Destiny's Temprtress

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Destiny's Temprtress Page 26

by Janelle Taylor

  Being only a day and a half behind them then, Simon had assumed he and his men could travel faster than Blane could with Shannon and cautions slowing him down. Simon had wanted to catch up with them before they reached town. He had known their destination from the information provided by Joseph Thomas. Luckily he had obtained train rides for him and his men and their horses, claiming, of all things, a pursuit of the notorious Union Flame!

  When the train halted for a long stop, Simon had presumed they were ahead of Shannon and Blane. He and some of his men had made camp and rested, and one man was sent to scout the area. The man learned that Blane and Shannon were captives in a Rebel camp only two miles from where he was, but before he could return to Simon’s camp he was waylaid and robbed by human scavengers. By the time the man stumbled into camp and they could head out, Shannon and Blane had escaped.

  Simon had underestimated Shannon’s mettle and stamina. He had come so close to catching them. He had reached Moore’s camp at dawn, in time to place maps and notes in her discarded belongings that “proved” she was working for the Confederacy. He had explained to Moore why she had freed the Union agent: to continue tracking the Union spy system in order to destroy it. He had instructed Moore not to send out a notice for her arrest or to reveal her identity, which he said would dash her cover and mission and endanger her life. Pike had already left seeking her, but Simon had boldly ordered Moore to recall the searchers and to dismiss them, and Moore had finally agreed.

  It had been simple to discover where Pike was looking. Simon and his man had galloped past the road to the old mansion and had reached town shortly after two. Simon had spent most of the afternoon seeking the beautiful woman. When darkness fell, he had ordered his hired men to continue the search. If they didn’t find her tonight, he felt certain they would in the morning. A woman like Shannon couldn’t go unnoticed. He had been alerted to Pike’s arrival and investigation but hadn’t interfered. Instead, he had had Pike followed, in case someone revealed information to the handsome officer in a Rebel uniform. All he needed was time. Soon, Simon vowed eagerly, she would be in his hands.

  Blane asked, “Ready to eat? We haven’t had anything all day.”

  “Blane, what about this man you’re seeking? Are you so positive he doesn’t love your sister or want to marry her? What if there is a logical reason for his refusal? What if he is, or was, in love with another woman? What if he was already married? Or is by now? You said they moved while she was pregnant. What if he returned and couldn’t locate her? There are so many possibilities. Are you still planning to slay him?” she queried anxiously. Killing a man in battle couldn’t be helped, she told herself, but stalking and slaying a man…What if Blane was wrong about the incident? What if Ellie was lying? What if Ellie had shared her favors with several men? What if the one she had chosen to take the blame for her condition doubted the child was his? What if that stranger had made a careless mistake and had yielded to Ellie’s wanton pursuit? What if Blane’s sister had seduced this stranger to entrap him? Should the man’s life be ruined because of her desires and wickedness?

  Blane exhaled in a manner that exposed his annoyance, with the topic and the man involved, and with her bold questions. “I read the letters from him, Shannon. He was told everything. He knows where to find Ellie. In fact, he’s the only one who was informed of her new location. My brothers have given him three chances to prove he’s an honorable man. They’ve reasoned, argued, explained, pleaded, and threatened. No approach has worked. He even refuses to come and see his child, or to offer any support, which he can easily afford. The least he can do is give the child his rightful name. My brothers checked on petitions to legitimate a child born out of wedlock. It’s a simple matter to obtain a bill to legalize his son. What honorable man would brand his child a bastard? He wouldn’t even agree to a marriage just for one day. He was given the Stevens’ word of honor that no demands would be placed on him after he gave the child his name. He was promised a bill of divorce, told he could claim refusal of sex because Ellie feared pregnancy and childbirth. That claim’s been used successfully countless times. I think he’s scared Ellie will try to hold on to him or try to make her son his rightful heir. He’s made it clear he wants no part of the boy or Ellie. I owe the bastard a licking for the filthy names he’s called her. And he claims he’s never met her. He’s a clever rogue; he’s made certain there’s nothing in his letters that could be used as evidence against him. He steadfastly proclaims himself an innocent being wrongly accused and Ellie a cunning whore. He’s ripped my sister apart for the last time. Like you, Shannon, she believes there’s some good reason for his rejection. Even if that were true, which it isn’t, that doesn’t excuse his cruelty. The boy will soon be old enough to start asking about his pa. What then?”

