint or dark chocolate, it’s too bitter. But it was nice of you to offer. Are you meeting with Denise?”


  “I can take you to her. Just give me one second. I just have to drop this master key off at the front desk.” Ally waited as he gave the key to the lady behind the desk. He was a slender man, a little taller than average. He looked to be in his fifties. Ally watched as the lady behind the desk placed it behind the counter. Dustin walked back to her. “Follow me.” Dustin led her through the lobby and down a side hallway. He paused in front of a door that had a sign on it and knocked twice. “Denise? You in there?”

  The door swung open and Denise stepped out. Ally recognized her right away from her bright red curls. Ally remembered winding them around her fingers and even tugging on them now and then as a young child.

  “Denise, it’s good to see you.”

  “Oh wow, Ally! Let me look at you.” She took a step back and looked her over from head to toe. “It’s uncanny.” Her eyes widened. “You look just like your mother.”

  “Oh, thank you.” Ally smiled. “You don’t look any different than I remember.”

  “Now, that I find hard to believe.” Denise grinned. “Did you meet Dustin?”

  “Yes. Thanks for your help, Dustin,” Ally said.

  “No problem. I’m staying here tonight to test out some new security measures I put in place. If you need anything, Denise.” He met her eyes.

  “Thanks Dustin.” She smiled as he walked away. Then she turned back to Ally. “So, what did you bring me?”

  “First things first, these are from Mee-Maw.” She displayed the box of chocolate cupcakes.

  “Oh yes, my favorite! I love her so much!” Denise took the box and grinned. “I suppose I’m going to have to find someone to share these with.”

  “Hey, I won’t tell.” Ally winked.


  “Now, down to business, I hope you’ll like what I’ve brought for you to sample.”

  “I’m sure I will.”

  “These are the chocolates that will go on the pillows.” Ally pointed to the chocolates. “These are the dark truffles and these are the mint chocolates? Would you like to try one?”

  “Yes.” She plucked one out and unwrapped it. “Nice packaging.”

  Ally smiled. Denise popped the mint chocolate in her mouth and nodded.

  “Just as I expected, absolutely delicious. Too bad I really do have to share these. Just a second.” She waved to a woman who walked down the hall.

  “Lisa, remember I told you we’re going to try a chocolate with our turndown service?”

  “Yes ma’am.” The young woman paused beside her.

  “This is Ally. Ally, this is Lisa, she’s in charge of turndown. You can leave the chocolates with her, and then enjoy the rest of your time at the hotel.” Her phone buzzed. She frowned as she looked at a text. “Because I have to get going. A crisis in the kitchen. Sorry Ally.”

  “It’s okay, I understand. I’m sure I’ll be in good hands with Lisa.”

  Lisa smiled at her. Denise grabbed a dark truffle and walked away. Ally showed Lisa the chocolates. “These are the mint chocolates and dark truffles to go on the pillows. Put one of each in every room that is occupied. You’re welcome to try them as there should be more than enough.”

  “What are these?” Lisa pointed to the two caramel chocolates.

  “Oh, I forgot about those. I have an idea. If you don’t mind, could you make sure that Dustin Keeris gets them in his room? He doesn’t like mint or dark chocolate.”

  “Sure, no problem, I know which room he’s in. Everyone does. It’s like having the FBI spend the night.” She grinned.

  “Oh?” Ally raised an eyebrow.

  “He’s spending the night to make sure that we don’t deviate from his security rules. It’s a good thing, don’t get me wrong, but it’s still hard to be watched all the time.”

  “Yes, I’m sure it is. But by tomorrow it will be over.”

  “Very true.” Lisa nodded. “I’ll make sure these get on every pillow.”

  “Thanks.” Ally turned back down the hall to get her room key then she went to explore a little. The hotel did a good job of being a cross between a hotel
and a quaint bed and breakfast. It had the amenities of a hotel, but the intimacy of a bed and breakfast. Ally was sure she was going to enjoy herself. She spotted a bar, a small café, and a spa right in the building. The hotel rooms appeared to be mostly on the second and third floors, while the ground floor had several conference rooms, and even a small gym. It certainly looked like the best hotel in Mainbry.

  After checking out the grounds she decided to get a quick bite to eat at the café. She was hungry and finished the burger and chips quickly.

  After she had finished she headed back inside to find her room. It was on the second floor towards the end of the corridor. She used the key to enter. Just as she expected, the room was as well decorated as the rest of the hotel. The bed was piled with thick blankets and plush pillows. It called to her after such a busy day. Her overnight bag was in the room. She changed into her pajamas and crawled into bed.

  As she lay in bed she closed her eyes. Instantly she thought of Luke. It was something that had been happening lately. She would just be washing the dishes, or walking Arnold, and Luke would cross her mind. Only he never really left it. She decided to give him a quick call to see how his night was going. When the line went straight to voicemail she chose not to leave a message and felt a little silly for calling at all.

  Luke was from the city and had no connections in town and Ally was still trying to find her feet since moving back to Blue River. They enjoyed each other’s company and had become good friends. And although they flirted, she made sure it didn’t go further. It wasn’t that long ago that she was signing divorce papers. The idea of dating was enough to make her throat go dry. She never thought she would have to do that again. Marriage was supposed to be it. It was supposed to be forever. However, she did enjoy the flirtation that had developed between them. She was about to fall asleep when her phone rang. She picked it up, assuming it was her grandmother calling to say goodnight.


  “Sorry I missed your call.”

  Her eyes flew open. “Oh Luke, it’s okay.”


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