Love in the Spotlight (The Hollywood Showmance Chronicles Book 4)

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Love in the Spotlight (The Hollywood Showmance Chronicles Book 4) Page 8

by Olivia Jaymes

  He’d done what he’d said he would do. So many men didn’t. It only made this harder. Her attraction for him had grown to such proportions she didn’t know how she was supposed to pretend that she didn’t want to kiss him.

  Just a kiss. She’d studied his lips when he wasn’t watching, fascinated with their shape when he spoke. She’d never found a man’s mouth as captivating as she did his but surely that couldn’t survive an actual kiss.

  It was the unknown that was alluring.


  There was a determined glint in Riley’s eye when she returned from the ladies’ room. Their gazes met and held as she weaved through the crush of bodies in the large living room that opened on to the circular patio. Stopping right in front of him, she gave Tara and his mother a quick smile before speaking.

  “I think I’m ready to go now. How about you?”

  “So soon,” Paula protested. “You and Sam have only had a few dances together.”

  They’d had five, actually. Five slow dances – Sam didn’t do fast – where their bodies had been way too close for comfort.

  “I think we’ve done what we set out to do,” Riley replied, glancing over her shoulder to the staircase she’d just descended. “Chad caught me when I was upstairs and he wanted to talk. I think I’m done with this party.”

  A muscle worked in Sam’s jaw at the thought of Chad trying to make a move on his–no, Riley wasn’t Sam’s – on his date. This might not be a real romance, but she was his real date.

  “What did he say?”

  The question came out more harshly than Sam had intended but no one seemed to notice his agitation, which was a testament to his acting skills.

  To that movie critic in the Times, screw you.

  “He wanted to apologize.”

  Tara’s laughter turned into an awkward cough. “Took him long enough. I hope it was a good one.”

  Riley shrugged. “It was okay, but I think I’ve had enough of this party. I did call him a douchebag, though.”

  “Good for you,” Paula cheered. “But you don’t have to leave. He’ll probably stay away from you the rest of the evening.”

  Maybe, unless the asshole thought all was forgiven and they were good friends now.

  Sam still wanted to punch Chad. A whole bunch.

  “True, but what if Monica doesn’t? I don’t think I could take the Chad and Monica Apology Tour. As I told her the last time I talked to her, I don’t care that they’re together. I just don’t want to be dragged into their relationship if at all possible.”

  “Sure, we can leave.” Sam leaned down and placed a kiss on Paula’s cheek. “I’ll see you in the morning. Are you staying much longer?”

  Tara and Paula exchanged a glance and then his mother shook her head. “I wanted to talk to Betty about the summer programs for the kids, but then after that I think we’ll go.”

  Riley hugged her friends and said something to his mother, but she spoke too softly to be heard. The valet didn’t take long to retrieve Sam’s rental and they were driving away from the mansion within fifteen minutes.

  “Do you mind if I roll down the window? It’s such a nice evening,” Riley asked as the lights of the house faded in the rearview mirror.

  “Sure, go ahead.”

  It was warm but not too humid. The spring night air smelled of lilacs and hibiscus mixed with salt, so different from Beverly Hills, New York City, or London. This sleepy little town, however, had a charm all its own. He’d be back to visit his mother, but he didn’t know when. Riley was here and that complicated the matter. He’d want to see her, but it wouldn’t be a good idea. By the time he returned she would have another man and be happily in a relationship, shopping at Ikea and picking up muffins for Sunday brunch.

  Sam didn’t even like muffins and he’d never been inside an Ikea. His assistant making the trip and picking up a shelving unit didn’t count.

  The drive was much too short and before he knew it they were pulling up in front of her condo. The evening had come to an end, and tomorrow he would board an airplane and go back to his life.

  “It’s still early. Do you want to come in for a little while?”


  Riley shouldn’t have asked Sam to come in, but the words had popped out of her mouth before her brain had engaged fully. This was a dangerous move. There had been a fleeting thought about kissing Sam but now that he was actually inside of her home, looking sexy and gorgeous, her mind had drifted to far more carnal pursuits than a simple kiss.

  I’m only human.

  It was probably a good thing that Sam was leaving in the morning because if he stayed around much longer she was going to fall head over heels in love with him. He had so much going for him other than his incredible good looks. He was funny, intelligent, kind, and humble.

  He was the kind of man she’d always wanted.

  Too bad, so sad. You can’t have him.

  Yes, I can. Just for tonight, though.

  You won’t be satisfied with one night.

  I can be. I can do this and let him walk away in the morning.

  You’re deluding yourself. Don’t cry to me later.

  It was like having an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other. Who was she going to listen to?


  Sam’s voice brought her out of her mini-trance and back to her kitchen where she was pouring two glasses of wine. She whirled around, a glass in each hand and a big smile on her face. Everything was fine. She was completely okay and normal.

  “Sorry, I just have a lot on my mind. So much going on next week at school. We’re studying the American Revolution and I was thinking about ways to make it more exciting for the children.”

  And…she was babbling. She had a tendency to over explain when she was nervous.

  Shut up.

  “Maybe you could do a play?” Sam suggested, accepting the wine glass. “Or is that the actor in me talking?”