  “You actually know this man?” she probed, more intrigued.

  “I know who and what he is. I know where he lives, how he lives, and what he looks like. And I could find him if it weren’t for this bloody war. I’ve done a lot of checking on him. He isn’t married or engaged; he doesn’t even have a sweetheart. What he does have is a roving eye, a beguiling manner, an irresistible smile, a rich family, a bloodline as blue as a Federal uniform, and a talented blade that he can’t keep in its sheath. He plays with women, charming them and seducing them. There’s no acceptable reason why he can’t marry my sister. And if he doesn’t, then I damn well intend to slay the lying rake.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “I doubt we’ll have any more company tonight, especially in this foul weather. But just in case I’m wrong, you should cover up with that shirt. Never can tell when robbers and deserters might be nosing around. I’m going to light a candle just long enough to get us something to eat, then out it goes. You want me to pour you some of this fine whiskey to warm your bones, or are you planning to stick with water?”

  “I was planning to freshen up before we eat,” Shannon remarked.

  He instantly replied, “Oh, no, you aren’t. You’ve already had one bath too many. Do you realize that’s all the water we have for drinking? It might have to last for days. I can promise you, thirst is an awful way to suffer or die. That’s one of the Comanches’ favorite tortures. The water is for drinking, nothing else,” he stressed firmly.

  “I’m supposed to eat with dirty hands and stay…unbathed for days?” she questioned in disbelief and dismay.

  “What difference do clean hands make? You’ll be eating out of a can with utensils.” He didn’t comment on the musky odor of lovemaking that clung to both of their bodies. He would let her bathe before they left for Wilmington. His groin began to tighten and kindle as he inhaled the stimulating fragrance of sated passions. He commanded himself to get moving before supper was delayed again.

  The candle that he took from one of the stolen packs could only remain lit for a brief time. He hurriedly searched for canned foods that could be consumed cold.

  Then Blane went behind the suspended oilcloth and fumbled around in the shadows. She could hear the clanking of metal as he retrieved something from the corner. Blane pulled the barrier aside and informed her, “There’s a…chamber pot back here when you need it.” He returned, dropping the cloth into place and supplying privacy.

  Shannon didn’t like their predicament, but she had to accept it. She positively was not going to behave like a silly female or a spoiled child. She was darn lucky to be alive and to have things this good, and extremely fortunate to be able to share time and privacy with Blane. She pulled on the dark cotton shirt and tucked the lengthy tails between her legs, which were crossed at the ankles.

  After opening the cans, he mischievously placed hers in the triangle formed by her barely concealed buttocks and bare legs. “That should help you locate them in the dark,” he teased, grinning with amusement. He placed his cans on an area of the blanket near her feet. “Don’t kick those over, or you’ll have to divvy your share with me. No telling how long we might be trapped in here. We can’t afford to
waste anything.” He rejoined her and blew out the light, but not before he had sent her a dazzling smile and his eyes had made a rapid sweep of her face and figure.

  “Don’t expect me to argue those facts,” she cheerfully replied. “You’re the expert. In fact, I’m demoting myself to your assistant. I have come to realize I am not qualified to be your partner—not yet. In a few months, after lots of special training and ample experience, you can grant me a promotion. Until then, my superior commander, I will follow your every wish and order.” She gingerly groped for a can and started to eat a most unappetizing meal.

  “Be careful when making such tempting offers, Flame. Only a fool wouldn’t take advantage of a devoted servant. What if your superior commander is a selfish, demanding, beguiling rake? What if my orders have nothing to do with the war, but only with satisfying my insatiable desire for you?” He chuckled before lifting his first can.