  Wrangling twenty-four five-year-olds for a production starring the Founding Fathers sounded like a slice of hell. Add in interfering parents and it was a recipe for disaster. She’d learned her first year of teaching that a play was a bad idea.

  “That’s something to think about.”

  Riley took a gulp of her wine, hoping it would calm her nerves. Her pulse was racing and sweat was beginning to pool on the back of her neck. She wasn’t playing it off well, though, because Sam was giving her a strange look.

  “Riley? Are you okay?”

  No, I feel like I could jump out of my skin. I don’t think that’s normal.

  “I’m nervous.”


  “Nervous,” Sam repeated, his expression neutral. “How come?”

  Don’t speak. Don’t speak.

  “Because you’re here.”

  I am so screwed.

  He set his glass down on the kitchen counter and managed not to look offended.

  “Do you want me to leave?”


  His smiled widened, showing off those amazing dimples in his cheeks. “Do you want me to stay then?”

  More than I’m willing to admit out loud.

  She nodded and took another drink of her wine. It wasn’t helping.

  Sam’s gaze ran over the room, seeking something. “Do you have a radio or a stereo?”

  Was there a ballgame on? Was she so boring he needed some entertainment? When he was invited into a woman’s house he probably didn’t spend time chatting and drinking wine.

  “In the living room. Why?”

  He turned and walked out of the kitchen with her trailing behind him. “You were really relaxed tonight at the party and there was music and dancing. How about we try that again?”

  Dancing. With Sam. It had been nice and an activity she wouldn’t mind repeating. She handed him her phone and let him scroll through her eclectic music collection. She liked a little rock, a little country, some oldies, and when she was in just the r
ight mood, some classical.

  Billy Vera and the Beaters came over the small but surprisingly loud speakers. At This Moment was one of her favorite songs and it was perfect to slow dance to. A romantic slow dance, that is. There was no mistaking the sultry sway of the music or the mournful lyrics of a love lost. His arms reached for her and she moved unresistingly close to him, their bodies brushing with each beat of the song.

  It was the perfect storm of seduction. Dim lights. Soft music. A glass of wine. Riley closed her eyes and let her other senses come alive. The way his hard body felt under her touch. The smell of his skin when she buried her face into his chest. The thud of his heart under her ear, strong and steady. Just like Sam.

  His hands burned through the silky material of her dress all the way to the sensitive flesh underneath. His lips were nestled against her temple, his breath soft and warm against her cheek. For this one moment, there was only the two of them. The outside world and all of its demands didn’t exist. Sam didn’t have to leave in the morning and there was no good reason for them not to take this to its inevitable conclusion.

  They floated like that on a cloud of delusion, letting the song wash over them like the tide against the sand. Reasons. All the reasons she shouldn’t do this dissolved away leaving her with one plain truth. She wanted Sam, and she hadn’t wanted any man like this. Ever.

  Would it be so terrible if he stayed? She’d have this night to always remember. She could tuck it away and look back on it in the years to come. It would be just for her and no one could take it away.

  The song couldn’t last forever, though, and the final notes hung in the air as they separated slightly. Cool air couldn’t soothe her fevered skin, however. On fire from the inside out at Sam’s mere touch, her body blotted out all of the objections that whirled though her head. For once, she was going to take something just for herself. She wasn’t going to be the designated adult.

  She gazed up at him, taking in every detail of his face and committing it to memory. The slightly stubbled jaw. The blue of his eyes. The lines that fanned out when he smiled.

  I’m not in love. But I could be.

  It was a scary thought. He wasn’t for her and never would be. She might be heading for heartbreak but right now her brain simply wasn’t working. Or maybe it didn’t care.

  “Sam, will you stay the night?”

  * * *

  Sam couldn’t have heard Riley correctly. It was clearly wishful thinking that made him hear her ask if he wanted to spend the night.

  Because he did. So fucking much. He’d been thinking about it for far too long and holding himself in check was becoming increasingly difficult with every passing hour and day.

  The look on her face, however, told a different story. She was nervous but hopeful. Shy but expectant. In other words, she’d really said it. All he had to do was say yes.

  Hold on a minute.

  His better angels kept him on a firm rein. He liked Riley, cared about her, and he didn’t want there to be any confusion come tomorrow morning. He still had to leave even if he didn’t want to. He’d signed contracts, made commitments, and people’s livelihoods depended on him. He couldn’t suddenly flake out and decide to take a beach vacation because of a beautiful woman.

  And he couldn’t take advantage of Riley.

  “I want to,” he said and her eyes lit up. “But we need to talk first.”

  That light dimmed slightly but she nodded and stepped back, making him want to pull her into his arms. He didn’t, though, taking a step backward himself. It would be easier to be practical with a little distance between them.


  Her brows were pinched together in worry as if she truly thought he might say no. Had she missed all the signs of his desire? To be fair, he’d missed hers. He’d never thought she’d come right out and invite him to stay. It was sexy, her courage in going after what she wanted, and it only made her even more attractive.

  “I want to make love to you, Riley. More than I have words to express. Way more.” He groaned as a small smile began to bloom on her face. “I just want to make sure that we’re on the same page here.”