  His rich voice and roguish laughter caused tingles of excitement to race over her body. “Since you aren’t a fool, that means I can depend on you to carry out that delightful threat,” she boldly responded. “Besides, a vital agent should be kept happy and calm so he can function at his best and safest. How can he have a clear head to perform his duty if he’s besieged by hungers and distractions? As your loyal and dedicated assistant, surely it’s my duty to the Union and to peace to provide you with whatever you require. After all, supplies and weapons can go only so far in keeping a man alive and healthy, in body and in mind. Isn’t that right, sir?” Shannon took her second can, trying to keep her thoughts on this playful conversation rather than on the food.

  He jested huskily, “Say one more enticing word, Blue Eyes, and I’ll be disrupting your supper with one of those demanding and selfish orders. You’ve got me simmering over here now. You can bet I’m going to hold you to your word and offer, every chance I get.”

  “Don’t agree too quickly, Major Stevens. Before I take on my new role of obedient assistant, you have to make me a promise.”

  Between chuckles, he taunted, “I knew there would be a catch, my fiery temptress. What is your demand, sly demoness? My soul?”

  “There isn’t a single part of you I don’t crave to own, but my request is a simple one. When you locate this man who…whom Ellie loves—whether it’s during the war or afterward—promise me you won’t gun him down like an animal. Please give him time to explain, time to change his mind about marrying her or at least legitimating his child. If it’s possible, will you let me try to convince him to do right by Ellie and his son? Perhaps I can shame him into accepting his responsibilities to them, or clarify any confusion. Please.”

  Blane stared forcefully into the darkness, unable to pierce it. He wished he could see her eyes; eyes always talked louder than words, he knew, except where a skilled deceiver was concerned. “That’s asking for more than one promise, Flame. Why should you become involved with him?”

  “Because I don’t want you killed during a confrontation with him, or imprisoned for his murder. You said his family was wealthy and powerful. That isn’t the kind of man you can run around making accusations against or gunning down without proof of his crimes or evil intentions. It’s Ellie’s word against his. If he’s been warned about your search for him, he’ll be prepared to fight you. Or he might have hired villains awaiting you somewhere. If he’s as wicked as you believe, you mustn’t underestimate him. Please, Blane, let me help you with this problem. Don’t get yourself slain or risk murdering an innocent man. Don’t you realize this could be a terrible mistake? You could be stalking the wrong man. Blane Stevens, I don’t want you dead or in prison.”

  “You’ve got some excellent points, Flame. You’re more cunning and intelligent than I realized, if that’s possible. Let me clear up one thing for you; Ellie isn’t the only witness against him. It would be very simple to prove the man I’m tracking is the same one who came to Texas and compromised my sister. You see, Flame, lots of people met him and observed their budding romance. Any of those people could swear in all honesty that Ellie wasn’t seeing any other man that spring. Besides, he had papers and possessions to prove he was who he claimed to be. There is no way I could be seeking the wrong man.”

  “There’s still the danger of his entrapping you and killing you. You have to be careful. If he’s the kind of man you say he is, then he’s probably experienced similar situations before and knows how to deal with women or families who won’t be discouraged.”

  “You’re right. I figured that when I caught up with him he would deny the truth and fight me, but I never thought about him turning the tables on me. He wouldn’t battle me with words or guns if he could have me imprisoned or shot for attempting to kill him. It would be my word against his, in his territory. I’m certain he’s a crafty bastard. I wouldn’t put anything past him to entrap me. Why, he might even convince his sister to accuse me of kidnapping and raping her. Her family would have me hung before I could prove it was a trick. That would be one way of scaring off Ellie and my brothers.”

  “My heavens, Blane, is his sister as wicked as he is? Do you honestly think she would conspire with him to carry out such an evil scheme? Who’is this man? Perhaps I’ve heard of him or met him?”

  “Tell you and risk having you try to solve this problem for me? No way, Flame; this is a dangerous and private affair. But thanks to you, I will be more alert. I promise I’ll even talk to the bastard before I punish him.” Blane sat up straight and stiff. “Of course! Punishment instead of death…”

  “What do you have in mind?” she inquired, her curiosity piqued.

  “What torment could be worse than death for a lecherous man, for any man? What action would prevent him from ever beguiling and seducing and deserting another naïve girl, short of slaying the son-of-a-bitch? Yes, there’s only one way to sever his arrogance and lust and keep him from creating more nameless children or taking advantage of innocent victims. The perfect punishment for his black deed…”

  She knew Blane was referring to castration. “Wouldn’t a man die of such an injury? How could you get away with doing it?” she probed anxiously, recalling how she had dealt with Major Clifford in a similar manner. If that sadistic beast hadn’t been found or gotten loose before that horrid night was over, his penetrating weapon, which had probably tortured many helpless women, would now be injured beyond evil use!

  “Some ranch and farm animals have to be castrated for certain reasons. There’s a simple and safe way to carry out the procedure. I would sneak up on him and then keep him blindfolded. He wouldn’t know which of his victims was to blame. Besides, I know a wealthy and powerful Southern family. Surely this ravishing Greenleaf would protect me,” he ventured, reaching out and finding a curl to yank gently.

  “This Greenleaf, your devoted assistant, would swear you were with her night and day during his…unfortunate accident.”

  “You would tarnish your name and reputation to save my life?”

  “I would do anything for you, Blane Stevens,” she vowed softly.

  Blane’s reaction was to fling the cans out of their way so he could pull her into his arms and smother her lips with urgent kisses. Within moments he was making feverish love to her, as if it had been many weeks since he had taken her and was starving for her. After their passions were sated, they fell asleep snuggled together and slumbered peacefully until noon of the following day, Saturday, October 26.

  By dawn of that same Saturday morning, Pike realized he had been cleverly duped by the fleeing Yankee agent. He had checked with Timothy and Annabelle Marlowe in case the rogue had taken Shannon there and left her, but to no avail. Now Pike suspected that the Yankee agent had surmised how the Rebels would reason out the facts and that they would follow the wrong trail. And since Shannon had mentioned that her captor had been heading for Fayetteville and Raleigh, it would have been logical for the Rebels to think he was now running in the opposite direction. But that was the beauty of the Yankee’s clever plan. Who would suspect an ene
my of heading exactly where he had told you he was heading! It would be just like that cunning Yankee to hide somewhere close to camp, spying on them, until they left the area. Then he could go along his merry way. Pike fumed. There was no need to scour Wilmington, but he believed that the old mansion did bear another look.

  When Simon Travers awoke late Saturday morning, he was greatly angered by the news that greeted him. Shannon could not be located, and Pike had left for camp! “That Reb did not seek her at all this morning?”

  “No, Mister Travers. Fact is, he did little searching here.”

  “Why would Pike come here claiming to look for them and not do so? Could be a decoy ruse. Could be those two know I’m on their tails,” Simon murmured thoughtfully. From what he had heard in camp, Pike had been smitten with Shannon and had been determined to locate her to prove her innocence. “It all seems a little strange, seeing as Blane and Shannon surrendered to Pike. And Pike was with Shannon when those two escaped. I wonder…I think we should return to General Moore’s camp and speak with Lieutenant Zachary Pike. I want to see just how much he knows, or claims not to know.”

  Saturday night, General Moore sent for Pike to come and answer Special Agent Simon Travers’s questions. Pike had heard the strange tale that this unsettling man told his commanding officer. He hadn’t noticed any maps and papers left behind in Shannon’s belongings! If Shannon was the legendary Flame and she had helped Major Blane Stevens escape, then why was this man searching for her? Wouldn’t that spoil the secret cover Travers was demanding they protect at all costs? If Shannon was that brave and cunning, she didn’t require help from anyone! Besides, if she were a Rebel spy, she could be in danger from that handsome Union agent with her. Pike did not care for the look in Simon’s eyes or the tone of his voice or the shaking of his hands when he talked of Shannon. Pike did not believe for a minute that Simon was a Confederate agent, or that he was seeking Shannon for good reasons, and Pike remained alert as this man chatted socially.


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