  Her smile wobbled slightly but she nodded in affirmation. “I know it’s just for this one night. I know that you’re leaving tomorrow.”

  His body was screaming to take her at her word, but his brain was still in charge. Barely.

  “Do you?” He needed to make sure she understood. He would be on a plane tomorrow morning no matter what. “I’m not in a position to make any commitments, honey. Tonight is all there is. Can you be okay with that? I don’t want you to regret this later.”

  “I won’t regret it.”

  He should walk away. Turn and run out of the front door. Staying would complicate his life. Riley was friends with his mother and he’d be down to visit from time to time. They might run into each other, although they hadn’t until this trip. Still…it made things more complex. Any time he involved his body and emotions he usually regretted it. One or the other was fine, but this was both. Not a good combination.

  But damned if he could leave. He wanted her and by God he was going to have her. If they only had one night, then he’d make sure it was one they’d both remember for the rest of their lives.

  “Then yes, I want to stay.”


  His hands and mouth were everywhere all at once. Somehow they’d moved into the bedroom, their anxious hands pulling and tugging at their clothes until they were just pools on the floor. Sinful scenarios ran through Riley’s mind and she wanted to enact them all with this man but there would only be tonight. She had to pick and choose. The choices were mind-boggling, but the first thing she wanted to do was explore the fine male form she’d been admiring for a week.

  Pushing him back onto the mattress, Riley straddled his waist as she pressed her lips to every inch of exposed flesh that she could reach. Every groan and moan she managed to elicit only made her own arousal climb higher. She ran her tongue down his torso and over his ridged abs, leaving a wet trail in her wake. His grip on her hair tightened, but unlike most men he didn’t push her head lower or try to take control, seemingly content to let her explore. A task she was happy to continue.

  Riley swirled her tongue in his bellybutton, drawing a growl of frustration from his throat but she ignored it, feeling heady with her success so far. She placed open-mouthed kisses on his chest and neck before finally giving his earlobe a gentle tug with her teeth.

  It was as if she’d flipped a switch. One minute she was on top and then next he’d rolled her over onto her back, his large powerful frame hovering above her. He was smiling, a sort of evil smile, as his gaze raked her naked form from head to toe. She felt a blush crawl of her skin at the smoldering desire he didn’t bother to hide. He looked a little like a tiger and she was a tasty snack. But this prey had no intention of running.

  “Did you think I was going to let you stay up there and play all night?” he asked with a chuckle, his voice deep and gravelly. It sent shivers from her toes all the way to her head. “Looks like I’m in control now.”

  He was, and she didn’t mind a bit because if being in charge meant that he used his fingers to play with her already hard nipples or his tongue to draw a playful path on the sensitive part of her neck she certainly wasn’t going to complain.

  The bedroom temperature soared and a fine sheen of sweat covered their bodies as his mouth nipped and kissed his way down her belly, but he didn’t stop there. Her heart stuttered in her chest and she sucked oxygen into her aching lungs as his tongue meandered over to her hip before brushing against her inner thigh. His breath was warm against her drenched slit and she cried out when his finger ran up and down, parting her folds before pressing slowly inside of her, his thumb lightly skittering over her clit. She mewled, wanting more but not able to form the words to ask for it.

  “Easy, honey. We’ve got all night.”

  Her body bowed off the mattress and white-h
ot flames licked at her flesh, but Sam appeared determined to take his time. A second finger was eased inside of her and those clever digits easily found her sweet spot, rubbing until she thought she might go mad with pleasure. Tossing her head back and forth, she chanted his name over and over, her arousal building with every caress and stroke of his fingers.

  Panting, her hands scrambled for purchase, crumpling the sheets in her tight fists as he played her body perfectly. Blood roared in her ears when he bent his head and swiped his tongue against the swollen button before taking it in his mouth and sucking gently. That was all it took to send her into the heavens. Fireworks exploded behind her eyes and she twirled among the stars until it was time to come back to earth.

  Riley slowly opened her eyes to find Sam rummaging through his pants pocket and pulling out his wallet. Confused at first, it made sense when he pulled out a condom and held it up triumphantly, a silly grin on his face.

  “Someone was optimistic this evening,” she couldn’t help but observe, although she was glad one of them had thought of it. She had condoms somewhere in the bathroom, but she wasn’t sure where they’d migrated. “Did you bring just the one?”

  She’d dig for those condoms if she had to. There were only a few places they could be.

  “I’ve got one more in there,” he said, placing the package between his teeth to rip it open. If he wasn’t careful he’d put a tear in the condom. “I’m not as young as I used to be.”

  Giggling, she reached out to help him roll the condom over his impressive erection, probably making it more difficult than it should have been. But it had been fun and if it was possible he was even harder and larger than before. Her fingers traced a vein on the base of his cock and then caressed his balls, drawing a moan and a shudder from him. They were already drawn tight to his body, a testament to how aroused he was.

  “I promise you can play as much as you want afterward,” he vowed, tossing the outer package away and bracing his hands on either side of her body. “But I’ve waited so long for this I can’t delay anymore. Are you ready for me, babe?”


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